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Assistive Tech for Autistic Children: Software Requirements Spec

University of Lahore, Islamabad
Assistive Technology for Teaching Autistic
Software Requirements Specification
Version 1.0
23 September 2019
Prepared By
Syed Waqar Hussain
Nimra khalid
Assistive Technology for Teaching Autistic Children’s
Revision History
22/09/2020 Version 1
Syed Waqar and First Revision
Nimra khalid
Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the
Printed Name
Software Requirements Specification
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Assistive Technology for Teaching Autistic Children’s
Table of Contents
REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................................................................... II
DOCUMENT APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................ II
1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.4 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.5 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................................................................1
2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.3 USER CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.4 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................................2
3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.1.1 User Interfaces ..................................................................................................................................................3
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces .........................................................................................................................................3
3.1.3 Software Interfaces ...........................................................................................................................................3
3.1.4 Communications Interfaces...............................................................................................................................3
3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2.1 Functional Requirement # 1 ..............................................................................................................................3
3.2.2 Functional Requirement # 2 ..............................................................................................................................3
3.2.3 Functional Requirement # 3 ..............................................................................................................................4
3.3 USE CASES ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3.1 Use Case #1 ......................................................................................................................................................4
3.3.2 Use Case #2 ......................................................................................................................................................5
3.4 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.4.1 Performance......................................................................................................................................................5
3.4.2 Reliability ..........................................................................................................................................................5
3.4.3 Availability ........................................................................................................................................................5
3.4.4 Portability .........................................................................................................................................................5
3.5 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.6 OTHER REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4. ANALYSIS MODELS...................................................................................................................................................6
4.1 SEQUENCE DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS (DFD) .................................................................................................................................6
4.3 STATE-TRANSITION DIAGRAMS (STD) ......................................................................................................................7
5. CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS .....................................................................................................................7
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Assistive Technology for Teaching Autistic Children’s
1. Introduction
Autism is a complex disability that appears during childhood and affects interaction, social skill,
communication, and self-regulation. The use of assistive technology increased from the last few
decades due to the accessibility of the digital age and computers. Technology enhancement is
increasingly used to enhance the interaction of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. By using
the robot the children learn the color, differentiation between colors, and also improve their
interactive behavior and communication. The Application helps parents to see their child
performance report of interaction with a robot.
1.1 Purpose
This document describes the requirement and specification of Robot and application. The Purpose
of this document is to understand the requirements and design constrains briefly in order to clearly
understanding the features of the product, roles of user and their responsibilities.
1.2 Scope
This product helps in the process of learning for Autistic Childs. According to the study, 85% of the
child with autism perceives colors more intensely as compare to children displaying normal
development. Through this robot and application, we aim to improve the learning behavior of
children and to show their live performance to their parents. Our robot uses the sensor to detect the
color of the object and then generate alert through the speaker. The Robot will send an alert on
application installed on the parent Smartphone when it's their child's turn and to stay connected to
view the performance of their child.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
SLIM (Robot)
Autism spectrum Disorder
Functional Requirement
The child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Smart learning interactive machine Robot
1.4 References
Cook, A.M. and Polgar, J.M., 2014. Assistive technologies-e-book: principles and practice. Elsevier
Health Sciences.
World Health Organization. Opening the gate for assistive health technology: Shifting the
paradigm; 2014 [cited 2015 February 10]. Available from:5http://www.aaate.net/
1.5 Overview
This document contains a description of system requirements, user requirements, and constraints,
sequence diagram, dataflow diagrams, State transition Diagrams, functional requirements to clearly
understand product perspectives.
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Assistive Technology for Teaching Autistic Children’s
2. General Description
Robot is designed to improve the learning behavior of child and to inform the parent about their
performance through smart phone Application.
2.1 Product Perspective
The main feature of the robot is to detect the color and tell what color is detected. On testing, the
mode robot detects the specific color according to input. Buttons are set to colors for inputs. The
robot sends the alert to the application according to the child's turn. Through the application, parents
can view their child's performance.
2.2 Product Functions
The robot detects the color and speaks the color name.
The robot informs their Parent when the attendance of the child is marked on the robot.
The application notifies when it's their child's turn.
Robot provides child performance report to parent through an application installed on their
2.3 User Characteristics
Mainly robot is designed for the learning of Autistic Child. Child have slow learning process they
need to repetitive behavior to learn something. Robot needs to repeat the color of ball 5 times for
effective learning.
2.4 General Constraints
Red color could lead to tantrums and even pain associated with certain parts of body.
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
Robot and Application are connected to the Wi-Fi.
3. Specific Requirements
Robot has option to register child ids.
Robot have front basket for input in which child puts the ball.
Robot has to recognize the color of the ball.
Robot has to speak the color of ball and also in alphabetically.
Robot send the notification of child turn to their parent on marking the attendance by the teacher.
Application shows the notification and also generate alert on receiving the notification from robot.
Application shows the performance report.
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3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces
There are two interfaces one for parent and the other for the child.
Parent receives notification or alert through an application installed on their android phone. The
application has an Interface that shows the performance of their child.
The robot has a basket on its front side in which students put a ball and the robot tells the color of
the ball.
Xml for Application front end display.
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
Microprocessor detects the variation in voltage when object is placed between LDR and LED and
generates result according to Datasets.
3.1.3 Software Interfaces
Assembler or C Compiler is used for microprocessor programming.
Android studio is used for Smartphone’s Application development.
3.1.4 Communications Interfaces
Smartphone’s Application supports all type of android versions.
3.2 Functional Requirements
3.2.1 Functional Requirement # 1 Introduction
Robot must recognize color. Inputs
Child puts ball in the front Basket Processing
Robot detects the ball in the basket and then start processing by moving the ball to
second basket. Outputs
Robots Speaks the ball Color. Error Handling
If the child pick the ball from front basket before processing starts than Robot will
show Error “No ball Founded”
3.2.2 Functional Requirement # 2
… Introduction
Robots send Notification to parent on their child turn. Inputs
Teacher mark the attendance of child on Robot. Processing
According to the roll # Robots Send the Message to Specific Number through
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Assistive Technology for Teaching Autistic Children’s Outputs
Parent Receive the Notification on smart Phone application. Error Handling
If teacher enter wrong input during marking the attendance Robot show error “No
child registered with this Id”.
3.2.3 Functional Requirement # 3
… Introduction
Application shows the record/performance of their child. Inputs
Notification received on Smartphone when it’s their child turns. Processing
On opening the notification the application show the performance of the child. Outputs
A video of child plays. Error Handling
If application will not connecting with server than there will option to refresh.
3.3 Use Cases
3.3.1 Use Case #1
This use case allows the child to interact with the robot using a ball. The child
has to put one ball in the basket and the robot tells the color of the ball.
Robot powered on
Basic Steps
a. The child put a ball in the basket
b. The robot moves the ball to the back basket and detects its color
c. The robot tells the name of the color.
Alternate Steps
1.b If the child remove the ball before the robot move into the back basket
b.1: The child needs to again put a ball in the basket and to wait untill the
ball move into the back basket.
Post-conditions The Robot Ejects the ball
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3.3.2 Use Case #2
This use case allows the parents to see the performance of their child during
interaction with the Robot.
Child’s turn
a. Opening the notification alert that received from robot upon their
child turns
b. Click on continue to see performance report.
Basic Steps
Alternate Steps None
1.b if user does not click on continue
1. user need to reopen the notification alert and click on continue
Post-conditions The Application will display the report.
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements
3.4.1 Performance
The Robot has to recognize the color in 1 minute.
The Robot has to process notification of child turn for application within 1 minute.
The Robot should have low failure rate.
The performance of the robot depend on the fallowing
 Implementation of sensors in hardware.
 Proper implementation of IOT.
Should provide maximum user friendliness and consistency.
3.4.2 Reliability
The Robot should have to recover within 1 minute after failure.
Start time of Robot should not more than 30 seconds.
3.4.3 Availability
The Robot battery must be rechargeable and operate for 1 hour on 100% charging.
3.4.4 Portability
Weight of the Robot should not more than 500 mg so it can be carry to use at different platforms.
3.5 Design Constraints
Robot should have LDR and infrared laser to recognize the color of ball.
Robot should have the front Basket for Input.
Robot should have button for inputs to mark attendance or to register students.
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3.6 Other Requirements
Wi-Fi Should is available During Available.
4. Analysis Models
4.1 Sequence Diagrams
4.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
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4.3 State-Transition Diagrams (STD)
5. Change Management Process
The following process will be followed.
1. Identify the change in the requirement.
2. Feasibility checking considering the time constraint and structural constraints of the
3. A change will be created for the implementation of the change.
4. Implementing the change according to the plan.
5. Testing the new requirement implementation.
6. Testing the whole system.
7. Updating the Documentation.
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