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Studying the Self: Perspectives on Self-Awareness

Why do we need to study the self from various perspectives?
We need to study self from the different perspectives for us to develop and be
knowledgeable on our attitude, behavior, emotions and beliefs including our environment and
surroundings. For that reason being knowledgeable is one of the key in understanding and
improving your own self. Furthermore, we need to know the different aspect to gain happiness
and positivity in life because if you don’t see the good in yourself then the results are negative.
Self-awareness is important because when we have a better understanding of ourselves,
we are able to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. We are then empowered
to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as to identify areas where we
would like to make improvements. As the Philosopher Socrates said that we need to know
ourselves to bring the inner self to life. Remember that everything starts in our self because how
you see yourself is you will be in the future.
God will always be the source of our strength to overcome all the challenges in life.
Therefore, as St. Augustine said, we should acknowledge our self with the presence of God
because our faith is one of the ways to know ourselves better and deeper. Connected in our
spiritual life, we will be able to gain self-respect, trust and confidence with our inner self.
St. Thomas Aquinas said Self-acknowledge is dependent on our experience. Hence,
experiences have a big impact in our awareness and consciousness for it brings out our strength
and weaknesses. In addition, Maurice Merleau Ponty said that experiences are part of our body.
Therefore, experiences are the best teacher for our future and for the better version of our self.
But it will always be on how you see and understand life, not everyone had a positive point of
view in life because we had a different behavior and perspective in life.
In conclusion, it will always be the happiness to know and study yourself in able to
overcome the all challenges in life.