This pandemic has taken a serious toll on everyone’s lives. It has changed the way we were used to and it became really different from the life we all had. However, since humans has the natural ability to adapt on its environment, we are able to adjust, and with the help of the emerging technologies, we recovered and made some progress. Having said that, we, as business, seek for more opportunities for us utilize technology more effectively. So the question is, “how can a business grow its online presence and branding on international level?” Given the situation, did you know that as of October 2021, 57.6% of the world's population uses social media? Businesses have seized the opportunity to use it. Social Media builds brand awareness Helps us to connect with customers Boosts our SEO Drives more revenue, which is of course, the reason why we are on business. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn has been used by many business, however, upon assessing the company’s objectives, since we aim to build relationship and to engage more with our customers, I reckon LinkedIn is the perfect fit VOICEOVER The statistics have shown that LinkedIn has 660 million users in more than 200 countries and is also home to over 30 million companies. According to Sprout Social, businesses marketing on LinkedIn generate 277% more leads on average than those engaged in Facebook marketing alone. By posting engaging content and participating in industry discussions, we can market to potential customers and partners. We can also grow our email marketing list with our professional connections and network. With LinkedIn we can boost our marketing efforts and connections with consumers. Sure, if we are to engage in using LinkedIn for our ads and campaigns, then we have to invest, and that leads us to the next step, creating the budget – an advertising budget to be more specific. To see a positive return on investment on the advertising spend, there’s this strategy called as “spend as much possible” which sets aside just enough money to fund operations which is very popular with startups but t he key is anticipating when the strategy will start showing diminishing returns and knowing when to switch strategies. We can also get the best ROI by making a demographic research and customer segmentation which create profiles.