Checklist for LinkedIn

Checklist for LinkedIn
Here are some tips to optimally use your LinkedIn profile in your quest for work:
Catchy heading
Under ‘settings’, ‘profile’ under ‘edit your name, location & industry’, you can change the heading of your profile.
Add a number of key words that fit your situation like your major, your graduation topic, and the kind of position
you aspire to.
The summary allows you to briefly explain who you are and what you are looking for. Compare this to the
‘Personal profile’ you might have on your CV. If this explanation is clear and to-the-point, others can also help
you with concrete suggestions or with career possibilities.
Opinions of those who worked with you are greatly valued. This way, the employer gets a good impression of you
as a future employee. Therefore, ask for a reference (with examples) with every relevant job / internship.
Numerous groups are active on LinkedIn. Look for pages of people who are active in your field and look at which
groups they frequent. See which ones appeal to you and actively respond in discussions. In this way, you easily
and informally get in touch with people in your profession.
Consider the update possibility in LinkedIn as a professional version of Twitter.
Share your professional developments, notable or newsworthy events with others to start interacting. Also keep
track of other people’s updates and comment on them should this be interesting.
Letter & CV check at Student Desk:
Every Monday from 13:00 - 14:00 hrs. and every Wednesday from 10:00 - 11:00 hrs.
Subscribe manually at the table in front of room A 304 (situated IN Student Desk office).
Please note there is a maximum of 6 students per consultation hour, so make sure to sign up in time.
More information
For information on career services by Student Career Center, please check: