Skin Cancer Investigation Worksheet

Name _________________________________________ Date __________________ Pd ____
Go to website: this is an electronic version
of this websearch worksheet and will allow you to click on blue-colored links embedded in the
text to access each website for the answers to the questions.
Click on the first blue link for “Biological Basis for Heredity” to find the answers:
1) What is the most common form of cell replication? ________________________________
2) What are somatic cells? _______________________________________________________
3) What is 3 things does mitosis make cells for? ______________________________________
4) Compare the cells that are produced during mitosis to the original one: ________________
5) How many phases of mitosis do somatic cells go through? ___________________
in how much time? ____________________
6) Which body parts have cells that are replaced often? ________________________________
7) Which types of cells are rarely replaced? _________________________________________
Close this window to go back to the E-worksheet. Click on the next link “The Science Inside Skin”
and read the Introduction and Part 1: Skin Form and Function to answer these questions:
1) What is the largest organ in humans? _____________________________
2) What four things do nerve endings sense? ________________________________________
3) Where is skin the thinnest? ____________________ the thickest? ____________________
4) Label this drawing of the skin: (please note, the drawing on this website is INCORRECT! The
structures labeled ‘oil gland’ and ‘sweat gland’ should be reversed)
5) What are the 3 main layers of skin?
* _______________________ * __________________________ *_______________________
6) How thick is the epidermis? ____________________________________________________
7) What are the two main jobs of this layer? ________________________________________
8) What is the function of melanin? _______________________________________________
9) Where are Basal cells found? ____________________________________________
10) Which protein is found in squamous skin cells? ____________________
11) What happens to cells in your epidermis as the basal layer divides? ___________________
12)What structures are contained in the Dermis? _____________________________________
13) How is skin color related to genetics and geography? ______________________________
14) What is the subcutaneous tissue made of? ____________
15) What is a hair follicle? ____________________________________________________
16) Where DON’T you have hair? ________________________________________________
17) What is the function of sebum? ________________________________________________
18) Explain the four main functions of the skin:
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
19) How does your skin work with each of these systems?
* Immune - ____________________________________________________________________
* Excretory - ___________________________________________________________________
* Digestive - ___________________________________________________________________
* Circulatory - _________________________________________________________________
* Nervous - ____________________________________________________________________
Close this window to go back to the E-worksheet. Click on “SCI: Skin Cancer Investigation” and
enter the site (Turn the volume down). Begin with the “Healthy Skin” section and read about the
3 layers of the skin by clicking on the image of the skin on the right. Answer these questions:
1) What are the types of cells in the epidermis and how are they related to each other?
2) What is Melanin and what is its role in the epidermis? ______________________________
3) What is Keratin and what does it do? ____________________________________________
4) What are two features of the dermis? ____________________________________________
5) Describe the sub-cutaneous tissue: ______________________________________________
Click on the arrow at the bottom to go to “Effects of the Sun” and watch the animation.
1) Name some good effects of sunlight: _____________________________________________
2) What are some harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays? ________________________________
Click on “Causes”.
1) How does long-term UV exposure affect normal cell DNA? ____________________________
2) What happens when DNA is damaged? ____________________________________________
Click on “Tumors”. What are the main differences between benign and malignant tumors?
Click on “Risk Factors”. Then click on each of the five common risk factors and describe each one:
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
Click on “Types” and describe each of the three main types of skin cancer:
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* ____________________________________________________________________________
Click on “Warning Signs” . What are the ABCDs of melanoma?
A = __________________________________________________________________________
B = __________________________________________________________________________
C = __________________________________________________________________________
D = __________________________________________________________________________
Click on “Prevention”
What are each of the 6 items helpful for?
1) ___________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________
Click on “Knowledge Check”. Click on each of the 6 folders to answer the review questions.
Write each question with the correct answer (as a complete sentence) below:
1) ___________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________
In the bottom right corner, click on “Glowell Clinic”. Go to the lab to try your hand at diagnosing
different patients. For each patient (A-F) identify the symptoms and determine the type of cancer
(or non-cancerous growth) they have:
Patient A= ___________________________________________________________________
Patient B = ___________________________________________________________________
Patient C= ___________________________________________________________________
Patient D = ___________________________________________________________________
Patient E= ___________________________________________________________________
Patient F = ___________________________________________________________________
Also go to the help desk to see what you know about sun protection. For each caller, explain why
they need sunscreen:
Caller 1: _____________________________________________________________________
Caller 2: _____________________________________________________________________
Caller 3: _____________________________________________________________________
Caller 4: _____________________________________________________________________
Caller 5: _____________________________________________________________________
Caller 6: _____________________________________________________________________