13. WHAT ARE THINGS MADE OF? GRADE: 1 SUBJECT: EVS TIME: 6 Periods AIM: To learn about different things, materials used for making it and their properties. OBJECTIVES: To know that different things are made of different materials. To learn about the properties of different materials which are used to make different things. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOME: Children are able to summarise that things around us are made of different materials. Children are able to explain that different materials are used to make different things because of their properties. METHODOLOGY: S.NO CONCEPT 1 STRATEGIES DESCRIPTION Introduction Touch and to different tell things. Pg.no:69-72 Teacher display variety of items and ask children to come near the table to touch and feel the items and point out the differences between them. LEARNING OUTCOMES Children are able to summarise that things around us are made of different materials. HOME FUN Complete worksheet-4 RESOURCE REQUIRED Different things from in and around the classroom NO OF PERIODS 1 2. Different materials used for making different things because of their properties. Slide show Teacher explain different things that are made from different materials along with their properties using a power point presentation. Children are able to explain that different materials are used to make different things because of their properties. *Create a picture collage of different forms of the same materials. (Choose any 5 materials) *Complete worksheet-1, 2 and 3. *Prepare well for assessment13 PPT LINK: https://www .slideshare.ne t/CBMSUSAR TE/thingsare-made-of https://www .slideshare.ne t/emiesrpe16 /materialsand-theirpropertiespresentation 3 Enrichment Activities: Collect pictures of five different objects that we use daily. Paste them in your note book. Write the materials they are made of below each pictures and its uses. Write down one reason why that material was used to make that particular objects. Book Exercise (Classroom discussion): 1 Period ASSESSMENT: 1 Period Written test: Question Paper-attached. REFLECTION: Students understand why it is important to use a particular material (because of their properties) to make certain things. Signature of the Teacher Signature of the Principal