1 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________ GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________ MODULE IN ANIMATION NCII Grade 11 First Quarter Week 1 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY • Identify and demonstrate understanding of one’s Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) for animation. (TLE_PECS9-12-Ia-1) OBJECTIVES 1. Identify areas for improvement, development, and growth 2. Align your PECs according to your business or career choice 3. Identify relevant Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) and assess based on the results. PRE-TEST: MATCHING TYPE (5 POINTS) Directions: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in column A with their meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. A B ____1. Creative A. makes wise decisions towards the set objectives ____2. Profit-oriented B. strategic thinking and setting of goals ____3. Ability to accept change C. trust always looking for an opportunity to have/earn income. ____4. Hardworking D. solid dedication ____5. Committed E. adoptable to change F. work diligently G. innovates to have an edge over other competitors. ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES It refers to the key characteristics that a successful entrepreneur should have in order to be successful. ~Entrepreneurial Competencies McClelland and McBer (1985) Essential characteristics, attributes, traits, skills and lifestyle of a good entrepreneur: 1. Use of Influence Strategies. The art of planning and establishing influence among the customers or the public. 2. Self-Confidence. A person who has confidence in himself or herself and in his or her own abilities. 3. Problem Solving English Oxford: “to engage in the actions or thoughts necessary to discover solutions to problems". 4. Information Seeking Wikipedia: "Information seeking is the process or activity of attempting to obtain information in both human and technological contexts". 5. Systematic Planning Wikipedia: "Systematic planning is a planning process that is based on the scientific method and includes concepts such as objectivity of approach and acceptability of results". 6. Sees and acts on opportunities Cambridge Dictionary: "opportunity an occasion or situation which makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something". 7. Concern for High Quality of Work refers to the favorable or unfavorable of a job environment for the people working in an organization. 8. Commitment to Work Contract Answer.com: "an entrepreneur always delivers his promise promptly and he values his reputation" Entrepreneurial competencies refer to the important characteristics that should be possessed by an individual in order to perform entrepreneurial functions effectively. In this module, you will learn some of the most important characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills and traits of a successful entrepreneur or an employee to be successful in a chosen career. Below are few important characteristics / traits / attributes of a good entrepreneur: • Hardworking: One of the important characteristics of a good entrepreneur is hardworking. This means working diligently and being consistent about it. Hardworking people keep improving their performance to produce good products and/or provide good https://www.timesheets.com/blog/2010 /08/honest-hard-working-employee/ services. Confident: Entrepreneurs have selfreliance in one’s ability and judgment. They exhibit self-confidence to cope with the risks of operating their own business. https://www.montrealtherapy.com/ho w-to-be-more-self-confident/ Disciplined: Successful entrepreneurs always stick to the plan and fight the temptation to do what is unimportant. https://hygger.io/blog/best-books-onself-discipline/ Committed: Good entrepreneurs assume full responsibility over their business. They give full commitment and solid dedication to make the business successful. https://medium.com/themission/how-to-get-people-involvedin-and-committed-to-your-companygoals-ed35693bd68e Ability to accept change: Nothing is permanent but change. Change occurs frequently. When you own a business, you should cope with and thrive on changes. Capitalize on positive changes to make your business grow. https://www.slideshare.net/ghie2/ani mation-pecs-63247857 Creative: An entrepreneur should be creative and innovative to stay in the business and in order to have an edge over the other competitors. https://www.thepossible.com/creativity-enigma-whatmakes-us-more-creative-at-work/ Has the initiative: An entrepreneur takes the initiative. You must put yourself in a position where you are responsible for the failure or success of your business. https://www.management-trainingdevelopment.com/management-training/howto-encourage-employees-to-take-initiative Profit-oriented: An entrepreneur enters the world of business to generate profit or additional income. The business shall become your bread and butter. Therefore, you must see to it that the business can generate income. https://www.dreamstime.com/stockillustration-teamwork-get-profit-vectorillustration-business-cartoon-conceptimage98503460 Listed below are the important skills of a successful entrepreneur: Excellent planner: Planning involves strategic thinking and goal setting to achieve objectives by carefully maximizing all the available resources. A good entrepreneur develops and follows the steps in the plans diligently to realize goals. A good entrepreneur knows that planning is an effective skill only when combined with action. https://www.slideshare.net/ghie2/ani mation-pecs-63247857 Possesses people skills: This is a very important skill needed to be successful in any kind of business. People skills refer to effective and efficient communication and establishing good relationship to the people working in and out of your business. In day-to-day business transactions, you need to deal with people. A well-developed interpersonal skill can make a huge difference between success and failure of the business. https://www.slideshare.net/ghie2/ani mation-pecs-63247857 Sound decision maker: Successful entrepreneurs can think quickly and to make wise decisions towards a predetermined set of objectives. No one can deny that the ability to make wise decisions is an important skill that an entrepreneur should possess. Sound decisions should be based on given facts and information and lead towards the pre-determined objectives. https://www.slideshare.net/ghie2/ani mation-pecs-63247857 POST-TEST: MODIFIED TRUE or FLASE (10 Points) Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is true. And change the underlined words if the statement is FALSE to make it correct. 1. Planning involves logical thinking and goal setting to achieve objectives by carefully minimizing all the available resources. 2. Creative. An entrepreneur enters the world of business to generate profit or additional income. 3. Self-confidence is the art of planning and establishing influence among the customers or the public. 4. Ability to accept change: Nothing is permanent but change. Change occurs frequently. 5. One of the important characteristics of a good entrepreneur is hardworking. 6. According to Cambridge Dictionary "Information seeking is the process or activity of attempting to obtain information in both human and technological contexts". 7. Concern for High Quality of Work refers to the favorable or unfavorable of a job environment for the people working in an organization. 8. Disciplined. Entrepreneurs have self-reliance in one’s ability and judgment. 9. Solid dedication is Hardworking. 10.Hardworking people keep improving their performance to produce good products and/or provide good services. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________ GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________ MODULE IN ANIMATION NCII Grade 11 First Quarter Week 2 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY • Recognize the key concepts in environment and market animation. (TLE_EM9-12-Ia-1) • Identify relevant ideas in competitors, consumer and in environment and market animation. (TLE_EM9-12-Ia-1) OBJECTIVES 1. Explain what makes a product unique and competitive. 2. Apply creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable products, and employ a unique selling proposition (USP) to a product and/or service. PRE-TEST: MATCHING TYPE (5 POINTS) Directions: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in column A with their meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. A B ____1. Innovation A. focuses on needs/wants of target markets. ____2. Market B. products that are widely available and inexpensive ____3. Marketing Concepts C. translating an idea or invention into a good or service. ____4. Product Concepts D. generating ideas. ____5. Production Concepts E. allows buyers and sellers. F. favor products. MARKET In marketing, the term market refers to the group of consumers or organizations that is interested in the product, has the resources to purchase the product, and is permitted by law and other regulations to acquire the product. INVESTOPEDIA: A market is a medium that allows buyers and sellers of a specific good or service to interact in order to facilitate an exchange. This type of market may either be a physical marketplace where people come together to exchange goods and services in person, as in a bazaar or shopping center, or a virtual market wherein buyers and sellers do not interact, as in an online market. Customers’ NEEDS and WANTS When formulating a business idea, it is important to identify the needs and wants of the consumers. NEEDS • Are defined as goods or services that are required for health and safety. WANTS • Are desirable or of interest and are not necessary for survival. ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING Is the process of gathering and using information about the external market and competitive trends. METHODS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING: 1. A casual conversation 2. A chance observation of a target customer 3. A formal market research program. PRODUCT/SERVICE Is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need and is received for money or other unit of value. PRODUCT LINE A group of products that are closely related CONCEPTS OF DEVELOPING A PRODUCT Concept development is a critical phase in the development of a product. In this stage, the needs of the target market are identified, and competitive products are reviewed before the product specifications are defined. The product concept is selected along with an economic analysis to come up with an outline of how a product is being developed. • Identify customer needs • Establish target specifications • Analyze competitive products • Generate product concepts • Select a product concept • Refine product specifications • Perform economic analysis • Plan the remaining development project Finding Value People buy for a reason. There should be something in your product or service that would give consumers a good reason to go back and buy more. There must be something that will make you the best option for target customers; otherwise, they have no reason to buy what you are selling. This implies further, that you offer something to your customers that will make them value your product or service. Key Concepts of Selecting a Business Idea Once you have identified business opportunities, you will eventually see that there are many possibilities available for you. It is very unlikely that you will have enough resources to pursue all of them at once. You have to select the most promising one among hundreds of ideas. It will be good to do this in stages. In the first stage, you screen your ideas to narrow them down to about few choices. In the next stage, trim down the choices to two options. In the final stage, choose between the two and decide which business idea is worth pursuing. In screening your ideas, examine each one in terms of the following guide questions: 1. How much capital is needed to put up the business? 2. Where should the business be located? 3. How big is the demand for the product? Do many people need this product and will continue to need it for a long time? 4. How is the demand met? Who are processing the products to meet the needs (competition or demand)? How much of the need is now being met (supply)? 5. Do you have the background and experiences needed to run this business? 6. Will the business be legal and not against any existing or foreseeable government regulation? 7. is the business in line with your interest and expertise? KEY CONCEPTS OF MARKET Five orientations philosophical concepts to the marketplace 1. The Production Concept 2. The Product Concept 3. The Selling Concept 4. The Marketing Concept 5. The Societal Marketing Concept Production Concept – Consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. The production concept is more operations oriented than any other concept. Product Concept – Consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features. The product concept believes in the consumer and it says the consumers are more likely to be loyal if they have more options of products or they get more benefits from the product of the company. Selling Concept – Consumers will buy products only if the company aggressively promotes or sells these products. Off course, in this era of marketing, we know that selling is not the only tactic to sell your product. You have to focus on marketing as well. Marketing Concept – Focuses on needs/wants of target markets & delivering value better than competitors. The marketing concept believes in the pull strategy and says that you need to make your brand so strong that customers themselves prefer your brand over every other competitor. This can be achieved through marketing. Societal Marketing Concept – Focuses on needs / wants of target markets & delivering value better than competitors that preserves the consumer’s and society’s well-being. PLAYERS IN THE MARKET (COMPETITORS) Animation Studios in the Metro Manila (This list may not be totally complete) https://www.mustangbols.com/animation-2d/market PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AVAILABLE IN THE MARKET Animated Television Shows and Commercial Opening Billboards (titles) Games and Mobiles Apps Simulation (example: medical, pilot, army...etc.) Music Video PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENTREPRENEUR.COM: Definition: The overall process of strategy, organization, concept generation, product and marketing plan creation and evaluation, and commercialization of a new product. KEY CONCEPTS OF DEVELOPING A PRODUCT Generating ideas Evaluating and screening product ideas Protecting your ideas Finalizing design research and development Promoting and marketing your product. DEVELOP A COMPELLING VALUE PROPOSITION Developing a clear and compelling value proposition is the first phase of an effective market opportunity assessment. In many ways it is the most important part of the process. After all, how can you sell a product or service if you can’t articulate its value? So how do you develop a compelling value proposition? The process consists of three stages: 1. Identifying customer benefits 2. Linking these benefits to mechanisms for delivering value 3. Mapping the basis for differentiation or market play INNOVATION business dictionary.com: The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay. UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION (UPS) entrepreneur.com Definition: The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition. SELECTING BUSINESS IDEA How can you be sure your intriguing idea is also something from which you can truly make a profit? There are three essential considerations: 1. Make sure the product or service has a repeat buy 2. Be certain you have a high profit margin 3. Build a strong support team because a good idea isn't enough BRANDING entrepreneur.com: Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from your competitors'. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. “A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers” (American Marketing Association). POST-TEST: IDENTIFICATION (15 Points) Directions: Identify what is being asked. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number. 1. ______________ is the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay. 2. ______________ is the overall process of strategy, organization, concept generation, product and marketing plan creation and evaluation, and commercialization of a new product. 3. ______________ is a critical phase in the development of a product. 4. ______________ defined as goods or services that are required for health and safety. 5. ______________ is a medium that allows buyers and sellers of a specific good or service to interact in order to facilitate an exchange. 6. ______________ consumers will buy products only if the company aggressively promotes or sells these products 7. ______________ is the first phase of an effective market opportunity assessment. 8. ______________ are consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. 9. ______________ is your promise to your customer. 10. ______________ Are desirable or of interest and are not necessary for survival. 11. ______________ People buy for a reason. 12. ______________ identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers 13. ______________ is a factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason. 14. ______________ is a group of products that are closely related 15. ______________ is the process of gathering and using information about the external market and competitive trends. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________ GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________ MODULE IN ANIMATION NCII Grade 11 First Quarter Week 3 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY • Identify Hand Tools for Animation. (TLE_ICTAN9-12UT-Ib-1) • Identify Equipment for Animation. (TLE_ICTAN9-12UT-Ib-1) OBJECTIVES 1. The learner demonstrates an understanding of the Hand Tools and Equipment used in animation. PRE-TEST (5 items) Direction. Classified the following terms whether it is a TOOLS, EQUIPMENT or MATERIALS. Encircle the correct answer. TERMS LIGHT BOX PENCIL COMPUTER/ PERSONAL COMPUTER BRUSH EXPOSURE SHEET CHOICES A. TOOLS B. EQUIPMENT C. MATERIALS A. TOOLS B. EQUIPMENT C. MATERIALS A. TOOLS B. EQUIPMENT C. MATERIALS A. TOOLS B. EQUIPMENT C. MATERIALS A. TOOLS B. EQUIPMENT C. MATERIALS Technical Terms: • Hand tool: a tool held in the hand and operated without electricity or power • Equipment: set of articles (machinery, electronic devices, mechatronic devices) used or needed for a specific purpose or activity. COMMON TOOLS IN ANIMATION Animation Disc Pencil and Eraser Peg Bar Brush COMMON EQUIPMENTS IN ANIMATION Computer Set Light Box Printer Scanner TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS FOR HAND DRAWN ANIMATION PENCIL Is used to rough out first key drawings. HB or B pencil is needed for clean drawings, while colored pencil is used for roughing out the animation. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniemariemagno/tools-and-equipment-for-handdrawn-animation CLUTCH PENCIL Is used for clean-up drawings. Often used by the animators, because it does not have to be continuously sharpened. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/con niemariemagno/tools-andequipment-for-hand-drawnanimation SHARPENER Is used to sharpen a pencil’s lead by shaving away its wood surface. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/con niemariemagno/tools-andequipment-for-hand-drawnanimation ERASER Is used to remove pencil markings on the paper. It is important for an animator to have an eraser to rub out lead cleanly. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/con niemariemagno/tools-andequipment-for-hand-drawnanimation BRUSH Is used to get rid of any carbon dust or eraser pieces. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation MASKING TAPE Is used to secure animation papers or for taping down the peg bar. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation MIRROR Is used to catch the right facial expression for a character. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation ANIMATION PAPER Usually comes in field sizes, either 12 x 15. However, A4 size is commonly used. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation ANIMATION LIGHT BOX It is used to clearly through all the layers of drawings. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation ANIMATION DISC Is a drawing disc placed on a light box and used to work out camera moves and panning walk cycles Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation CAMERA RIG Is made up of metal frame to hold and control the camera without shaking when being used. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation CAMCORDER Is used to record and store images that will be imported to the computer Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation SCANNER Is used as an alternative device to camera. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation DRAWING TABLET Is used for digital coloring and drawing. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniema riemagno/tools-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation PERSONAL COMPUTER Is used in animation for line testing. Source: https://www.slideshare.n et/conniemariemagno/too ls-and-equipment-forhand-drawn-animation PEG BAR So a peg bar is a piece of plastic, or if you get fancy a piece of metal that is meant to hold your papers in place when you draw and shoot your animation. You punch your paper and stick it onto the peg bar as you draw Source: https://www.slideshare.net/conniemariemagno/toolsand-equipment-for-hand-drawn-animation MODEL SHEET Also known as a character board, character sheet, character study or simply a study, is a document used to help standardize the appearance, poses, and gestures of a character in arts such as animation, comics, and video games. POST-TEST: IDENTIFICATION (15 Points) Directions: Identify what is being asked. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number. 1. ____________It is used to clearly through all the layers of drawings. 2. ____________Is used to remove pencil markings on the paper. 3. ____________Often used by the animators, because it does not have to be continuously sharpened. 4. ____________Is used as an alternative device to camera. 5. ____________Is used in animation for line testing. 6. ____________Is used to rough out first key drawings. 7. ____________Is used to catch the right facial expression for a character. 8. ____________Is used to sharpen a pencil’s lead by shaving away its wood surface. 9. ____________Is used to get rid of any carbon dust or eraser pieces. 10.____________Is made up of metal frame to hold and control the camera without shaking when being used. 11. ____________Is used to record and store images that will be imported to the computer. 12.____________Is used for digital coloring and drawing. 13.____________Is used to secure animation papers. 14.____________, is a document used to help standardize the appearance, poses, and gestures of a character in arts such as animation, comics, and video games. 15.____________ Also known as a character board. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________ GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: _____________ MODULE IN ANIMATION NCII Grade 11 First Quarter Week 4 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY • Identify safety procedures. (TLE_ICTAN9-12MT-Id-1) • Identify proper maintenance of hand tools and equipment. (TLE_ICTAN912MT-Id-1) OBJECTIVES 1. The learner demonstrates an understanding on how Hand Tools and Equipment maintain its function. PRE-TEST MULTIPLE CHOICE (5 items) Direction. Encircle the correct answer. 1. It is an excellent means of improving the performance and condition of equipment and facilities. A. Environmental concern B. Maintenance C. Safe D. None of these 2. Video/tape recorder, espresso machine are example of? A. Complex items B. Large items C. Small items D. None of these 3. Equipment with significant health and safety implications? A. Duplicator B. Simulator C. Espresso Machine D. None of these 4. Improved ___________ of human resources? A. Cost B. Life C. Morale D. All the above 5. Keep hand tools clean and free from ___________? A. Contaminants B. Ferrous C. A and B Maintenance is an excellent means of improving the performance and condition of equipment and facilities. An effective maintenance program identified problems long before any equipment or facility breaks down or deteriorate. A good maintenance system presents the early discovery of problems, thus providing plenty of lead time for effective maintenance planning. The trainer has to value the importance of maintaining the training facilities, equipment and tools he is using or under his care if he values the presence and availability of these resources for effective training and learning processes. The Growth of Interest in Maintenance The factors contributing to the rapidly growing interest in maintenance are: 1. Technological development This trend leads to a more mechanized and automated equipment, resulting in great productive potential which must be kept working. This means that training facilities are becoming more complicated and required more advanced maintenance. 2. Increasingly expensive raw materials Finite raw materials, in combination with a growing population and increasing assumption, inevitably result in higher raw material prices. Unavoidably, the costs of all by-products must rise. It is therefore often more profitable to maintain existing equipment than purchase new ones. 3. Greater complication A complicated facility of piece of equipment includes many components, any or all of which can constitute possible sources of trouble. Although the operational reliability of each individual component may be very high, it is necessary to multiply reliability factor of all components that are dependent on each other in a system in order to arrive at the total system reliability. 4. Increased fixed costs Capital costs constitute a considerable part of the total cost of training and must be covered by the added value created. If training stops as a result of inadequate maintenance, capital costs (depreciation) must still be paid, so that the standstill results in a net loss. Still, the salaries and overhead expenses must be paid while training is stopped. 5. Reduce delayed activities and eradicate uncompleted work Many work processes depend on an uninterrupted flow of activities to produce desired result. If an activity is delayed, the entire work stops. If all the facilities and equipment are reliable working well, work delay can be reduced. 6. Environmental concern The growing quantity of electronic wastes (monitors, laptops, cellular phones, other electronic gadgets and its substances), the increasing use of chemicals such as cleaning agents, paints, fuel and its derivatives, the by-products created from its use, and its disposal, pose danger to the environment and all living things. Mass awareness on waste management brings the relevance of conserving the natural resources and the products (machines, tools) thru proper maintenance to lengthen its useful life. Training Equipment and Supplies Training equipment is usually placed in the practical work area or the trainee resource area. The sizes and uses of equipment vary in the different training qualifications and generally classified into five (5): 1. Large items of equipment – motor vehicles, industrial sewing machines 2. Small items of equipment – video/tape recorder, espresso machine 3. Simple equipment – electric fan, floor polisher 4. Complex equipment - plasma cutting machine, simulator (automotive) 5. Equipment with significant health and safety implications – duplicator machine. ❖ General Objective: Keep the optimum condition of physical facilities at acceptable levels and minimum cost to satisfy the expected of programs, services and activities at acceptable and minimum costs ▪ Specific Objectives: • To extend the useful life of physical facilities • To assure the operational readiness of installed equipment and maximum possible return on investments • To properly discard hazardous wastes • To ensure the safety of personnel using the facilities, physical properties and the environment What can we gain from maintaining our facilities? • Ensured SAFE environment • Improved MORALE of human resources • Reduced operational COST • Increased PRODUCTION • Prolonged LIFE of facilities • Prompt DELIVERY of services/product • WASTE/Garbage reduction ❖ Who are involved? • Who will manage the activities? • Who will monitor and evaluate the operations? • Who will prepare the maintenance schedule? • Who will implement the program? • Who will keep the records? • Who will conduct inspection? • Who will certify and accept the work? • Who will prepare the report ❖ What, Where, when? • What routine actions must be done to keep the device on working order? • Where is the maintenance activity to be carried out? • When do you perform the maintenance activities? How to maintain? The question on how do we implement the maintenance program will center on the 5Ms as follows: • Manpower • Money (Financial Resources) • Methods and System • Machines (Facilities) • Materials and Supplies A maintenance program is a comprehensive list of maintenance and its incidents. This would include all maintenance activities to be undertaken, manpower needed, maintenance methods to be used, all the materials and supplies needed and cost involved in the maintenance . A maintenance schedule is a list allocating specific maintenance of an area, including equipment and tools to a specific period. The maintenance schedule is just a part of the maintenance program. A maintenance checklist is a list of maintenance tasks (preventive or predictive) typically derived through some form of analysis, generated automatically as work orders at a predetermined frequency. https://www.mustangbols.com/animation-2d/maintain To perform the maintenance of specific equipment, a maintenance schedule is drawn. Again, the best source of the list of the maintenance activities of equipment is its manufacturers/user’s manual. In the absence of it, the plan can be derived from the known maintenance methods of the equipment and in accordance with the organization’s policy and procedures. MAINTAINING HAND TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS The following are guidelines maintaining and storing tools: ✓ Keep hand tools clean and free from ferrous or other contaminants. ✓ Do not use hand tools in direct contact with acetylene, due to the possible formation of explosive acetyl ides, especially in the presence of moisture. ✓ Do not used hand tools fitted with wooden handles in places where the handles may dry out and shrink. This will increase the risk of the handle breaking or the head becoming loose. ✓ During normal use, all pliers and screwdrivers will progressively develop some damage to the striking faces of screwdrivers or the cutting edge and striking end of pliers. As part of the normal operating and safety procedures, these tools should be returned to the workshop, as with steel tools, to have the faces and heads redressed. This is essential to prevent eye damage resulting from chips detaching from the item during use. ✓ Tools are designed for specific use. As with any tool. In addition to the probability that the tool will be damaged, this is a dangerous practice for the safety of the operator. ✓ The accepted standards of safety and maintenance for common steel hand tools must also be adopted with non-sparking hand tools, in addition to any specific recommendations resulting from the alloys used. MAINTAINING TOOLS To avoid accidents in the work place due to incorrect use of hand tools, it is a must that you understand the proper use of these tools. Study and practice proper use and maintenance of tools to prolong their life span and of course to avoid accidents due to improper or misuse of such tools. ANIMATION SAFETY 1. Communicate Clearly Animation has a number of advantages over other training materials and methods. Because it is inherently three dimensional with motion, 3-D animation has the ability to communicate more clearly than a two-dimensional drawing or photo with text and it is also more visually interesting. This helps to keep the attention of the viewer and improves recall. This combination of three dimensionality and motion also means that more can be communicated visually, requiring less text. Visual demonstration is by nature clearer than text which only gives a second-hand description of events. Also, construction crews are often multilingual these days and because less text is needed than with 2-D static instructions, there is less need for translation and therefore less chance of misunderstanding. The fact that 3-D animation exists in a three-dimensional virtual space, gives us complete control over what we show. We can add as much detail as we need to make it very specific and realistic, or we can add less detail, helping to bring the focus to the most important aspect of the animation. 2. Virtual Camera Since the animation takes place in virtual space, our virtual camera can go places and do things a physical camera could never do. We can get into really small places where a physical camera would never fit or we can put the camera in locations that would be either extremely dangerous or cost prohibitive for anything but a Hollywood production, such as elaborate aerial shots. In addition, there is always an element of risk involved when replicating potentially dangerous situations; creating these videos in a digital environment means that nobody’s safety is put at risk. And if part of the safety procedure changes, we can open the 3-D scene file and change only what needs to change. Shooting live video would require coordination of people and equipment and weather; anything that’s missed would mean pulling all those assets back together for a reshoot. 3. Keeping Workers Safe and Efficient In another safety animation we show how to properly strip a specific type of slab formwork. In this case we used 3-D models from the manufacturer which ensured accuracy. Although we do not show the consequences in this animation of unsafe practices, shooting this as a live action video would have required that the formwork be in place and the conditions be right for the shoot. If any shots were missed, reshooting would mean waiting until the next time the formwork is being stripped. With 3-D animation these limitations do not exist. Although the danger may be intellectually clear, it is easy to fall into bad habits if you haven’t either witnessed any of these accident scenarios or experienced them first hand. The challenge is to help field workers really understand the potential dangers and instruct them, in a memorable way, on how to avoid the risks. 3-D animations are a tool our clients have found to be effective in helping to meet this goal. Currently we are looking into how our 3-D animations can be integrated into a game engine to be run as a training application on a computer or better yet a Virtual Reality headset. We continue to look for ways to more effectively communicate critical information that will help workers be more efficient and safe. POST-TEST: MODIFIED TRUE or FLASE (10 Points) Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is true. And change the underlined words if the statement is FALSE to make it correct. 1. Keep hand tools clean and free from ferrous or other contaminants. 2. A maintenance program is a list allocating specific maintenance of an area, including equipment and tools to a specific period. 3. A maintenance schedule is a comprehensive list of maintenance and its incidents. 4. Maintenance is an excellent means of improving the performance and condition of equipment and facilities. 5. Capital Loss constitute a considerable part of the total cost of training and must be covered by the added value created. 6. Ensured unsafe environment. 7. Large items of equipment – motor vehicles, industrial sewing machines 8. Small items/equipment – electric fan, floor polisher 9. Simple equipment - plasma cutting machine, simulator (automotive) 10.Technological development leads to a more mechanized and automated equipment, resulting in great productive potential which must be kept working. POST-TEST POST-TEST 1. STRATEGIC, MAXIMIZING 2. PROFIT ORIENTED 3. UNSE OF INFLUENCE STRATEGIES 4. TRUE 5. TRUE 6. WIKEPEDIA 7. TRUE 8. CONFIDENT 9. COMMITTED 10.TRUE PRE-TEST 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C PRE-TEST 1. G 2. C 3. E 4. F 5. D WEEK 3: KEY ANSWERS WEEK 1: KEY ANSWERS WEEK 2: KEY ANSWERS PRE-TEST 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 F 5 B POST-TEST 1. Innovation 2. Product Development 3. Concept Development 4. Needs 5. Market 6. Selling Concept 7. Developing/Develop a Compelling Value Proposition 8. Production Concept 9. Brand/Branding 10.Wants 11.Finding value 12.Branding 13.UPS 14.Product Line 15.Environmental Scanning 1. ANIMATION LIGHT BOX 2. ERASER 3. CLUTCH PENCIL 4. SCANNER 5. PERSONAL COMPUTER 6. PENCIL 7. MIRROR 8. SHARPENER 9. BRUSH 10.CAMERA RIG 11.CAMCORDER 12.DRAWING TABLET 13.MASKING TAPE 14.MODEL SHEET 15.MODEL SHEET WEEK 4: KEY ANSWERS PRE-TEST 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 C POST-TEST 1. TRUE 2. Maintenance Schedule 3. Maintenance Program 4. TRUE 5. Costs 6. Safe 7. TRUE 8. Simple 9. Complex 10.TRUE REFERENCES Gepte. T. (2017). ENVIRONMENT AND THE MARKET. Retrieved from https://www.mustangbols.com/animation-2d/market Gepte. T. (2017). MAINTAIN HAND TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND PARAPHERNALIA. Retrieved from https://www.mustangbols.com/animation-2d/maintain Magno, C. (2017). Tools and equipment for hand drawn animation. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/conniemariemagno/tools-and-equipmentfor-hand-drawn-animation Salva, C. (2015). Maintaining Hand Tools and Equipment. Retrieved from https://prezi.com/pz3fwoin9ba4/maintaining-hand-tools-andequipments/ Whaley, M. and Mullis, K. (2016). Animation Safety. Retrieved from https://www.concreteconstruction.net/business/technology/animationsafety_o