See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: CALCULATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF REACTIVE POWER IN NETWORKS WITH NON-SINUSOIDAL (NONLINEAR) LOADS Article · February 2013 CITATIONS READS 0 255 1 author: Oleg Solomchak Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas 13 PUBLICATIONS 2 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Reactive power compensation View project EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE HARMONIC DISTORTION AT POINTS OF COMMON COUPLING IN URBAN SUBSTATIONS View project All content following this page was uploaded by Oleg Solomchak on 21 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. CALCULATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF REACTIVE POWER IN NETWORKS WITH NON-SINUSOIDAL (NONLINEAR) LOADS О. V. Solomchak, Ph.D. Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University Semiconductor devices and transformers, rectifiers, power electronics , dynamic loading, valve electro-technological installations cause distortion of the curved currents and voltage in the systems of power supply. The considerable increase of electro-transceivers with the nonlinear loading, that generate higher order harmonics, complicates the process of calculation of reactive power and choice of compensating devices. Number of researches are devoted to the problem of systematization of approaches to identification and calculation of reactive power at non-sinusoidal currents [1-3]. However, the common methodology hasn’t been developed, especially from the point of view of practical realization. The purpose of work is experimental researches of current and voltage curves of nonlinear electro-transceivers and complex unit with part of the nonlinear loads, analysis and developing the practical approaches to the calculation of reactive power and determination of compensating devices from the point of view of peculiarities of account of reactive electric power and practical application. The electric networks of enterprises and organizations with the nonlinear loading have become the research object. Means and methods of researches A computer informatively-measuring complex which allowed to get the graphs of instantaneous currents and voltage in the three-phase network of 0,38 kW was used to receive reliable information and analysis of nature of reactive power. Fundamental theoretical backgrounds In the circles of alternating sinusoidal current it is accepted to define complete power as: (1) S P jQ , VA 2 2 2 (2) S P Q , VA where P UI cos - is an active power, W; Q UI sin - is a reactive power, VAr. Actually power in the circle of periodic current is characterized by the mean value of power for the period, which is named an active power: T T 1 1 P pdt uidt ; (3) T 0 T 0 However in the circles of non-sinusoidal current even at the purely active loading correlation (1) and (2) are not fulfilled. In such circles S P even when cos 1 . There appear certain power T which is connected with correlation (4) S 2 P2 T 2 . Taking into account, that S UI it is possible to define T : (5) T (UI ) 2 P 2 . Last years a discussion devoted to identification of the generally accepted concept of reactive power is carried on in scientific editions. The authors assume that the most clear and acceptable for the practical calculations determination of reactive power and mathematical correlations is given in [3] . In circles with active, inductive and nonlinear electro-transceivers the following determinations and correlations are offered: (6) S 2 P2 D2 P2 Q2 T 2 , where P UI1 cos 1 - is active power; Q UI1 sin 1 - is reactive power of displacement; T U n I i 2 2 i - is reactive power of distortion; D Q 2 T 2 - is total reactive power; I i - it is current of i harmonic. It is thus assumed that voltage is sinusoidal. The total reactive power can be defined from (6) : (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) D (UI ) 2 P 2 . But exactly this correlation (11) is considered to be the basis of calculation algorithm of reactive power by electronic meters. Thus at the purely active loading, but nonsinusoidal current which is caused by the nonlinear loading, electronic electric power meters will fix the consumption of reactive electric power. Taking into account the extra charge of pay by the power supply company for the consumption of reactive electric power, it becomes natural that the firms have come to a logical decision to compensate this reactive power by capacitor installations or other compensating devices. However appearance of displacement reactive power of capacitor batteries, according to (6), will result in the yet greater consumption of reactive electric power. The presence of non-sinusoidal electro-transceivers can result also in wrong work of automatic capacitor installation with the regulators of power coefficient, the algorithm of work of which is given in (11). Obviously, that it is wrong to calculate power-factor as P (12) cos . S Taking into account (7-11), the correct calculation is P . (13) UI1 For description of part of displacement reactive power it is more correctly to use the coefficient of reactive power Q (14) tg . P cos Experimental researches Experimental researches for the number of nonlinear electro-transceivers and complex un it of loading with inductive and non-sinusoidal electro-transceivers have been carried on to determine the actual character of loading and to confirm the abovementioned theoretical calculations. The instantaneous values of voltage were measured by means of transformer of voltage of compensative type CV3-1000 production of LEM with accuracy class 0,2, and instantaneous values of current were measured by means of current measuring pliers АТА-2502 production of АКТАКОМ with accuracy class 2. Input of secondary signals in COMPUTER was carried out by 14-bit digit ADC NI USB - 6009 production of National Instruments with accuracy class 0,5. The discreteness of reading the showings was 100 values for 1 period (5 кHz). Analysis of form of voltage Fig.1 demonstrates the oscillogram of voltage and first harmonics, received at decomposition in the Fourier series. Fig. 1. Oscillogram of voltage and main harmonic Fig. 2. Spectral composition (%) of network voltage As it is shown in Fig.1 2 , real curve of voltage is some distorted and differs from ideal. Fig. 2 shows spectral composition of the curved voltage after decomposition in the Fourier series. Effective voltage, calculated from the experimental curve, is 215,01 V , and value of the maim harmonic of sinusoidal voltage is 214,93 V. Difference does not exceed 0,041%, that is a far fewer error of measuring transformers and devices. The spectral composition shows that higher order harmonics is insignificant. Thus, calculating the power, deviation of voltage from a sinusoidal form can be ignored. Analysis of currents and power A number of typical electro-transceivers was chosen for the analysis of influence of the form of curved current on the calculation of power. Rheostat, connected in series with a diode From the point of view of the electrical engineering it is quite active element. Oscillograms of current and voltage in relative units (in relation to effective values) at the connecting through a diode is shown in Fig.3. Fig. 4 shows the experimental and main harmonic of current, and Fig. 5 shows the spectral composition of current. Fig. 3. Oscillograms of experimental current and voltage of rheostat with a diode Fig. 4. Experimental curve and main harmonic of current Fig.. 5. Spectral composition (%) of current of rheostat at connecting through a diode Table 1. Effective values of harmonic of current of rheostat with a diode Harmonic 0 1 2 3 Current, A 1,215 1,307 0,558 0,016 0,107 0,035 0,030 0,009 0,023 0,005 0,007 0,002 % 64,85 69,77 29,76 0,82 4 5,74 5 6 1,87 1,57 7 0,51 8 1,22 9 0,27 10 0,38 11 0,12 Effective (root mean square) values of voltage are 215.9 V, of current - 1.874 А. While calculating the complete power according to S UI , we get 404.6 VA, and active power, calculated according to (3), is 280.6 W. As one may see, in this circuit S P , although, as it can be seen from the oscillograms, the displacement of phases between current and voltage is absent and sin 0 . At a classic record (1), (2) Q UI sin 0 . The given example confirms, that for non-sinusoidal circuits expressions (1), (2), (12) are improper. According to (7) Q UI1 sin 1 0 . If using expression (9) then T U n I i 2 2 i 123.19 VAr . According to expression (6) S 306 .48 VA. But it does not correspond to the above calculated value according to S UI 404 .6 VA. As it is shown in Fig.4, this chart has a considerable permanent constituent of current. If it is taken into account at calculation n T U I 02 I i2 , (15) i 2 Then we will get T 289 .82 VAr, and according to (6) S 403 .43 VA, that practically fully coincides with value 404.6 VA. Thus at the calculation of reactive power of distortion it is necessary to take into account the higher order harmonics of current and permanent constituent. Computer This device is equipped with the switched-mode power supply with the typical curve of current. Most power modules are not equipped with the filters of harmonic distortion. The oscillograms of current and voltage in relative units (in relation to effective values) are shown in Fig 6. Fig 7 shows the experimental curve and main harmonic of current, and Fig 8 shows the spectral composition of current. Fig. 6. Oscillograms of experimental current and voltage of computer Fig. 7. Oscillograms of computer current Fig. 8. Spectral composition (%) of computer current Table 2. Effective values of harmonic of computer current Harmonic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Current, A 0,000 0,429 0,005 0,339 0,008 0,211 0,004 0,071 0,004 0,008 0,003 0,019 % 0,00 72,51 0,87 57,34 1,45 35,80 0,56 12,11 0,75 1,36 0,53 3,26 Effective (root mean square) values of voltage are 217,8 V, of current - 0,591 А. Calculating complete power according to S UI , we get 128,7 VA, and active power, calculated according to (3), is 92,1 W. As one may see, in this circuit S P too, although, as it is seen from oscillograms, the displacement of phases between the main harmonic of current and voltage is absent, and thus the reactive power of displacement is practically equal to zero. According to (7) Q 0 . According to (15) T 88.42 . If by mistake the reactive power of distortion is taken for the reactive power of displacement and if to use a capacitor with power of 88,42 VAr to compensate it, then according to (6) we will get: S P 2 Q 2 T 2 92.12 (88.42)2 88.422 155.3 VA. As we may see, it will result in the yet greater increase of complete power and current. Active resistance with thyristor regulators of voltage This device is equipped with a thyristor (TRIAC) regulator which opens thyristors at certain angle. The oscillograms of current and voltage in relative units are shown in Fig 9. Fig 10 shows an experimental curve and main harmonic of current, and Fig. 11 shows the spectral composition of current. Fig. 9. Oscillograms of experimental current and voltage of thyristor regulator Fig. 10. Oscillograms of current of thyristor regulator Fig. 11. Spectral composition (%) of current of thyristor regulator Table 3. Effective values of harmohic of current of voltage thyristor regulator Harmonic Current, A % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -0,029 8,579 0,029 5,905 0,006 2,758 0,013 1,947 0,014 1,733 0,006 1,143 -0,25 74,87 0,25 51,53 0,05 24,07 0,12 16,99 0,12 15,12 0,06 9,98 Effective (root mean square) values of voltage are 215,0 V , of current - 11,46 А. Calculating complete power according to S UI , we get 2463,62 VA, and active power, calculated according to (3), is 1312,86 W. As one may see, in this circuit S P too, although, at the active resistance the reactive power of displacement must be equal to zero. However approximation by Fourier series of current curve shows that the main harmonic is displaced in relation to voltage at angle 44,8 degree which causes the appearance of reactive power displacement Q 1300 VAr. According to (15) T 1510 VAr. Thus, cutting the current sinusoid by thyristors (TRIAC) leads to appearance of reactive power of displacement even at the pure active loading. Administrative and educational building of higher educational establishment This consumer is characterized by the complex loading, which contains lighting installations, computers, office equipment, heater devices. The oscillograms of current and voltage in relative units are shown in Fig.12. Fig.13 shows the experimental curve and main harmonic of current, and Fig.14 shows the spectral composition of current. Fig. 12. Oscillograms of experimental current and voltage of administrative andeducational building Fig. 13. Oscillograms of current Fig. 14. Spectral composition (%) of current Table 4. Effective values of current harmohic of administrative and educational building Accordion Current, A % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -0,033 20,635 0,066 2,511 0,002 1,570 0,025 0,519 0,054 0,048 0,035 0,115 -0,16 98,95 0,32 12,04 0,01 7,53 0,12 2,49 0,26 0,23 0,17 0,55 Effective (root mean square) values of voltage are 209,8 V , of current - 20,85 А. Calculating complete power according to S UI , we get 4374,75 VA, and active power, calculated according to (3), is 4273,08 W. As one may see, in this circuit S P too. Reactive power of displacement Q 624 . According to ( 15 ) T 631.22 VAr, D=937.67 VAr. As we may see, reactive power of displacement and distortion are practically commensurate. Oscillograms and spectral composition of current in a zero wire are shown in Fig.15 and 16. Fig. 15. Oscillograms of current in zero wire Fig 16. Spectral composition (%) of current of neutral In spite of the fact that effective values of currents in phases were practically equal, current in a zero wire is 14.03 A (67.3 % of phase). It is caused by imposition of the third harmonic of phase currents, the period of which is equal to the displacement of phases. Conclusions: 1. The systems of power supply of enterprises, organizations, city owned utilities electro-transceivers contain nonlinear (non-sinusoidal) elements, part of which constantly grows. That’s why the concepts of reactive power of displacement and distortion must be approved at the official level (6), (8), (15). 2. The digital electricity meters measure the total reactive power D : displacement and distortion, which is correct, as both of them cause the additional losses of active power in electric networks. Electromechanical induction meters measure the reactive power of displacement only. 3. Calculation of value of reactive power of displacement according to the digital electricity meters without harmonic filter is improper. 4. Deviation of the form of the curved voltage from a sinusoidal insignificantly influences the calculations of effective value and powers. 5. A power-factor must be determined according to (13) for the basic harmonics of voltage and current, including in the algorithm of work of automatic regulators of powerfactor. Use of coefficient of reactive power tg is considered to be more evident and more correct for characterizing the reactive power of displacement. 6. It is necessary to take into account the higher order harmonicss of current and permanent constituent (15) while calculating reactive power of distortion. 7. Compensation of reactive power of distortion by capacitors results in the increase of complete power and current. 8. For compensation of reactive power of distortion it is necessary to use filters of higher order harmonics and Power Factor Correction. 9.Cutting the current sinusoid by thyristors (TRIAC) leads to appearance of reactive power of displacement even at the pure active loading, which can be compensated by capacitors. 10. It is necessary to introduce standards [4,5] in relation to limitation of level of higher order harmonics of current of electrical equipment and providing the electromagnetic compatibility (ЕМС) of nonlinear consumers. References: 1. S. Fryze, “Active, Reactive, and Apparent Power in Non-Sinusoidal Systems,” Przeglad Elektrot, no. 7, pp. 193-203, 1931. (in Polish) 2. Sayenko Y.L. Reactive power in the systems of power supply with the nonlinear loading: Dr.Sc. Diss / Pryazovskyi state technical University.- Mariupol, 2003.- 42 p. 3. Segeda M.S. The Electric networks and systems: Textbook. - Lviv: lviv polytechnic national university, 2007.- 488 с. 4. IEC 61000-3-2: 2004 Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 3-2. Norms are on emission of accordions of current(for strength of entrance current of equipment not more than 16 And on a phase). 5. IEC 61000-6-2:2004 Electromagnetic compatibility. Part is a 6-2. immunity of industrial equipment to the hindrances. General technical requirements. View publication stats