IEMA Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management Element 1 Core environmental principles Element 1: Table of contents 1.0 Learning outcomes and assessment criteria 4 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 The main natural cycles and ecological systems 6 Introduction..................................................................................................... 6 Carbon cycle................................................................................................... 8 Nitrogen cycle................................................................................................13 Hydrological (water) cycle..............................................................................18 Phosphorous cycle.........................................................................................20 1.3 Ecosystem services 22 Introduction....................................................................................................22 Types of ecosystem services..........................................................................22 Why Consider ecosystem services?................................................................25 1.4 Biodiversity and ecological stability 26 Introduction....................................................................................................26 Ecological systems.........................................................................................28 1.5 The impact of human intervention on natural cycles and ecological systems 33 Carbon cycle..................................................................................................33 Nitrogen cycle................................................................................................35 Water cycle.....................................................................................................37 Phosphorus cycle...........................................................................................38 Ecological systems.........................................................................................39 1.6 Pollution sources, pathways and receptors 40 Introduction....................................................................................................40 Main pollution types........................................................................................42 Water pollution...............................................................................................46 Air pollution....................................................................................................49 Stratospheric ozone depletion........................................................................53 Contaminated land.........................................................................................55 2 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.7 Climate change 56 Introduction....................................................................................................56 The effects of climate change.........................................................................60 Global action..................................................................................................61 3 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.0 Learning outcomes and assessment criteria On completion of this element, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of core environmental principles. They should, through the application of knowledge to familiar and unfamiliar situations, be able to: z Explain the importance of: • Natural cycles and ecological systems; • Ecosystem services; • Biodiversity and ecological stability; z Describe how human interventions impact upon natural cycles and ecological systems; z Describe the main pollution sources, pathways and receptors; z Explain the causes and effects of climate change. 4 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.1 Introduction There is only one Earth; it is currently the only conceivable home for the species which live on it, including humans. There is also no doubt that some human activities have caused and continue to cause harm to the land, air and water which form the biosphere and to the species which live within it. As described in Element 2 (Sustainability and Mega-trends), human activities, especially since the Industrial Revolution, have not been sustainable. This first element of the IEMA Foundation Certificate Course is designed to introduce core environmental concepts and to explain how these underpin our knowledge and understanding of sustainability. Key vocabulary Biosphere: The part of the Earth in which living things exist. It includes land, water and the lower atmosphere. 5 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.2 The main natural cycles and ecological systems Introduction Chemicals such as carbon, nitrogen, water and phosphorus are continually recycled between living organisms and the non-living parts of ecosystems. Key vocabulary Ecosystem: Refers to a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. It includes the biotic elements (i.e. other living animals, plants and microorganisms) and abiotic (i.e. non-living) elements such as water and rocks. These natural cycles: z Form an integral part of ecosystems; z Are fundamental to the Earth’s sustainable operation; z Involve the transfer of energy and material between biotic (i.e. living) and abiotic (i.e. non-living) elements; z Are continuous and waste free. Two fundamental natural rules underpin the action of natural cycles and thereby the sustainability (i.e. capacity for indefinite continuance) of ecological systems. These rules are the laws of thermodynamics and the principle of matter conservation. The Laws of Thermodynamics and the Principles of Matter Conservation • Principle of matter conservation: Matter cannot be created or destroyed. • First law of thermodynamics: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. • Second law of thermodynamics: Matter and energy tend to disperse spontaneously. The principle of matter conservation states simply that ‘matter cannot be created or destroyed’. Matter does not just appear or disappear; it has to come from somewhere and go somewhere. Atoms are not lost or created in chemical reactions but simply combine to form new molecules. Landfilled waste and waste emitted to the environment according to the ‘dilute and disperse’ principle does not disappear! The first law of thermodynamics echoes the principle of matter conservation, i.e. ‘energy cannot be created or destroyed’; again it comes from somewhere and goes somewhere, albeit perhaps in a different form. 6 Element 1 Core environmental principles The first law of thermodynamics and principle of matter conservation are collectively known as the ‘conservation laws’ and underpin all of the natural cycles and principles of sustainability. It is only in nuclear reactions and solar processes that matter (i.e. mass) and energy are interchangeable according to Einstein’s famous E = mc2 equation. The second law of thermodynamics states that ’matter and energy tend to disperse spontaneously’. Energy flows from ‘high’ to ‘low’ states encouraging particles to move. Hence, for example, gases diffuse and intermingle, and nutrients become dispersed in rivers. 7 Element 1 Core environmental principles Carbon cycle The Carbon Cycle (Figure 1.1) is arguably the most important of the natural cycles. Carbon captured by solar energy in photosynthesis ultimately forms the molecules used to create both the building blocks of life, such as proteins, and the fuels driving the majority of natural cycles. Key vocabulary Photosynthesis: Plants, algae and cyanobacteria all make glucose during the day using photosynthesis. This diurnal (i.e. daytime) process needs sunlight. The word photosynthesis comes from two Greek words – [phōs] which means ‘light’; and [synthesis] means ‘putting together’. Auto and factory emissions CO2 cycle Sunlight Plant respiration Photosynthesis Organic carbon Animal respiration Root respiration Decay organisms Dead organisms and waste products Ocean uptake Fossils and fossil fuels Figure 1.1: The carbon cycle Specialised parts of the plant (chloroplasts) use a green pigment (chlorophyll) to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into glucose (C6H12O6) and a waste product, oxygen (O2), using sunlight (Figure 1.3). The glucose may then be used in either respiration to provide energy, stored as starch, or used to make new cell parts. 8 Element 1 Core environmental principles Chlorophyll 6C02 6H20 + Carbon dioxide 62H1206 Water 602 + Glucose Oxygene Sunlight Figure 1.2: The chemical formula for photosynthesis A very small number of recently discovered marine bacteria are chemoautotrophs (i.e. they make their own food from the chemicals in seawater).These organisms live in the darkest depths of the oceans and produce sugars or amino acids from carbon dioxide and / or methane using substances such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S) as an energy source which leaves sulphur (S) as the waste product (Figure 1.4). Some live within giant tube worms but most form colonies around thermal vents and deep chasms and crevasses. 12H2S Hydrogen sulphide + 6C02 Carbon dioxide 62H1206 Glucose + 6H20 Water + 12S Sulphur Figure 1.3: Example of a chemosynthetic reaction The carbon compounds produced in photosynthesis and chemosynthesis then pass through food chains (Figure 1.4), transferring both energy and materials. Key vocabulary Photoautotrophs: Photosynthetic organisms are photoautotrophs (i.e. ‘selffeeding’; Greek: [autos] means ‘self’ and [trophe] means ‘nourishing’). Herbivores obtain carbon by eating plants, carnivores by eating herbivores and omnivores by eating both plants and animals. Decomposers eat waste products including dead plants and animals. Chemoautotrophs: These deep ocean dwelling organisms make their own food from the chemicals around them. They do not use sunlight. 9 Element 1 Core environmental principles Quaternary consumers Carnivore Carnivore Tertiary consumers Carnivore Carnivore Secondary consumers Carnivore Carnivore Primary consumers Herbivore Zooplankton Primary producers Plant Phytoplankten Figure 1.4: Food chain All cells, regardless of type continuously respire, i.e. ‘burn’ the glucose produced in photosynthesis together with other complex organic compounds in the presence of oxygen to release carbon dioxide and water (Figure 1.5); respiration is thus the direct opposite of photosynthesis. 62H1206 Glucose + 602 6C02 Carbon dioxide Oxygene + 6H20 Water Figure 1.5: The chemical formula for respiration When plants or animals produce urine and faeces or die, organic matter is consumed by decomposer organisms which return carbon to the soil, or to the atmosphere as respiratory 10 Element 1 Core environmental principles carbon dioxide. If marine life dies and decomposes, a significant amount of organic carbon builds up in underwater sediments. Respiration by sea life releases some carbon dioxide directly into seawater. Billions of tonnes of sedimentary carbon have been deposited, over geological timescales, as: z Hydrocarbons creating fossil deposits of coal, gas and oil; or z Calcium carbonate from shells and other skeletal material forming limestone or chalk. The eventual combustion or dissolution of these long-term carbonaceous materials ultimately returns the sequested carbon to the atmosphere or water, mainly as carbon dioxide. Key vocabulary Respiration: Respiration is happens in the cells of all living organisms. Glucose and other carbon containing chemicals react with oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide. Animals with lungs breathe out this carbon dioxide in the same way as they breathe in oxygen. Unlike photosynthesis, respiration happens at all times of the day and night. Combustion: Refers to the process of burning substances. Significantly this needs oxygen; the formula for the combustion of glucose is identical to that for respiration. Sequestration: Refers to the process of storing something. Sequestered carbon is carbon which has been stored for example as coal or oil. Deforestation and other habitat loss can also return carbon stored either in living tissue or soils to the atmosphere. Burning timber releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon can also be stored, for example as methane. Methane is a gas which is produced when bacteria decompose organic (i.e. carbon containing material) in the absence of oxygen or where there is very little oxygen. The degradation or exploitation of carbon rich soils such as peat can lead to the unintentional release of both methane gas and carbon dioxide. Peatlands are a major source of carbon storage worldwide. The majority of the carbon stored in peatlands is found in saturated (i.e. waterlogged) peat soils and has been sequestered over millions of years. Stored carbon is released from peat soils when they are drained for agriculture, forestry and peat extraction. When carbon compounds which are normally underwater or in waterlogged 11 Element 1 Core environmental principles soils are exposed to air, they decompose and emit gases such as carbon dioxide. Trapped methane may also be released when large plant roots disturb the soil and cause ‘soil shrinkage’ as they extract water faster than it can be replaced. This phenomenon has been recorded, for example, in some of the large palm tree plantations needed for the large scale commercial production of palm oil. Key Point: Although it is a single cycle, the carbon cycle can be thought of as containing two distinct elements, i.e. the: z Fast Loop: The transfer of carbon dioxide into living tissue via photosynthesis and its release back to atmosphere via respiration and decomposition; z Slow Loop: Carbon is sequestered and then slowly released by natural processes such as weathering and fires over millions of years. Our modern dependency on carbon fuels means that more sequestered carbon is being burnt and thereby released as carbon dioxide. 12 Element 1 Core environmental principles Nitrogen cycle The nitrogen cycle (Figure1.6) works together with the carbon cycle to maintain ecosystem stability. It is essential to soil fertility and food production. It is the cycle of death and decay. Precipitation Gaseous Losses Organic Residues Dentrification Organic Matter Plant consumption Nitrates Ammonium Nitrification through bacteria Leaching Nitrites Clay Minerals Figure1.6: The nitrogen cycle Like carbon, nitrogen is a key component of amino acids (i.e. the building blocks of proteins). Plants also use nitrogen to produce chlorophyll, the green pigment required to trap carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Nitrogen forms 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere, making it the largest single component. However, gaseous nitrogen cannot be used directly by plants. Plants must secure their nitrogen in a ‘fixed form’, i.e. incorporated into compounds such as: z Nitrate ions - NO3-; z Ammonium ions - NH4+; z Urea - (NH2)2CO. Animals obtain their nitrogen via food chains, i.e. by eating plants or other animals. 13 Element 1 Core environmental principles The nitrogen cycle on land Four distinct processes are involved in the cycling of nitrogen through the biosphere. These are: z z z z Nitrogen fixation; Decay; Nitrification; Denitrification. Microorganisms are essential to all of these processes. Nitrogen fixation As plants and animals cannot use gaseous nitrogen directly, it must first undergo nitrogen fixation (i.e. conversion) to a more usable form. However, the nitrogen molecule (N2) is quite inert. Substantial amounts of energy are required to break the atoms apart so they can combine with other elements. Nitrogen fixation can be achieved naturally by either: z Lightning fixation: Nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2) are converted to nitrogen oxides (NOx) which dissolve in rain forming nitrates that are carried to earth; or much more commonly; or z Biological fixation: Bacteria combine N2 with hydrogen gas (H2) to make usable nitrogen in the form of ammonium ions (NH4+). The majority of nitrogen fixing bacteria are free living in soil and water. However, a few are symbiotic and live in root nodules on leguminous plants (i.e. peas, beans, lentils, peanuts, clover, soybeans and alfalfa). The bacteria receive carbohydrates in return for providing the plant with useable nitrogen. The first stable product of this process is ammonia (NH3) which can be incorporated into proteins and other organic nitrogen compounds. It can also be converted into nitrates which are a much more valuable nutrient source for plants. The conversion process, nitrification, is discussed below. Decay The proteins made by plants enter and pass through food chains just as carbohydrates do. Ammonium (NH4+) and ammonia (NH3) are made in soil by decomposers such as fungi which break down waste materials and dead organisms into their component parts. This process is called ammonification. 14 Element 1 Core environmental principles Key vocabulary Nitrogen fixation: The process of converting gaseous nitrogen in the air to a form which is useable by plants. Inert: Refers to chemicals which have little or no ability to react with other chemicals; i.e. are chemically inactive. See also notes on the landfill tax in Section 3.4. Symbiotic: A symbiotic relationship is a one in which two different types of living things live together for their mutual benefit. This offers from a parasitic relationship of which one species (the parasite) gains more from the relationship than the host species on which it lives but does not normally kill the host – think mistletoe on apple treesl. Nitrification Ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4+) are poisonous to fish and other animals. Nitrification is the change of ammonia and ammonium to nitrite (NO2-) and then to nitrate (NO3-) again by bacteria. Plants need nitrates to survive. They are a vital nutrient. However, some plants, notably those on acidic peat soils thrive in a comparatively low nitrate environment. Carnivorous plants such as sundew and pitcher plants which are only naturally found in these types of soils obtain additional nitrogen from the bodies of the animals which fall into them. Many legumes, in addition to fixing atmospheric nitrogen, also perform nitrification — converting some of their organic nitrogen to nitrites and nitrates. These reach the soil when they shed their leaves. Unlike ammonia ions, nitrites and nitrates do not bind readily to clay or humus and therefore wash out of the soil during heavy rain and irrigation. This can result in significant water pollution due to a process called eutrophication which is discussed in Section 1.6. Denitrification The three processes above remove nitrogen from the atmosphere and pass it through ecosystems. Denitrification reduces nitrates and nitrites to nitrogen gas, thus replenishing the atmosphere. The bacteria responsible for this process live deep in soil and in aquatic sediments where conditions are anaerobic. They use nitrates as an alternative to oxygen in respiration. 15 Element 1 Core environmental principles Key vocabulary Nitrification: The process of making nitrates – think adding nitrogen. Eutrophication: In surface waters an excessive concentration of nitrates and phosphates are considered pollutants. These substances stimulate the growth of green plants and especially green algae and cyanobacteria which reduce the quantity of dissolved oxygen as discussed in Section 1.6. Denitrification: The process of removing nitrogen from nitrates Anaerobic: Without oxygen. The opposite of this is aerobic (as in exercise!). Anaerobic conditions exist for example in waterlogged soils. Bacteria which live in anaerobic conditions often cannot survive in aerobic conditions and vice versa. Some bacteria, known as facultative anaerobes can survive in both. Composting and water treatment rely on aerobic conditions to keep everything sweet smelling. on apple treesl. The marine nitrogen cycle Nitrogen enters the marine ecosystems through precipitation, runoff, or as N2 from the atmosphere. Nitrogen cannot be utilised directly by phytoplankton; Cyanobacteria are responsible for almost all nitrogen fixation. Ammonia and urea are released into the water by excretion from plankton. This must sink together with waste materials in order for bacteria to be able to convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrate, as the bacteria concerned are inhibited by light. Nitrate can be returned to the surface by vertical mixing and upwelling where it can be taken up by phytoplankton to continue the cycle. N2 can be returned to the atmosphere through denitrification. The nutrients in the ocean are not uniformly distributed. Areas of upwelling provide supplies of nitrogen from below the photic zone (i.e. the zone where enough light penetrates for photosynthesis to occur; approximately 200m below the surface). Coastal zones provide nitrogen from runoff and upwelling occurs readily along the coast. However, the rate at which nitrogen can be taken up by phytoplankton is decreased in nutrient poor waters and also in temperate water in the summer resulting in lower primary production. 16 Element 1 Core environmental principles Key vocabulary Phytoplankton: Microscopic waterborne plants and microorganisms which photosynthesise to make food.. Cyanobacteria: A specific group of organisms which are also called blue-green algae due to their colour and structure – there is debate as to whether they are bacteria or algae! Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic, nitrogen fixing organisms that survive in wide variety of habitats, soils, and water. They are essential to maintaining the fertility of semi-aquatic environments like rice paddies. However, they can cause significant problems in any aquatic environment if eutrophication occurs – see Section 1.6. 17 Element 1 Core environmental principles Hydrological (water) cycle The water cycle, driven by the sun’s energy, is responsible for the continuous movement of water on, above and below the Earth’s surface (Figure 1.7). Although the mass water on Earth remains fairly constant over time. Over 96% of the planet’s water is saline. The majority of the remaining circa 4% of freshwater is ‘locked away’, i.e.: z Over 68% is contained in ice and glaciers; z 30% is contained in ground water. Condensation Precipitation Snow and ice Transpiration (evaporation from plants) Run off Infiltration (water entering soil) Evaporation Ground water and soil moisture Figure 1.8: The water cycle The relative proportion contained in major reservoirs (i.e. ice, freshwater, saline water and atmospheric water) at any one time varies depending on a wide range of climatic variables. The water cycle involves the exchange of energy, leading to temperature changes which influence the climate. When water evaporates as water vapour into the air, it removes energy from its surroundings and cools the environment. 86% of the global evaporation occurs from the oceans, reducing their temperature. When water condenses, it releases energy and warms the environment. The water cycle is powered by solar energy. Ice and snow can sublimate, i.e. change directly from a solid into water vapour, a gas. Water 18 Element 1 Core environmental principles can also be evaporated from the soil and water surface and removed from plant leaves via transpiration. Rising air currents take the vapour up into the atmosphere where cooler temperatures cause it to condense into clouds. As clouds move, particles collide, grow, and subsequently fall out of the upper atmospheric layers as precipitation. Some precipitation falls as snow hail, or sleet, and can accumulate as ice caps and glaciers, which can store frozen water for thousands of years. Most water falls back into the oceans or onto land as rain; surface runoff forms rivers and ultimately returns to the ocean. Runoff is responsible for almost all of the transport of eroded sediment and phosphorus from land to rivers and oceans. Ocean salinity is derived from erosion and transport of dissolved salts from the land. Runoff also plays a part in the carbon cycle, again through the transport of eroded rock and soil. Key vocabulary Precipitation: Refers to rain, snow, hail, sleet etc. Precipitation is responsible for the transfer of pollutants including transfrontier pollutants such as carbon dioxide and acid rain. Excessive rain can lead to significant environmental / human issues such as flooding, the removal of nitrates and phosphates from soil and the eutrophication of rivers Water stored in the soil remains there very briefly, because it is spread thinly across the Earth, and is readily lost by evaporation, transpiration, stream flow, or groundwater recharge. Some water infiltrates deep into the ground and replenishes the groundwater stored in aquifers which can again store freshwater for long periods of time. Some infiltration stays close to the land surface and can seep back into surface-water bodies (and the ocean) as groundwater discharge. Some groundwater finds openings in the land surface and comes out as freshwater springs. Groundwater can spend 10,000 years or more beneath the Earth’s surface; particularly old groundwater is sometimes called fossil water. The major ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica store ice for very long periods; ice from Antarctica has been reliably dated up to 800,000 years before present, though the average residence time is shorter. 19 Element 1 Core environmental principles Phosphorous cycle Animal tissues and feces Urine Decomposition by fungi and bacteria Plant tissues Assimilation by plant cells Phosphates in soil Phosphates in solution Weathering of rock Loss in drainage Incorporation into sedimentary rock - geologic uplift moves this rock into terrestrial environments. Figure 1.8: The phosphorus cycle Phosphorus is an important element for all forms of life. As phosphate (PO43-), it makes up part of DNA. Phosphates are also critical to the release of cellular energy necessary for processes such as building proteins and muscular contraction. Like calcium, phosphorus is particularly important for important to vertebrates; in the human body, 80% of phosphorous is found in teeth and bones. The phosphorus cycle (Figure 1.8) is characterised by being the slowest cycle. As phosphorus and phosphorus-based compounds (i.e. phosphates) are usually solids within the typical temperature and pressure ranges found in the lithosphere, the atmosphere is not significantly involved in the movement of phosphorus. Phosphates however, move quickly through living organisms. Key vocabulary Lithosphere: The hard, outer shell of a rocky planet, i.e. the Earth’s crust and upper mantle; Ancient Greek: [lithos] means ‘rocky’. 20 Element 1 Core environmental principles The largest reservoir of phosphorus is in sedimentary rock where the phosphorus cycle begins. When it rains, phosphates are removed from the rocks (i.e. via weathering) and are distributed throughout both soils and water. Plants take up the phosphate ions from the soil. These move from plants to animals via food chains. Phosphates absorbed by animal tissue through consumption eventually return to the soil via the decomposition of urine and faeces and dead tissue. This process is also repeated in aquatic ecosystems. Phosphates are important plant nutrients. Phosphorus is not highly soluble. In soil, phosphate is absorbed on iron oxides, aluminium hydroxides, clay surfaces, and organic matter particles, and becomes incorporated (i.e. immobilised or fixed). It therefore generally reaches freshwater and oceans by travelling with runoff soil particles. Phosphates also enter waterways through fertiliser runoff, sewage seepage, natural mineral deposits, and wastes from other industrial processes, where they tend to settle on ocean floors and lake bottoms. As sediments are stirred up, phosphates may re-enter the phosphorus cycle, but they are more commonly made available to aquatic organisms by being exposed through erosion. Water plants take up the waterborne phosphate which then travels up through successive stages of the aquatic food chain. Historically phosphate based detergents have been an important cause of eutrophication. However, modern detergents have been developed specifically to minimise this problem. Key vocabulary Eutrophication: The process by which a body of water acquires a high concentration of nutrients, especially phosphates and nitrates. These typically promote excessive growth of algae. As the algae die and decompose, high levels of organic matter and the decomposing organisms deplete the water of available oxygen, causing the death of other organisms, such as fish. Eutrophication is a natural, slow-aging process for a water body, but human activity greatly speeds up the process. 21 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.3 Ecosystem services Introduction All ecosystems consist of dynamically interacting parts including living organisms (i.e. plants, animals and microorganisms), the communities they make up and the non-living (i.e. abiotic) elements of their environment. Ecosystem processes, such as photosynthesis, pedogenesis (i.e. soil creation) and nutrient recycling regulate the flow of energy and matter through an ecosystem. As indicated in Section 1.2, these processes are driven by inter-related natural cycles. Without these ecological systems, there would be no life, including human life, on Earth. The benefits people get from nature are called ecosystem services. Key vocabulary Ecosystem: A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. It includes the biotic elements (i.e. other living animals, plants and microorganisms) and abiotic (i.e. non-living) elements such as water and rocks. Ecosystem Services: Defined as “the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems” [Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment]. Types of ecosystem services A variety of different approaches can be used to classify / describe ecosystem services. The widely recognised system was developed by scientists working for the United Nations as part of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The United Nations classifies ecosystem services as: z Provisioning services; z Regulating services; z Cultural services; z Supporting services. 22 Element 1 Core environmental principles Provisioning services These are the things that are provided by ecosystems. They include: z Food – from plants, animals and microbes; z Freshwater – for drinking, washing and cleaning and also for a range of industrial processes, including providing a source of energy; z Fibre – such as wood, jute, cotton, hemp, silk and wool; z Fuel – such as wood, dung, coal, oil and gas all other serve as sources of energy; z Genetic resources – genes and genetic information are used for animal and plant breeding and biotechnology; z Ornamental resources – animal and plant products such as skins, shells, flowers; z Medicines and other pharmaceutical products. Regulating services These are the benefits obtained from the control, or regulation, of ecosystem processes. They include: z Air quality – removal of harmful chemicals, such as excess CO2, from the atmosphere; z Water – the timing and magnitude of run-off, flooding and aquifer recharge can be strongly influenced by changes in land cover, such as the conversion of wetlands into urban areas or the replacement of forests with agricultural land or urban areas; z Climate – as discussed in Section 3.7, local changes in land cover can affect temperature and precipitation; globally ecosystems can sequester (i.e. store) or emit greenhouse gases (GHGs); z Disease – controlling the abundance of human pathogens (i.e. disease causing organisms) such as cholera, and disease vectors (i.e. carriers) such as mosquitoes; and pest regulation to reduce crop and livestock pests and diseases; z Regulation of natural hazards – coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and coral reefs reduce the damage caused by storms; and erosion protection – vegetative cover helps retain soil and prevents landslides and flooding; z Pollination – the distribution, abundance and effectiveness of pollinators, such as bees and other insects; z Water purification and treatment – ecosystems are a source of impurity, but also filter out and decompose organic wastes and can assimilate and detoxify compounds through soil processes. 23 Element 1 Core environmental principles Cultural services These are the non-material benefits provided by ecosystems. They include: z Recreation – such as walking, climbing, cycling, running, kayaking and surfing; z Ecotourism – i.e. tourism which does not exploit the natural environment or local communities but seeks to benefit them; z Educational benefits, cognitive development and scientific discovery – based on the natural world and on associated knowledge systems developed by different cultures; z Aesthetic and social experiences – such as parks, housing locations, scenic drives, community cultures, time spent in the countryside etc.; z Spiritual enrichment – many religions attach spiritual and religious values to ecosystems and / or to their components; z Inspiration – for example for art, music, folklore, architecture and advertising etc. Supporting services These are essential to support the other three services. They differ from other services in that their impacts on people are often indirect or occur over a very long time, whereas changes in the other categories have relatively direct and short-term impacts on people. Supporting services include: z Soil formation – many provisioning services depend on soil fertility which in turn influences provisioning, regulating and cultural services; z Photosynthesis – producing the oxygen necessary for most living organisms. This process also removes CO2 from the atmosphere; excess atmospheric CO2 is major factor in the development of climate change; z Nutrient cycling – approximately 20 nutrients essential for life, including nitrogen and phosphorus, cycle through ecosystems and are maintained at different concentrations in different parts of ecosystems; z Water cycling – water cycles through ecosystems and is essential for living organisms. 24 Element 1 Core environmental principles Why Consider ecosystem services? Human activity has consequences for the natural environment. Some of these effects are readily identifiable and can be taken into account in decision-making processes; others are less tangible and therefore more likely to be omitted from these processes. In the latter situation, the true environmental cost of a product / service is not accounted and cumulatively these effects add up and consequently degrade the environment. Ecosystem services are a way of ensuring that all the effects on the environment and human well-being are taken into account when, for example: z Developing a new product; z Planning a new residential development; z Considering the entire operation of a business. Impacts on organisations The potential impacts on organisations as a result of human interference with ecological systems and services are wide-ranging. According to research by IEMA, these include: z Resource depletion resulting in higher costs; z Reduced resource security and potentially an overreliance on resources from conflict areas; z Direct and indirect impacts from climate change as a result of more severe weather events such as: • Flooding from rising river and sea levels; • Increased insurance costs; • Changes to land use; z Rising air temperatures with an associated increase in conditions such as heat stress and the prevalence of some diseases; z Risk to agriculture from decreased pollination etc.; z Increased expectation from the public to demonstrate sustainable practices especially in highly competitive markets and / or those which are widely seen to be ‘less ethical’; z Increased regulatory responsibilities as governments seek to reduce environmental impacts, as highlighted in Element 3 (Key Environmental Legislation). 25 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.4 Biodiversity and ecological stability Introduction The term ‘biodiversity’ is a contraction of ‘biological diversity’ and describes the variety of life and its processes. It includes species diversity, genetic diversity and ecosystem diversity Key vocabulary Biodiversity: Refers to the variety of: • Habitats; and • Species of plants, animals and microorganisms. Habitat: The place where a particular animal, plant or microorganism normally lives. Biodiversity plays an important role in all four categories of ecosystem services i.e.: z Provisioning services; z Regulating services; z Cultural services; z Supporting services. It is therefore directly linked to those processes which maintain and improve human quality of life. The number of described species is now around 1.7 million. The estimated total number of species in existence ranges in order of magnitude from around 10 million to 100 million. Unfortunately, lack of scientific knowledge is limiting our ability to accurately predict the effect of long term changes (such as climate change) on biodiversity. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCNs) Red List of Threatened species, accurate data on the vulnerability of species to extinction only exists for less than 5% of known species. New species are still being discovered, such as the nocturnal raccoon sized olinguito, found in the mountainous forests of Ecuador and Colombia at night during 2013. Others, such as the primitive coelacanth caught in 1938 off the coast of South Africa, are rediscovered after being thought to be extinct for millions of years. 26 Element 1 Core environmental principles Quantitative data does however, confirm that the rate at which species are becoming extinct exceeds that which would be anticipated based on previous trends. In 2006, an IUCN assessment revealed that 56% of the 252 endemic freshwater Mediterranean fish were threatened with extinction; the highest so far recorded for any regional freshwater fish assessment. 2030 of the 6260 known global amphibian species were confirmed by the IUCN as threatened or endangered in 2009. Current, ongoing, research indicates that the situation has decline further, due to factors such as fungal disease, habitat loss and climate change. Since 2007 one of our closest genetic relatives, the Western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), has moved from endangered to critically endangered due the bush meat trade, habitat loss and contact with human population infected by the Ebola virus. Illegal logging and forest clearance for palm oil plantations have significantly reduced orangutan populations in Borneo. Chimp species in West and Central Africa are also threatened by bush meat and habitat loss predominantly associated with illegal mining activities. 97% of bonobos, the ape species most closely related to humans, has disappeared in less than a human generation. Some populations are now so small that their genetic diversity and thereby long term survival is further threatened. As highlighted in Element 3, a key priority for the UK government is the control of invasive non-natural species (INNS) or invasive alien species (IAS) such as: z American mink (Mustela vison); z Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus); z Grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis); z Floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides); z Asian hornet (Vespa velutina); z Killer shrimp (Dikerogammarus villosus); z Monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). Further information on these and other INNS may be found on the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website, The UK government estimated in August 2015 that the control of INNS cost approximately £1.7 billion per annum with the costs being primarily borne by the agricultural and horticultural sectors and then passed onto consumers. 27 Element 1 Core environmental principles Ecological systems Organisms interact with each other and with the environment around them. Ecology is the study of biological communities. Ecologists study how species interact together with the processes which enable them to do this (Figure 1.9). Communities should not be simply considered as the sum of all the organisms present; there is also a need to consider how these individuals interact. The Main Types of Ecological Interaction are: z Competition – two, or more, species want the same limited resource e.g. food or shelter; they may harm one another trying to get this resource; z Predation – one animal species hunts, kills and eats all or part of a second animal species; z Parasitism – two species live in an obligatory association in which the parasite depends on the host. The parasite (e.g. mistletoe) doesn’t normally kill the host (e.g. an apple tree) but it may weaken it; z Mutualism – two species live in close association, to the benefit of both species e.g. cleaner fish and sharks or salmon; z Commensalism – two species live in close association, one gains without affecting the other e.g. clown fish (Nemo!) and sea anemones. Individual organism Animal, plant or microorganism Population A group of the same species living in the same place (i.e. habitat) at the same time Community A collection of populations of all the organisms that occur together in a given place (habitat) and time Ecosystem Includes all interacting physical (abiotic) and biological (biotic) components of an area, which may consist of one or more communities together with their abiotic surroundings Figure 1.9: Levels of organisation 28 Element 1 Core environmental principles Food webs and food chains Both the carbon and nitrogen cycles illustrate the intimate relationships which exist between species based on the transfer of material and energy, i.e. on nutrition. At the simplest level, these interrelationships are illustrated by food chains (Figure 1.14). Barn owl 3rd trophic level Carnivore Secondary consumer Wood mouse 2nd trophic level Decomposer 1st trophic level Herbivore Primary consumer Grass Producer Figure 1.10: Food chain In practice, food chains do not exist in isolation but combine to form food webs (Figure 1.11). Squirrel Barn owl (Carnivore) Oak tree Caterpillar Grass (producer) Fox Leaf litter Shrew Leaf fall Funghi Wood mouse (Herbivore/Omnivore) Earthworm Figure 1.11: Food web 29 Element 1 Core environmental principles A single oak tree (Quercus robur) can support more than 250 different species of insects and the associated food chains which encompass these. In this context, the removal (either temporary or by extinction) of one species may cause no more than a temporary imbalance in the system. However, in other situations this may be more critical, for example the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) almost became extinct in the UK by the mid-1990s due to water pollution, declining fish stocks, increased road traffic and active hunting. American mink (Mustela vison) released from fur farms were then able to colonise river banks and play a significant part in the decline of the water vole (Arvicola amphibius). Recent significant increases in otter numbers, together with targeted initiatives to reduce mink populations, are now having a positive impact on some water vole populations. The deliberate and unintentional introduction of alien species into habitats is now recognised as one of the greatest threats to ecological stability. The threat may not always be from the introduced species itself but from an associated parasite as in the case of the squirrel pox virus and the varroa mite which respectively harm red squirrels and bumblebees. The impact is greater in the case of bumblebees (Bombus sp.) given their coevolution with flowering plants and economic importance as an agricultural / horticultural pollinator. Chemicals may also result in critical imbalances in food chains; for example DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), a powerful insecticide used extensively in the 1940s and 1950s, bioaccumulated in birds of prey resulting in fatal thinning of egg shells. Within human populations, DDT and its more stable metabolite (i.e. breakdown product) DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene) are fat soluble. They are stored in adipose (i.e. fatty) tissue. These substances break down very slowly and have been found in urine and breast milk samples taken from Inuit women in Canada who are believed to have been exposed via contaminated seal and whale meat. The World Health Organisation is currently investigating anecdotal concerns with regard to fertility. More recently, increasing veterinary use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) diclofenac in the Indian Subcontinent has led to sharp declines (circa 95% per annum) in vulture (Gyps sp.) populations due to presumed renal failure, a known side effect of the drug. Reduction in vulture numbers has resulted in increases in feral dog populations with an associated rabies risk and occasional sightings of leopards attempting to prey on wild dogs. The loss of vultures has had a social impact on the Indian Zoroastrian Parsi community, who 30 Element 1 Core environmental principles traditionally use vultures to dispose of human corpses in Towers of Silence and now have to seek alternative methods of disposal. In 2009 the Government of India started to actively encourage the replacement of diclofenac with alternatives such as meloxicam, a slightly more expensive NSAID without the associated side effects. Keystone species Certain species have a disproportionately large impact in comparison to their numbers and are critical for the long term survival of a community or ecosystem. These species are known as keystone species; they hold the ecosystem together, just like the keystone in the middle of an arch. A keystone species is a plant or animal that plays a unique and crucial role in the way an ecosystem functions. Without keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether. Good examples include bees, sea otters, lions and jaguars and beavers. Ecological stability The concept of ecological stability is used to describe ecosystem performance. The more stable an ecosystem, the less likely the populations within it are to become extinct. Stable ecosystems still experience flux and change. Hence another term for stability is sustainability. A sustainable ecosystem is one which maintains, over time, features like levels of productivity, processes of nutrient cycling, levels of soil fertility, and its characteristic level of biodiversity. Stability, in theory at least, can be measured by monitoring these kinds of processes. Stability actually refers to two concepts; resistance and resilience. Key vocabulary • Resistance: Refers to how well species and ecosystems can resist changes, for example in the availability of food and / or pollution levels; and • Resilience: Refers to species and ecosystems recovery from damage such as over predation / hunting, pollution or natural disaster. 31 Element 1 Core environmental principles Resistance (or inertia) measures how much a living system resists change. A system which remains the same in spite of disturbance or changes in, for example, nutrient input or changes in pollution level, has a high resistance. Ecosystems which are inhabited by a broad range of species with few, if any, niche habitats are more likely to have global stability, i.e. to be highly resistant to change in species composition and / or food web dynamics over the longer term. They are said to have a high level of constancy. Resilience measures how quickly a system recovers from disturbance (i.e. external pressures) and returns to a steady state. The extent of resistance and resilience therefore depends on both the nature of the ecosystem, and the type of disturbance. More fragile ecosystems, such as the thermal vents inhabited by chemoautotrophic bacteria and giant tube worms, have extremely low biodiversity and narrow nutrient pool. They are therefore less resistant to change. These systems are likely to have local stability, i.e. to be stable over small short-lived disturbances, such the influx of light from visiting deep sea craft. They are however, unlikely to be resilient to repeated changes in the longer term. 32 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.5 The impact of human intervention on natural cycles and ecological systems As highlighted in Section 1.3, natural cycles and ecological systems provide the ‘ground rules’ which ensure the Earth’s sustainable operation. Current levels of human intervention (i.e. interference) are unsustainable. Human activities have caused, and continue to cause, reduced ecosystem stability and harm to ecosystem services, as highlighted by the notes below. The notes below provide an overview of the key ways in which human activities interfere with natural cycles and ecological systems. Carbon cycle The most significant and wide-ranging effects of human intervention are in relation to the carbon cycle. Burning huge quantities of fossil fuel notably for energy generation and transport has, within generations, returned geological carbon to the atmosphere (as carbon dioxide) from deposits that were created over millions of years. This process drives climate change. Deforestation is also a significant contributor to climate change. It may occur for example when: z Trees are cut down to be used or sold as timber, to produce charcoal or directly as a fuel; z Land is cleared for livestock pasture, plantations of commodities or human settlements. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat, the primary cause of deforestation is agriculture (80%) logging is responsible for 14% and fuel wood removal / charcoal production for 5%. Urbanisation is only responsible for about 1%. Deforestation has adverse impacts on the biosequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The removal of trees without sufficient / appropriate reforestation also results in habitat loss and damage to biodiversity and may lead to increased aridity. Soil erosion is a common problem and areas frequently develop into wasteland. In arid areas this process may lead to flash flooding and landslides and ultimately to desertification. Deforestation may also have an effect on biodiversity. Research undertaken in 2015 in the rainforests of the Island of Borneo revealed that logging makes rainforests more attractive to 33 Element 1 Core environmental principles rats. The fallen wood contains more insects which they like to eat. Black rats usually avoid mature forests as they have less available food. Leafy forest floors are also noisy for rats to run through; this attracts predators. The acidic, anaerobic conditions associated with peat soils mean that they are sinks for another significant greenhouse gas, methane (CH4). Deforestation of these areas or cutting peat for fuel or horticultural purposes can release trapped gas. Recent studies indicate that the world’s largest peat bog, located in Western Siberia and the size of France and Germany combined, is thawing for the first time in 11,000 years as a consequence of climate change. As the permafrost melts, it could release billions of tonnes of methane into the atmosphere. The formation of peat is also often the first step in the geological formation of other fossil fuels such as coal and especially low grade coals such as lignite. Methane is also a significant component (circa 75%) of the landfill gas released from the anaerobic breakdown of putrescible waste. The oceans provide a carbon sink thereby reducing the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. UN scientists anticipate that ocean acidity has more than double in the next 100 years as a consequence of rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. Once dissolved in water, CO2 dissolves to form carbonic acid. The consequential decreased pH levels depress: z Metabolic rates in large predators such as Humboldt Squid; z The immune responses of shell fish such as mussels making them more vulnerable to disease. Other associated chemical reactions decrease the amount of carbonate ions available, making it more difficult for shellfish, pertinent plankton feeders and coral to form biogenic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) leading to shell deformation and coral bleaching. Ecosystems will also change as species with low resistance to change will either move away or remain and fail to thrive with ‘knock on’ repercussions for food webs and human food supplies. Cement manufacturing releases CO2 in the atmosphere both directly when mined calcium carbonate is heated producing lime and CO2 and also indirectly through the use of energy if its production involves the emission of carbon dioxide. The UN estimates that the cement industry produces about 5% of global man-made CO2 emissions, of which 50% is from the chemical process, and 40% from burning fuel. Burning of fossil fuels remains by far the greatest anthropogenic (i.e. man-made) contributor to climate change. Mineral fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and coal constitute major energy sources for industries, transport and heating in our homes. 34 Element 1 Core environmental principles It is estimated that burning of fuels (worldwide) produces around 21.3 billion tonnes (21.3 gigatonnes) of CO2 every year. Part of the CO2 released from fossil fuels is absorbed naturally but the remainder gets caught up in the atmosphere and contributes to global greenhouse gas warming. Nitrogen cycle Nitrous oxide (N2O - also known as nitrogen dioxide or laughing gas) is one of the six most significant greenhouse gases, the others being water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and CFCs. Nitrous oxide is emitted by bacteria in soils and oceans, and is thus a part of Earth’s atmosphere. Human activity is thought to account for 30% of total production with tropical soils and oceanic release account for 70%. The primary anthropogenic source is agriculture. Soil cultivation, especially tilling, the use of supplementary nitrogen fertilisers, and animal waste handling can all stimulate naturally occurring bacteria to produce more nitrous oxide. Intensive livestock rearing, primarily cows, chickens, and pigs, produces 65% of humanrelated nitrous oxide. Industrial sources make up only about 20% of all anthropogenic sources, and include the production of nylon and the burning of fossil fuel in internal combustion engines. Intensive agricultural practices seek to maximise yields while minimising associated labour requirements. The use of supplementary nitrate and phosphate based synthetic fertilisers’ increases the risk of eutrophication (Greek: [eutrophia] meaning healthy, adequate nutrition). 35 Element 1 Core environmental principles Eutrophication While obviously beneficial for many biological processes, in surface waters, an excessive concentration of nitrates and phosphates are considered pollutants. These substances stimulate the growth of green plants and especially green algae and cyanobacteria which reduces the quantity of dissolved oxygen. This process is exacerbated in warm/hot weather and slow moving or stagnant water. Excess growth of these organisms’ results in the creation of dense vegetative mats which further reduces oxygen levels, potentially suffocating fish and animals, while also blocking available sunlight to bottom dwelling species. This cultural eutrophication supplements the natural autumnal eutrophication process which provides a supply of long term nutrients to other wintering water systems. Using untreated human sewage as a fertiliser may also lead to eutrophication and to the spread of disease when pathogenic microorganisms are released to the wider environment; depending on the waste’s constituents, fugitive releases of leachate from poorly controlled landfilled sites may have the same effect Undertaking intensive agricultural practices without access to sufficient fertilisers will eventually lead to poor yields. In some poorer parts of the world valuable animal dung is dried and used as fuel instead of as a fertiliser. This process also deprives soil of the carbon needed to form humus, an important source of plant nutrients, including carbon and nitrogen. Humus also acts as an important binder for soil particles. Low humus soils can readily dry out in low rainfall and / or high winds. Unprotected, dry soil surfaces blow away with the wind or are washed away by flash floods, leaving infertile lower soil layers that bake in the sun and become an unproductive hardpan as exemplified by the Dust Bowls which struck Canada and the United States in the 1930s and the Horn of Africa in the late 1990s. When combined with excessive tillage, overgrazing and deforestation this process can rapidly lead to desertification, especially in already arid areas. 36 Element 1 Core environmental principles Water cycle The harnessing of water flows for irrigation and food production, transport, defence and power has underpinned the development of human civilisation. However, the world population has tripled in the last 100 years. Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population increase during this period due to increased: z Access to personal bathing and toilet facilities; z Availability of washing machines and dishwashers; z Intensive agriculture; z Industrialisation; z Water-based leisure activities. Although there is no global water scarcity as such, an increasing number of regions are chronically short of water and especially clean drinking water. Increased urbanisation will focus on the demand for water among a more concentrated population. Asian cities alone are expected to grow by 1 billion people in the next 20 years. Climate change will modify precipitation patterns leaving some areas wetter and others drier than before. More extreme weather patterns are anticipated including those associated with flooding and drought. Climate change has already resulted in increased acidity of the oceans and glacial decline. Deforestation reduces the content of water in the soil and groundwater as well as atmospheric moisture from transpiration. Desertification constricts the cycle further. Simplification of the landscape and destruction of riparian (i.e. riverbank) forests, wetlands, and estuaries further reduces biodiversity and also encourages the flow of nutrients between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems exacerbating the risk of eutrophication and flooding. Urbanisation increases run off to water courses; concrete and tarmac have a much lower water retention capacity than soil. The construction of dams inevitably changes the flow of water in river systems. It may involve the destruction of human habitats and communities as in the flooding of the Tryweryn and Derwent Valleys in the UK. It may also in extremis cause less resilient non-human species to become extinct, as is suspected to be the case with the Baiji, or Yangtze River Dolphin following construction of the Three Gorges Dam in China. Excessive water abstraction from rivers changes habitats and artificially moves water between different parts of the cycle. It may also result in decreased dissolved oxygen levels 37 Element 1 Core environmental principles in freshwater, especially during the summer. The drawdown of ‘fossil water’ robs future generations of their water supply and is therefore unsustainable as it puts water from long term storage back into circulation. As water vapour is a potent greenhouse gas this process contributes to climate change. It may also lead to rises in sea-levels. Humans may negatively interfere with the water cycle and associated habitats through the disposal / release of eco-hazardous chemicals and also from run off from roads, farms and industry. Phosphorus cycle Humans interfere with the phosphorus cycle by mining it, converting it to fertiliser, and then shipping final products around the globe. As indicated previously, the excessive or inappropriate use of phosphorus based fertilisers is implicated in cultural (i.e. anthropogenic) eutrophication. Surface and subsurface runoff and erosion from high-phosphorus soils may also cause fresh water eutrophication for example during deforestation. As the forest is cut and / or burned during deforestation, nutrients originally stored in plants and rocks are quickly washed away by heavy rains, causing the land to become unproductive. Historically, the use of laundry and personal care detergents contributed to significant concentrations of phosphates in rivers, lakes, and streams, but most detergents no longer include phosphorus as an ingredient. In Europe EU Regulation 648 / 2004 on Detergents forbids the sale of products which do not meet strict biodegradability criteria. Organophosphorus materials may still be found in the environment in the form of flame retardants, plasticisers, pesticides and water treatment chemicals. 38 Element 1 Core environmental principles Ecological systems Over the past century, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of human history.. The demand for provisioning services, such as food, fresh water, timber, fibre and fuel has grown substantially. The changes that have been made to ecosystems have contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being and economic development, but these gains have been achieved at growing costs from the degradation of many ecosystem services and the exacerbation of poverty for some groups of people. Invasive alien species are the second largest cause of biodiversity loss in the world habitat loss associated with increasing human populations. Over hunting, whether for food or sport, has historically been important. However, increasingly this is being replaced by the removal of live species for the exotic pet trade and plants for horticultural use. Habitats are also damaged by pollution and also human conflict. The changing global climate threatens individual species and ecosystems. The distribution of species (i.e. biogeography) is largely determined by climate, as is the distribution of ecosystems and plant vegetation zones (i.e. biomes). Climate change may simply shift these distributions but less resilient plants and animals may not be able to adjust. The pace of climate change almost certainly will be more rapid than most plants are able to migrate. The presence of roads, cities, and other barriers associated with human presence may inhibit distributional shifts for many species. Examples of the Impacts of Human Activities on Natural Ecological Systems, Habitats, Species and Individuals z Resource depletion – such as fossil fuels and rare earth metals; z Change in land use – such as deforestation and intensive agriculture; z Reduced biodiversity at the ecosystem, species and genetic levels; z Species extinction; z Reduced access to critical resources – such as medicines and clean drinking water; z Reduced enjoyment of the land because of damage to ecosystems and declining biodiversity; z Reduced ecological stability affecting resistance, regeneration and eco-succession; z Increased poverty, reduced access to clean water, reduced air quality due to direct and indirect emissions as discussed in Section 1.6. 39 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.6 Pollution sources, pathways and receptors Introduction Pollution is defined simply as the deliberate or accidental introduction of contaminants (i.e. pollutants) into the environment which causes adverse changes. Pollutants may be substances or energy. Pollution can be natural, such as lava flow from an active volcano or overflow from a flooding river. Regulation 2 of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 (as amended) offers a more precise definition with reference to specific environmental media. Pollution definition - Environmental permitting (England and Wales) regulations 2010 … “pollution”, in relation to a water discharge activity or groundwater activity, means the direct or indirect introduction, as a result of human activity, of substances or heat into the air, water or land which may: a. Be harmful to human health or the quality of aquatic ecosystems or terrestrial ecosystems directly depending on aquatic ecosystems; b. Result in damage to material property; or c. Impair or interfere with amenities or other legitimate uses of the environment. “pollution”, other than in relation to a water discharge activity or groundwater activity, means any emission as a result of human activity which may: a. Be harmful to human health or the quality of the environment; b. Cause offence to a human sense; c. Result in damage to material property; or d. Impair or interfere with amenities or other legitimate uses of the environment. 40 Element 1 Core environmental principles Key vocabulary Diffuse (or non-point) source: A broad, non-descript source of pollution such as a flooding river or fertiliser runoff from a field. Once released the pollution from multiple point sources may become a diffuse source as in the case of traffic emissions: Mobile source: Mobile sources can be moved from one location to another such as cars, airplanes and trains. Point source: A single, clearly identifiable source (think: ‘hand over cup’) such as a discharge pipe to natural waters or the combustion stack from an industrial process. Pollution conversion: The reaction of primary pollutants to produce secondary pollutants. Primary pollutant: These pollutants are directly produced from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, carbon dioxide from a car exhaust or furnace stack, or sulphur dioxide from a coal fired power station. Secondary pollutant: Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly but from chemical reactions between primary pollutants. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone. Note: Some pollutants may be both primary and secondary, i.e. they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants, such as ground level ozone (Figure 1.20). The reaction of primary pollutants to produce secondary pollutants is called pollution conversion. The difference between primary and secondary pollutants is summarised in Figure 1.12. Primary pollutants Secondary pollutants Produced directly from a process. Examples include ash from a volcanic eruption or CO2, NOX, SOX and VOCs from a car exhaust These are not emitted directly from a pollution source but are produced by a chemical reaction between primary pollutants. Examples include ground level ozone (produced from the reaction of NOX and VOCs) and acid rain Figure 1.12: Primary and secondary pollutants 41 Element 1 Core environmental principles It is important to remember that in practice most pollutants may be both primary and secondary pollutants, depending how and when they are produced. Main pollution types There are many different types of pollutants and also different ways of classifying them. Three of the most common terms you may hear are: z Inorganic compounds: These materials do not contain carbon. They include, for example heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic; z Organic compounds: These materials contain carbon. They include DDT (a powerful now largely banned insecticide) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) which were historically widely used as insulating oils; and z Organometallic compounds: These are forms when metals react with organic molecules. For example, when combined with organic molecules, elemental mercury forms methylmercury (pollution conversion). Methylmercury is neurotoxin that affects the central nervous system. Methylmercury also can bioaccumulate in the food chain. Tin is an example of a non-toxic metal (used as a lining in food containers) which becomes toxic when it bonds with organic molecules to form Tributyltin (TBT). TBT is widely used as the biocide in antifouling marine paints to discourage the growth of organisms such as barnacles. However, it is extremely toxic to crustaceans such as lobsters. TBT exposure can lead to the development of male characteristics in female snail and bivalve species. The major forms of pollution are summarised in Table 1.1 Pollution type The release of … Air Chemicals, including particulates and aerosols, into the atmosphere Land Chemicals onto or into soil, for example via spills or underground leakage Light Excess light including light trespass, over illumination and astronomical interference Noise Excess / unpleasant sound; typical sources include roadways, aircraft, industry and high intensity sonar 42 Element 1 Core environmental principles Pollution type The release of … Radioactive (or radiological) contamination Radioactive substances on surfaces or within solids, liquids or gases (including the human body), where their presence is unintended or undesirable Thermal Chemicals into water (usually aqueous solutions) which are warmer or colder than the receiving water Visual Nothing; visual pollution is an aesthetic issue and therefore highly subjective. Typical examples include overhead power lines, roadside billboards, fly tipping and scarred former industrial landscapes Water Chemicals into bodies of water Table 1.1: Forms of pollution Pollution linkages Pollutants, whether chemicals such as CO2 or energy such as noise, do not cause pollution unless they reach a receptor (i.e. target) which can be harmed in some way. In order to achieve this, the pollutant must travel to the receptor via a pathway; without this linkage, there can be no pollution. This model is often described as the source-pathway-receptor model (Figure 1.13). Source Example: a spill on the ground from oil drums or tanks Pathway Example: drains through soil to ground water, over hard surfaces Receptor Example: river stream, lake, ground water Figure 1.13: Example of a pollution linkage [source: Pollution Prevention Guideline PPG1] Why are pollutant linkages important? Understanding and be able to predict pollution linkage is a critical component of environmental risk assessments and the associated management of risk, as discussed in Section 4.3. They are also used in the investigation of environmental incidents and accidents, notably by regulators to ‘work backwards’ to determine the cause of a pollution event. 43 Element 1 Core environmental principles Key vocabulary Source: Origin of the pollutant. Examples include leaks and spills from an oil storage tank, road water runoff, by-products of combustion, emissions from an industrial stack, effluent discharges and dumped or poorly managed waste. Receptor: Something which can be adversely affected by a pollutant, such as people, an ecological system property or a body of water. Some scientists may call this a target especially when highlighting human harm or property damage. Pathway: A route or means by which a receptor can be exposed to, or affected by, a pollutant. The most common pathways are: the atmosphere; water (e.g. rivers lakes aquifers, coasts and seas); land (including surface and underground contamination; and groundwater. However animals and plants can also act as pathways, particularly for those pollutants that bio accumulate. Note: when discussing pollution linkage in the context of contaminated land, the term contaminant is often used in preference to pollutant The effects of a pollutant depend on a number of factors as highlighted in Figure 1.14. Chemical and/or biological properties, including reactivity Concentration in the environment Environmental persistance & ability to bioaccumulate Form, i.e. solid, liquid, gas or energy Effects of a pollutant Figure 1.14: Examples of factors which influence the effect of a pollutant 44 Element 1 Core environmental principles The ‘quality’ of the receptor is also crucial, i.e. the stability of an ecosystem, health of an individual, materials of construction for property etc. The concept of pollution linkage can be used to identify both direct and indirect impacts. For example when considering the potential effects of a leak from an underground oil tank or subsurface pipework (Figure 1.23). Source Pathway Receptor Leak from underground oil tank or from subsurface pipework Leaching to groundwater supply Groundwater supply and drinking water supply Figure 1.15: Example of a pollution lnkage in relation to groundwater supply One of the specific hazards in this scenario is the presence of residual benzene (a known carcinogen); this would be of particular concern in relation to the drinking water supply. Simple tables such as the one in Table 1.2 are used to identify specific hazards and their relationship to pollution linkages. Hazard Source Pathway Receptor S-P-R linkage Benzene Underground oil storage tank Leaching Groundwater supply Yes Groundwater supply Public supply Yes water Table 1.2: Example of a table representing pollution linkages 45 Element 1 Core environmental principles Water pollution Water is essential for life; it provides a diverse range of habitats and is also a vital resource for manufacturing industries. However, it is not just the water itself that is important but also the dissolved oxygen contained between its modules. Under normal atmospheric pressure and ambient temperatures, water should contain over 10 mg / l of oxygen to be saturated. The concentration will vary with pressure and temperature but if it falls by 50% to 5 mg / l, fish will become distressed and start to die. Invertebrates are also sensitive and the species present and their relative numbers are a good indicator of water quality. The most significant water pollutants are those which reduce oxygen levels as discussed below. Organic Matter Organic matter is naturally present in surface water from decaying vegetation and runoff from fields. If levels rise significantly oxygen is rapidly consumed due to the action of aerobic bacteria. Common pollutants include sewage, farm slurry, industrial discharges or from spills of organic substances such as milk from farms or tankers. Under normal circumstances, the consumed oxygen is replaced by exchange with the atmosphere at the surface. However, in the presence of a high organic load, the rate of exchange is too low. High water temperatures and low flows decrease oxygen levels further. Photosynthesis replenishes oxygen levels during the day as an inherent part of the Carbon Cycle. However, this stops at night. As aquatic plants and other organisms continue to respire at night, this is when water sources are most vulnerable to deoxygenation. The BOD (biological oxygen demand) test is used to determine the level of organic pollutants in water. A water sample is seeded microorganisms and stored for 5 days in the dark room at 20°C to prevent DO production via photosynthesis. Most pristine rivers will have a BOD level below 1 mg / l. Moderately polluted rivers have values in the range of 2 to 8 mg / l. Due to the length of time required for a BOD test, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) test is commonly used to provide an indirect measure. The test uses a specific indicator reagent. The is less specific as is also measures inorganic compounds which can be chemically oxidised, rather than just levels of biologically active organic materials. 46 Element 1 Core environmental principles Key vocabulary BOD: Biological oxygen demand is a measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. COD: Chemical oxygen demand is an indirect measurement of the amount of pollution (that cannot be oxidised biologically) in a sample of water. Ammonia Ammonia (NH3) from sewage, farm slurry, landfill leachate and contaminated land is directly toxic to aquatic organisms. Oxygen in water oxidises it to nitrite (NO2-) and then to nitrate (NO3-) as part of the Nitrogen Cycle. Nitrates and phosphates Nitrates and phosphates are normally introduced into water from a diffuse source, i.e. fertiliser runoff; excess nitrates may also be produced following ammonia ingress. The resultant excessive growth of water plants, notably algae, restricts oxygen exchange. As algae bacterial decay further reduces oxygen levels as eutrophication progresses. Oil Oil forms a layer on the water surface restricting or even preventing oxygen exchange. It may also coat aquatic plant leaves inhibiting photosynthesis. Pesticides Pesticides used in agriculture and horticulture may reach water courses through run off or drift, both diffuse sources. They remain active in water causing damage to food webs; both target and non-target species may be killed. Acids and alkalis The normal pH for fish and aquatic animals to survive is around 7 to 8. Even moderate changes of pH can cause habitat changes, the creation of secondary pollutants and in extremis the death of animals and plants. Niche species are especially vulnerable. 47 Element 1 Core environmental principles Suspended solids Suspended solids, for example from construction activities or wind-blown dust, increase turbidity. Even moderate levels can restrict fish gills, inhibit hunting behaviour and settle on plants reducing photosynthesis. Once on the river bed, it can bury bottom dwelling organisms leading to a lack of food supply for fish and other aquatic life. The deposition of sediments can also lead to changes to the substratum by creating a blanket of sludge. If organic matter is buried, subsequent anaerobic decomposition may result in the localised production of toxic methane and hydrogen gases. Fish breeding grounds can be destroyed by the deposit of particulate materials filling in gravel beds and natural pools. Flow rate This input of material, even clean water, from a point source with high flow rate may cause scarification of banks and river beds, releasing buried pollutants and disturbing suspended solids. Thermal pollution Water is used as a coolant in power stations and many industrial processes. If this is returned to water courses without re-cooling, it may lead to localised increases in water temperature and decreased oxygen levels; if prolonged, it may promote the growth of bacteria and algae exacerbating the problem. Input of hot or cold water from point sources may provide an ‘invisible barrier’ for fish restricting their movements, changing breeding patterns and modifying food webs. Extreme changes in temperature may result in thermal shock killing fish and invertebrates. 48 Element 1 Core environmental principles Air pollution The most significant air pollutants fall into four distinct categories: z Sulphur compounds; z Nitrogen compounds; z Carbon compounds; z Particulate matter. Sulphur compounds The two oxides of sulphur - sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3) are commonly known as SOX or SOX (pronounced ‘socks’). SO2 is the more common of the two pollutants. It is produced when sulphur containing compounds are heated in the presence of oxygen (O2) and is a significant component of volcanic eruptions. The main anthropogenic sources are the refining metal ores containing sulphides and the combustion of fossil fuels which contain sulphur compounds as impurities. SO2 is directly toxic and can cause death in high concentrations. Long term exposure can cause lung damage and damage to plants. SO2 dissolves in water vapour and also the water in cell tissue to form sulphurous and sulphuric acids. Short term exposure causes lung and eye irritation. When dissolved in water vapour in air, SOX forms a gaseous acid solution with oxides of nitrogen (NOX) compounds which falls as acid rain (Figure 1.24). The consequences of this secondary pollutant include: z Dissolution of metals from soils, especially iron and aluminium leading to soil and water pollution; aluminium reduces fish fertility, gill thickness and mucus production; z Acidification of rivers and seas leading to localised habitat damage due to decreased pH; z Death of coniferous trees; z Damage to steel structures and buildings made of rocks, such as limestone and marble which contain large amounts of calcium carbonate. Acids in the rain react with the calcium compounds in the stones to create gypsum, which then flakes off. Dry deposition occurs in the absence of precipitation, i.e. particles and gases stick to the ground, plants or other surfaces. 49 Element 1 Core environmental principles Gases carried by the wind Gases disolve in rain water and form acid rain Acid gasses (sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides released into atmosphere) Acid rain kills plantlife, pollutes rivers and streams, and erodes stonework Figure 1.16: Acid rain Nitrogen compounds There are three oxides of nitrogen: nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2); collectively they are known as NOX or NOX (pronounced ‘nocks’). As highlighted in the discussion on the Nitrogen Cycle, N2O is predominantly form by microbial activity in the soil and is not normally a significant pollutant. NO and NO2 are formed during combustion processes, notably the combustion of coal and in vehicle exhausts. These are the other primary pollutants, which together with SOX, are implicated in acid rain (Figure 1.16). NOX are also involved in the formation of ground level smog. N2O is an ozone depleting compound. Smog The word smog is a contraction of smoke and fog. It is caused by the physical mixture and chemical reaction of a range of primary pollutants including particulate matter, NOX, SOX and various organic compounds including Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). 50 Element 1 Core environmental principles The extent of pollution conversion and the resultant secondary pollutants present in the mist will depend on the pollutants involved and the associated environmental conditions. The resultant mist typically causes respiratory irritation and exacerbates asthmatic symptoms. Long term exposure is associated with an increased rate of mortality. The reaction is promoted by the presence of a temperature inversion (Figure 1.17) as in the famous London Smog of 1952 which was attributed primarily to the domestic burning of fossil fuels. A variant of smog, photochemical smog was first described in the 1950s. Sunlight acts as a catalyst for the chemical reaction between NOX and VOCs together with other primary pollutants. The resultant mixture of secondary pollutants typically includes aldehydes, NO2, peroxyacyl nitrate, tropospheric (i.e. ground-level ozone) and VOCs. Due to the need for solar radiation, photochemical smog exhibits a distinct diurnal rhythm. All of these harsh chemicals are usually highly reactive and oxidising. Photochemical smog is considered to be a problem of modern industrialisation. It is present in all modern cities, but it is more common in cities with sunny, warm, dry climates and a large number of motor vehicles. The winter sun, low in the sky, supplies less warmth to the Earth’s surface. Warmer air aloft acts as a lid and holds cold air near the ground. Pollution from wood fires and cars are trapped by the inversion. Mountains can increase the strength of valley inversions Figure 1.17: Temperature inversion 51 Element 1 Core environmental principles Carbon compounds The two oxides of carbon are carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The principle source of both is the combustion of fossil fuels. CO is an asphyxiant and is a regular cause of accidental death in enclosed spaces. It is also a highly reactive primary pollutant which is also implicated in ground level smog formation. The role of CO2 in global warming and climate change is discussed separately in Section 1.8. Methane (CH4) is also a greenhouse gas. It is the main constituent of natural gas and occurs with crude oil and in coal mines, where it has been implicated in a number of fires and explosions. It is also produced during anaerobic digestion. Volatile organic compound (VOC) is the term used to describe a range of unrelated solvents which are liquids at normal temperatures and pressures but which release vapour into the atmosphere by evaporation. The most commonly used are petrol and diesel. Common examples used in industrial processes include: z Alcohols such as methanol and ethanol; z Organic acids such as acetic acid; z Acetaldehyde; z Acetone; z Glycols; z Isocyanates. These compounds are used in the manufacture of a wide range of products including plastics, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, paints, varnishes, adhesives and antifreeze. Bioethanol is also increasingly used as a fuel in vehicle engines. VOCs are highly active primary pollutants which are involved in the production of smog. Particulate matter The term particulate matter refers to a wide range of substances including dust, grit, fibres, aerosols, mists, vapours and fumes. The damage caused by these particles is dependent on their size, physical properties and composition. Some, particularly if they are heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury, are toxic. Fibres such as asbestos and cotton can cause disabling lung conditions after a long latency period. 52 Element 1 Core environmental principles The effects of inhaling particulate matter that have been widely studied in humans and animals now include asthma, lung cancer, cardiovascular issues, respiratory diseases, birth defects, and premature death. Particles with a notional diameter of less than ten microns (10µm) (known as PM10’s) can penetrate the deepest part of the lungs, i.e. the bronchioles or alveoli. Particles smaller than 2.5 µm, (PM2.5) are able to penetrate into the gas exchange regions of the lung, and very small particles (< 100 nm) may pass through the lungs to affect other organs. Photosynthesis can be restricted by the presence of sticky soot on leaves and suspended solids, for example from wind-blown dust, are a significant water pollutant. Particulate material is also responsible for dry deposition in acid rain. Stratospheric ozone depletion The ozone layer is the area of the upper atmosphere which contains the highest concentration of ozone (O3). It is produced by the interaction of the UV range of the sun’s rays which cause oxygen (O2) molecules to split and recombine to form O3. This layer absorbs further UV, preventing it from reaching the Earth’s surface. Excessive ground-level UV light: z Increases the risk of sunburn and cancer, especially skin cancer. Sunburn has been noted in non-human species including the great whales; z Increases ground-level ozone; z Reduces photosynthesis in plants; z Cyanobacteria, such of those in associated with rice are particularly sensitive to UV radiation. Levels of ozone in the stratosphere vary from year to year due to fluctuations in meteorological conditions; seasonal ‘holes’ form over the Antarctic during the polar winter. The reduction in stratospheric ozone is caused by the (historical) emission of synthetic compounds, i.e.: z CFCs; z HCFCs; z Methyl chloroform; z Methyl bromide; z Halon. 53 Element 1 Core environmental principles These compounds break down in the atmosphere to form halogen atoms such as chlorine and bromine which in turn break down ozone (Figure 1.18). Following the Montreal Protocol 1987 and subsequent amendments, the manufacture and use of these substances is increasingly restricted / forbidden worldwide. N2O is a naturally occurring ozone depleting substance and is more difficult to control. It is also a greenhouse gas. Scientists currently anticipate that the ‘holes’ in the ozone will close within 50 years based on current knowledge of both the persistence of synthetic ozone depleting substances in the atmosphere and the ongoing seasonal rate of closure. Figure 1.18: Ozone depletion 54 Element 1 Core environmental principles Contaminated land Contaminated land may occur as a consequence of phenomena such as acid rain and also due to natural and man-made disasters. However, most of the contaminated land in the UK is associated with the country’s long industrial heritage, i.e. with: z Mining and extractive industries; z Iron and steel works; z Metal treatment and finishing; z Oil refining, processing and storage; z Chemical and pharmaceutical processing, manufacturing and storage; z Railways an associated sidings and depots; z Iron and steel works; z Sewage treatment and the disposal of treated sewage sludge; z Waste disposal. The common causes of pollution associated with these industries include: z Accidents and spillage, for example when filling, emptying or transporting containers; z Leaks from tanks and pipework, especially where these are underground; z Stack emissions; z Movement of ground or surface water; z Migration of toxic or explosive gases, especially underground; z Demolition of buildings, especially where these contain hazardous building materials such as lead or asbestos. 55 Element 1 Core environmental principles 1.7 Climate change Introduction The word climate is derived from the Greek klima, meaning ‘area’ and is usually used to describe a region’s long term weather patterns. A range of factures are used to measure this, notably average precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures throughout the seasons, hours of sunshine and the frequency of extreme events. The concept of climate change can be used to refer to local and regional differences in weather patterns, but is more often used specifically to mean global climate change. Key vocabulary The Greenhouse Effect is the heating of the surface of the Earth due to the presence of an atmosphere containing greenhouse gases (GHGs) which absorb and emit long-wave (heat) radiation. Without this effect, the Earth’s average temperature would be −19oC, rather than 15oC. The Greenhouse Effect is a natural effect. However, human activity is exacerbating the effect, causing global warming by increasing the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. Global warming is the process by which the average surface temperature on the Earth increases. This is caused primarily by an increase in the amount of GHGs in our atmosphere. Global temperatures increased by 0.85 degrees between 1880 and 2010. [Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)]. The term climate change describes changes in the long-term distribution and severity of weather patterns caused primarily by changes in global temperature. Local climate Local weather patterns are influenced by the following factors: z Altitude: Temperature decreases with height above sea level; as the air becomes less dense, it is able to hold less heat; z The prevailing wind: Incoming cold air decreases temperature and vice versa; z Distance from the sea: Coastal areas experience fewer temperature fluctuations as land heats and cools faster than the sea; 56 Element 1 Core environmental principles z Ocean currents: Warm ocean currents, especially in the North Atlantic moderate the land temperatures of cold areas; z Topography: If moist air is forced to rise and cools, it encourages precipitation; z Vegetation: The type of ground cover affects sunlight absorption and low-level air flow; z Urban development: The presence of dense human populations with associated buildings, transport and industry means that the local climate is normally warmer, less windy and more polluted than rural areas. As discussed previously, smog is associated with polluted urban areas. Regional climate The regional climate depends on a number of factors, of which the most critical is latitude, i.e. distance from the Equator. Globally, the decreasing solar energy absorbed at higher altitudes combined with the rotation of the Earth creates large ‘circulation cells’. The global climate The global climate depends on how much solar energy is retained in the land, air and sea. This in turn is governed by a complex set of interacting cycles, i.e. the atmosphere, hydrosphere (liquid and vaporised water), cryosphere (frozen water), land surface and the biosphere. What is (global) climate change? The term (global) climate change refers to patterns of changes in the Earth’s climate which have happened in the post Industrial Revolution Era. Some of these changes are a result of natural causes but there is now significant quantitative and qualitative evidence which confirms that human activities are underpinning the most significant changes. What are the gauses of climate change? The predominant factors underpinning climate change are: z Increased levels of greenhouse gases; z Human activities; z Solar and orbital variations; z Oceanic circulation; z Volcanic eruptions. 57 Element 1 Core environmental principles Increased levels of greenhouse gases Atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) (Figure 1.27) act as an insular blanket by retaining heat from the sun which keeps the earth warm. Without these gases, the earth would be much colder than it is (Figure 1.28). Excessive, i.e. ‘non-natural’, levels of global warming lead to climate change. The principle GHGs are sometimes called the ‘Kyoto Six’ in reference to the Kyoto Protocol where they were highlighted as the principle gases of concern. They are: z Carbon dioxide (CO2) z Methane (CH4) z Nitrous oxide (N2O) z Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) z Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) z Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) recently added to the original Kayto 6 is NF3 (Nitrogen trifluoride) , HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 are collectively known as the ‘F-gases’. Incoming solar radiation Absorbed in atmosphere by greenhouse gases Radiated out to space Infrared radiation from surface Figure 1.19: Global warming As highlighted throughout this Element, modern industrial practices have increased the atmospheric proportions of all greenhouse gases The key driver however is the burning huge quantities of fossil fuel notably for energy generation and transport has returned geological carbon to the atmosphere (as carbon dioxide) from deposits that were created over millions of years. 58 Element 1 Core environmental principles Key Human Activities The key human activities that contribute to climate change are: Burning of fossil fuels Mineral fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and coal constitute major, but practically speaking non-renewable energy sources for industries, transport and heating in our homes. It is estimated that burning of fuels (worldwide) produces around 21.3 billion tons (21.3 gigatonnes) of carbon dioxide every year. Part of the carbon dioxide released from fossil fuels is absorbed naturally but the remainder is trapped in the atmosphere. Land use Deforestation and other habitat loss can also return carbon stored either in living tissue or soils to the atmosphere. Burning timber releases carbon dioxide, whereas degradation or exploitation of carbon rich soils such as peat can lead to the unintentional release of methane gas. Waste disposal Landfill disposal of waste is a key source of man-made methane emissions in the atmosphere. Poorly managed incineration, i.e. combustion of waste leads to the increased releases of greenhouse gases, notably carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Cooling units Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) previously used as coolants in fridges, freezers and air conditioners are a major source of ozone layer depletion. They have now been replaced by hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs), i.e. the so-called F-gases, some of which have a greater global warming potential than CO2. The use of F-gases is controlled via the EU F-gas regulations which aim to reduce emissions of fluorinated substances with the highest global warming potential (GWP). Key non-human activities Solar and orbital variations Changes in solar energy can affect global temperature. The Royal Society, the National Academy of Science in the UK and the Commonwealth confirms that solar activity contributed to changes in global temperature in the early 20th century. However, satellite measurements show that there has been little change to solar activity in the last 30 years. 59 Element 1 Core environmental principles Oceanic circulation Seas and oceans are key elements in the world’s climate system. They have the capacity to carry a large amount of heat that can radically affect global climatic conditions. Increases in greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, also have an impact on seas and oceans by increasing marine acidity. Volcanic eruptions Volcanic activity may last a couple of days, but its effect may affect the climate for a longer period of time. This is due to the large amount of gas (mainly sulphur dioxide) and ash that are released when a volcanic eruption occurs. These emissions can linger in the atmosphere for several years and affect the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth. The effects of climate change The principle effects of climate change are the ecological and social changes caused by the rise in global temperatures. There is a broad, but not universal consensus within the scientific community that: z Climate change is occurring; z Human activities are the primary driver for this. Evidence of climate change includes the instrumental temperature record, rising sea level, and decreased snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 Report, there is a high level of certainty that most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th Century are due to pollution generated by human activities. Projections of future climate change indicate that there will further global warming, sea level rises and an increase in both the frequency and severity of some extreme weather events. The extent of these changes is not expected to be uniform as they will be influenced by underpinning natural climatic factors. However they are expected to precipitate: z Associated habitat and ecosystem changes; z Increased water and food scarcity exacerbating existing problems in water stressed areas, especially in Africa and Asia; z Increased health problems, notably those associated with heat stress, respiratory distress and water borne infectious diseases spread by flooding. 60 Element 1 Core environmental principles Global action The intergovernmental panel on climate change Global action to tackle the effects of climate change began in the late 1980s. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created in 1988. It was set up by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to prepare, based on available scientific information, assessments on all aspects of climate change and its impacts, with a view to formulating realistic response strategies. The UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol The link between fossil fuels, energy production and climate change underpins international, EU and UK energy policy. The two key policies at international level are the: z The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); z Protocol to the UNFCCC 1997 (i.e. the Kyoto Protocol). The UNFCCC is an international environmental treaty. It was negotiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (i.e. the ‘Earth Summit’) held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. The treaty came into force in March 1994. The objective of the treaty is to: “… stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. The treaty sets no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms and is considered legally non-binding. Instead, the treaty provides a framework for negotiating specific international treaties (i.e. protocols) that may set binding limits on greenhouse gases. The Kyoto Protocol is a complex agreement reflecting the diverse political pressures and economic realities underpinning carbon reduction targets. The Protocol’s major feature is that it places mandatory targets on greenhouse-gas emissions for the world’s leading economies which have accepted it. Commitments are not placed on developing countries reflecting the greater historical role played by developed countries in the current high levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG). 61 Element 1 Core environmental principles Commitments under the Protocol vary from nation to nation. During the first commitment period (2008 to 2012), 37 industrialised countries and the European Community committed to reduce GHG emissions to an average of five percent against 1990 levels. Individual targets ranged from - 8 per cent to +10, all of which were significant reductions in then projected emissions. As these targets were ‘binding’, the agreement offered flexibility in how countries could meet their targets. Partial credit could be gained, for example by: z Carbon trading via the so called ‘green market’; z Engaging in a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project such as a rural electrification project using solar panels or the installation of more energy-efficient boilers; or z Undertake a Joint Implementation project in another country which either provides reduction in emissions at source, or an enhancement of removals by sinks (i.e. forests, which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere). The Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Doha, Qatar on 8 December 2012. The amendment includes: z New commitments from developed countries who are Parties to the Kyoto Protocol for second commitment period from 1st January 2013 to 31 December 2020; z A revised list of greenhouse gases (GHG) to be reported on by Parties in the second commitment period; z Amendments to several articles of the Kyoto Protocol which specifically referenced issues pertaining to the first commitment period and which needed to be updated for the second commitment period. Critically, the Doha Conference also called for more international pressure to develop a universal climate change agreement covering all countries from 2020. The Paris Agreement The most recent United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11 was held in Paris from 30 November to 12 December 2015. It was the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The conference negotiated the Paris Agreement, a global agreement on the reduction of climate change. The final text represented a consensus of the representatives of the 196 parties attending the conference. 62 Element 1 Core environmental principles The aim of the agreement is to: z Hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above preindustrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels; z Increase the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development; z Make finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.” Signatories are also required to commit to “global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible” using ambitious and progressive targets. The agreement will become legally binding if at least 55 countries which together represent at least 55% of global greenhouse emissions: z Sign the agreement at the UN Headquarters in New York between 22nd April 2016 (Earth Day) and 21st April 2017; z Adopt it within their legal systems (through ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession). 175 Parties (174 states and the European Union) signed the treaty on the first day it was open for signature (i.e. Earth Day). Significantly, two of the Parties, the United States and China, jointly represent almost 40% of global emissions. Signing the accord is, of course, only one step in the process. The leaders must also ratify and approve the agreement within their home nations, which could take months or years. On June 1st, 2017, United States President Donald Trump announced that the USA would cease all participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation. During his presidential campaign, he had pledged to withdraw from the pact, saying a withdrawal would help American businesses and workers. In accordance with Article 28 of the Paris Agreement, the earliest possible effective withdrawal date by the USA cannot be before November 4, 2020. This date is four years after the Agreement came into effect in the USA and also after the 2020 presidential election. The White House has since clarified that the USA will abide by the four-year exit process and maintain its commitments under the Agreement, including reporting its emissions to the United Nations. 63 Element 1 Core environmental principles Methods to tackle climate change The consensus among the world’s pre-eminent scientists is that we should be taking appropriate steps to mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Mitigation means, for example, using cleaner energy sources, such as renewable sources and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. It is also necessary to adapt to the current and anticipated effects of climate change, for example by raising the level of flood defences and using water resources more effectively. Other techniques include: z Giving land back to mangroves and everglades, so they can act to break tidal surges during storms; z Opening wildlife migration corridors, so that species can move as the climate changes; z Developing sustainable forms of agriculture that can function on an industrial scale, even as weather patterns vary wildly. Mitigate the effects Adapt how we live Do nothing Figure 1.20: Priority order for managing the effects of climate change Carbon markets Carbon markets put a commodity value on GHG emissions. Schemes such as emissions trading, carbon taxes and voluntary offset have become increasingly common worldwide in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. 64 Element 1 Core environmental principles The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), for example, is a mandatory multi-sector, multi-country cap and trade scheme that is the EU’s primary instrument for regulating carbon emissions from large energy and industrial installations. Large emitters of carbon are given a specific ‘allowance’; if they exceed that allowance, they need to buy carbon credits from those who may have not used their allowance. The nature of the scheme incentivises companies financially to reduce their emissions, and assist member countries in meeting their emission reduction targets. Similarly, the UK’s CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme is designed to encourage large public and private sector organisations to reduce their CO2 emissions and improve their energy efficiency. Some public bodies must participate in CRC no matter how much electricity they consume. Other organisations must meet specific qualifying criteria, notably that: z They had at least one settled half hourly electricity meter; z More than 6000 megawatt hours (MWh) of qualifying electricity supplied on the settled half hourly market. As well as mandatory schemes, carbon may be traded voluntarily. Under this type of scheme, credits are allocated to projects that are carbon ‘positive’, thus allowing businesses, countries and individuals to purchase carbon credits and offset their emissions. SECR 2019 Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) 2019 is the greenhouse gas reporting scheme which has replaced the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) from April 2019 The UK has made it mandatory for large businesses, including charitable organisations, to report their energy and carbon emissions on a yearly basis, as well as any efficiency measures taken throughout their financial year. Who does it apply to ? If your company has two of the following: z more than 250 employees z more than £36m turnover z more than £18m balance sheet total There is an exemption for businesses who use 40 MWh or less over the reporting period, but you’ll need to include a statement confirming your energy use. 65 Element 1 Core environmental principles © Astutis Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this study material may be stored in a retrieval system, reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any electronic, photographic or other means without the express written permission of Astutis Ltd. Applications for written permission to reproduce any part of this study material should be sent to Astutis Ltd., 6 Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QZ. Information sourced from the Health and Safety Executive and Government Departments has been reproduced and / or adapted under the terms of the open government license for public sector information version 3.0, as presented by the National Archives at: Information obtained from other acknowledged and referenced. sources has been properly Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the currency and accuracy of the information contained within Astutis Ltd. bears no liability for any omissions or errors; or any concepts and interpretations advanced by the authors. Version 1.0 2020