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Kazakhstan History State Exam Questions

1. List the sources and books about the tribes on the territory of Kazakhstan in antiquity, the
Middle Ages
2. Tell about the periodization of contemporary Kazakhstan’s history. Historical sources and
historiography of contemporary history of Kazakhstan.
3. What do you know about the socio-economic situation in Kazakhstan in the early 20th century
and migration of Russian and other peasants to the Kazakh lands from central Russia.
4. Tell about the features of the development of industry in the Kazakh land and its colonial
character. Transport. Trade. European capital penetration.
5. Formation of the Kazakh intellectual elite: social composition, education, activity. Qarqaraly
6. Tell about the influence of Jadidism educational ideas. The interaction of the intellectual elite
of the Turkic-Muslim peoples and the Russian Empire.
7.The Kazakh steppe during the First World War. The national liberation uprising in 1916.
8.The February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, its causes and consequences. and its
influence on Kazakhstan.
9.The political crisis in the summer in 1917. The July All-Kazakh Congress and the decision on
the formation of the Alash party. Party program.
10. What do you know about The October overturn and the establishment of Soviet power in
Kazakhstan . The All-Kazakh Congress in December 1917.
11. Formation of the Government of Alash Orda (People's Council), chaired by A. Bokeikhanov.
The decision to the form the Alash Autonomy.
12. Formation of the Turkestan Autonomy (Kokand Autonomy) Government in Kokand.
Memories by M. Shoqai.
13. The policy of "War Communism". Announcement amnesty to the government of Alash Orda.
Criticism of Bolshevik ideas in letters by A. Baitursynov to V. I. Lenin.
14. The creation of Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic. Command and
Administrative Problem solution of territorial boundaries of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) ASSR.
KazASSR and Turkestan Republic. Integration of Kazakh lands in the Kazakh Autonomous
Soviet Socialist Republic.
15. Muslim Bureau and Turk commission: the struggle for political power. The Basmach
16. The formation of the Bolshevik regime in Kazakhstan. Land and water reforms in
Kazakhstan. New Economic Policy (NEP) in Kazakhstan.
17.The strengthening of power and influence of the Communist Party in public life. The idea of
"Small October" by F.I. Goloshchekin.
Decisions of the Kazakh Regional Party Committee on the land issue.
18.Stalin repressions and their consequences. Political distrust and the forced deportation of
peoples to Kazakhstan.
19. Positions of the Kazakh public figures on the issue of industrialization. Features of
industrialization in Kazakhstan.
20. The policy of Sovietization as a destruction of the traditional Kazakh society. Confiscation of
Bay farms and its political and economic consequences. The forced transition of nomadic and
semi-nomadic Kazakh farms to sedentary.
21. Methods and rates of collectivization. Violation of the principles of voluntariness. The
liquidation of kulak farms. "Letter of Five".
22. Demographic consequences of hunger. The plight of agriculture in Kazakhstan in 1930s. The
consequences of the class-party principle in social and political life, culture, education and
23. Creation of education system. Fight against illiteracy. Socialist realism in literature and art.
Theater and musical art. Creative activity of writers and composers of Kazakhstan.
24. The main directions of foreign and domestic policy of the Soviet state before the Second
World War. Socio-political, socio-economic and cultural situation in Kazakhstan. The beginning
of War.
25. The Labor feat of Kazakhstani in the rear front during the War (1941-1945). The heroism of
workers. Evacuation of peoples, industrial enterprises and cultural facilities in the regions of
26.Participation of Kazakhs in the front-line actions and partisan movement. Heroes of the
Soviet Union from Kazakhstan. Results and lessons of the Second World War.
27. Kazakhstan in the Post-War years. The complexity of the transition to peaceful construction.
Problems and difficulties in the national economy of Kazakhstan.
28. Positive changes in education and science Post-War years. Creation of seven years education
system. The opening of higher and secondary special educational institutions. Formation of the
vocational education system. Final creation of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences.
29. Criticism of Stalin’s "Personality Cult" period. Political rehabilitation of state and public
30. Events in Temirtau. Increased restrictions in the national question. The incomplete nature of
reform actions.
31. T.Rysqulov, his role in the history of Kazakhstan.
32. Ideological crisis. The hidden opposition of the intellectuals and the activities of dissidents.
The role of informal student organizations by Kazakh youth in national identity (“Jas Tulpar”).
33. The ecological tragedy of Kazakhstan in the XX century: ecological disaster, causes and
The tragic damage inflicted on the Kazakh people by the Soviet regime.
34. Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (1949-1991), its causes and consequences. Genetic changes,
mass distribution cancer and mental illness among the local population as a result of atomic
35. Policy of liquidation of illiteracy in 20 years ("Red yurts"), its reasons and results.
36. The process of establishment of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan.
37. The participation of Kazakhstan in restoration of the Soviet economy after the Second World
38. The national-liberating revolt of 1916 (causes, peculiarities, main locations).
39. "Cultural revolution" - the basis of socialism construction (1920-1940). The achievements.
40. Socio-economic development of the Soviet Kazakhstan in the 1960s. Policy of Tselina
41. Main battles in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945. The heroes of Kazakhstani at the battle
42. The doctrine of the Russian Turkism. The role of "Ittifaq al-Muslimin" in the consolidation of
the Turkic-Muslim peoples
43. The program of industrialization of Kazakhstan 1925-1939. Its positive and negative
44. The role and place of movement "Alash Orda" in the history of Kazakhstan. The secular elite
of Kazakhstan in the early 20th century.
45. Solid collectivization of agriculture in the USSR and Kazakhstan (1928-1940). Its results and
46.Describe the situation in Kazakhstan during repressions in Kazakhstan in 1936-1938
47.Analyze the Transfer of the capital from Almaty to Astana\Nur-Sultan
48.Tell about the activity of Kunayev D.A. as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. Define the achievements of policy.
49.Describe the Socio-economic development of the Soviet Kazakhstan in the 1960s: explain
the Policy of Tselina (1954) as a famous campaign.
50.Define the reasons of migration and famine in 1920-30 in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
51.What the results of the national conflicts in the Soviet Union in 1980s`?
52.State the main battles in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 and Name The heroes of
Kazakhstani at the battle fields
53.Tell about the continuity of state program and strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2020, 2030 and 2050
54.Tell about the December events of 1986 in Almaty and in other cities of the republic and
their true causes.
55.Explain the collapse of the Soviet Union: define the causes and consequences on
Kazakhstan. The formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
56.Analyze the Adoption of the “Law on Language” and its meaning.
57.Tell about the “Strategy“ Kazakhstan-2050 ”: a new political course of the established
58.The impact of Nazarbayev on establishment of the Peace in the World.
59.Tell about the Definition of a state development strategy for an independent Kazakhstan.
60.Analyze the relationships Kazakhstan and the European Union (1991-2019).
61.Tell about the creation of the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Creating a
national army.
62.Analyze the Kazakhstani model of economy in the XXI century.
63.What does mean “The Letter of Five”, tell about the Letter of T.Ryskulov to Stalin - the
bitter truth.
64."Towards a competitive Kazakhstan, a competitive economy, a competitive nation"
Describe this Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
65.Tell about the key points of Kazakhstan`s foreign policy (1991-2019)
66.Describe the political parties in contemporary Kazakhstan.
67.Tell about the program of Kazakhstan: Industrial and Innovation strategies.
68.Describe the Stalin period: life and political activities in Kazakhstan. Repressions of the
69.Tell about the interethnic and demographic situation after the getting Independence of
70.Describe the Development of state identity, strengthening civil peace and political
71.Analyze the New economic policy "Nurly Zhol - the path to the future" - Kazakhstan’s
response to global challenges
72.Explain the main directions “The Perestroika” policy in Kazakhstan (1985). Tell about the
December uprising in 1986 in Alma-Ata.
73.Tell about the main stages of the unification of the people of Kazakhstan as a One Nation.
74.Tell about the formation and the role of the CIS.
75.Compare the policies of “military communism” and NEP in Kazakhstan (1918-1925) (the
main economic aspects).
76.Tell about the reform in education sphere and the signing of the Bologna Declaration.
77.Explain the notion “Alash Orda”. Define the purpose and significance of the political
78.Describe the policy by Goloschekin "Small October", and its consequences as a tragedy
for the Kazakh people
79.Describe the state symbols of Kazakhstan.
80.Analyze the migration, demographic processes in Kazakhstan, changes in the ethnic
structure of the population.
81.Describe economic, social and political developments during “stagnation period”. Define
the causes and affect the Soviet Kazakhstan.
82.Tell about "the concept of the formation of the state identity of the Republic of
83.Describe the relationships between Kazakhstan and the Great Britain.
84.Classify the Soviet government's policy in Kazakhstan in the field of education in the
85.Define the importance for Kazakhstan of holding EXPO-2017.
86.Presidential program "Intellectual Nation 2020" and its significance.
87.Describe the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and collaborations with
88.Describe the formation of an innovative model of education.
89.Describe the Kazakhstan Declaration of Sovereignty on the 25th of October 1990, and
Declaration of Independence in December 16th , 1991.
90.Talk about the history of spiritual and social development of Kazakhstan (1991-2019).
91.Interethnic harmony is the basis for strengthening independence and democracy in the
Republic of Kazakhstan. Agree or disagree with this statement and determine why?
92.Tell about the development of political systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan
93.Tell about the 1st Civil Forum and its significance for society.
94.State priorities of the economic development according program Kazakhstan 2050
95.Define the value of the work "The strategy of the development of Kazakhstan as a
sovereign state"
96.Tell about the first world kurultai of the Kazakhs.
97.Tell about 1st Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Astana (2003).
98.Analyze the reasons of the collapse of the USSR and tell about the formation of the CIS.
99.Tell about the Modern Kazakhstan as the heir of the Great Steppe
100.Describe the aims and objectives of the "Concept of the formation of the state identity of
the Republic of Kazakhstan".
101.History of the Kazakhstan national currency tenge (1991-2019)
102.Tell about the multi-ethnic Kazakhstan and role of the Assembly of Kazakhstan People.
103.Describe the main idea of book by N.A. Nazarbayev «People in the stream of history»
104.Talk about Nur-Sultan – a new capital of the RK
105.Analyze the program "100 steps" main contents.
106.Tell us about the importance of article «7 aspects of the Great steppe».
107.Describe the role of the Elbasy, the Leader of the Nation in the political system of
108.Tell about works of sons of the Great Steppe: Al Farabi, Zhusip Balasagun, Mahmut
Kashgari, Khoja Ahmet Yassaui.
109.Tell about evolution of the Kazakhstani Military Force (1991-2019).
110.Tell about the achievements of the Kazakhstani Government (1991-2019).
111.Analyze the significance of the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh
112.Talk about the role of the Prime Minister in the political system of the Republic of
113.Tell about the history of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Constitution of
1993, Constitution of 1995)
114.Analyze the value of the manifesto "Peace. XXI century".
115.Tell about the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru”.
116.Give description «Tenge» as the national currency of the independent Kazakhstan.
117.Analyze the program “Kazakhstan-2050” as a new development strategy.
118.Analyze the role and function of the Assembly of Kazakhstan People.
119.Summarize the role of Kazakhstan’s Chairship in the OSCE in 2010.
120.Tell about the foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan. Name the social development
priorities according The Strategic Program “Kazakhstan-2050”
121.Explain the term “Kazakhstan is the successful experience of multiethnic state”.
122.Summarize and determine the value of the work "The strategy of the development of
Kazakhstan as a sovereign state"
123.Describe the role of the Nur Otan party in the political system of the Republic of
124.Tell about the main ideas of books by N.A. Nazarbayev "In the flow of history" and
"Kazakhstani way"
125.Describe the main idea of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru”.
126.Describe historical significance of the program “Nurly Jol - WAY TO THE FUTURE”
126.Describe and explain the State symbols of Kazakhstan.
127.Explain the main priorities of the strategic development program “Kazakhstan-2030”
128.Explain the “Mangilik El” as the ideological future of Kazakhstan
129.Analyze the role of the United Nations in the world and place of Kazakhstan in
130.Analyze the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995 and its changes 2017.
131.Tell about the program "Nurly Jol" on the road to prosperity.
132.Analyze Kazakhstan as the new nation in the system of international relations.
(Membership in UNO and other organizations).
133.Tell about Kazakhstan Development Strategy -The program “Kazakhstan-2030”.
134.Analyze the role of relationships between members of SCO - Shanghai Cooperation
Organization and Kazakhstan.
135.Analyze the program "100 steps" main contents.