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WWI Essay Plan: Germany's Role & US Entry

Essay Plan
Point - A large sum of historian’s opinion on the events in Germany is that it led to the allies victory
Evidence - starvation throughout Germany due to abdication of Kaiser and naval blockade
Explanation – The abdication of the Kaiser had a large effect on Germany: Germany lost 13% of its
land and 12% of its population to the Allies. This land made up 48% of Germany's iron production
and a large proportion of its coal productions limiting its economic power. The German Army was
limited to 100,000 soldiers, and the navy was limited to 15,000 sailors. The new government also
didn’t have the same hunger for war. The British Blockade had a significant effect on the German
population This strategy proved effective, cutting off vital military and civilian supplies and helping
the Allies to eventually win the war. It also led to the fact that malnutrition became increasingly
common amongst Germans.
Link – The naval blockade led to the German public experiencing starvation, dying and suffering
which led them to protest against the Kaiser which led to his abdication and then replacement, then
ultimately a new government took over who had no appetite for war.
Point – Many historians believe USA’s entry into the war was the main reason for the allies victory
Evidence – USA declaration of war on Germany 6th April 1917
Explanation – It had a major impact on the war and had a psychological impact on Germany, I say
this because the US navy was ranked third largest in the world at that time and to back this up, in
summer 1918 they landed 1,000,000 troops in France and the U.S. made its major contributions in
terms of supplies, raw material, and money.
Link – If the USA did not step into the war, the allies wouldn’t have had as many war materials and
money and would ultimate starve due to the fact that they heavily relied on the USA to supply these.
The USA support positively impacted the allies and negatively impacted Germany
Conclusion – To conclude, I agree that the allied victory was indeed led by the events in Germany
because the German public and citizens lacked and lost support for the war because of the
starvation, suffering and desire to abdicate and replace the Kaiser.