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Projection Techniques: Word Association & Animalization

Projection Techniques :
Word Association: Animalisation
A Qualitative Methods presentation by
Lamia Abbasbayli
Kais Ben El Hadj
Word Association: Animalisation
Subjects are required to respond to a
series of words with the first
animal/species that comes to their minds.
Subjects are required to answer various questions like :
- If XYZ was a category of animals, what would it be ?
- What kind of animal would XYZ be ?
- If XYZ was an animal, would it crawl, swim or fly ? Why do you think
that ?
- If XYZ was an animal, what kind of habitat would they live in?
Savanna, forest, sea or what?
- If XYZ was an animal, what kind of sound would it make?
- If XYZ was an animal, which kind of abilities does this animal have? Is
it strong, wise, fast or what?
- If XYZ was an animal, will it be domestic or a wild animal?
In what kind of context should we use animalisation
as a technique ?
The two most commun situations for using animalisation
techniques in Focus Group Interviews are :
- When the goal of the company is to create
advertisment campains featuring animals
- When a company wants to use animals as their logos
or brand mascots
What is the meaning behind using certain animals ?
Each animal is associated with certain traits and characteristics,
whether inspired from folkloric myths or scientific facts.
Brand who want to be associated with these certain characteristic
use animals in their logos/adverstisements as subliminal
messaging to their clients, in order not to convey those
characteristics explicitly
https://youtu.be/bH8icl03Puo - Cannes Lions classics: animals in
https://youtu.be/uJAAfJ1P0G4 - Colgate Herbal White - Mr
Beaver 2003
https://youtu.be/v-mmzouTABA - Duracell Running Bunny
When you think of royalty and elegance in the animal
kingdom, you’d be right to picture a graceful swan—so it’s no
wonder the Austrian crystal maker Swarovski uses one in their
The car manufacturer Jaguar is another example of how a brand
can use the characteristics and qualities of an animal to showcase
its brand values. The leaping feline in Jaguar’s logo showcases the
beauty, swiftness, and power of their cars
These companies didn’t choose their animals by picking them out of a hat. A lot of thought and
research went into selecting an animal that perfectly aligns with their brand message.
How many times have you heard
these sayings?
– Sly like a fox
– An elephant never forgets
– Fast as a cheetah
– Loyal as a dog
– Quick as a cat
– Strong as an ox
What are some commun values associated with certain
animals ?
Owls = Wisdom
Fox = Cunning, tricksters and intelligent
Cats = Cool, sly, charming and clever
Lions = Proud, brave, magestic, noble