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Dark current mechanisms in stabilized
amorphous selenium based
detectors for
x-ray imaging applications
Cite as: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29, 031603 (2011); https://doi.org/10.1116/1.3580902
Submitted: 06 January 2011 • Accepted: 20 March 2011 • Published Online: 14 April 2011
S. A. Mahmood and M. Z. Kabir
Dark current in multilayer stabilized amorphous selenium based photoconductive x-ray
Journal of Applied Physics 112, 014502 (2012); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4730135
Dark current in multilayer amorphous selenium x-ray imaging detectors
Applied Physics Letters 92, 223506 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2938888
Columnar recombination for X-ray generated electron-holes in amorphous selenium and its
significance in a-Se x-ray detectors
Journal of Applied Physics 119, 124511 (2016); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4944880
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29, 031603 (2011); https://doi.org/10.1116/1.3580902
© 2011 American Vacuum Society.
29, 031603
Dark current mechanisms in stabilized amorphous selenium
based n-i detectors for x-ray imaging applications
S. A. Mahmooda兲 and M. Z. Kabir
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd.
West, Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8, Canada
共Received 6 January 2011; accepted 20 March 2011; published 14 April 2011兲
The dark current behavior under operating bias is one of the important selection criteria for an x-ray
photoconductor to be usable in a practical x-ray image detector. The authors have developed an
analytical model for describing the transient and steady-state behavior of dark current in n-i-type
amorphous selenium 共a-Se兲 detectors by considering carrier injections from the metal contacts and
thermally generated carriers. It has been found that the thermal generation current is almost two
orders of magnitude smaller than the total steady-state dark current in n-i-type a-Se detectors. The
main source of dark current is the injection of holes from the metal/n-layer interface which is
described by the diffusion theory. The hole injection from the metal depends on the blocking layer
共n-layer兲 thickness, the concentration of trap centers in the blocking layer, the characteristic carrier
release time, and the effective barrier height. The fitting of the first principles model with the
experimental results estimates the concentration of deep hole trap center in the n-layer, the trap
depth from the valence band edge, and the effective barrier heights for the injecting carriers. The
electron injection varies with the work function of the contact metal. © 2011 American Vacuum
Society. 关DOI: 10.1116/1.3580902兴
Amorphous selenium 共a-Se兲 in stabilized form 共a-Se alloyed with 0.2%–0.5% As and doped with 10–40 ppm Cl兲 is
one of the best candidates for direct conversion flat panel
x-ray imager 共FPXI兲.1–3 The stabilized a-Se based x-ray detectors with an active matrix array 共AMA兲 can provide excellent x-ray images, have been commercialized for mammography and general radiography, and have potentials for
use in fluoroscopy and portal imaging.4 In flat panel detectors, a stabilized a-Se structure is sandwiched between two
parallel electrodes on top of an AMA. A FPXI has to be
operated under a large applied electric field
共⬃5 – 10 V / ␮m兲 to get a reasonably good quality image.5,6
The current that flows due to the applied bias through the
detector in the absence of radiation or light is called dark
current. It is important to consider the dark current magnitude of a photoconductive detector for its use in x-ray imaging applications. The dark current has many unwanted effects
in FPXIs. The dark current is a source of noise that is added
to the signal. It limits the dynamic range due to the accumulation of undesirable charge on the pixel capacitor.1,7 The
charge carriers can be trapped in the a-Se layer during the
flow of dark current, which modifies the internal field and
therefore changes the photogeneration efficiency across the
thickness of the photoconductor layer.1 Therefore, the dark
current should be as small as possible 共preferably smaller
than 100 pA/ cm2兲 for diagnostic x-ray imaging
Under normal operating bias 共that creates an applied electric field of ⬃10 V / ␮m兲 the dark current in a simple
Electronic mail: sh_mahmo@encs.concordia.ca
031603-1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29„3…, May/Jun 2011
共⬃1 – 100 nA/ cm2兲, which is unacceptable for x-ray imaging applications.2,9 It is believed that the main source of this
high dark current is the injection of carriers from the metal
contacts since the bulk thermal generation current is negligible due to the large mobility gap of a-Se.1,10 Recent experiments on a-Se detectors have shown that low dark current
can be achieved in a multilayer detector where thin blocking
layers are used between the intrinsic layer 共i-layer兲 of a-Se
and the metal contacts.11–13 The blocking layers are p- and
n-type layers which are appropriately doped to serve as unipolar conducting layers that can easily trap electrons and
holes, respectively, but allow the transport of oppositely
charged carriers.14 This signifies that the p and n layers have
a very high concentration of deep trap centers for electrons
and holes, respectively.10 The intrinsic a-Se is slightly p-type
and thus the Fermi level EF at zero bias is ⬃0.045 eV below
the midgap.15 The p- and n-type a-Se are defined by the
relative magnitude of mobility-lifetime product ␮␶. In case
of n-type a-Se ␮h␶h Ⰶ ␮e␶e, although the exact position of the
Fermi level is not known. The subscripts e and h represent
electrons and holes, respectively. The p-layer is usually
As2Se3 and the n-layer is alkaline doped a-Se.11
The dark current in the a-Se based detector has been measured by Kasap et al. for different structures: a single intrinsic layer, i-n and p-i double layers, and p-i-n triple
layers.1,9,11 The dark current in a-Se detectors may have two
origins: 共i兲 carrier injections from the metal contacts to the
selenium layers and 共ii兲 thermally generated carriers in the
bulk. After applying the bias voltage across the detector, the
high dark current decays with time and, most of the cases,
reaches a plateau within the time range of 100–1000 s.16 In
our previous publication,10 we have explained the transient
©2011 American Vacuum Society 031603-1
031603-2 S. A. Mahmood and M. Z. Kabir: Dark current mechanisms
behavior of dark current in a-Se based p-i-n detectors by
considering carrier injections from the metal contacts using
diffusion theory and trapping in the blocking layers.17 The
carrier injection mechanism in low-mobility semiconductors
共typically ␮ ⬍ 1 cm2 / V s兲 is described by the diffusion
theory.17 However, at a very high field the carrier injection
modeled by the thermionic-emission-diffusion theory is more
applicable. In this article, we have extended our previous
model by incorporating the thermal generation current and
the injection current following the thermionic-emissiondiffusion theory. We have developed an analytical expression
for the steady-state thermal generation current by solving the
continuity equations for both electrons and holes. The time
and voltage dependent total dark current is obtained by adding the thermal generation current with the injection current.
The model is applied to n-i and metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal
structures. We calculate the level of thermal generation current in n-i structures and compare it with the total dark current. We analyze the transient and steady-state dark current
behavior in n-i structures as a function of the applied electric
field, n-layer thickness, and various metal contacts. We compare our model with the published experimental results for
several n-i structures. The comparisons of the dark current
model with the experimental results evaluate few important
parameters of the n-layer such as trap center concentrations
and barrier heights.
In a-Se based n-i structures, the contacts are generally
blocking in nature and the carrier injection is mainly controlled by the Schottky emission. After injection, carriers
drift in the a-Se layer through shallow-trap controlled
transport.18 The carrier injection from the metal to the semiconductor depends on the internal electric field at the
metal/a-Se interface. It is believed that the electric field right
after applying bias is uniform but quickly becomes nonuniform due to high initial current and high carrier trapping in
the blocking layer.1 The steady-state electric field profile before applying any radiation in the a-Se based n-i structure is
shown in Fig. 1. It is assumed that the carrier trapping, over
a long time, is effectively uniform in the n-layer and the
trapping in the intrinsic layer is negligible as compared to
trapping in the n-layer. This is a reasonable assumption since
the density of deep trap centers for holes in the n-layer is
much higher than that in the intrinsic layer.14
In a-Se the carrier mobility is independent of electric field
under normal operating bias. As a result the drift velocity of
the carrier would be proportional to the instantaneous electric field at the metal/semiconductor interface. Therefore, the
injected current densities due to hole and electron injections
can be written as
Jh共t兲 = eNVvdh共t兲
␸h − ␤s冑F1共t兲
exp −
vdh共t兲 + vR
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 29, No. 3, May/Jun 2011
Top electrode
Trapped holes
FIG. 1. Simplified schematic diagram of the a-Se based n-i structure showing the time-dependent electric field profile. The dashed line represents the
initial uniform electric field and the solid line represents the field distribution sometime after the application of field.
Je共t兲 = eNCvde共t兲
␸e − ␤s冑F2共t兲
exp −
vde共t兲 + vR
where e is the elementary charge, F1共t兲 is the instantaneous
electric field at the metal/n-layer interface, F2共t兲 is the instantaneous electric field at the metal/i-layer interface, ␤s
= 冑共e3 / 4␲␧s兲 is the Schottky coefficient, ␧s 共=␧0␧r兲 is the
permittivity of the photoconductor, T is the absolute temperature, k is the Boltzmann constant, vR = AⴱT2 / eNC is the
thermal velocity, Aⴱ is the effective Richardson constant,
NV共C兲 is the effective density of states in the valence 共conduction兲 band, vd共t兲 ⬇ ␮0F共t兲 is the instantaneous drift velocity of the injected carriers, ␮0 is the band mobility of carriers, and ␸ is the effective barrier height for injecting carriers
from metal into the a-Se layer considering the effect of surface states. The total injection current density Jinj共t兲 = Je共t兲
+ Jh共t兲.
Once the carriers are injected into the a-Se layer, they
move by drift mechanism 共diffusion component of current is
negligible compared to its drift component because of very
high applied field as described in the Appendix兲. Therefore,
Jh共t兲 ⬇ e␮h p共t兲F1共t兲 in the a-Se layer, where ␮h is the effective drift mobility of holes considering shallow trapping.19
Therefore, the drifting hole and electron concentrations near
the interfaces are
p共t兲 = NV
␸h − ␤s冑F1共t兲
exp −
␮h vdh共t兲 + vR
n共t兲 = NC
␸e − ␤s冑F2共t兲
exp −
␮e vde共t兲 + vR
The instantaneous electric fields F1共t兲 and F2共t兲 are determined by solving Poisson’s equation in a-Se layers and are
given by
031603-3 S. A. Mahmood and M. Z. Kabir: Dark current mechanisms
F1共t兲 = F0 −
Ln − n pt共t兲,
冋 冉
p共x兲 = gh␶h 1 − exp −
␮ h␶ hF 0
The hole current density is given by
e L2n
F2共t兲 = F0 +
␧ 2L
where F0 共=V / L兲 is the applied field, V is the bias voltage, L
is the total photoconductor thickness, Ln is the n-layer thickness, and pt共t兲 is the instantaneous trapped hole concentration in the n-layer. The time-dependent trapped hole concentration can be determined by solving the trapping rate
equation in the n-layer. If we consider trap filling and carrier
detrapping from a single discrete state, the trapping rate
equation for holes is
= C tN t
p共t兲 −
where Ct is the deep trapping capture coefficient, Nt is the
concentration of the deep trap centers in the n-layer, and ␶r is
the release time constant for the trapped holes. The release
time ␶r is related to the trap depth Et by ␻−1
0 exp共Et / kT兲,
where ␻0 is the attempt-to-escape frequency. The relation
between ␻0 and Ct can be determined by the principle of
detailed balance, which gives ␻0 = NVCt.20,21
The steady-state thermal generation current in a-Se arises
from the carriers excited from the deep states near Fermi
level to the band edges of the intrinsic layer. The n-layer is
much thinner compared to the intrinsic layer and there is
negligible trapped charge in the intrinsic layer. Therefore, the
electric field is constant throughout the i-layer and nearly
close to the applied field 共F0兲. Considering uniform thermal
emission of trapped carriers throughout the i-layer, the continuity equation for holes can be written as
⳵ p共x,t兲
⳵ p共x,t兲
+ ␮ hF 0
= − p共x,t兲 + gh ,
where ␶h and p are the effective charge carrier lifetime and
the concentration of holes, respectively. The lifetime ␶h is
related to trap center concentration in the intrinsic layer by
共␮h / ␮0hCtNt兲. The lifetime in a-Se is easily measured by
interrupted field time-of-flight experiments.22 In a-Se the
trap levels are likely to be charged defect 共positive or negative兲 and thus field enhanced thermal generation occurs.15
The thermal generation rate is dominated by the emission
from traps within kT of the Fermi level. The generation rate
for holes and electrons can be expressed as23
gh = N共EF兲kT␻0 exp关− 共EF − EV − ␤ pf 冑F0兲/kT兴,
ge = N共EF兲kT␻0 exp关− 共EC − EF − ␤ pf 冑F0兲/kT兴,
where N共EF兲 is the density of states of a-Se at energy EF
near the midgap, EV共C兲 is the valence 共conduction兲 band
edge, and ␤ pf = 冑共e3 / ␲␧s兲 is the Poole–Frenkel coefficient. In
Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲 it is assumed that N共EF兲 is constant over kT
near EF. At steady state, the solution of Eq. 共8兲 is
JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
Jsh =
e ␮ hF 0
Therefore, the steady-state thermal generation current is
Jse共h兲 = e␮e共h兲␶e共h兲F0ge共h兲 1 −
再 冉
1 − exp
After adding the transient and the steady-state current, the
time and voltage dependent total dark current in the a-Se
based n-i detector is
J共t兲 = Jinj共t兲 + Jse + Jsh .
The developed dark current model is verified with the
published experimental data. The band mobilities of electrons and holes are ␮0e = 0.1 cm2 / V s and ␮0h
= 0.3 cm2 / V s, whereas their effective mobilities are ␮e
= 0.003 cm2 / V s and ␮h = 0.12 cm2 / V s.24,25 The parameters ␻0 = 1012 / s, ␧r = 6.7, ␶e = 7.3⫻ 10−4 s, ␶h = 7.1⫻ 10−5 s,
EC − EF = 1.155 eV, and EF − EV = 1.065 eV are taken in the
calculations.15,24 The effective density of states is assumed to
be NC = NV = 1019 / cm3 in all layers and the density of states
near midgap in the i-layer is N共EF兲 = 1014 cm3 / eV.15,26 Unless otherwise specified all the parameters mentioned above
are fixed for all the theoretical calculations in this article.
Other parameters such as effective barrier height 共␸兲, trap
center concentration 共Nt兲, and trap depth in the n-layer depend on the fabrication processes and, therefore, these are
considered as fitting parameters in the model. Assuming Aⴱ
= 120 A / cm2 K2 and T = 295 K, the thermal velocity vR
⬃ 6.5⫻ 106 cm/ s. At a very high field of 100 V / ␮m vdh
⬃ 3 ⫻ 105 cm/ s. Even at a very high field vdh in a-Se is
approximately one order of magnitude smaller than the thermal velocity. Since vR Ⰷ vdh, the hole injection current is
dominated by vdh 关Eq. 共1兲兴. Figure 2 shows the dark current
density as a function of time for the n-i structure. The symbol represents the experimental data and the solid line represents the theoretical fit to the experimental data. The experimental result has been extracted from Fig. 5 of Ref. 1. The
total photoconductor thickness is 130 ␮m and the n-layer
thickness is 20 ␮m. The proposed model has a good agreement with the experimental result. We consider two discrete
deep trapping states for holes in the n-layer to fit the experimental data. The depths of these two trapping states are 0.78
eV 共␶r1 = 13 s兲 and 0.83 eV 共␶r2 = 87 s兲 from the mobility
edge of the valence band. This result is equivalent to a broadened state of width ⬃0.05 eV. The fitted parameters are
Nt1 = 1.9⫻ 1015 / cm3, Nt2 = 4 ⫻ 1014 / cm3, ␸h = 0.85 eV, and
031603-4 S. A. Mahmood and M. Z. Kabir: Dark current mechanisms
Experimental results
Experimental results
Theoretical hole injection current
n−i structure
n−layer thickness 20 µm
Total thickness 130 µm
Field, F = 10 V/µm
Theoretical electron injection current
Theoretical thermal generation current
n−i structure
Time after applying bias (s)
FIG. 2. Dark current density in the n-i structure as a function of time at
10 V / ␮m applied field. The symbol represents experimental data and the
solid line represents the theoretical fit to the experimental data 共Ref. 1兲.
␸e = 0.99 eV. The concentration of deep hole trap center in
the n-layer is found to be ⬃1014 – 1015 / cm3. 共Note that the
concentration of deep trap centers in the i-layer is in the
range of 1012 – 1013 / cm3.兲15 The trapped hole concentration
pt increases with time and its saturation value is ⬃1.96
⫻ 1014 / cm3. It has been found that the thermal generation
current is ⬃6.6⫻ 10−5 nA/ cm2, whereas the carrier injection
current is ⬃5.9⫻ 10−3 nA/ cm2. It is evident from Fig. 2 that
the electron injection current is almost three times smaller
than the hole injection current because of high effective barrier for the injecting electron. However, the electron current
increases slightly with time since the sample does not have
electron blocking layer 共e.g., p-layer兲. Therefore, the dark
current in a-Se based n-i detector is mainly controlled by
hole injection which has also been suggested in our previous
Figure 3 shows the steady-state dark current density as a
function of applied electric field for the same a-Se based n-i
structure shown in Fig. 2. The square symbol represents experimental data and the star symbol with solid line represents
the theoretical fit to the experimental data. The experimental
result has been extracted from Fig. 6 of Ref. 1. The dasheddotted line represents the electron injection current and the
dotted line represents the bulk thermal generation current.
The proposed model shows a very good match with the experimental result. The dark current reaches a plateau within
1000 s after the application of field as shown in Fig. 2.
Therefore, we have solved the trapping rate equation up to
1000 s to get the steady-state dark current. The fitted value of
effective barrier for injecting holes varies from 0.89 to 0.85
eV with varying the applied field from 2.5 to 10 V / ␮m. The
other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2. From Fig. 3 we
find that, at steady state, the thermal generation current is
⬃0.1 pA/ cm2 at 10 V / ␮m applied field which is about two
orders of magnitude smaller than the injection current beJ. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 29, No. 3, May/Jun 2011
7 8
Applied electric field (V/µm)
9 10 11
FIG. 3. Dark current density in the n-i structure vs applied electric field. The
square symbol represents experimental data and the star symbol with solid
line represents the theoretical fit to the experimental data 共Ref. 1兲.
cause of large energy band gap in a-Se. The thermal generation current increases almost exponentially with increasing
the applied field.
Figure 4 shows the steady-state dark current density versus blocking layer 共n-layer兲 thickness of n-i structure for two
applied electric fields. The square and diamond symbols represent experimental data and the star symbols with solid lines
represent the theoretical fit to the experimental data. The
experimental results have been extracted from Fig. 4 of Ref.
9. The proposed model shows a very good validity with the
experimental results. The i-layer thickness is 130 ␮m for all
the samples. We have solved the trapping rate equation up to
1000 s to get the steady-state dark current. For both the applied fields we have considered two discrete deep trapping
states for holes in the n-layer and the fitted values are Nt1
Experimental data at 8 V/µm
Experimental data at 4 V/µm
Dark current density (pA/cm )
Theoretical fit
Theoretical electron injection current
Dark current density (nA/cm2)
Dark current density (nA/cm )
Theoretical fit
Theoretical fit
n−i structure
i−layer thickness 130 µm
Blocking layer thickness (µm)
FIG. 4. Dark current density in the n-i structure vs blocking layer 共n-layer兲
thickness at two applied electric fields. The square and diamond symbols
represent experimental data and the star symbols with solid lines represent
the theoretical fit to the experimental data 共Ref. 9兲.
031603-5 S. A. Mahmood and M. Z. Kabir: Dark current mechanisms
Experimental data at 10 V/µm
Experimental data at 5 V/µm
Dark current density (pA/cm2)
Theoretical fit
Theoretical electron injection current
metal/a−Se(n−type)/metal structure
Work function (eV)
FIG. 5. Dark current density in the metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal structure vs
work function of the negative electrode material at two applied electric
fields. The square and diamond symbols represent experimental data and the
star symbols with solid lines represent the theoretical fit to the experimental
data 共Ref. 9兲.
= 4 ⫻ 1014 / cm3 and Nt2 = 1.5⫻ 1014 / cm3. The depths of these
trapping states are 0.77 eV 共␶r1 = 8 s兲 and 0.79 eV 共␶r2
= 18 s兲 from the mobility edge of the valence band. This
result is equivalent to a broadened state of width ⬃0.02 eV.
The fitted value of effective barrier for injecting electrons is
0.99 eV for both the applied fields. The fitted value of the
effective barrier for injecting holes varies from 0.78 to 0.83
eV with varying the blocking layer 共n-layer兲 thickness from
5 to 50 ␮m. The total trap charge in the n-layer increases
with the n-layer thickness Ln and thus reduces the interface
electric field F1共t兲 as well as the dark current. Moreover, the
thicker n-layer ensures more uniformity between metal and
a-Se interface and thus provides less interface states.27–29 As
a result the effective barrier for the injecting holes increases
with the blocking layer 共n-layer兲 thickness which eventually
reduces the dark current in n-i structures. However, the x-ray
generated carrier in the large blocking layer 共n-layer兲 will
move slowly under lower electric field which will reduce the
overall charge collection efficiency of the detector. Therefore, a tradeoff between the lower dark current 共wider
n-layer兲 and the higher sensitivity 共thinner n-layer兲 is necessary to find an optimum n-layer thickness in n-i structures
for x-ray imaging applications.
Although hole injection mainly controls the dark current
in a-Se based n-i structures, the electron injection can also
have a significant effect if the barrier for the electron injection is small. The barrier for the electron injection depends
on the work function of the metal contact. Belev et al. compared the dark current in the metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal structure by using aluminum 共Al兲, gold 共Au兲, and platinum 共Pt兲 as
the negatively biased top contacts.9 They have found that the
dark current depends on the work function of the metal electrode. Figure 5 shows the steady-state dark current density
versus work function of the negative electrode material in the
metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal structure for two applied electric
JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
fields. The square and diamond symbols represent experimental data and the star symbols with solid lines represent
the theoretical fit to the experimental data. The experimental
results have been extracted from Fig. 5 of Ref. 9. The dotted
lines represent the electron injection current from the top
electrode. The bottom electrode is Al for all the samples. We
have solved the trapping rate equation up to 1000 s to get the
steady-state dark current. For both the applied fields we have
considered two discrete deep trapping states for holes in the
n-layer and the fitted values are Nt1 = 4 ⫻ 1014 / cm3 and Nt2
= 1.5⫻ 1014 / cm3. The depths of these trapping states are 0.77
eV 共␶r1 = 8 s兲 and 0.8 eV 共␶r2 = 30 s兲 from the mobility edge
of the valence band. This result is equivalent to a broadened
state of width ⬃0.03 eV. The fitted value of the effective
barrier for the injecting hole is ⬃0.82 eV for both the applied fields. The fitted value of the effective barrier for the
injecting electrons increases from 0.89 to 0.98 eV with
changing the top electrode from Al to Pt. It is evident form
Fig. 5 that the electron injection current is significant in the
metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal structure, whereas it is less significant in the n-i structure. In the metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal
structure, the interface electric fields are F1共t兲 = F0
− 0.5eLpt共t兲 / ␧s and F2共t兲 = F0 + 0.5eLpt共t兲 / ␧s. Therefore, the
electric field at the negative electrode increases, whereas it
decreases at the positive electrode with increasing pt. Thus,
carrier trapping in the metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal structure enhances the electron injection and reduces the hole injection.
We also find that the effective barrier for injecting electron
increases with the metal work function which eventually reduces the dark current in the metal/a-Se 共n-type兲/metal structure. Therefore, metals with high work function used as a
negative electrode can reduce the dark current.
An analytical model for describing the transient and
steady-state behavior of dark current in a-Se based n-i detectors for x-ray imaging applications has been developed. The
proposed theoretical model shows a very good agreement
with the experimental results. The dark current in the a-Se
based n-i detector is mainly governed by the injection of
holes from the metal electrode. The thermal generation current is much smaller compared to the injection current due to
the large band gap in a-Se. The carrier injection from the
metal/n-layer interface depends on the concentration of trap
centers in the blocking layer 共n-layer兲, the average depth of
the trap center from the valence band edge, and the effective
barrier height. The concentration of deep hole trap center in
the n-layer is in the range of 1014 – 1015 / cm3. The bulk thermal generation current is ⬃0.1 pA/ cm2 at 10 V / ␮m applied field, which is negligible compared to the injection current. The electron injection from the negative electrode
increases due to the reduced effective barrier height resulting
from the smaller metal work function.
The authors thank Safa Kasap for many useful discussions.
031603-6 S. A. Mahmood and M. Z. Kabir: Dark current mechanisms
If the injected hole concentration decays exponentially
due to trapping, the carrier concentration can be written as
c共x兲 = B exp共− x/␮F␶兲,
where ␶ is the carrier lifetime and B is the carrier concentration at x = 0. The drift and diffusion current components are
Jdrift = e␮Fc
Jdif f = − eD
Taking F ⬇ V / L and using the Einstein relation, the ratio of
the diffusion current to the drift current is
Jdif f /Jdrift = 共L/␮F␶兲共Vt/V兲,
where V is the bias voltage, L is the total photoconductor
thickness, and Vt = kT / e is the thermal voltage. The ratio
L / ␮F␶ is the inverse of normalized schubweg, which has to
be smaller 共preferably smaller than 1兲 for detector applications. The applied voltage is in the range of few hundreds to
few thousands of volts. At extreme case, taking L / ␮F␶
= 100 in the i-layer and V = 200 V, the ratio of diffusion
current to the drift current at room temperature is ⬃0.01.
Therefore, the diffusion current component is negligible
compared to its drift component in detector applications.
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