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Teleworking Health & Safety Work Instructions

Health and safety work instructions
for the teleworking activity
I.P. 211.1
This document contains Health an Safety Work Instruictions for
the employees that are working from outside the office (remote
work or work from home). All the employees have to know the
work instructions and to comply the requirements and the
working rules in safety. The work instruction applies to all the
employees that can do their job outside the company’s offices,
at home.
The office activity will take place in a working room or in an
separate office space which :
- allows visual and acoustic isolation of the employee in order to
do not influence its concentration capacity during the
professional activity;
- allows the delimitation of private life from professional life
The work environment should be a confortable one :
proper room temperature, proper humidity and proper
ventilation. The lighting has to be adequate (the day light
included) in order that the employee accomplishes its work
efficiently, precisely and in a healthy way ( the excessive light can
cause the shine effect of the screen that causes headaches or
eye’s discomfort).
The office activity will take place by using the company’s
office supplies (the ergonomic chair, the desk, etc.) and the
employee will take several small pauses during the day work.
The desk will have the height so that the work plan is the optimal
one. The adjustment will be done with the help of the ergonomic
chair. The desk/work area must insure the following position:
- relaxed shoulders, in a symmetrical position;
- the head uncracked back, positioned in the middle line of the
- the elbows close to the sides of the body;
- the forearms have provided support even when the employee
doesn’t use the keyboard;
- the hips will be positioned slightly above or level with the
- the thighs do not touch the part from under the desk;
- the soles in a flat position on the floor
The handling of documents and files will be done
manually taking into account the maximum weight allowed
depending on age and sex. The movement with these materials
will be done carefully, ensuring proper visibility. The shelves will
be used only if they are secured against overturning and the
storage of documents on the shelf shelves is done in an orderly
manner, only on the surface of the shelf and without creating
the danger of falling materials from the shelf. The weight of the
documents placed on the shelves will not exceed the maximum
weight allowed by the shelf builder, weight marked on the shelf.
The lighting installation (natural and / or artificial) will be used
appropriately so that the lighting is appropriate (intensity, shadows, etc.). If
necessary, use the desk lamps provided. The bright lights that shine on the
display screen "wash" the images, making it difficult to see clearly what can
cause eye fatigue. It is recommended to use light speakers so that office
activities can be performed while limiting direct brightness on the computer
screen. To reduce the glare effect, the computer screen will be placed at a
right angle to the windows / light sources.
Any kind of intervention of the employees at the
electrical installation or for carrying out repairs of the office
equipment is forbidden. In case of fire or emergency the
employee has the obligation to strictly comply with all the
provisions of the prevention and extinguishing program (alarm,
de-energization, self-propelled, personal evacuation and goods).
The tasks of employees must be planned so that daily use
of the display screen should be paused periodically to reduce
overloading in front of the display screen.
The table or work surface must have a slightly reflective
surface, be of sufficient size and allow a flexible placement of the
screen, keyboard, documents and auxiliary equipment;
The working seat must be stable and provide the
operator with freedom of movement and a comfortable position.
It must be possible to adjust the seat vertically. The space for the
activity must be sufficient to enable the worker to change his
position and vary his movement;
It is forbidden for workers to use computer equipment
that they do not know and for which they do not have the
necessary training. It is forbidden for the personnel serving the
computer equipment to intervene in electrical panels, sockets,
plugs, power cords, air conditioning installations or in any other
specific auxiliary installations. When energizing the electronic
computers, the following shall be observed:
a) the energization of the central unit, by pressing the
corresponding button on the panel of the central unit;
b) energizing the peripheral equipment by pressing the
corresponding buttons on the control panels, in the sequence
indicated in the technical documentation of the computer;
The de-energization of the electronic computers will be performed in
the reverse sequence of the one provided at the de-energization. The
commissioning of an equipment after revision or repair will be done only
after the personnel authorized to carry out these interventions confirm in
writing that the respective equipment is in good working condition. It is
forbidden to remove the protection devices of the computer equipment. It is
forbidden to carry out any intervention during operation or under voltage. It
is forbidden to continue working on the computing equipment when a
malfunction is found. Troubleshooting shall be performed only by authorized
maintenance personnel within the IT office or external services. It is
forbidden to connect the computer equipment to defective or ungrounded
Smoking is prohibited in rooms with computers and a
large volume of documents. It is forbidden to eat or drink on the
computer table or above the keyboard;
It is forbidden to use computers in the following
a) connection to electricity through plugs or sockets that have
defects or cracks, missing or poorly screwed screws;
b) connecting several appliances to the same socket to avoid
overloading and overheating above the maximum power that
the socket supports;
c) commissioning without the protective housing and the switch
that allows the operator to disconnect the peripheral equipment
separately in case of need;
d) the presence of faults or improvisations at the electrical
power supply installations, at the keyboard, printer, mouse,
central unit, etc.