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Science 10 Summative Assessment: Plate Tectonics & Earthquakes

1. Stretching stresses, basaltic lavas, and shallow earthquakes are associated with ______.
A. subduction zones
B. spreading centers
C. transform boundaries
D. continent/continent convergence
2. At convergent plate boundaries where oceanic and continental crust meet _________.
A. no associated volcanism occurs
B. continental crust is subducted
C. oceanic crust is subducted
D. oceanic crust is created
3. What would you be most likely to find at a convergent boundary between a continental and oceanic
A. mid-ocean ridge
B. mountain
C. rift
D. volcanoes
4. Earthquakes and volcanoes are most likely found in which location?
A. In the middle of the continents
B. In the middle of plates
C. At the plate boundary
D. In oceans
5. Why is an emergency disaster kit necessary at home if you live in the Philippines?
A. Because it is prone to typhoons
B. Because it is a highly vulnerable country
C. Because it is at high risk to the effects of climate change
D. Because it is geographic location puts it at high risk to natural disasters
6. Which best summarizes the process of subduction?
A. Old, thick continental lithosphere slowly sinks under its weight.
B. Old, dense oceanic lithosphere dives beneath the younger or lighter lithosphere.
C. Extensive volcanism empties a magma chamber and causes the crust to collapse in on itself.
D. Two tectonic plates move suddenly past each other when the rocks break and friction between them
is overcome.
7. A large portion of the island of Hawaii catastrophically slides into the Pacific Ocean. The long-term
effect on the remaining island is that ___________________
A. it would begin to rise.
B. it would begin to sink.
C. a new volcano would begin to grow.
D. the tourist industry would be devastated.
8. In plate tectonics, what is the overall trend in earthquakes?
A. Earthquakes occur at plate boundaries.
B. Earthquakes are not related to plate tectonics.
C. Earthquakes are related to volcanoes rather than plate tectonics.
D. Earthquakes occur only when plates are moving very quickly at certain times of the year.
9. The theory of plate tectonics helps explain which of the following?
A. 1000 meters
B. the extinction of the dinosaurs.
C. the symbiotic relationship between tubeworms and bacteria.
D. the movement of continents and the occurrence of volcanoes and earthquakes.
10. How often should you replace perishable items in your emergency kits such as water, food, meds, and
A. Every year
B. Every 4 years
C. Every 6 months
D. Every 2 months
11. Where does the seafloor- spreading occur?
A. Where two oceanic plates collide.
B. Where two oceanic plates move apart.
C. Where two continental plates move apart.
D. Where an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide.
12. Which landform is most likely to form where two oceanic plates push together?
A. River valley
B. Volcanic island
C. Mid-ocean ridge
D. Folded mountain
13. At which location do earthquakes least likely occur?
A. In the middle of a plate
B. At a boundary where plates move apart
C. At a boundary where plates slide by each other
D. At a boundary (edge) where plates push together
14. A hot spot can produce _____________________________.
A. a trench.
B. a tectonic plate.
C. a chain of island.
D. a mid-ocean ridge.
15. You have studied about earthquakes in the past but this school year is almost over and the school has
not conducted an earthquake drill yet. As president of the class, what should you do?
A. Educate your classmates about earthquakes.
B. Educate your adviser about earthquake hazards.
C. Conduct an earthquake drill with your classmates during the homeroom period.
D. Consult with your adviser and principal and suggest an earthquake drill for the school.
16. What do you call the process in which the denser oceanic lithosphere sinks back into the
asthenosphere to melt and become magma?
A. subduction
B. deformation
C. convection currents
D. continental-oceanic collisions
17. What do you call the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other?
A. ocean trench
B. convergent boundary
C. divergent boundary
D. continental-continental collision
18. Which plate is being subducted beneath western South America?
A. Nazca plate
B. Pacific plate
C. South Atlantic plate
D. South American plate
19. What is happening at the subduction zone of the Juan de Fuca and North American Plates?
A. One plate is being pulled under another.
B. Plates are sliding past each other.
C. Plates are spreading apart.
D. None of the above.
20. Which among the following should be practiced by people living near coastal areas?
I. earthquake drill
II. tsunami drill
III. hurricane drill
IV. wildfire drill
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. III and IV
21. Which of the following causes Earth's tectonic plates to move?
A. Energy from the Sun
B. Magnetic Pole Reversal
C. Faults in Mountain Ranges
D. Convection currents in the mantle
22. At mid-ocean ridges, molten material (magma) rises from the mantle and erupts as fissure volcanoes.
The molten material then spreads out, pushing older rock to both sides of the ridges. This process is
A. Sink holes
B. Subduction zones
C. Sea-Floor spreading
D. Divergent subduction
23. Which of the following objects best represents the movement that occurs during sea-floor spreading?
A. Elevator
B. Conveyor belt
C. Roller coaster
D. Hot air balloon
24. Which of the following boundary a seafloor spreading occur?
A. China Plate and the Philippine Plate
B. Nazca Plate and South American Plate
C. Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate
D. North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate.
25. How does seafloor spreading process affect the human activities?
A. It influence fossils.
B. It influence sea levels.
C. It influence new crust.
D. It influence paleo-climates.
26. If new ocean crust is found around the rift valley, where do you find the oldest crust?
A. Rift Valley
B. Mid Ocean Ridges
C. Magma recycle center
D. Trench at a Subduction Zone
27. The rocks on the ocean floor show evidence that the magnetism alternates north and south as you
move along the sea-floor. This evidence of sea-floor spreading is reflected in the rocks on the ocean floor.
The name for this evidence is called?
A. Plate motion
B. Magnetic Reversals C. Crustal subtraction
D. magnetic solidification
28. Youngest oceanic crust is found at the Mid-Ocean Ridge. Age gets progressively older as you get farther
from the mid-ocean ridge. Why is the Earth not expanding in size?
A. The older ocean crust is weathered and eroded away.
B. The older crust is being recycled at subduction zones.
C. Deposition of the older crust decreases the mass of earth.
D. The mid ocean ridge is becoming so large that it is consuming the older the crust.
29. Below is a picture of sea-floor spreading. How are the ocean crusts moving?
A. Converging
B. Diverging
C. Sliding
D. No movement
30. What is the classification of the rock being formed at a rift valley?
A. Foliated
B. Igneous
C. Metamorphic
D. Sedimentary
31. What are the main causes of convection currents in the asthenosphere?
A. Density and weight
B. Pressure and density
C. Density and temperature
D. Temperature and pressure
32. Scientists think that convection currents that move the plates flow in Earth's ___.
A. Crust
B. Inner core
C. Mantle
D. Outer core
33. Plates movement is important. Which of the following causes of movement?
A. A hot spot
B. A volcanic eruption
C. A conduction current
D. A convection current
34. Based on the diagram, the force of gravity pulls a lithospheric plate downward and away from a ridge
pushing it toward a trench. Which of the following movement describes best?
A. Ridge push
B. Subduction
C. Slab pull
D. Sea Floor Spreading
35. When the force of subduction and gravity moves a lithospheric plate downward into a trench and pulls
it away from a ridge it is called __________.
A. Ridge push
B. Subduction
C. Slab pull
D. Sea Floor Spreading
36. Which of the following is a result of gravity in relation to moving tectonic plates?
A. Earth's internal heating
B. Ridge push and slab pull
C. Earth's magnetic field reverses
D. Circulating material in the mantle
37. Which of the following are the possible driving forces of plate tectonics?
A. convection, slab pull, ridge push
B. conduction, convection, slab pull
C. conduction, radiation, ridge push
D. conduction, convection, ridge push
38. What is the importance of earth’s mechanism?
A. Driven by heat loss and gravity due to radiation.
B. Driven by heat loss and gravity due to transform.
C. Driven by heat loss and gravity due to conduction.
D. Driven by heat loss and gravity due to convection.
39. Which Theory of plate movement occurs as oceanic crust moves away from the Mid - ocean ridge and
becomes cooler and denser, sinking into a trench?
A. Convection
B. Convection
C. Ridge push
D. Slab pull
40 Which theory of plate movement occurs at the mid ocean ridge?
A. Convection
B. Ridge push
C. Slab pull
D. Conduction