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MECHGM01 – Applied Thermodynamics and Turbomachinery
Alt. Codes(s)
UCL Credits/ECTS:
Taught by:
Applied Thermodynamics and Turbomachinery
MSc / MEng
Prof M Zangeneh (65%) Module Coordinator
Prof N Ladommatos (35%)
Completion of second year Thermodynamics (MECH2004)
Course Aims
Develop a good understanding of the various gas turbine, steam turbine and combined cycles for
electricity generation. Understand basic fundamentals of turbomachinery with particular emphasize on
axial turbomachinery. Understand the basic fundamentals of fuel cells. Develop a good understanding of
the thermodynamic, design and operating principles of diesel engines including four- and two-stroke
naturally aspirated and turbocharged units. Gain an appreciation of diesel engine environmental
pollutants and their mitigation.
At the end of the course students will be able to:
Understand the main sources of CO2 emission from different sources and especially power
generation and the effect of different trends in power generation on emissions.
Understand the effect of intercooling, recuperator and reheat on gas turbine efficiency and specific
Understand impact of gas turbine pressure ratio and maximum temperature on optimum efficiency
for different gas turbine cycles.
Carry out preliminary analysis of intercooled/recuperated gas turbine.
Effect of free power turbine and its applications in marine field.
Understand the main features of steam cycles and main parameters affecting cycle efficiency.
Understand the effect of reheating and direct contact and non-contact feed heaters in steam cycles.
Carry out basic cycle analysis for combined cycle plants in terms of efficiency, work ratio, ratio of
mass flow rate in steam to gas turbine cycle, pinch point temperature.
Understand impact of dual and triple pressure levels on combined cycle efficiency.
Understand velocity triangles in axial compressor and turbines and main geometrical and flow
related parameters and main non-dimensional groups for characterising turbomachinery.
Understand the characteristic of turbomachinery and off-design flow effects such as surge.
Carry out matching computations between compressor and turbine for generator sets and free power
Understand the basic designs of combustion chambers and cooling arrangements and emission
problems from gas turbines.
Understand basic fundamentals of fuel cells, Gibbs function and ideal efficiency, main sources of
loss in PEM and SOFC fuel cells.
Use basic empirical functions for fuel cells to predict the actual voltage for PEM and SOFC.
Use basic thermodynamic cycles to identify the main variables affecting spark and compression
ignition engine efficiency.
Understand and describe the gas exchange and combustion processes in diesel engines.
Describe basic models to represent various gas dynamic and thermodynamic processes in diesel
Analyse the performance of two stroke diesel engines, including large displacement slow speed
engines used for marine propulsion and stationary power generation
Analyse and evaluate the performance of naturally aspirated and turbocharged diesel engines,
including the compressor and turbine power requirements and the enhancement in engine power
output and efficiency
Gain an appreciation of a wider range of topics on fuels and combustion in reciprocating engines via
coursework and student presentations
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Method of Instruction
Lecture presentations, tutorial classes and 2 pieces of course assignment. Parts of the lecture notes
(Slides and tutorials) are made available in Moodle before the lecture.
The course has the following assessment components:
Written Examination (2 hours, 65%)
A critical review/ appraisal of a chosen topic related to application of fuel cell(e.g.automotive,
submarine, 100 person ferry or combined gas turbine and SOFC.). Submission is on “turnitin”.
Critical written review of a chosen topic on fuels and combustion. Students encouraged to use
IMechE and IMarEst libraries for sources. Submission through Moodle. Individual Power Point
presentation of the review by each student to their class.
To pass this course, students must:
 Obtain an overall pass mark of 50% for all sections combined
The examination rubric is:
Answer THREE questions, from FIVE offered. All questions carry equal weight.
Fuel Cells
Fuel cell systems explained, J Larminie & A Dicks, John Wiley, second edition, 2003.
ISBN 0-470-84857-X. (comprehensive coverage of all types of fuel cell and manufacture of
Fuel cell fundamentals, R O’Hayre, S-W Cha, W Colella & F B Prinz, John Wiley, 2006.
ISBN 0-471-74148-0. (readable explanation of basic electrochemistry and how it affects fuel
cells) Gas Turbine, Combined Cycle, Turbomachinery
Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C. and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., ‘Gas Turbine Theory’, Longman, 5th
Edition, 2001. Chapters 1 and 2 provide a very good introduction to gas turbines.
Haywood, R.W., ‘Analysis of Engineering Cycles – Power, Refrigerating and Gas Liquefaction
Plant’, Pergamon, 4th Edition, 1991. (VA 166) Older text dealing with the thermodynamics of gas
turbine and steam cycles. Relevant material can be found in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7.
Kehlhofer, R., Bachmann, R, Nielsen, H. And Warner, J., ‘Combined Cycle gas turbine Power
Plants’, Pennwell, 2nd edition.- More practical aspect of combined cycles
Horlock, J.H. ‘Combined Power Plants’, Pergamon, 1992. (VA 165) Deals with cycle analysis.
Stone, R., ‘Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines’ Palgrave, 1999, especially chapters 2, 3,
5, 7, and 9
Heywood, J. B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1988 or later editions.
Excellent book, more advanced than the R. Stone book
Additional Information
Content (total number of lecture and tutorial hours approx. 44 hours)
Revision of Engineering Thermodynamics [3]
First Law. Second Law. Steam Tables. Carnot and Rankine Cycles.
Fuel Cells[ 3] – Coursework only ( not examined).
Basic principles. Applications. Fundamental equations. Review of main types.
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Fuel cell losses.
Gas turbines, Steam turbines and combined cycles [12]
Brief introduction to power generation methods and CO2 emission issues.
Gas Turbine:Gas turbine Air standard cycle analysis. Real Cycles. Cycle with heat exchange. Cycle with
intercooling. Cycle with heat exchange and intercooling. Cycles with Reheat.
Steam Cycles: Methods of increasing the efficiency of standard cycle, Reheating, Feedheating, direct and
non-direct contact feed heating, dearators.
Combined cycle: Combined cycle efficiency, Heat recovery steam generators, Dual and triple pressure
Combustion system design. Fuel systems. Environmental considerations. Practical considerations. Case
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Introduction to Turbomachinery (MZ) [6 ]
Euler equation. .Basic performance and geometric parameters Axial flow turbomachinery stages, velocity
diagrams, efficiencies, degree of reaction. Meanline design of compressors and turbines. Compressor
types. Compressor characteristics stall and surge, interstage bleed, variable stator blades and multi-spool designs, blade
calculations. Compressor/turbine matching for free power turbine engines Combustion system design.
Fuels and fuel system requirements. Environmental considerations - pollutants from gas turbine engine,
NOx reduction techniques
(V) Internal Combustion Engines: Basic engine cycles. Deviations from ideal cycles and
mathematical modelling of engine performance. Thermal loading of components. Two-stroke engines gas exchange processes, definitions, performance. Mechanical supercharging. Exhaust gas turbo
charging - component matching for 2 & 4-stroke engines, pulse and constant pressure turbo charging and
turbocharger design. Case studies of turbocharged diesel engines and future developments.
(VI) Fuels and Combustion: a range of topics are covered through coursework and seminars. These
include: current fuels, fuel treatment systems, bio-fuels, pre-mixed and diffusion combustion, ‘knock’ in
diesel and gasoline engines, combustion chamber design –diesel engines and gasoline engines,
pollutants from diesel and gasoline engines, diesel and gasoline engine fuel system design.
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Learning Outcomes1 MECHGM01, MECHGR01, MECHM005
General Learning Outcomes
Ability to develop, monitor & update a plan, to reflect a changing operating environment
Ability to monitor and adjust a personal program of work on an on-going basis, and to learn
As with all taught modules on the programme a significant amount of self learning is expected. The
courseworks require self study and time management.
The ability to exercise initiative and personal responsibility, which may be as a team member or
The ability to learn new theories, concepts and methods etc and apply these in unfamiliar
The module is designed to present new subject matter at M level understanding of which is then tested by
an exam and a critical review of a specified topic.
Specific Learning Outcomes
Underpinning Science & Mathematics
A comprehensive understanding of the relevant scientific principles of the specialisation
Although many students will have studied thermodynamics material (i.e. basic Carnot, Rankine Cycle) at
undergraduate level, the module is designed to cover more practical aspects on modern aspects of power
generation cycles system design and evaluation, as well as additional topics on fuel cell. Application of
thermodynamic cycles and principles to analyse and understand advanced power generation systems
A critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights much of which is at, or informed by,
the forefront of the specialisation.
The module particularly addresses the latest development and application of modern concepts related to
combined cycle, gas turbine and turbomachinery for reducing the global warming impact of power
generation systems. The recent developments in diesel engine systems are discussed is some detail. The
impact of diesel engines toxic emissions on the environment is explained and technologies to mitigate the
emission of toxic pollutants are discussed. The importance of thermal efficiency in reducing operating
costs and CO2 emission to the atmosphere is emphasised.
An understanding of concepts relevant to the discipline, some from outside engineering, and the
ability to critically evaluate and apply them effectively.
This feature is developed in the coursework element where the students are asked to write a critical
review of a specified topic (e.g. Fuel cells for automotive applications; fuels and combustion for diesel
engines). Understanding in many relevant and related disciplines is required. Interaction with course
supervisor at various stages is essential. Environmental pollution-restricting legislation for gas turbines
and diesel engines is discussed at several points during the course.
EAB website http://www.engab.org.uk/documentation document Accreditation Of Masters Degrees Other Than MEng last
accessed 10 Aril 2012
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Engineering Analysis
Ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies
New concepts/approaches are studied and evaluated in the coursework element of the module. Extensive
cycle and performance analysis are included.
Ability to apply appropriate models for solving problems in engineering and the ability to assess
the limitations of particular cases;
Students are taught how to evaluate different design options for optimization based on product/component
information, meeting client’s specifications.
The ability to collect and analyse research data and use appropriate engineering tools to tackle
unfamiliar problems, such as those with uncertain or incomplete data or specifications, by the
appropriate innovation, use or adaptation of engineering analytical methods.
The ability to apply original thought to the development of practical solutions for products,
systems, components or processes
Economic, Social and Environmental Context
Knowledge and understanding of management and business practices, and their limitations, and
how these may be applied appropriately, in the context of the particular specialisation
The ability to make general evaluations of risks through some understanding of the basis of such
Engineering Practice
A thorough understanding of current practice and its limitations, and some appreciation of likely
new developments
A significant part of this module addresses the latest development and practice in modern power
generation cycles in the context of land, air and sea applications involving power generation
Advanced level knowledge and understanding of a wide range of engineering materials and
The ability to apply engineering techniques taking account of a range of commercial and industrial
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