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Islamic Microfinance Value Chain Outline

Outline for book-3 “Value Chain for Islamic Microfinance”
Value chain analysis
Value chain for different commodities (livestock, agriculture, etc.)
Application of Islamic finance in value chain
Value chain case studies (from Sudan, Tunisia)
Extended outline
1. Introduction
– Value chain (VC) concept and definitions
– VC methods, and activities
– Significance of VC for MFIs
2. Value chain analysis
– Methods/models of value chain analysis
– Value chains to achieve efficiency through cost effectiveness, risk management, and
better returns
– Case studies
3. Value chains for rural sector
o Agricultural commodities
o Livestock
o Processing
o Marketing
o Etc.
o Case studies
4. Islamic finance intervention for the value chains
– Define value chain finance
– Selection of value chain actors for financing (Trader credit, Input supplier credit,
Marketing company credit, etc.)
– Selection of Islamic finance products for intervention at different levels of value
– Innovative products and services tailored to agricultural value chains
– Risk mitigation products like takaful, forward contracting, warehouse receipt
financing, credit guarantees, etc.
– Case studies
[Case studies of success stories (and failures, if any) and lessons learnt (Sudan, Tunisia,
Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.)]