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IBD® Meetup Investor Education Series
Lesson 1: How to Spot Market Tops
When a market tops and begins to decline, it typically takes 3 of 4 stocks down
with it. That’s why it’s critical you learn to spot market tops.
Together with your local IBD Meetup group discussions, here are 3 key ways to
spot a market top. You’ll learn how to proactively protect your money when the
market direction begins to change.
Spot Market Tops by Counting Distribution Days
Look for a growing number of distribution days in a major index: the S&P
500, Nasdaq Composite, Dow Industrials, or NYSE Composite.
Distribution is just another word for selling, and a distribution day is when
one or more major market index closes down more than 0.2% on increased
volume from the prior day.
Learn More About
Market Tops
4 Use The Big Picture, Tools
To Gauge Market
4 Learn To Recognize
Distribution In Chart
4 Think Defense When
Market Turns Sour
Stalling action, or “heavy volume without further price progress up,” is also
counted as distribution. That’s when volume on an index is higher than the
day before, but the price increase is significantly smaller than the prior day’s
much larger increase.
When distribution days start to grow, it means the big institutional investors,
like mutual funds, banks and insurance companies, are selling more shares.
4 Know When To Get Into -
If you get 5 or 6 distribution days over any 5-week span, the general market
almost always turns down.
4 Reduce Your Holdings In
A Down Market
And Out Of - The Market
Free Online Courses
4 Spotting A Market Top
4 Market Direction
You can see the current number of distribution
days in the Market Pulse graphic in The Big
Picture on page A1 in IBD each day.
Free Downoads
4 How You Can Recognize
Market Tops and Market
Nasdaq Top in 2007
See how counting distribution days helped investors
lock in gains and minimize losses in the 2007 - 2008
financial crisis. Watch Video
Exclusive Interview with William J. O’Neil
When to Get Into - and Out of - the Market
Hear IBD’s founder discuss the rules of successful
market timing in this excerpted interview from 2008.
Listen Now
Get the How to Make Money in
Stocks Complete Investing
System by IBD founder William
J. O’Neil. Includes everything
you need to get started.
Learn more
Continued on next page...
© Investor’s Business Daily, IBD, CAN SLIM and corresponding logos are registered trademarks owned by Investor’s Business Daily, Inc.
IBD® Meetup Investor Education Series
Lesson 1: How to Spot Market Tops
Other Indicators of a Market Top
a Watch for Weak, Abnormal Action in Leading Stocks
A sign the market may be topping is when leading stocks start showing
By “leading stocks” we mean companies outperforming all other stocks in
terms of earnings and sales growth, profit margins, return on equity, relative
price strength and other key measures. These leaders serve as a bellwether
for the overall market. When they start to show clear weakness, the overall
market is not far behind.
Signs of abnormal behavior in leading stocks can include…
» Late-stage bases: If most leading stocks have had big runs in the
bull cycle, and they’re now breaking out of 3rd or 4th stage bases, the
broad market could be running out of steam and ready to correct.
(Learn more about late stage bases).
» Climax tops: A climax top is essentially when a leading stock makes
a huge, final surge over 7 to 10 days after advancing for many months.
It’s a sign the party may be ending. (Learn more about how to spot
climax tops).
How 2007 Breakdown Of Leaders Warned Investors
See how even the leading stocks faltered, then sold off hard
when the market topped in late 2007. Watch Video
a Beware If Low-Quality Stocks Start Leading
When stocks that led the current uptrend falter and lower-priced, lowerquality, speculative stocks start to lead, watch out! If the best stocks can’t lead
the market higher, the worst ones certainly aren’t going to do so for very long.
How to Protect Yourself
When the Market Tops
4 Cut ALL losses short
Regardless of market conditions, always sell if a stock
drops 7% - 8% below your
purchase price.
Sell even sooner if distribution days are mounting and
your stocks are showing
4 Get off margin
Play it safe and don’t compound any losses by staying
on margin.
4 Lock in your gains
During the early phase of a
bear market, certain leading
stocks may seem to hold up.
But don’t be fooled! Most will
eventually fall with the rest of
the market. Be sure to proactively lock in some or all of
your gains.
At Your Next IBD Meetup
Be sure to attend your
group’s next meeting to get:
If “Leaders down in volume” start to regularly
outnumber “Leaders up in volume” in the Market
Pulse, it may mean the market is topping.
»More info on market tops
»Insight into the current
market & how to handle it
»Stock ideas to help you build
your watch list
....and much more!
© Investor’s Business Daily, IBD, CAN SLIM and corresponding logos are registered trademarks owned by Investor’s Business Daily, Inc.