Uploaded by meia.sans2000

Radiography Preliminary Steps: Image Receptors & Techniques

Preliminary Steps in Radiography
IMAGE RECEPTOR (IR)- device that receives the energy of x-ray (XR) beam, forming the
image of the POI. IR devices:
(1) Cassette with film- has special screen: glows: struck by XR & imprints the XR image
on film
(2) Image Plate (IP)- similar to cassette; contains special phosphor - store XR image; IP
inserted into reader (no need darkroom) to convert into digital format & viewed on a
monitor/printed into film
(3) Direct radiography (DR)-not use cassette or IP; flat panel detector captures the XR
image & converts into digital format; viewed on a computer monitor or printed out on
(4) Fluoroscopic screen- XR strike FS where image is formed & view of body part is
transmitted to a television monitor via camera; real-time device - body part viewed
live on a television; “Live action view”
Radiograph- device/material containing the recorded POI after application of XR energy
and subsequent processing inside the darkroom.
Scout film/radiograph/preliminary film- used to initially evaluate patients’ current condition,
establish proper exposure factors and localization of the pathologic condition