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media log.edited

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Media Log
After recording my history with the media, it is clear that the media is quite remarkable for
a tool to interact with, and it controls the world in a genuine sense. Before taking this course, I
never thought about this fact from the inside out, and my results were terrific. For Small Log, I
recorded a collection of 23 media sources. I spent this hour in the union, and it is evident that the
media is everywhere, whether we remember it or not. Many media outlets in this open space were
swallowed up indiscriminately. The logo and advertisement on the division can be a crucial
element with the symbol around the Arkansas Razor League. Naturally, I will not see these media
sources unless I stop and focus. In addition, I can choose to see the start of a particular brand or
the image of a specific brand for everyone walking around me. This is the media itself, although
many can burn it. One source of actively consumed media was the tables where people have a setup with free food and drinks. I immediately noticed this since it was out of the ordinary and
interested in selling.
On the other hand, while I recorded my interactions with a communication machine, it was
surprising how much time I did not spend on my phone, laptop, or watching something on TV.
Overall, the only times I spent away from these sources of communication were when I was in this
class (because I didn't want to buy someone a coffee…) during my workout, open gym for
volleyball, in the shower, and when I finally put my phone down to go to sleep at the end of the
day. In other words, I was in constant communication with others unless I physically could not be.
When I am on my phone or laptop, I am communicating through text message, online shopping,
researching for classes, and browsing the various forms of social media (Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, Snapchat). Even when I attempt to do homework, it is constantly interrupted with a text
message or notification on Snapchat. I continually (try to) multitask, where I will see a funny link
on Twitter and send the link to a friend via text message, and then I see the same story on Facebook
while I am walking to class. This illustrates how prominent the media is in our lives, in every form
of it. Although some sources I can find through the internet help me communicate with others
actively and plan schedules, I always find myself passively being drawn into the media's bubble
that seems inescapable, no matter what I do.