Uploaded by Mrs. Fernandez

Population Pyramids Worksheet: Demography & Development

Use the materials that you have been given to ‘build’ the following population pyramids.
Take a picture of it and describe it on Canvas—in your own words and utilizing the model
explanations below.
Build a population pyramid to show a country where:
There is a high birth rate (so it is wide at the bottom)
There is a high infant mortality (so the pyramid narrows)
The death rates are high but the life expectancy is low
(so not many people live long so it is narrow at the top.)
This shape of pyramid generally represents a LEDC (less economically developed country—a
poor country).
Build a population pyramid to show a country where:
The birth rates are now low
Birth rates have been higher so there are more
economically active than young dependents
There are low death rates and high life expectancy
This shape of pyramid generally represents a MEDC (more economically developed country-rich country)
Build a population pyramid to show a country where:
Birth rates have been very high but have now dropped
Infant mortality rates have dropped
Death rates are lower
Life expectancy is gradually improving
This shape of pyramid generally represents a developing
country – one that is more developed than some LEDC’s but less developed than many
After your models have been photographed, answer the following in Canvas:
Identify and explain at least one positive and one negative characteristic of each type of
pyramid (societal needs, government provided benefits & services, labor force, tax base,
brain drain, availability of resources, availability of health care, future needs, education,
infant mortality).