Uploaded by Adam Helal

Neuron WebQuest 2017

Name: ___________________________
Date: _______
You will be working through the basic neuroscience lessons on Learn.Genetics.
1. Although neurons come in many shapes and sizes describe some general features of
all neurons (base your description off the images on the website)
2. The connection between two neurons is known as a ____________.
3. Make a Mad, Mad, Mad Neuron, label each part on the neuron below and give a brief
description of each part’s function.
Watch “Crossing the Divide”
4. The small place between the two cells is the ______________.
5. What is the neurotransmitter in the video called? _______________.
6. How is this description of a synapse similar to the neuromuscular junction?
7. How is this description of a synapse different from the neuromuscular junction?
8. What do inhibitory neurotransmitters do?
The Other Brain Cells
9. Which cell type wrap around axons to form a myelin sheath? _________________
10. What does the myelin sheath do? _____________________________________
11. What do microglia cells do? _________________________________________
12. What type of glia cell supplies neurons with nutrients? ___________________
13. What is one disease that astrocytes may be related to? ____________________
Brain Imaging Technologies
14. In one sentence explain how PET scans work.
15. In one sentence explain how MRIs work.
Follow the Link for Children’s Hospital Boston: Neuron
Select the “Transmission” Tab
16. When you zoom into the axon you can see that the inside of the axon contains
MOSTLY sodium or potassium ions? ____________________
17. What is the charge on the neuron cell membrane (neurolemma)? ______________
18. Which channel opens to allow a signal to move down an axon? _________________
19. What happens immediately after the sodium channels open? _________________
Why? __________________________________________________
20. Not in the interactive: What is needed to run the sodium-potassium pump? ______
Watch “Neurotic Neurons” http://ncase.me/neurons/
21. How is a memory made?
22. How can you unmake a memory?