Dairy Products and Processing The Complex Nature of Milk • There are over 250 chemical compounds founds in milk. • Milk is a solution that is 87 percent water . disolved in the water the water are water soluble vitamins the milk sugar lactose , and many trace minerals and salts. • Finally, milk is not only a solution and a colloidal dispersion but also an emulsion. The fat in milk is present as small droplets or globules whose size depends on the breed of cow producing the milk. These fat globules are prevented from coming to gether by a thin coating of protein emulsifiers. COMPOSITION OF MILK 1. PROTEIN • There are two main proteins that are dispersed as colloids in milk. These are casein and whey . a. Casein- about 80 percent of the milk proteins are caseins. – can be coagulated by acids.Milk tends to curdle when mixed with acidic foods such as tomatoes – are quite stable in heat but can be destabalized by the enzyme rennin which is used in the first stage in cheese making. b. Whey- also called us serum proteins; make up the other 20 percent of milk protein -easily coagulated by heat. 2. FAT • In over 400 different fatty acids founds in the lipid in cow’s milk, only 20 individual fatty acids account for most of the fat in milk. • Milk fat contain very little cholesterol cmpared with egg yolk. • The fats in milk influence its flavor, texture, and price. • The fat droplets are emulsified and suspendend throughout the milk. However they do not stay this way but instead associate in clusters.Eventually the clusters become large enough that their lower density causes them to float to the top of the milk , a process called creaming. • To eliminate creaming, milk is homogenized . 3. SUGAR • Lactose is the sugar that found in all varieties of milk. • Lactose reacts with amino acids when milk is heated. • Lactose has many functions of milk. it: – Provides food energy – Makes milk delicately sweet – Lactose can be split by the enzyme lactase into the glucose ( which can be fermented) and galactose – Adds body to milk 4. MINERAL AND VITAMINS • Most of the minerals presents in the milk are in the form of salts. Usually the salt make up less than 1 percent of milk. These salts include chlorides, phosphates and citrates of potassium, calcium, sodium , and magnessium. • The calcium and magnesium ions and milk help the casein micelles stable. • Among the trace elements present in milk are cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, nickel, and molybdenum. • Of the four vitamins (thiamin, niacin, and vitamin A) in milk, riboflavin is present in the largest amount.Riboflavin is the reason milk should be stored in cardboard or plastic containers. MILK PROCESSING MILK PROCESSING • Milk should have good flavor a high nutritive value. and a satisfactory shelf life. Shelf life is the time of a food product can be sotred before deteriorating. Local health departments carefully regulate the processing and sale of milk and milk products. • Most milk sold today is pasteurized, homogenized and fortified during processing. • which ensures the safety of milk. Pas teurization has been used for over 100 years to kill harmful bacteria present in milk. In this process, milk is heated to high temperatures for a short time to destroy harmful bacteria. • Pasteurization also denatures the enzymes present in milk. In fact, one method of testing milk to see if it has been pasteurized is to test for the specific enzyme alkaline phosphatase. If the enzyme is present, the milk has not been pasteurized. MILK PROCESSING 1. Pasteurization- has been used for over 100 years to kill harmfull bacteria. It also denatures the enzymes present in milk. • Phosphatase test is done to see if the milk has been pasteurized. If alkaline phosphatase is presesent, the milk has not been pasteurized. • Sometimes milk is pasteurized at ultra-high temperatures for a short period of time.This milk, called UHT milk, has few bacteria and a long shelf life. MILK PROCESSING 2. Homogenized- reduces the size of the fat particles 3. Fortified- milk can be fortified by exposing it ultraviolet light.This change some of fats components in the milk to vitamin D, Vitamin D concentrate can also be added to the milk prior ro pasteurization. TYPES OF MILK PRODUCTS TYPES OF MILK PRODUCTS • Fresh fluid milk is divided into categories according to its fats content. The level of fat in each type of milk is set by law. -Skim milk has had all fat removed -Low -fat milk contains from 0.5-2 percent milk fat. -Whole milk contains a minimum of 3.5 percent milk fat. TYPES OF MILK PRODUCTS • Cream can also be divided according to the amount of fat it contains. -Half-and-half is 1 percent fat -Coffee cream contains 18 percent fat -Light whipping cream contains a minimum of 30percent fat. -Heavy whipping cream contains a minimum of 35 percent fat. • Whipping cream often bears the labels UHT. TYPES OF MILK PRODUCTS • Evaporated milk is whole milk that has been heated at low pressure. The result is a concentrated form of milk that is usually homogenized, sterilized in processing, and sealed in a tin. Carrageenin is often added to stabelized the casien proteins. • Condensed milk is process by removing 50 percent of the water in the milk, adding sugar, and canning it. It is 44 percent sugar. The sugar produces a high osmotic pressure which draws the water left in the milk away from the nutrients needed for bacterial growth. TYPES OF MILK PRODUCTS • Dried milk is availabe in a powdered form. the milk used to make dried milk is pasteurized, and then the water is removed leaving a dry solid material. • Fermented milks have a distinctive flavor beacuse of the breakdown of lactose by bacterial action. (e.g buttermilk, sour cream, yoghurt) EXAMPLE OF MILK PRODUCT