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CYME 8.1 Automated Network Forecast Analysis User Guide

Power Engineering Software
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network
Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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Power Engineering Software
1 – Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis ..................................................................... 3
3 – Results Viewer........................................................................................................... 27
Index................................................................................................................................. 43
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
1 – Introduction
1 – Introduction
The CYME analysis module Automated Network Forecast Analysis aims at helping you plan your
network modifications and load growths over time. It inherits its main analytical and topological functions
from the Advanced Project Manager interface and the CYME existing modules.
In this perspective, you will use the Advanced Project Manager to create and manage your projects
(See the CYME Advanced Project Manager User Guide). You will also need the load allocation analysis
on an updated network in order to distribute the network peak load. Taking into account future changes
on the network, you will be able to simulate different scenarios that will allow you to identify and correct
load growths related problems. For example, you might simulate load flows and contingency analyses
under different circumstances, objectives or restrictions in order to forecast the demand for the planning
cycle time frame. Finally, the Results Viewer module facilitates the use, display and visualization of the
Automated Network Forecast Analysis reports.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
The Automated Network Forecast Analysis interface includes three tabs: Networks, Project and
Output. The dialog box can be accessed through the command Analysis > Automated Network
Forecast Analysis. There are four common commands located at the bottom of the dialog box: Run,
Save, Cancel and OK.
Saves all the modifications made and then runs the analyses listed in the Analyses
group box of the Project tab; the list of analyses will vary depending on the sub
projects selected in the Sub-projects group box of the same tab.
Saves all the modifications made in all tabs of the dialog box.
Closes the Automated Network Forecast Analysis dialog box and saves all noncancelled modifications that took place in the Project Analysis Manager; all other
modifications made in the Networks and Output tabs, and in the Sub-projects
group box of the Project tab will be ignored.
Click on this button to save the modifications made in all tabs and close the dialog
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Networks Tab
All networks from the active database are displayed in this section as a tree
structure organized by network type (Network, Substation, Secondary network).
Check the checkbox of each network you want to include in the simulation.
During the execution, the Automated Network Forecast Analysis will load in
memory any network necessary to accomplish its duty. Check/uncheck the
checkbox next to the network type in order to select/unselect all networks of this
type. Check/uncheck the checkbox next to the network name to include/exclude
it from the simulation.
Click on the symbol
to reduce it again.
to expand the reduced tree structure or on the symbol
A right-click on the mouse button anywhere inside the window that contains the
tree structure (but the tree structure area) will pop up the following menu.
Expand All: Expand all collapsed branches of the tree structure at once.
Collapse All: Reduce all expanded branches of the tree structure at once.
Select All: Select all elements of the tree structure at once.
Unselect All: Unselect all elements of the tree structure at once.
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Allows to quickly finding a network in the networks tree structure. In the
associated editing field, enter the network name you want to find or any substring
of this name and then click Find. The network with this name (or the first
occurrence of a network name with the substring) will be found and highlighted in
the network tree structure within the visible part of Networks group box.
Obviously, if the tree where the network is found was reduced when the search
begun, then it will be expanded. When you are searching with a characters
string, successive calls to the command Find will allow you to get all the
occurrences of the string in the tree structure.
A right-click on the mouse button anywhere inside the associated editing field will
pop up the following Editing menu.
You may also proceed in this way: first, enter the string you are
looking for in the Edit field and then press the <Enter> key.
Allows you to select all the networks displayed in the tree structure of group zone
Allows you to unselect all the networks displayed in the tree structure of group
zone Networks.
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Project Tab
Sub-projects Group Box
This section shows the list of all sub-projects defined in the active project.
All: Allows selecting all sub-projects.
None: Allows unselecting all sub-projects.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Analyses Group Box and Project Analysis Manager
The table in this group box lists all analysis commands you want to apply to the active project. These
commands are being displayed in the order in which they will be applied by the Automated Network
Forecast Analysis, beginning with the first row.
When you click on the Project Analysis Manager button, you access a dialog box with the same name
that will allow you to define the analyses commands to submit to the Automated Network Forecast
Analysis. The contents of the columns come from parameters defined in the Analysis Properties and
the Analysis Configuration dialog boxes.
The entire row and all related commands are automatically selected as soon as you click on a table cell.
In fact, the Analysis Manager identifies the dependencies between commands (for example, commands
created for a defined sub-project type) by selecting them all at once.
In the load flow example shown above, all sub-projects of the sub-project type Year corresponding to
Emergency are selected at once to emphasize their dependency. So in this way, you can edit or delete
related commands all at once.
Allows creating a new analysis command you can submit to the Automated Network
Forecast Analysis. This new command is added to the list while conforming to the
commands execution priority.
When the commands must be executed before the selected element, the priority
scheme proceeds in the following order: Project  Sub-project Type  Subproject  Modification.
When the commands must be executed after the selected element, the priority
scheme proceeds in the reverse order: Modification  Sub-project  Subproject Type  Project.
Allows modifying the analysis properties and the configuration of the selected row.
The Add and Edit commands point towards the same dialog box, Analysis
Click on this button to delete the selected row. Confirmation is not required before the
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Allows changing the order of commands of the same execution priority level. Click on
the button to move the selected row one row up. This button is automatically disabled
when the selected row is the first in the list.
Allows changing the order of the commands of the same execution priority level.
Click on the button to move the selected row one row down. This button is
automatically disabled when the selected row is the last in the list.
The buttons Move up and Move down can be used only to modify the order of
submittal of many commands with same execution priority level. Otherwise, they are
Click on this button to confirm and accept all modifications made in
the Project Analysis Manager dialog box before closing it. The
dialog box current content will be transferred as is into the
Analyses group box of the Project tab.
Click on this button to ignore all modifications made to the Project
Analysis Manager dialog box before closing it.
The configuration names listed in the Analysis Configuration column are hyperlinks. As
soon as you position the cursor over a name, the cursor will change to a hand icon. If
you click on the mouse left button, you select the entire row and you quickly access the
analysis parameters defined in the dialog box Analysis Configuration.
Analysis Properties
Click on the drop-down list arrow to display the names of available analyses
configurations for current project.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
Apply Analysis
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Click on the drop-down list arrow to display the available element types
upon which the analysis will be applied. Possible choices are: Project, Subproject, Sub-project Type, and Modification. Note that this last choice will not
be available unless the active project network has been modified or the
modifications made to the network have been loaded in memory.
If you select Project, the project name is displayed in the disabled field
of the drop-down list underneath.
If you select Sub-project, all the active sub-projects names of the
project are provided in the drop-down list underneath. Click on the
arrow to roll out this list and select the desired sub-project.
If you select Sub-project Type, all the active project sub-projects types
are provided in the drop-down list underneath. Click on the arrow to roll
out this list and select the desired sub-project type.
Finally, if you select Modification, the descriptions of all modifications
made to the implied networks are provided in the drop-down list
underneath. Click on the arrow to roll out this list and select the desired
modification. Note that these modifications are saved in a distinct
structure other than the CYME database network in order to ease
problem detection and correction during planning analyses.
Allows indicating the networks that will be affected by the command among
three possible choices: All networks in memory, All networks involved and
Individual networks.
All networks in memory means that all networks loaded in memory
will be considered. It is used only for a global sub-project. This term
applies to a sub-project that must inevitably be loaded in memory as
soon as the project has been loaded from the database.
All networks involved means that all networks involved in the
modifications or in child sub-projects will be taken into account. This
option will be used for either global or local sub-project. In a local subproject, as soon as the modifications contained in the sub-project affect
the networks currently loaded in memory, you must load the subproject.
The option Individual Networks is used when the command applies to
a sub-project or a modification.
This button will be active only if you choose Individual networks in
Networks. Click on this button to access the Select Networks dialog box
where you can select one by one the networks to include in this
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Except for the All and the None buttons, Select Networks offers the same
functionality as the Networks group box in the Networks tab of the
Automated Network Forecast Analysis dialog box. Nevertheless, keep in
mind that a command operating on individual networks will fail to execute if
those individual networks are not also selected to be part of the simulation.
Allows indicating if the command will be applied before (Execute before) or
after (Execute after) the selected element, namely Project, Sub-project type,
Sub-project or Modification. Click on the arrow of the drop-down list to make
your choice.
Load Model
Select your Load Model from the models available. These were created
using the Load Model Manager. The customer types part of the load model
are created using the Manage Customer Type button
. This data is
saved with the self-contained study. See Network > Load Model Manager.
Click on this button to confirm and accept all modifications made to the
Analysis Properties dialog box before it closes.
Click on this button to disregard all modifications made to the Analysis
Properties dialog box before it closes.
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Analysis Configuration
You access this dialog box by clicking on one of the hyperlinks in the Analysis Configuration column in
the Project Analysis Manager dialog box. You may also click on the Customize… button in the
Analysis Properties dialog box.
Displays the name of the first configuration in the list at initialization. Click
on the arrow of the drop-down list to browse the names of all the
configurations already defined in order to select the desired one.
Configuration names must be unique.
Allows adding a new configuration to the list. The dialog box suggests a
default name <AnalysisConfig> to which a number is concatenated if
needed to guarantee the uniqueness of the configuration name. If you type
a configuration name that already exists, the program will give you a
warning and then replace the duplicated name with the default name.
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Allows modifying the current configuration name. The modified name must
also be unique. The dialog box displays the configuration name to modify.
Type in the configuration name and click on OK. If the name already exists,
a message will warn you that the old name will be kept.
Allows eliminating the current configuration. This command will not ask for
confirmation. If you change your mind, click on Cancel. You would be able
to reopen the dialog box afterwards.
Analysis Type
To define the analysis type associated with this configuration. Five analysis
types are available: Load Flow, Short-circuit, Load Allocation, Load Growth
and Single Contingency Restoration. Click on the arrow of the drop-down
list to display the five types and select the desired one. When you are
adding a new configuration, the program selects Load Flow by default.
When you have completed the configuration data entry, click on this button
to save your data and close the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without saving your modifications.
Analysis Configuration: Parameters
The Parameters tab of the Analysis Configuration dialog box displays the list of the parameters types
associated with the selected analysis type, and lets you modify at the same time the parameters
aggregated under each of the parameters types by clicking on the Customize hyperlink associated with
the type.
Load Flow
If you choose the Load Flow analysis type, you can modify the following
If you choose the Short-Circuit analysis type, you can modify the following
Load Allocation
Load Flow parameters.
Short-Circuit parameters.
The selection of Load Allocation will allow you to modify two types of
Load Flow parameters;
Load Allocation parameters.
Load Growth
The analysis type Load Growth offers no parameters type to modify.
and Restoration
The selection of Contingency analysis allows you to modify two types of
Minimum Fault
Load Flow parameters;
Contingency Analysis parameters.
The selection of Minimum Fault will allow you to modify two types of
Short-Circuit parameters;
Minimum Fault parameters.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
Device Analysis
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Finally, Protective Device Analysis allows you to modify two types of
Short-Circuit parameters;
Protective Device Analysis parameters.
If you wish to save permanently the modifications made on a given type of parameters,
you will need to check the checkbox associated with this parameter type.
In order to avoid losing modifications made in either one of the dialog boxes displayed
when you click on the Customize hyperlink, the checkbox associated with the dialog box
will be automatically checked after clicking on OK. It will be up to you then to uncheck it if
you want to disregard the modifications to be able to use the CYME parameters values.
Calculation Parameters
The Load Flow element gives access to the five tabs of the Analysis > Load Flow Analysis dialog
You may refer to the chapter about Load Flow Analysis in the Distribution Basic Analyses Users Guide
for a description of the parameters.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Load Allocation Parameters
The Load Allocation Parameters element gives access to the following dialog box:
These parameters are the same than what you would find in the dialog box displayed when you use the
Analysis > Load Allocation… command and click on the Parameters button in the Allocation Method
group box. You may refer to the Load Allocation chapter in the Distribution Basic Analyses Users Guide
to obtain a description of the dialog box parameters.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Short-Circuit Parameters
Short-Circuit Parameters gives access to the Analysis > Fault Analysis > Short-circuit dialog box
intended for the parameterization of conventional short-circuit calculation.
You may refer to the parameters description of tabs of this dialog box in the Short-circuit Analysis
chapter found in the Distribution Basic Analyses Users Guide.
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Minimum Fault Parameters
Minimum Fault Parameters gives access to the Analysis > Protective Device Coordination > Minimum
Fault dialog box.
You may refer to the parameters description of tabs of this dialog box in the Coordination Analyses
chapter found in the Protective Device Analysis Users Guide.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Protective Device Analysis Parameters
Protective Device Analysis Parameters gives access to the Analysis > Protective Device Coordination >
Protective Device Analysis dialog box.
You may refer to the parameters description of tabs of this dialog box in the Run Reach and Load
Analyses chapter found in the Protective Device Analysis Users Guide.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Power Engineering Software
Contingency Assessment and Restoration Parameters
Finally, the Contingency analysis parameters element gives access to Restrictions and Cold Load Pick
Up tabs of the Analysis > Single Contingency Restoration > Run dialog box.
The N-1 method will be automatically selected within the framework of the Automated Network Forecast
Analysis. This fact implies the utilization of strategic points to execute the analysis. Note that a strategic
point (or a strategic device) is a protective device that is identified as strategic on the basis of its role in
a pick up scenario. Normally closed strategic points will be opened and normally opened strategic
points will be closed before running the load flow analysis. Once the generation of reports is completed,
the network will return to its initial state.
Thereby, prior to proceeding to the contingency analysis, you must specify the strategic devices for
each line. For that purpose, you should first give the Strategic attribute to each device and then specify
its restoration mode as shown below.
Moreover, the use of a simplified view by strategic points will allow visualizing the strategic devices on
the network. You can display such a view by proceeding as follows:
Select the command Customize > Simplified View…
The Simplified View dialog box will be displayed. Click on Add (
) in the Configuration group
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
The Simplified View Configuration dialog box will be displayed. Enter the name Strategic in the
field Configuration Name. From the Layer Category drop-down list select an existing category under
which you want to classify this configuration or type in a category name in the Edit field. If you want to
assign existing configuration properties to this new one, select the desired configuration from the Copy
Properties from drop-down list, otherwise select <None>. Click on OK to acknowledge the
modifications and close the dialog box.
In the Devices and Instruments in view group box, expand the Switching and Protective Devices
Check or select a protective device (let‘s say, a fuse).
In the Fuse – Device Filters group box, click on Edit.
The User Defined Filters dialog box will open. Click on Add to open the New Filter dialog then select
the option Empty Filter and click on OK to open the Filter Editing dialog. In its Properties group box,
type in a name (IsStrategic) for the filter and select a category (General) or type in a new one.
In the Rules group box, at the prompt Click Here To Add A Clause, make a left click. The Keyword
Selection dialog box will open.
In the column Keyword, locate and select the keyword IsStrategic. Click on OK to come back to the
Filter Editing dialog box.
In the Rules group box at the column Operator, make sure you select the item Is Equal To from the
In the column Value, select Yes.
Click on OK to acknowledge the modifications and close the Filter Editing dialog box.
The filter IsStrategic is now listed under category General in the User Defined Filters dialog box.
Click on OK to acknowledge the modifications and close this dialog box.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Power Engineering Software
In the Fuse – Device Filters group box, click on the arrow button associated with the item IsStrategic
and select Yes to apply this filter to all fuses defined as strategic.
Repeat step 5 to 14 for each one of the other protective devices. When you have finished, click on OK
to save the configuration and display the network in the simplified view Strategic. Whenever you want to
display that view, go to the Simplified Views icon in the Main Action Toolbar to select the
configuration Strategic as shown below.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
The drawing below shows an example of the type of view you may obtain.
You can apply the restriction IsStrategic to all protective devices with only one
operation. At step 5, instead of checking a particular protective device, check/select the
parent element Switching and Protective Devices. Then check the checkbox Device
Filters in order to activate the button Edit. Complete the other steps (6 through 14) and
click on OK.
The pre-selection of the N-1 method leads to the reduction of the number of parameters you are
required to enter in the Restriction tab.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
In a load management context, select Custom (
) in order to define specific load limits for
contingency analysis. You cannot use load flow parameters because voltage limits are different for
contingency simulation. A load flow analysis will confirm these load limits for each switching scenario.
In the Cold Load Pickup tab, define utilization factors (P, Q) and pick-up factors. Set utilization factors
at 100% for the blocks that are not in contingency. For blocks in contingency, define a pick-up factor for
the block being recovered.
Finally, to obtain the values in the contingency reports, you need to define limiting points in the
properties of each line being analyzed.
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Analysis Configuration: Results
This tab contains a list of all reports to be generated and saved in the database for a later use.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Click on this button to access the Reports dialog box to select the reports you
want to include in the configuration. For more detailed information about the
dialog box, you may refer to the Report menu chapter of the CYME Reference
Select a report from the reports list and then click on this button to delete it from
the list. No confirmation is required.
Allows you to customize the reports. When you click on this hyperlink, you
access the properties dialog box associated with this type of report. For more
detailed information, you may refer to the Report menu chapter of the CYME
Reference Manual.
Output Tab
Load Forecast
Allows generating reports in line with the networks grouping defined in
the Text tab of the Preferences dialog box. The three texts of
checkboxes will become the sub-directories names of the directory
displayed in Output Folder. If you choose the Folder saving mode, the
simulation results will be saved in those sub-directories.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Like in the example shown above, if you had checked the checkboxes
Network, Area, Voltage Level the simulation results files would be
saved in the sub-directories:
C:\CYME\Forecast-2015\Voltage Level.
You may change the texts Area and Voltage Level in the tab named at
the beginning of this paragraph. Moreover, the same structure
(directory->sub-directory) will be used by the Results Viewer to display
the results.
Limiting devices: Check this option to include all information about
these devices in the network report.
Contingency Matrix: Check this option to generate a summary report
presenting the network feeders, each with their related contingency, in
the form of a table. Use Results Viewer to display the report.
Warning Thresholds: When the Contingency Matrix option is enabled,
click on this button to display the Contingency Matrix Warning
Thresholds dialog box in order to define which equipment to simulate
during a particular stage.
To enter a new threshold for an equipment, first click into the associated
Stage 1 or Stage 2 cell and start typing the new value.
Protection Reports
Checkmark these options to command the execution of the
corresponding analyses and the generation of reports following these
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2 – Automated Network Forecast Analysis
Output Folder
Mark the checkbox to activate the edit field in order to indicate the
directory you wish to save the simulation reports and results in.
Type in the directory name or click on the Browse button
in order
to select the directory where you will save the simulation reports files.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
3 – Results Viewer
The Results Viewer is the tool dedicated to display the results generated by the Automated Network
Forecast Analysis. Results generation by the Automated Network Forecast Analysis during a simulation
will automatically lead to the loading of the Results Viewer. You can produce contingency, feeder, and
network reports. The following illustration shows the different components of the Results Viewer
You can open the Results Viewer from the Start Windows button
. Select Start > All
Programs > CYME > CYME > Tools > CYME Results Viewer. Then browse for your results file.
Alternately, when you select Summary Reports from the Output Tab of the Automated Network
Forecast Analysis and Run the analysis, the Results Viewer will be automatically launched upon
completion of the calculations.
Menu Items
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
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3 – Results Viewer
Select this command to open the Browse For Folder dialog box where you
can select the root directory that contains the Automated Network Forecast
Analysis reports you want to use. Subdirectories will be loaded automatically.
This command allows you to close the application CYME – Results Viewer.
Select this command to expand or collapse the report in the display window.
When the symbol
is visible, the report appears in its collapsed format; this
command allows you to expand it. When on the contrary, the symbol
visible, the report appears in its expanded format; this command allows you to
collapse it.
Refresh All
Select this command in order to close all reports (expanded or collapsed) of
the display window and to reload current reports if new results are available.
About CYME – Results Viewer: Select this command to know the version and revision of Results
Viewer you are using.
Removable Toolbar
OPEN FOLDER. Click on this icon to open the Browse For Folder dialog box where
you can select the root directory that contains the Automated Network Forecast
Analysis reports you want to use. Subdirectories will be loaded automatically.
EXPAND. Click on this icon to expand all reports of the display window shown in its
collapsed format.
COLLAPSE. Click on this icon to collapse all reports of the display window shown in its
expanded format.
REFRESH ALL. Click on this icon to close all reports (expanded or collapsed) of the
display window and to reload the current reports if new results are available.
PRINT. To print the content of the report display window.
PRINT LAYOUT. Displays each report page exactly as it will appear in its printed
PAGE SETUP. To select the printer to use for all printing requests and adjust the
printer settings such as paper size, margins, portrait or landscape orientation.
Stationary Toolbar
DOCUMENT MAP. Click on this icon to display the document map (shortcuts tree). The
document map or shortcuts tree aggregates and presents the report elements as a tree
structure as shown in the illustration below. In the context of a completely expanded
report, it allows you to quickly display a report element in the visible part of the display
window with a single click on the element name in the tree instead of using the scroll bar.
Thereby, this icon will be enabled only if the context justifies it.
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3 – Results Viewer
FIRST PAGE. In a report with more than one page, this icon allows you to go to the first
PREVIOUS PAGE. In a report with more than one page, this icon allows you to go to the
previous page.
NEXT PAGE. In a report with more than one page, this icon allows you to go to the next
LAST PAGE. In a report with more than one page, this icon allows you to go to the last
STOP. Click on this icon to stop the loading of the report.
REFRESH. Click on this icon to regenerate the report and to restore the display window
content contingent on current attributes.
Export to Excel: Select this command to save the displayed report in Excel format. You
will be able to indicate the directory and the report name of your choice in the dialog box
Save As.
Export to Acrobat (PDF) file: Select this command to save the displayed report in PDF
format. You will be able to indicate the directory and the report name of your choice in
the dialog box Save As.
Before using this command, you must make certain the report is displayed in its
expanded form. If it is not, click on the icon
ZOOM. Select the percentages in order to zoom in and zoom out in the
report display window.
Select Page width / Whole Page in order to modify the report display so that
the maximum number of elements will fit inside the display window.
FIND. To search for a characters string, enter the string in the search field
then click on the button Find. This button is activated as soon as you begin
to enter characters. If the characters string exists, it is selected and brought
in the visible part of the report display window. If it does not exist, a
message will indicate that the string was not found.
At the first occurrence of the string, the button Next will be enabled.
Successive clicks on the button will allow you to find all other occurrences
of the string in the report.
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3 – Results Viewer
Popup Menu
When you make a right click in the display window of the report, the following popup menu appears:
The commands of the stationary toolbar main mentioned above are mostly accessible through this
Available Reports Tree
The Available Reports Tree will display the list of reports required during the Automated Network
Forecast Analysis simulation; that means the list of reports contained in the directory provided in
Automated Network Forecast Analysis Output tab.
Contingent on the choice you make in the Summary Reports group box at the Output tab, you will be
able to generate a contingency report and a summary report for each distribution line, substation, and
zone contained in the simulation. In general, the tree will take the following form.
In the example above, the reports content of Voltage level and Zone will depend on the kind of network
grouping that was selected when creating the networks. Note also that you can change the texts Zone
and Voltage Level at the Text tab of the Preferences dialog box in CYME.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
Contingency Report
This report can be displayed either in MVA or Ampere depending on the unit selected. Select All in
Overload Filters to display all the values of maximum overload. Selecting one of the percentages
available will allow you to display only the maximum overload that is higher than the selected
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
Backup Feeder
To generate this report for a backup feeder, position the cursor over the column header corresponding
to the desired feeder in the Contingency Report. The cursor should change to a hand shape as shown
below. Then click on the left mouse button. Note that the color code associated to Backup Feeder in the
legend indicates the cells that will serve as hyperlinks to the reports.
The following type of report will be opened for the selected feeder.
It is a network area delimited by two strategic devices (See Analysis
Configuration: Parameters). During load transfer maneuver, one will open
and the other will close. Block row cells ID represent the device number of
the strategic point that will open.
Tie Section ID
This row cells ID represent the device number of the strategic point that will
In the example illustrated above, you can conclude that Feeder CHY_203 will pickup the load of feeder
CHY_201 following the opening of device Y8H8D and closing of device O1X2C. Also, in the first
illustration, you may observe that the opening devices for the backup feeders CHY_203, CHY_211 and
CHY_213 are respectively Y8H8D, R9C5K, C9Y3R.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
Outage Feeder
To generate this report, position the cursor over the cell with the feeder name you want to generate the
report for. The legend’s color code for Outage Feeder will indicate selectable cells. The cursor should
change to a hand shape as shown below. Then click on the left mouse button.
The following type of report will be opened for the selected feeder.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
3 – Results Viewer
Power Engineering Software
Feeder Report
This report can be displayed in MW, MVA or MVAR depending on the unit selected. It regroups the
results over the forecasted years about the feeder peak demand, overloads, losses, new customers,
load transfer, emergency voltage etc. You can display the specific reports by clicking on the + sign next
to its title in the main report display area.
Forecasted Peak Demand
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
New Customer
Contains the comment you enter when you create the modification associated
with this new customer.
Load Transfer
Contains the value you enter in the Location field of dialog box Sub Project
Properties when you create the sub project associated with the load transfer
(See the CYME Advanced Project Manager User Guide).
Contains the comment you enter when you create the modification associated
with this load transfer.
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
Normal Overloads
Normal Voltage
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
3 – Results Viewer
Power Engineering Software
Emergency Overloads
Emergency voltage
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
Network Summary Report
Normal Overload Conditions
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
Emergency Overloads Conditions
Normal Low Voltage Conditions
Emergency Low Voltage Conditions
Normal High Voltage Conditions
Emergency High Voltage Conditions
Load Transfer
Contains the value you enter in the Location field of dialog box Sub Project
Properties when you create the sub project associated with the load transfer
(See the CYME Advanced Project Manager User Guide).
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
3 – Results Viewer
Contains the comment you enter when you create the modification associated
with this load transfer.
New Customer
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide
Power Engineering Software
Normal Low Voltage Conditions .................................. 40
Normal Overload Conditions........................................ 39
Normal Overloads........................................................ 37
Normal Voltage ............................................................ 37
Outage Feeder ............................................................ 33
Output Tab................................................................... 24
Analyses Group Box and Project Analysis
Manager .................................................................... 7
Overloads .................................................................... 35
Analysis Configuration ................................................ 11
Popup Menu ................................................................ 30
Analysis Configuration Parameters ............................. 12
Project Tab .................................................................... 6
Analysis Configuration: Results .................................. 23
Protective Device Analysis Parameters ....................... 17
Analysis Properties ....................................................... 8
Removable Toolbar ..................................................... 28
Automated Network Forecast Analysis ......................... 3
Results Viewer............................................................. 27
Available Reports Tree................................................ 30
Short-Circuit Parameters ............................................. 15
Backup Feeder ............................................................ 32
Stationary Toolbar ....................................................... 28
Calculation Parameters ............................................... 13
Sub-projects Group Box ................................................ 6
Contingency Assessment and Restoration
Parameters ............................................................. 18
Contingency Report .................................................... 31
Demand ...................................................................... 39
Emergency High Voltage Conditions........................... 40
Emergency Low Voltage Conditions ........................... 40
Emergency Overloads................................................. 38
Emergency Overloads Conditions ............................... 40
Emergency voltage ..................................................... 38
Feeder Report ............................................................. 34
Forecasted Peak Demand .......................................... 34
Introduction ................................................................... 1
Load Allocation Parameters ........................................ 14
Load Transfer ........................................................ 36, 40
Losses................................................................... 35, 39
Menu Items ................................................................. 27
Minimum Fault Parameters ........................................ 16
Network Summary Report ........................................... 39
Networks Tab ................................................................ 4
New Customer ...................................................... 36, 41
Normal High Voltage Conditions ................................. 40
CYME 8.1 - Automated Network Forecast Analysis - Users Guide