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Grade 1 ICT Exam: Computer Components Matching

First semester ICT Exam for Grade 1
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 30, 2010
Draw a line to match the following pictures or computer
components with their corresponding
2. Mouse______
3. Printer______
4. Keyboard_____
5. Computer case_____
6. Speaker_____
7. Microphone_____
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 2
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 30, 2010
A. Draw a line between the key and its place on the keyboard.
1. Function Keys
2. Enter Key
3. Number Keys
4. Space Bar
5. Shift Key
6. Escape Key
B. Draw a line from the input to the process and then to the output.
C. Put a check in the box below the picture which shows something
that uses a computer.
D. Write the name of the following computer components from the word
bank below and tell which ones are input units and which are output
Mouse, Keyboard, Speaker, Computer case, Printer, Microphone, Monitor
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 3
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 30, 2010
1. What are the storage devices that computers use to store data?
a). Hard disk b.) Floppy drive
c.) Compact disk (CD) d). All
2. Which of the following storage devices has the largest storage
a). Hard disk b.) Floppy drive
c.) Compact disk (CD) d). All
3. Which of the following is not an input unit?
a). Mouse
b.) Keyboard c.) Scanner
d). None
4. Please list down four computer input units.
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
D. ____________________
5. Please list down four computer output units.
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
D. ____________________
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 4
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October, 2010
A. Choose the correct answer
1. Similarities between a computer and other electronic devices are:
a). Input keys, b). Use of Electricity
c). Storing information d). all
2. _______ is what is entered in a computer before the processing operation.
a). Data, b). Information
c). Output
d). all
3. ___________ is given from the computer after the processing operation
such as the answer to a question, the result of other mathematical
operation, and so on.
a). Data, b). Information
c). Output
d). all
4. Why do we use filter for screen?
a). to protect our eyes from rays b). to protect compute from dust
to make the computer faster d). all
5. Why don’t we disconnect electricity while the PC is on
a). to protect our eyes from rays b). to avoid damaging the computer
c). to protect compute from dust
d). all
B. Answer the following questions
6. What is a computer?
7. What makes a computer special (different) from other devices?
8. What are the main functions of a computer?
9. What is the basic principle of a computer?
10. Why do we cover a computer when not in use?
C. Complete the blanks in the table below to fill the missing link in
the input >>>Process>>>Output
Blank paper
Printed paper
Dirty Clothes
1, 2, 5
20, 22
35, 15
20 < 22
D. Draw a line from the data to its process and information
E. Put a check (√) on the behavior which right and an (X) which is
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 5
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October, 2010
A. Answer the following questions
1. What are the main functions of a computer?
2. Which machines are the forerunners of modern computers?
3. Why is the principle of Babbage Machine same as modern computer of
4. What are some of the advantages of computers?
5. What is the Mouse used for?
B. Choose the correct answer
6. The Pascal machine:
a). looks like similar to the water meter b). is a mechanical machine that
adds and subtracts c). is made by the French inventor Pascal in 1642 d).
7. Which of the following computers has the largest storage capacity?
a). Super b). Mainframe c). Mini
d). Micro
8. Which of the following computers is used in Universities.
a). Super b). Mainframe c). Mini
d). Micro
9. Which of the following computers is used in army bases and research
a). Micro b). Mainframe c). Mini
d). Super
10. ___________ are used to hear sounds such are songs and lectures.
a). Microphones
b). Keyboards c). Speakers
d). Monitors
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 6
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 30, 2010
A. Answer the following questions
1. What is software?
2. What is the basis of Pascal machine?
3. What jobs does the CPU have?
4. What are advantages of a computer?
5. What is the use of a keyboard?
6. When we write a letter in Microsoft word program some of the words are
underlined with red line. What is the reason?
7. The first generation computers were characterized by _______________ and
the most famous computer is called __________.
8. The first calculating machine is called______________.
9. _______________is a machine connected to a computer and is used to print
results on a paper.
10. The fourth generation computers were characterized by
__________________________ which were able to make thousand s of small
silicon chips. These were then called Microprocessors and with that came
B. Choose the correct answer
11. The third generation computers were characterized by _____________
which led to the Mini-Computers:
a). Transistors b). Integrated circuits
c). vacuum tubes
d). None
12. Which of the following computers is less costly than supper computers?
a). Super b). Mainframe c). Mini
d). Micro
13. Which of the following computers is used in homes?
a). Super b). Mainframe c). Mini
d). Micro
14. Which of the following computers is the fastest to process complicated
a). Micro b). Mainframe c). Mini
d). Super
15. Which of the following is the main unit of the computer?
a). Mouse
b). Motherboard
c). Processor
d). CPU
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 7
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 30, 2010
A. Answer the following questions
1. What are the components of a CPU?
2. What is the use of input unit?
3. Where are processors used at?
4. What are the two types of main memory?
5. What is the use of main memory?
B. Choose the correct answer
6. What the user enters in the computer is called?
a). Information
b). Data
c). Results d). Output
7. When a PC finishes processing data, it then gives
a). Entry
b). Process c). Results d). input
8. A byte is made up of:
a). one Bit b). 8 Bits
c). Kilo Byte
d). One letter
9. This memory stores data, information, and programs temporarily
a). ROM
b). RAM
10. a). Information
c). CPU
d). None
b). Data
c). Results d). Output
11. The processor is responsible for the following:
a). Data Processing
b). Arithmetic Operations
data inside the computer
d). All
c). Control and administration of
12. Which one of the following is the “team leader” that works between the parts of the
a). Control Unit (CU)
b). ALU
c). CD ROM d). Hard disk
13. Arithmetic and logic operations are performed in
a). Control Unit (CU)
b). ALU
c). CD ROM d). Hard disk
14. The principle of the computer operation is
a). Input >>> Output >>> Process
b). Input >>> Process >>> Output
c). Output >>> Process >>> Input d). In computer there is no principle.
15. Which of the following is not a type of data?
a). Text
b). Drawings
c). Pictures d). Sounds e) None
C. Classify the below components in their correct column below
1. Monitor, 2. Joystick, 3. Microphone, 4. Barcode reader, 5. Speaker, 6. Mouse, 7. Mouse
8. Flash memory 9. Printer, 10. CD ROM, 10. Keyboard, 11. Floppy disk, 12. Hard disk
13. Earphone, 14. Hard disk, 15. Processor, 16. Scanner 18. DVDs
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 9
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 30, 2010
Answer the following questions
1. What is an operating system and its importance?
2. Give examples of operating systems
3. What affects the speed of the computer?
4. What are the various types of views in Power point and when we use them?
5. What are the factors that make a presentation a good one?
6. What are the various types of slide layouts and their use in MS PowerPoint?
7. When you buy a computer what important things do you check before deciding?
8. DOS stands for what?
9. _______________is a software that is used in calculating a family budget.
10. Why is the number of input and output ports important in comparing computers?
Because these ports allow the user to _____________________________________________
B. Choose the correct answer
1. When you want to write a letter to a friend what type of software do you use.?
a). MS Word
b). MS Excel
c). MS PowerPointd). Text message on your mobile
2. Which type of software is the best to organize extremely large amount of data
a). MS Word
b). MS Excel
c). MS PowerPointd). MS Access
3. The software used to manage a database is called
a). MS Access
b). MS Excel
c). MS PowerPointd). MS Word
4. Which type of processor is the best when you want to buy a laptop?
a). Celeron
b). Centrinoc). Apple Macintosh
d). Vista
5. I want to repair a damaged picture and wanted an appropriate software to help me do
that job. Which do you think is that software?
a). MS Access
b). Paint
c). MS PowerPointd). MS Word
6. What the user enters in the computer is called?
a). Information
b). Data
c). Results d). Output
7. The part that controls the computer is called
a). Input device b). CPU
c). Output device d). All are possible answers
8. The memory that loses the content when you switch of your computer is?
a). ROM
b). RAM
c). Secondary Storage Unit
d). Hard disk
9. The memory measuring unit is the byte and it represents
a). picture b). One word
c). One line d). None
10. ____________ is used in a multi-user environment and in management of computer
a). Apple Macintosh
b). Unix
c). Windows
d). None
First semester ICT Exam for Grade 10
Name: ______________________________________ Date: October 30, 2010
Answer the following questions
1. What does the word Internet stands for?
2. What do we need to create a network between two computers?
3. What do we need to create a network between more than two computers?
4. Explain Peer to Peer and Client-Server networks
5. What is a UTP cable and why are the pairs twisted?
B. Choose the correct answer
1. Fiber Optic cables are used to connect networks between cities because of _________.
a). Their Speed b). Their ability to withstand harsh weather c). color d). A and B are
correct answers
2. Which of the following is a wireless signal?
a). Radio waves b). Infrared rays c). Microwaves
d). All of the above
3. The type of cables that consist a group of very thin glass or plastic threads are
a). UPT cable
b). Fiber Optic cable
c). STP cable
d). All of the above
4. The type of cables that are used to connect local networks with each other are
a). STP cable
b). UPT cable
c). Fiber Optic cable
d). All of the above
5. __________is a special electronic device, which contains many interfaces and works as
a distributor for the computers in the network.
a). NIC
b). RJ 45 Connector
c). Computer
d). Network Hub
5. In Client-Server networks the network system is formed through a main compute
called __________.
a). peer to peer
b). Client
c). The Server
d). NIC
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