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French & English Colonization in North America Notes

The French in Canada
What Happens?
The English in the Americas
The English in the Americas
(Settlement in Jamestown)
Before 1608, when Samuel de Champlain
founded Quebec, the French weren't
interested in Canada due to its climate (65
percent returns).
The French used less coercive tactics to
convert the Natives to Catholicism; they
allied with the Hurons and Algonquinns and
fought the Iroquois tribe in 1608.
The French brought disease to the native
tribes and wiped out an estimated 30 percent
of all tribes.
Overall, the French were successful as a
fur-trading enterprise and converted the
natives to Christianity.
● After 1550, England suffered with high
inflation and declining wages, and the cities
were dangerously crowded as well.
Therefore, many decide to enter america for
the possibility of resettlements which helps
resolve the population problems
● The Puritans (led by John Calvin) couldn't
survive in England after Elizabeth I died in
1603. Thus, the Puritans moved to America
in 1630 to better practice their religions
● Separatists also decided to migrate for the
reform of the Church of England. However,
they moved to Holland before entering
The first permanent settlement in America
was the Jamestown Colony in 1607 by
Captain John Smith (London Company).
However, the Jamestown Colony
encouraged diseases which led to food
The food shortages made it hard for the
British to survive so they allied with the
To harvest the tobacco crop in Virginia,
indentured servants began to arrive in
Virginia. Many are unemployed, ex-criminals,
or both.
In 1619, African slaves arrived in 1619. The
Virginia Colony also created the House of
Burgesses in 1619 which was the first
representative government in any British
Settlement in Massachusetts
Maryland and the Carolinas:
A group of Separatists received the charter
to settle beside the Hudson River to spread
“gospel”. They are led by William Bradford
and produced the Mayflower Compact in
In 1691, the Separatists joined the
Massachusetts Bay Colony established by
the Puritans in 1629.
By 1640, nearly 25,000 English people had
migrated to Massachusetts to flee from bad
economic times.
In 1629, John Winthrop was the governor of
the MBC for 20 years.
Roger Williams: think MBC is way too close
to the Church of England so he settled in
Providence, Rhode Island.
Thomas Hooker: A dissenter who escaped
near Hartford, Connecticut.
Anne Hurchinson: claimed to be something
special to the god; asked to leave MBC -went to Portsmouth.
Maryland was settled in 1632 by George
Calvert and was designed as a refuge for
English Catholics.
North Carolina was similar to Virginia where
slaves were widely used.
Important People:
Samuel de Champlain: The person who first discovered Canada. He is goddamn French.
John Calvin: The leader of the Puritans. They couldn't survive in England after Elizabeth I died
in 1603. Thus, the Puritans moved to America in 1630 to better practice their religions.
Captain John Smith: Leader of the London Company. He and his crew first settled in America
and founded Jamestown Colony.
John Winthrop: A governor who was elected as the leader of MBC in 1629.
William Bradford: Leader of the Separatists.
Roger Williams: think MBC is way too close to the Church of England so he settled in
Providence, Rhode Island.
Thomas Hooker: A dissenter who escaped near Hartford, Connecticut.
Anne Hurchinson: claimed to be something special to the god; asked to leave MBC -- went to
Puritans: Religious dissidents who came to the new World for a “purer” environment.
Separatists: Religious group that opposed the Church of England; they first went to Holland
and then America.
Indentured servants: Individuals who exchanged compulsory service for free passage to the
American colonies.
25,000 B.C.E: Migration of Asians to the Americans across the Bering Strait begins.
1492: Voyage of Columbus to the Americas.
1520 - 1530: Smallpox epidemic devastates Native-American populations in many parts of
South and Central America, virtually wiping out some tribes.
1519: Cortes entered Mexico.
1534 - 1535: French adventurers explore the St. Lawrence River.
1541-1542: Spanish explorers travel through southerwestern United States.
1607: The English settled in Jamestown.
1619: Virginia established the House of Burgesses(first colonial legislature).
1620: Plymouth colony founded.
1629: Massachusetts Bay Colony founded.
1634: Maryland Colony founded.
1636: Roger Williams was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled in
Providence, Rhode Island; Connecticut founded by John Hooker.
1642: City of Montreal founded by the French.
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