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Application Development Process Overview

1. The process of building a computer program or a series of programs to fulfill the many
functions that a business wants is known as application development. It can be done by
major corporations with large project teams or by a single freelance developer. Application
development defines the process of creating an application and generally adheres to a
specified methodology. Gathering requirements, designing prototypes, testing,
implementation, and integration are all processes in the app development process.
Applications assist organizations automate operations and boost productivity by doing
things like calculating monthly expenses and arranging sales reports.
2. What are the ethical and legal considerations in application development?
a. In application development, we are not just developing a application but we should
consider some ethical and legal consideration especially to those application or
software we are making or creating. We should inform our customers the
boundaries and the limits of developing a software based on the existing legal law
and to not to do a illegal software that will cause harm for both parties of the
company and the end user of it.
3. How does Requirement Management work?
a. Requirement management first and foremost ensures that the application
development goals are met before proceeding to another phase or stage of the
development of the product. This ensure that all necessary suggestion or
requirement of our customer or client are met by their expectation for their own
business flow.
4. State and define the set of techniques used for Requirements management
a. First developer should include documentation at the start of the conversation with
our client. This will make sure all agreements, suggestions, ideas, design, business
process of the client are properly documented to have a clear distinction of
document for both parties. After getting the necessary document data, we can now
proceed to analyze those and plan ahead the design and possible implementation of
it during the coding phase. Once the analyzing complete, we are now prioritizing the
necessary data from the document and start negotiation for the both parties. This
will make sure that all planned steps are feasible for the client and the developers
who will create the software.
5. Interface design is the process of building and visualizing a surface of an application that we
view and interact with, such as in mobile app and web development. A user interface is
anything with which a user interacts when using a digital product or service. Screens and
touchscreens, keyboards, noises, and even lighting are all examples of this. This indicates
that user interface (UI) is made up of all the pieces that allow a user to engage with a
product or service. UX, on the other hand, refers to what the person interacting with the
product or service takes away from the overall experience. UX is concerned with the user's
path to solve an issue, whereas UI is concerned with how a product's surfaces appear and
6. State what is being done in the testing phase of application development.
a. The testing phase of application development has two major phases where alpha
and beta is being done sequentially. Alpha test is where developers try first the
software and undergoing it through repeated cycle of quantitative measurement of
test case to ensure the integrity and usability of each module being develop. Second
is Beta testing where chosen people outside of the company try to test the software
and look for major bugs or complication within the flow of the application that will
make the application incapable of releasing. After testing and resolving all the issues
they will still undergo testing phase even it releases in order to polish evenly the
application for unwanted test cases.
7. The Software Development Life Cycle refers to an approach for developing high-quality
software that includes well defined procedures. The SDLC technique focuses on the
software development phases of requirement analysis, planning, software design, software
development, and testing and deployment. SDLC provides a well-structured sequence of
stages that enables an organization to swiftly deliver high-quality software that has been
thoroughly tested and is suitable for production usage. SDLC reduces the cost of software
development while enhancing quality and cutting production time. SDLC reduces the cost of
software development while enhancing quality and cutting production time. SDLC achieves
these seemingly disparate aims by following a framework that eliminates the common
problems of software development projects. The strategy begins with an assessment of
current systems for flaws