t 1 ' , ' t r ' ,i 'i.ti ,'.: : , l j i ! l,' , t t : l i ; name: Student's and fill in on the ANSWERSHEET Readthe instructions your NAME,SCHOOLYEAR,SEXand the LANGUAGE YOU FIRSTSPOKE. Usethe informationprovidedto choose the BESTanswerfrom the 4 possibleoptions. On vourAnswerSheetblackenthe circlethat matches the answeryou choose. Ma rko n l y ONE answerfor eachquestion. Yourscorewill be the numberof correctanswers. Marksare NOT deductedfor incorrectanswers. 40 QUESTIONS T I M EA L L O W E D4:5 M I N U T E S Mark vour answerson the AnswerSheetonly. U s ea 2 8 o r B p e n c i l . D o N OI-usea bir o or pen. conr PletelY. R u bo u t a ny mistakes Youmay usea ruler. Youmay NAI usea calculator. PrabaSubramaniam 9837 0275 -festing Centre2000 @ Eclucational SouthWales New of The University I R ALIA A U S 2 0 5 2 SYDNEY www.etc.unsw.edu.au Pno,rcrwrrg A CollnsonATtve UNtvrnstrY Cnoss SournrnN AND SourHrnru CRoss MnrHIMATIcAl- AssoctarloN 47 -.,fi' .+ 31, (A) (B) (c) (D) 5. Whichgroupof shapeshastwo triangle and two circles? 16 1B 78 87 O r t l OV a,\o L-] A O o,--, L--i n II L! L]A (A) 33 (B) 37 / . \ (c) e3 (D) e7 Whichpencilis the longest? A oa ^ o l \ L_Jr l---_-_lr (A) rl/\ i t o tj n o A \_-/ 3x7= (A) 10 (B) 18 (c) 21 -(D), 28 / \ / t L_l Whichoneof thesepointsis not in line withthe others? a (A) . (B) ,Hereis a numberPattern. 1 1 . Oneangleof thistrianglehasbeen rubbedout. 2 4 , 2 2 , 2108, , . . . Whichnumbercomesnext? (A) (B) (c) (D) 8. 1o 16 17 1e Which angleshouldbe there? What time is shownon this clock? \ (A) nineto three quarterto three threePastnine quarterPastnine (A) (B) (C) (D) / \ 9. (c) Whichoneof thesegivesthe largest \ answer? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2x10 3 x'8 4x4 5x3 (D) 12. Ted'sheightis exactlyhalf-waybetween ' theheightsof KennYand Ben' A codeis usedfor the lettersof the by a alphabet.Eachletteris represented number. lf EATis writtenas 5 | 1'l20 W thenTEA is 2 01 5 | 1 2 01 1 | 5 1 1 2 0l 5 1 | 5 l z o Kenny 1 6 0c m Ted ? Howtallis Ted? (A) (B) (C) (D) 135cm 1 3 0c m 1 2 5c m 1 2 0c m "13 . I n a c l a s so f 3 0 ch i l d re ne, a ch ch i l dch ose fruit.one favourit'e Apple Orange WhenSamcooksrice,he uses1 cuPof riceand 2 cuPsof water. W ffi Banana .M, - A -stup. llll ? Manso D Pineapple ffi It -Q., -3',1'r rice water Whenhissistervisits,Samuses2 cups of rice. HowmuchwaterwillSamneed? Strawberry@ , lri" 'Y]15 -5cups -4: -3 .- The favouritefruitsof all the childrenwere graphed,excePtfor thosewho chose bananas. Howmanychildrenchosea banana? (A) 6 (B) 7 -5cups (c) 8 (D) e 1 4 . Whichoneof thesesquareshasmore thanhalfof its areashaded? (A) with Tinamadea triangleon a pegboard a rubberbandas shown.Shethenmoved the rubberbandfromP outto Z' (B) (c) to the angleat R? WhathaPPened (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) lt becamea littlebigger' lt becametwicea big' lt staYedthe samesize' lt becamea littlesmaller' Usethe graphto answerQuestidns17 to 19. sport. Somechildrenwereaskedto choosetheirfavourite as shown. The resultsweregraPhed SPORTS FAVOURITE 300 q) 250 L E () L q) 200 150 -o E z 100 50 0 Sport sport? chosetennisas theirfavourite 1 7 . Howmanychildren (A) 30 (B) 100 (c) 150 (D) 450 1 8 . Whichtwosportswerechosenby the samenumberof children? (A) (B) (C) (D) hockeyand soccer cricketand soccer and swimming athletics hockeyandtennis 19. Howmanychildrenwereaskedaltogether? " (A) (B) (c) (D) e75 e00 875 550 GreenRoadSchoolheld a Mini-Olympics. Questions20 to 25 areaboutthose Mini-Olympics. 20. Thereare347students at GreenRoadschool.ifhereare 132girls. How many boysare at Green Road S:hool? (A) 215 (B) 27e (c) 415 (D) 47e '\i. 22. Therewere20 eventsin the Mini-Olympics. Therewere fee for eacheventwas $2. t.{:The en ,*W : ,1;4,{qs''- hijirLYi Howmuchmoneywaspaidin entryfeesaltogefreri .-'':'"tu (A) $160 (B) $240 (c) $szo (D) $+eo _ likethese' 23-. Mr,nossiwantedto makemedals f f i f f i f f i a solid' He madethemby cuttingequalslicesfrom to use? Whichwouldbe the bestsolidfor Mr Rossi re cube cylinder ( B) . F f . ; 1 i 9 H . 4 r i & . " : . € ' ' ' l . ' . l . i i ' ' * , . ! i . ' . - - . . . . ' . , j r . 9 3 ' * thisgame. Somechildreninvented X showhowto Whichset of instructions \41 9C r" ,"@l t mover,.o'lI \4^ &i a\ Y<i-t-'r @ ffi" & {) E{ ii: (A) Move5 squaresdownand 6 squaresacross. (B) Move5 squaresdownand 7 squaresacross. (C) Move6 squaresdownand 6 squaresacross. (D) Move6 squaresdownand 7 squaresacross' 27. A car travelsB0 km in one hour' at the samespeed lf the car keepstravelling howfar willit travelin two withoutstopping, anda halfhours? (A) 80 km (B) 160km ( C ) 1 8 0k m (D) 200 km s - - likethis' 28. Martacut thissquareintotwo p'ieces ZN NZ She movedthe piecesto make a rectangle' Whichrectanglecou|dMartamakewiththetwopieces? (B) r (D) 29. TlreSethreetoyscomein packetsof chips' .-.*----z----, f < € ) gL-lA < - \ tlr6Lt6^'{1 / \ ( l {=- J !"^^J lffil --i*-_ri (b d) Bloop <J."-="l) FliP HaP Kimwantedto collectall threetoys'She neededa BlooP. One Bloopcan be swappedforthreeFlips' car uses3 batteries A remote-control every6 hours. The batteriesare soldin packsof 4' Howmanypacksof batterieswouldbe neededto runthe carfor 48'hours? (A) 6 (B) B (c) 18 (D) 24 One Flipcan be swappedfor five Haps' HowmanYHaPswouldKim needto swaP scales' 32. Hereis a set of qnbalanced for one BlooP? Theweightof (A) 3 (B) 5 (c) I (D) 15 Whichof the followingis Possible? Trishspent$4'80on fruit'The costsare shownbelow. apples 80ceach grapes $1'20a bunch bananas 60ceach Trishbought3 aPPles. Whichof thesefruitdid she alsobuy? (A) (B) (C) (D) 3 bananas 3 bunchesof graPes 1 bananaand2 bunchesof graPes 2 bananasand 1 bunchof graPes 33. Annahasthisstamp. 36. The shapebelowhas missingsides. The dottedlineis the axisof symmetry. W h i c ho n e o f th e sesh a p e sca n she pr int with it? I / / T / \ (B) (A) l \ / \ \ (c) 7 (D) When the shape is completed,how many sidesdoes the shape have? Sanjaylivesin Australia. Hisgrandmother livesin India.Whenit is middayat Sanjay's house,it is 5 o'clockirrthe morningat his grandmother's house. (A) ( B) 5 6 (c) e (D) 10 One morningat 7 o'clock. Sanjay telephoned hisgrandmother. Whattimewas it at his grandmother's. housein India? (A) (B) (C) (D) midday 2 o'clockin the afternoon 5 o'clockin the afternoon midnight 37. lf you can onlytravelalongthe arrowsand in the direction of the arrows,howmany differentwaysare thereto get from P to Q1 ,,-___>' t, // l Amy,Jamesand Olga have 100 stamps altogether !/ t7 t/ Amy has 2 stampsmore than James. Jameshas 3 timesas many stampsas Olga. How many stampsdoes Olga have? (A) 12 (B) 14 (c) 24 (D) 42 (A) 5 (B) 6 (c) 7 (D) B i 3 8-^. 1\ AX$ thereare 3 dotsjoinedby In the triangle, 3 lines. ln the square,thereare4 dotsjoinedby 6 lines. thereare 5 dots,joined In the pentagon, by 10 lines. Howmanylinesare madewhenthereare B dots? (A) 36 (B) 28 (c) 16 (D) B areall true' 39. Thesethreenumbersentences - o + L-il t 1 l t - 13 / \ 3 l Whichone of theseis alsotrue? (A) A \ + l A/ l = 1 6 -l I 3 = 11 (B) A+ (c) n r = 8 (D) ( \--l ) + D/ n \ = 1 7 Phillipcan eat 32 lolliesin an hour'His brothercan eatthe sameamount in 3 hours longwill it takebothof themtogether h"low to eat 32 lollies? (A) (B) (C) (D) 40 minutes 42 minutes 45 minutes 55 minutes