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Heart Anatomy & Circulatory Systems Worksheet

Biol 1002K
Chapter 23 ALA part 1
1. Label the diagram of the heart.
1 = superior vena cava
2 =right atrium
3 = atrioventricular valve
4 =right ventricle
5 =left ventricle
6 =left atrium
7 = pulmonary vein
8 = pulmonary artery
9 = aorta
2. Describe the pathway of the blood through the heart.
The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs through the pulmonary value. Then the left atrium
gets the blood from the lungs and pushes it to the left ventricle. The left ventricle pumps the
blood to the aorta and out to the rest of the body.
3. Explain the differences between a closed and open circulatory system.
In an open circulatory system invertebrates pump fluid through their open ended vessels and then it
flows among the tissues. There is not a distinguish between the fluids. In a closed circulatory system the
circulatory fluid is confined to the blood vessels. Closed circulatory systems are more complex.
4. Explain the differences between the different types of vertebrate circulatory systems.
They have double circulatory system which have two circuits pulmonary circuit which pumps blood from
heart to the lungs then the systematic circuit which pumps blood from heart to the rest of the body.