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reflections (1)

I started my on the job training, really really late. I only worked for around 2 weeks. I started late
because my father passed away and I wasn't able to finish the allotted hours due to the
pandemic lockdown, but it's not about how long you work in a job, but it's all about how much
you've learned while doing the said job. In my on the job training I didn't learn a lot of technical
skills, but I realized a lot of things that are not taught in school nor I encountered in books.
Days hotel is a pretty good hotel if you ask me, I was assigned to the kitchen as a butcher's
assistant. I help clean the butcher all the meat, seafood and some main ingredients, it's a tough
job, from cleaning squids, to fire blasting clean huge pork slabs
It's a tough job, we are not allowed to sit, and the quality control is pretty tight, the kitchen is
equipped with security cameras, and the quality of meat should be flawless, no left over feathers
for chickens, and fish should be thoroughly cleaned. They are very strict with the quality of the
food. I was an English teacher, but now I run a small E-Commerce business myself and I do it
for a living and I no longer teach, one of the things that I learned as a teacher and a current
business owner is that Organization is very important whether you run a business or you're just
an ordinary employee
Organization is crucial if you want to make the operation smooth and sustainable. Creating a
system through rational principles that manages people is way more effective and sustainable
than managing the people directly, managing people is a difficult task, but creating a system
that people would follow is easy, effective and sustainable. That's the reason why the quality of
food, and the rate of service never changes no matter how high the demand for manpower on
busy days.
The Working environment is pretty good, it is indeed organized and strictly follows the house
rules, But we can't hide the fact that working hard for 8 hours and only getting paid on a daily
basis isn't quite fair, especially when you can easily be replaced. I also realized how lucky and
blessed I am to work on a job that I absolutely love (Online English Teacher) that doesn't
require tremendous physical efforts. I'm paid on an hourly basis, I earn 240 PHP per hour, while
my hotel buddies are paid on a daily basis with no specific tasks or targets that could be
It also gave me a powerful validation about the idea that your income is relative to the problem
that you can solve, being an English Teacher Solves a problem for Chinese Parents and being
a kitchen guy in a hotel also solves a of problem for the hotel owner, but kitchen guys can be
easily be replaced, it's hard for them to prove their skills on the spot if they are in the middle of
an interview which makes it hard to look for another job if things go south in their current
workplace. In my case as an English teacher, you could show numbers, stats and thoroughly
explain teaching methods and even do a live on the spot lesson to prove your skills if you
wanted to look for another job.
I was also astonished as I cracked the numbers about the value of food that we need to prepare
in the kitchen. Sometimes we cook orders worth 100 thousand PHP in a single day, but the
compensation of the workers isn't relative to the amount of the work they do.
Working as a hotel intern made me realize that
Your Income is relative to the problem you can solve
Being an employee is for a lot of people,but it's definitely not of everyone
Almost 80% of the people I met hate their job and most of the kitchen guys
unfortunately are no exemption
Only a few people are blessed to do work on a job that they genuinely love while getting
the right compensation
If working hard is the answer the butcher could be the wealthiest guy the in kitchen and
the employees would be richer compared to the restaurant/hotel owner
I have an employment experience of around 8 years, I'm not a stranger to shady workplace
politics, and working alongside strangers with different backgrounds. For the past 3 years I have
been teaching English online which I believe I'm pretty good at because I genuinely love what I
do. I may not be the best but definitely not the worst.
I honestly admit that I didn't learn a lot of technical skills in a period of 2 weeks, but I'm grateful
that I was able to see things in a bigger picture that I'm pretty would strengthen my resolve to
solidify my personal wisdom of foundation
Two weeks is a very short time, but I learned and realized a lot of things that I'm sure will help
me make less mistakes. And I Thank God for these realizations will fuel my heart with gratitude
and compassion and my mind with rationality and wisdom for my push towards my future