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Internet of Things: Benefits, Issues, and Applications

Motivation of the work
Credit: https://www.esb.bike/
In 2013, the Global Standards Initiative on Internet of Things (IoT-GSI) defined
the IoT as “the infrastructure of the information society.” This description focuses on
the main advantages provided by the communication connectivity between the
Internet and all the devices integrated with specific electronics: the possibility to
gather information and to exchange data in a fast and smart way.
Indeed, the relevant aspect of IoT is not only related to the kind of objects involved,
but to the kind of information retrieved. This is the reason why IoT is also
called Internet of Everything. By interfacing directly with people and their
experience of a product (both an object or an application), the accuracy of data is
The IoT is developing as more and more enterprises are getting involved in smart
projects concerning business intelligence tools. Cisco, the largest networking
company in the world, estimates the IoT ‘will consist of 50 billion devices connected
to the Internet by 2020’.
So, what are the benefits of the Internet of Things and why companies should
invest in the IoT? Here is a list of the top 10 reasons to develop IoT projects.
1. Support innovative business
IoT techniques support innovative businesses by allowing the possibility to better
assess their customers’ feedback while using their products. The measurability of
data is certainly an advantage for accelerating the (re)positioning of a product on the
2. Tailored solutions
IoT applications can be used in all sectors and in all kinds of daily activities. Therefore,
a company can start developing its projects by focusing on its own products. That is
the reason why Microsoft talks about “Internet of Your things”.
3. Efficiency and productivity
Companies using IoT solutions, take advantage of industrialized services given by
smart machines and optimized operations. Through an enhanced analytics control,
they improve also their efficiency and productivity.
4. Policy makers attention
Being an evolving technology but also an incentive for innovation, IoT is attracting
policy makers attention on the creation of new and specific policy and regulatory
frameworks. Governments are providing funding and advantages to IoT start-ups.
5. Everyday solutions
IoT techniques are effecting large-scale change in how people live and work. An
example is given by the principal means used today to bring the IoT to consumers:
the smartphone. Both at home or at work, at the office or in the warehouse, smart
devices and robots are improving everyday life and activities.
6. Next production revolution (NPR)
The IoT will probably facilitate what the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
(OCED) calls
interesting paper , IoT technology represents the promise for ‘higher productivity,
greener production, and new products, services and business models that can help
meet global challenges.
7. No, the IoT is not replacing humans
Despite many manufacturing sectors are becoming increasingly robotic, IoT devices
are not replacing human labor. Apart from the management and projecting activities,
the adoption of self-driving robots requires human training, maintenance and quality
control. So, people will still be needed in the production processes but they will be
helped by IoT solutions.
8. Connect new devices
The IoT gives the possibility to connect, manage and control a lot of devices and
objects that it was impossible to connect in the past and this is possible thanks to the
wide variety of existing platforms and protocols.
9. Collect new data
With the connectivity provided to new assets, it is also possible to collect data that
have never been available before. This helps enterprises to retrieve new information,
to develop new features for their products and to earn new revenues.
10. Automotive industry
The transport industry is one of the sectors most affected by interconnectivity. IoT
solutions have been embedded into automated and connected vehicles, thus
enhancing the efficiency of eMobility.
ESB is a perfect example of innovative business investing on IoT solutions for
eMobility. Our connectivity systems for e-bikes satisfy the necessity for data
retrieved from the vehicle and set to a cloud platform. By means of ESB.App,
manufacturers and end-users can access info both in real time and remotely.
Credit: https://www.gkmit.co/
Today, Internet application development demand is very high. So IoT is a major
technology by which we can produce various useful internet applications.
Basically, IoT is a network in which all physical objects are connected to the internet through
network devices or routers and exchange data. IoT allows objects to be controlled remotely across
existing network infrastructure. IoT is a very good and intelligent technique which reduces human
effort as well as easy access to physical devices. This technique also has autonomous control
feature by which any device can control without any human interaction.
The above figure shows the connectivity of various devices of different fields
with Internet and exchange data between them. So above figure represent the connectivity of
world through various existing technologies.
“Things” in the IoT sense, is the mixture of hardware, software, data, and services. “Things”
can refer to a wide variety of devices such as DNA analysis devices for environmental monitoring,
electric clamps in coastal waters, Arduino chips in home automation and many other. These
devices gather useful data with the help of various existing technologies and share that data
between other devices. Examples include Home Automation System which uses Wi-Fi or
Bluetooth for exchange data between various devices of home.
Current issues:
Credit- dzone.com
The Internet of Things is a nexus of devices and services that allow for data
exchange. These devices range from home appliances— whether furniture,
coffee makers, or agricultural machinery— that can be implanted with
various software and means of electronic connectivity. To put things into
simpler terms, everything and anything can be adjusted to connect to the
internet and become part of the web. Thus, this network spans a large
number of devices that also includes people and their interactions via the
The idea behind IoT is to create a system that stores all data required by
human beings without having a direct hand in collecting it. Research
suggests that the impact of IoT on the world will be monumental in
upcoming years. The growth in its influence and application can be
assessed from consumer patterns for entertainment and media,
infrastructure and energy management, agriculture, transportation and
even medical care. Given the current trends, the impact of IoT on human
life is increasing exponentially and will only continue to rise.
However, questions have emerged simultaneously on the dangers and
potential risks of inculcating the IoT into all aspects of human life. Here are
some of the problems with the IoT:
1. Security
One of the greatest threats to the IoT comes from the strain put on the
global system of information exchange that the IoT relies upon. The Global
Risks Report of 2018 highlights the menace of cyber-attacks and the danger
to all interconnected enterprises if the IoT is compromised as a result of
internal weaknesses. Clouds will be the first to be compromised as security
regulations are still not fully developed given how severe the issue. The
Annual Economic cost of cybercrime is estimated to be around 1 trillion US
dollars, which supersedes costs of natural disasters such as Hurricane
Sandy and Katrina.
The recent rise in ransom-ware is expected to pose a serious security
threat, for cloud vendors and service providers will be the prime targets.
The nature of cloud activity is known for being complex given the
numerous clientele and the variations of enterprises it caters to. Therefore,
interconnectivity can also serve as a disadvantage to various enterprises if
the cloud is compromised.
Security threats also encompass Artificial Intelligence-based devices and
services. Experts suggest that malware is now becoming better at evading
detection via AI. At a contrast, some argue that AI is limited due to the lack
of human intervention in its activities, which also affects its performance
when it comes to identifying cause and effect in an investigation. Thus, AI
might not be equipped enough yet to deal with the rapidly increasing
problems that are facing the cloud and IoT in the face of cyber-attacks.
2. Privacy
Another pressing issue with the IoT is that of user privacy. Not only is
hacking a security breach, but also a violation of consumer privacy. A
recent study at the University of Glasgow shows that consumers are largely
unsatisfied with the lack of privacy the IoT allows them. As users have
grown more aware of the extent of cyber-surveillance, they have begun
taking their privacy more seriously and thus demand that the ultimate
control over their data should remain with them. An increased corporate
transparency is needed to ensure that user data is not vulnerable to others.
3. Internet Walls
The risk of losing important data via hacks is a dangerous proposition not
just for corporations, but also for nations via cross-border attacks. The
World Economic Forum predicts that these attacks will propel nations to
create internet walls that will limit the activity of the IoT to particular
regions. Moreover, nations will eventually be motivated to protect their
economic interests as governments cannot operate freely in a global system
of online companies and enterprises. This ultimately compromises the very
idea of the IoT as barriers prevent the unregulated exchange of data that
many corporations demand. Regulations such as this will also serve as an
obstacle to technological advancement by substantially slowing it down.
4. Cloud attacks
Observing the traces of this digital war, it is highly likely that the next
potential threats to IoT would be cloud networks. This is because cloud
networks have the biggest data stocks to run the IoT. According to recent
statistics, the annual economic cost of cybercrime was estimated around $1
trillion in 2017, which is a multiple of 2017’s record-year aggregate cost of
almost $300 billion from natural disasters. To comprehend the magnitude
of the problem, the World Economic Forum report quotes a study that put
forward the takedown of just one cloud provider could cause $50 billion to
$120 billion of financial damage.
5. Understanding IoT
Rapid growth in technology has resulted in a limited understanding of the
IoT. For consumers to make use of the internet and all that the IoT has to
offer, it is essential to work upon their awareness of the changes taking
place within IoT to make it more efficient. Not only will the comprehension
empower them, it will prepare them mentally and they will possibly be able
to find solutions on how to take caution from any of the mentioned
6. Lack of Confidence
According to the latest research report shared by the State of IoT Security,
which was released at the end of October, showed the following
96 percent of companies and 90 percent of consumers believe there
should be IoT security code of practice.
54 percent of consumers possess an average of four IoT devices, but
then again only 14 percent consider that they are familiar with IoT
device security.
65 percent of consumers are petrified about a hacker monitoring
their IoT device, whereas around 60 percent are fretful of their
personal or professional data being leaked.
It's quite evident that organizations all over the world are boarding onto
IoT-driven digital transformation ventures to drive competences and
business suppleness, in addition to better meet the demands of their
customers and citizens. There might be risks to these ventures, but,
nonetheless, if coped appropriately, organizations could be further assured
and the road to IoT victory and efficiency should be impartially smooth.
Trends in IOT
Top 7 IoT Trends To Watch In 2020
IoT is nothing less than a blessing for people and it’s not going to stop with its
advancement anytime soon. So here’s our take on the top 7 emerging IoT trends
that can shape the bright future.
1. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is the amalgamation of human intelligence and action in a
machine that mimics and thinks exactly like humans. AI has the ability to think
rationally and work in a manner that helps industries achieve a particular goal.
Artificial Intelligence will dominate the future, and introducing this technology in
business will clearly result in the enhancement of future prospects of a company
and strategize a good plan of action when required.
According to Bill Gates himself, Artificial Intelligence is a technology that can
work a treat when it comes to producing goods and services with less labor.
Overwhelmingly, this is something that hasn’t troubled anyone in society over the
last several hundred years. Combining Artificial Intelligence with IoT will make
this smart feature even more interesting and enhance its abilities.
2. Blockchain
Blockchain is a boon for IoT and can prove to be extremely profitable for IoT
industries as it is a magnificent option to track millions of connected devices and
process coordination between devices. It is a technology that has proven its
worth through cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, and can help IoT in tracking the
history of devices. Hyundai Digital Asset Currency (HDAC) says that with a
trustworthy blockchain system, hacking threats can be removed and protect
users' privacy.
3. IoT In The Healthcare Industry
With the boom in IoT, healthcare industries can have major benefits. With
wearable devices, consultants can very easily talk to patients and get doctors on
your doorstep using some interactive mobile healthcare apps like HelpAround,
Insight Optics and Medicine. Access to healthcare can be an easier and different
process, even faster going forward. The field of healthcare that embraces IoT is
highly encouraged.
4. Personalizing Retail
IoT is going to be present everywhere, so how can it leave behind the retail shops
and enrich your shopping experience? The introduction of IoT in retail will make
this chain even more efficient. For example, you are well aware of the route map
from home to a supermarket but what if you have a route map of the store which
helps you in getting your stuff smoothly and saves a lot of time? Advancement in
retail with IoT will bring a new era of shopping which will make it a better
experience for customers.
5. Predictive Maintenance To Be Boosted Up By IoT
IoT has not only made its benchmark in the technological world but also has
entered our house to fix our personal problems with smart solutions. For
example, the concept of smart homes (having sensors inside and outside of the
house) is becoming prevalent. These sensors will warn house owners about
system malfunctions, plumbing leaks, and electrical problems over their
smartphones so owners can take quick actions to prevent any mishap.
With the support of IoT, the introduction of sensors in aircraft, warehouses, and
cars will make everything functioning extremely smoothly and quickly.
6. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing delivers computer services like storage and intelligence to
provide a smooth resource. It is cost-efficient and secure, providing several kinds
of policies to protect your data from threats. Cloud computing provides scale
elasticity which means it offers the right amount of IT services. Cloud computing
is one of the most significant security developments which will be the future of
IoT data protection.
Computers with internet connectivity can sometimes be dangerous and
downloads of spyware can have your personal information at stake. With cloud
computing, smartphones, vehicles and wearable devices can hold several
malware records.
7. Staying Aware
IoT tech leaders developed companies and enterprises are currently working to
build out the true implementation of the IoT techniques. According to new IoT
trends, more of today's industries and businesses will look at the IoT as a magic
wand to attract consumers, grow brands, and improve User Experiences. Similarly,
manufacturers will be asked to produce more IoT devices to make them more
comprehensive. Take an account of Gartner, for instance. The tech giant thinks
that in 2020, 95% of electronics will be powered by IoT.
Final Word
The Internet of Things is all set to amalgamate with other technologies to make
lives easy and smart. Whether we talk about IoT’s role in the finance industry or
its integration in healthcare services, advancements in this technology will further
bring great achievements in the whole technological ecosystem around the
world. As we saw in this article, the Internet of Things (IoT) will bring the world
closer and make it prosperous in every sense.