Uploaded by Sandra Miller

Cell Division Worksheet: Mitosis & Cytokinesis

Name _______________________________________________________________ Page # __________
Cell Division
1. The process of nuclear division is called _____________________ and the division of the
cytoplasm is called ________________________.
2. The student viewing the animal cell was able to identify which three cell organelles?
a. _____________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
3. The student viewing the plant cell was able to identify which organelles?
a. ____________________________________
b. ____________________________________
c. ____________________________________
d. ____________________________________
e. ____________________________________
4. In only animal cells structures called centrioles can be found near the nucleus in pairs.
5. Before a cell divides it must get food and oxygen for cellular ______________________.
6. The time in between the Cell Cycle (the time in which the cell divides) is called
_____________________________________. The three parts of Interphase are called
the ____ or Gap One phase, the _____ or Synthesis phase and the _______ or Gap Two
7. In the Gap One phase the _________________ __________ grow or increase in size and
create new organelles and produce enzymes and other compounds for cellular
8. In the Synthesis Phase _______ is replicated for the next Mitotic Division.
9. In the G2 phase, organelles and enzymes are manufactured for the upcoming ________
and cytokinesis. By the G2 phase the cell has _______________ considerably in volume.
10. The resting phase in specific cells is called G _____________. Where cell are performing
the specialized functions but are not preparing to divide again.
11. In looking at some root tip cells there is no nucleus present. In these cases
_________________ are visible. They are composed of protein and DNA.
12. A cell plate can sometimes be seen in some plant cells. This is how plant cells separate
the two daughter nuclei after _____________________ is a process called cytokinesis.
13. In interphase the chromatin is stretched out into a long thin _______________ and
looks like a ball of yarn.
14. In Metaphase the ______________________ are lined up in the middle of the cell.
15. In Anaphase, the chromatids have been ___________________________ from one
16. The four phases of Mitosis are
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
17. When the chromosomes become ___________________ in Prophase they have already
been duplicated. The chromosomes are actually made up of _______ chromatids which
are identical.
18. The point where two chromatids are attached is called the
19. In Prophase the centrioles move to poles of the cell to form _____________________.
The nuclear envelope breaks up and the nucleoli disappear.
20. In Metaphase, the chromatid pairs move to the center of the cell and attach to the
______________ ________________.
21. Anaphase begins with the centromeres ______________________ and the
chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles by the shortening of the spindle fibers.
During this phase cytokinesis begins.
a. In _____________________ cells a cleavage furrow forms.
b. In ____________________ cells a cell plate can be seen.
22. By Telophase the daughter ___________________________________ are completely
pulled apart and are at the poles of the cell. The spindles disperse and a new
___________________ envelope forms around each set of chromosomes. The
chromosomes uncoil and a nucleolus reforms.
23. In cytokinesis, microfilaments around the center of the cell contract and cause a
cleavage furrow to form. The furrow deepens and _________________________ the
plasma membrane in half so that __________cells are formed.
24. Chemicals and hormones that inhibit cell _________________________ have been
25. Prophase is the___________________ phase in the cell cycle.
26. Cells spend much more time in ____________________________ than in Mitosis.
27. After surgery, the two major types of cancer treatment are
_________________________ therapy and
28. Radiation exposes a tumor to a certain kind of X-ray that damages the DNA of a cancer
cell so it can no longer _______________________.
29. Chemotherapy chemically affects mitosis and does not allow cells to replicate properly.
This affects spindle fibers or __________ and prevents things that are needed for
normal cell division.