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Common Questions
How much does Korean From Zero! cost?
The full Korean From Zero PDF and online course is 100% free. You can also buy the official printed book at Amazon.com and other
retailers that carry it.
Why is Korean From Zero! free?
We really love Korean and want you to learn it too.
If you like what we're doing and want to show your support we also have the official printed book on Amazon.com
Where can I purchase Korean From Zero!?
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble
Can I print the free PDF download of Korean From Zero!
Yes. You are free to print copies for your personal use, but not for resale.
Can we use your book in our Korean class or meetup?
Absolutely! If there is ANYTHING we can do to support your group let us know!
How can I type Korean on my computer?
Visit the "INSTALL KOREAN" tutorial.
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