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Growth Mindset Research Project Assignment

Growth Mindset Research Profile Project
You will be creating a profile of a successful person who has used a Growth
Mindset to achieve success. Students will create a visual representation of the
person they are profiling or their accomplishments as well as a one page paper that
details and describes who the person is, the way that the person used a Growth
Mindset, what they achieved thanks to their mindset, why they are successful to
you and give an example of how their growth mindset can be contagious.
1 full page paper that details the following topics IN SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS
* Who is the person? Name, date of birth, where they were born, a brief
mention of their accomplishments.
* What did this person achieve or do that made them “Successful”?
(think back to our Triangle of Success posters)
* How did they use a Growth Mindset? They may have only used one part of
a Growth Mindset like enjoying a challenge or asking for help, and that’s ok,
but you must describe how that one part worked for them.
* Give an example of how their Growth Mindset example can be contagious.
* What do you admire or respect about this person?
Students must also create a visual that represents the person or their
accomplishments. The visual needs to clearly show how the preson represents a
Growth Mindset or give the information a person needs in order to understand the
example of what the person did that made them successful. This can be a poster,
Google slide show, a video, etc.
Point Value = 25 points!!!!!
20 points for the paper, 5 points for the visual
Growth Mindset Research Profile Project Rubric
Visual Component – 5 points (0= no visual, 1-2 points for a visual that offers an image but no words, 34 points for a visual that give the necessary information for someone outside of class to understand the example, 5
points for a visual that uses color or a variety of images, and clearly defines how this person shows a Growth
Mindset for anyone to understand.)
The 1 Page Paper - 20 points total (4 points per section)
* Who is the person? Name, date of birth, where they were born, a brief mention of their accomplishments.
1 pt = Student provides a name only or a one sentence description of the person.
2-3 pts = Student provides the necessary information (Name, date of birth, where they were born and a brief
description of what they accomplished). Introduction shows a minimal effort to “hook” the reader to draw them
4 pts = Student provides all the necessary information and includes an engaging and original “hook” that draws in
the reader to the topic of Growth Mindset.
* What did this person achieve or do that made them “Successful”? (Think back to our Triangle of Success posters)
1-2 pts= Student gives an undetailed example of what the person achieved. Student shows a very simple
understanding of success or only offers one way the person was “successful” (remember it is not all about money).
3-4 pts= Student gives a detailed example of what the person achieved that include dates, quotes, statistics or
other evidence to show “success”
* How did they use a Growth Mindset? They may have only used one part of a Growth Mindset like enjoying a
challenge or asking for help, and that’s ok, but you must describe how that one part worked for them.
1-2 pts= Student gives a very brief example of how the person they profiled showed a Growth Mindset. Paragraph
may be too short, or un-detailed. Student shows a simple understanding of a Growth Mindset.
3-4 pts= Student gives a detailed example of how the person they profiled showed a Growth Mindset. Paragraphs
use proper grammar and formatting, evidence may be supported by quotes. Student shows a clear understanding
of a Growth Mindset. Paragraph is at least 4 sentences.
* Give an example of how their Growth Mindset example can be contagious.
1-2 pts= Student gives one example of how a Growth Mindset can be contagious or the paragraph is only two or
three sentences.
3-4 pts= Student gives multiple examples of how a Growth Mindset can be contagious, the examples are clearly
linked to the person they are profiling. Paragraph is at least 4 sentences.
* What do you admire or respect about this person?
1-2 pts= Student gives a response that is too brief or is a summary instead of a reflection on how you feel about
the person’s accomplishment.
3-4 pts= Student gives a response that is at least 4 sentences or more and shares their opinion, feelings or
experiences relating to the accomplishments of the person they profiled.