Uploaded by Юля Саранчук

Science & Society Questions: Neuro, Future, Climate, Physics, Chem

1 character:
1. Can you tell us what theories the current neuroendocrinology is based on?
2. A few years ago you gave a lecture on "depression" in which you were quite
emphatic about its treatment. And then recently, a woman has been able to cure her
depression with an implant in her brain. How do you feel about this practice and
could it become a mainstream treatment for depression?
3. Scientists have learned that the difference between humans and chimpanzees is
to be found in "junk" DNA. So I would like to ask how different are we from a
chimpanzee in terms of brain development?
4. In one of your interviews you said that a murderer is not a villain, he is just a
machine. Humanism aside, I want to ask a question: if a murderer is a machine,
then who is an ordinary man? If he is also a machine, why can't we call a murderer
a villain?
5. How has human society been affected by the coronavirus? Many consider it a
push forward, but hasn't it set us back a few years?
6. Can you make up or derive a formula for the increase in stress from the duration
of a pandemic? That is, for example, if a pandemic lasts 2 years, a person is at that
level of stress all the time, but if it's 5 years, so-and-so. Is it even possible to
remain calm in the face of restrictions?
7. Conflicts between countries are now gradually erupting all over the world. Of
course the main aggressors are thought to be the US, China and Russia. What do
you think the development of these conflicts will lead to, and why does man seek
such a manifestation of violence as war in the first place?
8. You are quite deeply interested in the nature of stress and aggression. Perhaps
you have already answered or dealt with this question, but still, what happens to a
person who suppresses their aggression for too long? Is it possible to completely
get rid of aggression in behaviour? Is it just a coincidence that some people are
very aggressive and others very calm?
9. Everyone knows that there are differences in mentality, culture and the like
between citizens of different countries. Are there differences in behaviour and
10. Do you think it is possible to create a united human society? If so, what is
needed for this? Is it necessary for such a society to create effective means to deal
with aggression and stress?
11. How much does stress affect a person in the long term? Is there a correlation
between stress and aggression? And between appeasement and tolerance?
2 character:
1. Which predictions can be classified as futurology and which cannot?
2. Futurology is not considered a science, because it is impossible to test the
theories experimentally. On the other hand, many predictions, especially by really
professional futurists, do come true. Should futurology be recognised as a science,
or should everything remain as it is now?
3. You have stated that it is impossible to predict the future - it is only possible to
model it. How is modelling the future different from predicting it?
4. What is the difference between futurological and humanistic futurology?
5. In Russia, there will be master's degrees in futurology. How important is it, and
will such specialists be able to find jobs?
6. IKEA will open its first "new generation" shop in Shanghai. Futurists are now
being actively recruited to develop new shop formats. What kind of work do they
do on such projects?
7. Right now, many projects are long-range projects, that is, projects that will be
beneficial in a few years' time. Why is it necessary to have a futurist on staff for
such projects?
8. Elvira Nabiullina, head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, has been
called upon not to engage in futurology. Is it true that futurology can serve as a
handy tool for demonstrating activities that will never happen?
9. What advice do you have for aspiring futurists? What to read, whom to watch,
where to go?
10. Futurology - modelling the future. Can you model the future of futurology?
3 character:
1. Scientists recently discovered that over 63% of mammals in Africa went extinct
during a cooling spell 30 million years ago. What would happen to the animals in
Africa now if a sudden cold snap occurred?
2. Nearly 20,000 people turned out in Brussels for an action against climate
change. It is good that people are interested in climate change, but do these actions
really help? Or is it just a half measure that will never work?
3. While there is climate action in Brussels, there are rallies in Ireland against the
attacks of climate change campaigners. In that country, the climate problems have
been blamed on agriculture and farmers have revolted because of it. Does
agriculture really have a big impact on the climate?
4. Recently you warned about the danger of ancient viruses awakening because of
climate change. Are there other global dangers that may occur because of climate
5. You recently disproved claims that snowless winters are affecting the white hare
population. Are there any animals that will be directly affected by climate change?
6. News is often released that the EU is paying attention to climate change. But not
a single global change happens after that, and plans to fix climate problems stretch
on for decades. Is the EU really worried about the climate situation or is this just an
imitation of activity?
7. There has recently been a debate about the future of coal power in an era of
climate change. What sources of green energy do we have now and which may
emerge in the future?
8. There are quite a few problems with 'green power', which are hushed up by the
mainstream media and flaunted as a plus side at conferences. Is it possible to say
that through green energy some unknown individuals and companies want to
promote the view that this field is useful for increasing earnings and popularity
among people who are concerned about the climate problem?
9. Google recently banned the monetisation of climate change denialist content on
YouTube. Is the company trying to gain "points" from people who are concerned
about climate change in this way, or is it really concerned about climate and
pseudo-scientific channels?
10. Scientists have found out that solar power plants can cool the earth. Is this true
and will solar power be an effective way to combat global warming?
4 character:
1. Scientists have proposed a new way of catching quantum states. But all research
in this direction is theory, not practice. Will we ever be able to comprehend the
quantum world, what will we need to do and how many hundreds of years will it
2. You recently talked about neutrino research. What are neutrinos anyway and
why is their research important for physics?
3. Chinese scientists have recently raised the efficiency of carbon dioxide
electrolysis. How might this affect research into renewable clean electricity? Will
this be a strong boost to clean electricity generation or is it a small step not worth
the attention?
4. Recently, our scientists, together with colleagues from the Czech Republic,
created a new method for surface modification of МХеnеs. What are MXenes?
Why do we need them and what are their applications?
5. A German laboratory has created one of the coldest places in the universe. The
temperature was only 38 trillion degrees warmer than absolute zero. This raises
several questions: is it possible to reach absolute zero, why do we even need it, and
what happens if we manage to bring the temperature down to that value?
6. Batteries in electric cars have fallen 87% in 13 years. Can you name the
discoveries in physics that have allowed the price to drop so much?
7. Russian physicist Nikolai Petrov claimed that lightning can be compared to a
synchrotron. How true is this statement?
8. Physicists from the Russian Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna have begun
to study the ashes of Ivan the Terrible. It is planned to carry out isotope analysis, in
this connection questions: what is the isotope analysis and what data it allows to
receive from ashes?
9. Please name 5 most important discoveries in physics. How have they affected
our lives?
10. Recently, Chinese and British scientists have uncovered the specifics of
building ducklings as they swim with their mothers. Maybe you know some other
funny discoveries in physics that have no practical value, but the very fact of the
research is amazing.
5 character:
1. A Nobel laureate has reported that determining the three-dimensional structure
of a protein has been able to accelerate. How important is this discovery and what
impact will it have on the treatment of disease?
2. Chemists have developed a way to protect aircraft technology from corrosion.
What other discoveries in chemistry have had an impact on the manufacture of
3. Jean-Marie Lehn has stated/ You have stated that humanity will not survive
without GMO products. But now there are many people who consider GMOs
harmful and do not intend to consume them. How can they be changed and is it
4. Russian scientists have succeeded in creating technology to produce products
from animal stem cells. How important is this discovery for solving problems with
food shortages?
5. Research on marine clam glue will help in the development of surgery and
dentistry. Can you name other research related to marine organisms that has helped
in the development of medicine?
6. A youth laboratory of molecular genetics and biotechnology is being set up at
the Crimean Federal University as part of the National Project "Science and
Universities". How important is it to attract young people to chemistry? What is
the best way to promote science among young people?
7. Recently, geneticists have proposed a new model of the mechanism of heredity.
What other models exist and which seems most plausible to you?
8. Scientists in Texas want to edit the human genome so that fat cells start burning
energy. How feasible is this and what else can be achieved by editing the human
9. Russian scientists have isolated viruses capable of treating breast cancer. What
other discoveries in chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology could help
fight cancer?
10. Russia has created an artificial liver for patients with liver failure. What organs
will we be able to create in the future and what will it take?