Uploaded by Landon Hermecz

Flagella & Cilia: Cell Movement Worksheet

Data Set Question 3
Cooper Hermecz
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Movement of organisms or cells is an important function when you consider finding food or finding another
reproductive structure such as a female egg in the female reproductive tract. This movement is accomplished by
microtubule structures at the cellular level, as seen in the pictures above. Both flagella and cilia are composed of
grouped microtubules and serve in movement. What answer below BEST explains the difference in length?
A) The much longer flagella are used for grabbing and holding on to prey; where as, they much shorter cilia
are for movements of fluid around the organism or cell.
B) The shorter cilia mainly function in movement of liquids around the cell or organism; where as, the much
longer flagella are mainly for movement of the whole cell or organisms.
C) Flagella function primarily in movement of the whole cell or organisms through its environment. The
smaller cilia function in catching food on the sticky surfaces.
D) The shorter cilia function in rapid movement, hence the large number. The larger flagella function in slower
movement, hence the smaller number present on the cell.