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Prokaryotic Flagella: Function, Motility, and Chemotaxis

What is the function of flagella in prokaryotes?
Flagella, also known as whips or tails, play an essential role in the motility of
prokaryotic cells. The flagella help the bacteria move towards favorable
environments and away from unfavorable ones, which is critical in maintaining
an advantage in terms of nutrient acquisition or survival.
Flagella are long, hair-like structures that protrude from the cell’s surface.
They are composed of a protein called flagellin and are anchored in the
bacterial cell wall by a complex motor structure that spans the cell membrane.
The rotation of the flagella is powered by the flow of protons or sodium ions
across the membrane, generating torque that drives the rotation of the helical
The direction of flagellar rotation determines the type of movement displayed
by the bacterial cell. Counterclockwise rotation of flagella results in forward
movement, whereas clockwise rotation generates tumbling, which allows
bacteria to reorient towards a new direction. The flagella of prokaryotic cells
exhibit remarkable complexity and diversity, varying in length, number, and
arrangement across different species.
In addition to their role in motility, flagella are also involved in chemotaxis.
Bacteria are attracted or repelled by a range of chemicals in their
environment, and they display directional movement towards or away from
these cues. This process is mediated by specialized receptors located at the
cell’s surface, which detect changes in chemical concentration and transmit
signals to the flagellar motor, leading to directional changes in cell movement.
Flagella are vital structures that allow prokaryotic cells to navigate their
surroundings efficiently. They play a critical role in nutrient acquisition,
colonization, and infection, making them an attractive target for the
development of novel antimicrobial therapies.
1. Berg, H. C. (2003). The rotary motor of bacterial flagella. Annual review of biochemistry,
72(1), 19-54.
2. Berg, H. C., & Brown, D. A. (1972). Chemotaxis in Escherichia coli analysed by threedimensional tracking. Nature, 239(5374), 500-504.
3. Sourjik, V., & Wingreen, N. S. (2012). Responding to chemical gradients: bacterial
chemotaxis. Current opinion in cell biology, 24(2), 262-268.