Uploaded by sdfsdf123

Pre release P22

Task 1
Task 1.1
Dim StudName, StudEmail, DOB As String
Dim StudentLine As String
'Dim Index As Integer // array index
Dim StudentDetail(3) As String
Task 1.2
Dim DeleteArray As Integer
Task 1.3
Dim Index, i As Integer
Dim SearchName As String
Dim Name As String
Dim Length As Integer
Dim Count, Pos1, Pos2 As Integer
Dim FoundName As Boolean
Dim Email As String
Task 1.4
Dim year As String
Dim Month As String
Dim SearchMonth As String
Task 1.5
Dim AddMoreDetail(3, 5) As String
'Dim Index As Integer
Task 1.6
Dim SearchStudName As String
'.........................Task 1.1................................
For Index = 1 To 3
Console.Write("Enter student name: ")
StudName = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter student email: ")
StudEmail = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter student date of birth: ")
DOB = Console.ReadLine()
StudentLine = (StudName & "*" & StudEmail & "*" & DOB)
StudentDetail(Index) = StudentLine
.........................Task 1.2................................
Console.Write("Enter array number to delete: ")
DeleteArray = Console.ReadLine()
For Index = 1 To 3
If DeleteArray = Index Then
StudentDetail(Index) = ""
End If
If StudentDetail(Index) <> "" Then
End If
.........................Task 1.3................................
Console.WriteLine("Enter search name: ")
SearchName = Console.ReadLine()
Index = 1
FoundName = False
Count = 0
Length = Len(StudentDetail(Index))
For i = 1 To Length
If Mid(StudentDetail(Index), i, 1) = "*" Then
Count = Count + 1
If Count = 1 Then
Pos1 = i
Else ''Used ELSE CASE if not using fixed DOB
If Count = 2 Then
Pos2 = i
End If
End If
End If
Name = Left(StudentDetail(Index), Pos1 - 1)
If SearchName = Name Then
FoundName = True
'Email = Mid(StudentDetail(Index), Pos1 + 1, Length - Pos1 - 10 ) 'fixed DOB
Email = Mid(StudentDetail(Index), Pos1 + 1, Pos2 - 1 - Pos1) 'DOB not fixed
End If
Index = Index + 1
Loop Until (Index > 3 Or FoundName = True)
'.........................Task 1.4................................
Console.WriteLine("Enter search month: ")
SearchMonth = Console.ReadLine()
For Index = 1 To 3
year = Right(StudentDetail(Index), 9)
Month = Mid(year, 3, 3)
If SearchMonth = Month Then
End If
'.........................Task 1.5................................
Index = 1
Count = 0
Length = Len(StudentDetail(Index))
For i = 1 To Length
If Mid(StudentDetail(Index), i, 1) = "*" Then
Count = Count + 1
If Count = 1 Then
Pos1 = i
Else 'Used ELSE CASE if not using fixed DOB
If Count = 2 Then
Pos2 = i
End If
End If
End If
AddMoreDetail(Index, 1) = Left(StudentDetail(Index), Pos1 - 1) 'Student name
AddMoreDetail(Index, 2) = Mid(StudentDetail(Index), Pos1 + 1, Pos2 - 1 - Pos1)
'Student email
AddMoreDetail(Index, 3) = Right(StudentDetail(Index), 9)
Console.WriteLine("Enter student Id: ")
AddMoreDetail(Index, 4) = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter tutor Id: ")
AddMoreDetail(Index, 5) = Console.ReadLine()
Index = Index + 1
Loop Until Index > 3
'Display Array
Console.WriteLine("Student_Name Email_Address Date_Of_Birth StudentID
For Index = 1 To 3
Console.WriteLine(AddMoreDetail(Index, 1) & "" & AddMoreDetail(Index, 2) & "" &
AddMoreDetail(Index, 3) & "" & AddMoreDetail(Index, 4) & "" & AddMoreDetail(Index, 5))
'.........................Task 1.6................................
'Example 1: Search name to display email
Console.Write("Enter search name: ")
SearchStudName = Console.ReadLine()
For Index = 1 To 3
If AddMoreDetail(Index, 1) = SearchStudName Then
Console.WriteLine(AddMoreDetail(Index, 2))
End If
End Sub
End Module
Task 2
'Task 2.1
Sub EnterDetail()
Dim StudentId, Email, DOB, text As String
Dim Index As Integer
Dim validId, ValidDOB As Boolean
FileOpen(1, "Stud.txt", OpenMode.Append)
For Index = 1 To 3
Console.Write("Enter student ID: ")
StudentId = Console.ReadLine()
validId = ValidateStudentId(StudentId)
Loop Until (validId = True)
Console.Write("Enter student email: ")
Email = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter DOB: ")
DOB = Console.ReadLine()
ValidDOB = ValidateStudentDOB(DOB)
Loop Until (ValidDOB = True)
text = (StudentId & Email & DOB)
PrintLine(1, text)
End Sub
'Task 2.2
Sub SearchStudId()
FileOpen(1, "Stud.txt", OpenMode.Input)
Dim studline, searchId As String
Dim foundId As Boolean
Console.Write("Enter search studentId: ")
searchId = Console.ReadLine()
foundId = False
While Not EOF(1)
studline = LineInput(1)
If Left(studline, 6) = searchId Then
foundId = True
Console.WriteLine(Mid(studline, 7, (Len(studline) –
6 - 6)))
End If
End While
If foundId = False Then
Console.WriteLine("StudentId not found")
End If
End Sub
'Task 2.3
Sub SearchStudIdChar()
FileOpen(1, "Stud.txt", OpenMode.Input)
Dim studline, searchIdChar, character As String
Dim sId, sEmail, sDOB As String
Console.Write("Enter 2 character of studentId: ")
searchIdChar = Console.ReadLine()
While Not EOF(1)
studline = LineInput(1)
character = Left(studline, 2)
If searchIdChar = character Then
sId = Left(studline, 6)
sEmail = (Mid(studline, 7, (Len(studline) - 6 - 6)))
sDOB = Right(studline, 6)
End If
End While
End Sub
'Task 2.5
Function ValidateStudentId(ByVal studId As String) As Boolean
If ((Len(studId) = 6) And (Left(studId, 2) >= "AA" And
Left(studId, 2) <= "ZZ") And (Right(studId, 4) <= "9999")) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
'Task 2.5
Function ValidateStudentDOB(ByVal studDOB As String) As Boolean
If ((Len(studDOB) = 6) And (Left(studDOB, 2) >= "01" And
Left(studDOB, 2) <= "31") And (Mid(studDOB, 3, 2) >= "01" And
Mid(studDOB, 3, 2) <= "12") And (Right(studDOB, 2) > "00")) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Sub main()
Dim choice As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter choice: ")
choice = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until (choice >= 1 Or choice <= 4)
Select Case choice
Case 1
Call EnterDetail()
Case 2
Call SearchStudId()
Case 3
Call SearchStudIdChar()
Case 4
Console.WriteLine("Exit program")
End Select
End Sub