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Types of Planning: Strategic, Short-Term, Single-Use

Every day we perform series of activities in which few are very important while other may not be.
But to perform every activity, we need to design the things systematically. We prioritize our
activities as per their importance and then we take the action to make it fruitful. As per their value
and importance we may develop following types of plan in our daily life;
Strategic or operational plan: Strategic or Operational Plan means an arsenal plan which tells how
we can achieve the ultimate goal of our given task by creating clear and defined steps. As an
operational plan, if we have an important task in our hand then we have to create step by step
action which is oriented towards achievement of overall objective. Eg: If Periodical exams are due
for next week, then we have to do strategic planning to revise the complete syllabus and secure
good rank at last. We study the Numerical/Complex papers first followed by theory papers.
Short term and Long term plan: We have different activities in which some might be urgent and
some might not be. If task has to be completed within stipulated time we have to develop short
term plan, which states how we can achieve our immediate objective through the short term
planning. Generally short term plans are made for less than 1 year task. And similarly few activities
need long time in completion then we have to look at Long term planning. Eg: Construction of house
required at least 2-3 year of time duration, so we have to develop a long term plan which tells us
how to raise fund, when to purchase material, when to apply the sanitary and fittings etc. to create a
complete house for living.
Specific or directional plan: Few tasks are specific and need proper concentration. Specific plans are
developed for execution of those activities which need proper supervision, direction and leave no
space for interpretation. Eg: To qualify any competitive exam specific plans are developed where
specific text books are recommended, fixed hour of study, timely mock test are organized to achieve
the specific result at last i.e. qualifying the exam.
Single Use plan or standing plan: When we create a special plan only for one situation at a time that
is called Single use plan. Here we create a unique single plan which only focuses on achievement of
specific objective related with that plan. Eg: To get an Education loan from bank, one need to
prepare a single plan which should include following questions and answers like from where I will
get this Loan, at what interest rate, which collateral can be utilized for such grant, what is a
repayment period etc. On the other hand, standing plans are current plans that provide direction to
the events happening recurrently (more than once). Eg: In school, when we register for the next
grade/class we follow standard registration process/plan, although the process of registration
remains the same year after year. Means we have to arrange the required fees, filling a new form,
purchase of new books etc. as a part of standing plan