Uploaded by Valentina Chelodi

The Glorious Revolution: Key Events & Acts

The Glorious Revolution
After Charles I → ?
After Commonwealth → Charles II
Charles II 1660-1685
son of Henrietta and exiled in France
court devoted to pleasure in reaction to the Puritan Commonwealth
1662 Royal Society nullius in verba
1661 Cavalier Parliament: landowners (nobles and gentry)
condemn of the regicides
Corporation Act 1661
Act of Uniformity 1662
1673 Church of England
Great Plague and Great Fire
1665 bubonic plague
1666 Great Fire: architect Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt with neoclassical style
i.e. St. Paul’s Cathedral
Foreign policy
aid of France
1670 Treaty of Dover: war against Holland
secret agreement to restore Catholicism in England
1685 Charles II died
James II 1685-1688
power to Catholics
widower: heirs Protestant daughters Mary (+ ruler of Holland) and Anne (+
ruler of Denmark)
James remarried Mary of Modena (Catholic) → 1688 male catholic heir
who has the precedence?
Parliament began to negotiate with the husband of the Protestant Mary, the ruler
of Holland William of Orange.
1688 march to England
1689 William III and Mary II’s joint monarchy
revolution by “divine right” → glorious and bloodless
acts in favour of the Parliament and constitutional monarchy
1689 Toleration act
1689 Bill of rights
Petition of Rights
Triennal Act
James II supported by the Catholics in Ireland and Scotland
1689 tried to seize control
Battle of Boyne
1690 William defeated James II
1694 Mary died
1701 Act of Settlement: excluded Catholics from the throne
1702 William died
Queen Anne 1702-1714
1707 Act of Union: England + Scotland = United Kingdom of Great Britain with
a Parliament in Westminster
Ireland separate kingdom with Parliament and Protestant Government
1713 Treaty of Utrecht: end of the war of the Spanish Succession → French
recognized the Protestant succession and expelled Stuarts
colonies in Canada and monopoly of Slave trade in America
British Empire: 1714 trade of timber, tea, sugar, carpets, Chinese porcelain