Optimum Location of Power Beacons in Massive Wireless Power Networks Osmel Martínez*, Onel López*, Hirley Alves*, Samuel Montejo-Sánchez†, Matti Latva-aho* *University of Oulu, Centre for Wireless Communications, 6G Flagship, Oulu, Finland †Programa Institucional de Fomento a la I+D+I, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago 8940577, Chile {osmel.martinezrosabal, onel.alcarazlopez, hirley.alves, matti.latva-aho}@oulu.fi, smontejo@utem.cl Energy harvesting is a promising technology that allows to low-power devices to replenish their batteries by collecting radio frequency (RF) energy from the surrounding environment. Fig. 2 Available average power at worst position ( ๐๐๐.๐ ๐ผ[๐๐๐ ๐น ] ) in the circle area for different number of PBs, using ๐ = 100๐, and ๐พ = 3 . As a benchmark (lbound) we also show the case when just one PB is radiating from the circle center with total power ๐๐๐ . Deployment of dedicated power beacons (PBs) is being considered as an efficient solution to improve the energy availability in wireless powered networks. We investigate the minimum number of PBs and their deployment to meet a maximum energy outage Quality of Service (QoS) constraint. • ๐๐๐.๐ ๐ผ[๐๐๐ ๐น ] increases with the number of distributed PBs. Optimal PBs' positions are determined by maximizing the average incident power for the worst location since no information about sensors' positioning is given. • IPMs improve convergence as decreases. the ๐ What if we impose QoS guarantees wrt. powering the devices? SYSTEM MODEL AND ASSUMPTIONS Fig. 1 The system model comprises a set of PB deployed in a circular area of radius ๐ , to charge wirelessly a sensor network, using ๐ antennas each. Fig. 3 Solutions of ๐๐ . Energy outage probability versus number of antennas (๐) for ๐ = 50๐ and ๐พ = 3. We set ๐๐กโ = −22๐๐ต๐. PROBLEM FORMULATION What is the impact of the distancedependent loss in the solution of ๐๐? With P1 we aim to clarify: what is the minimal number of PBs that does achieve the energy outage requirement? • Interior-point methods (IPMs) based on logarithmic barrier function assuming ๐๐๐.๐ ๐ผ ๐๐๐ ๐น ≈ lim ๐ฅ→−∞ 1 |๐| ๐ ๐=1 ๐๐๐ ๐น ๐ 1/๐ Fig. 4 Solutions of ๐๐. Minimum number of PBs (๐๐๐๐ ) as a function of the outage probability ๐ for ๐ ∈ {50,100}๐ and ๐พ = 3. We set ๐๐กโ = −22๐๐ต๐. . • Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). • Genetic Algorithms (GA). NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ๐ ๐น ๐๐๐.๐ ๐ผ[๐๐ ] - The average harvested energy increases with the number of distributed PBs and overcome the case when just one PB is radiating from the circle center with total power ๐๐๐ . - Due to the lack of closed-form for the distribution of ๐๐๐ ๐น , Monte Carlo simulations are used to find the outage probability as a function of ๐ in ๐๐, showing that the number of PBs have a greater impact than ๐. - Dominant impact of the distance-dependent loss leads to fluctuations in ๐๐๐๐ as the radius increases. SELECTED REFERENCES Fig. 2 Heat map of the available average power in the circle area for different number of PBs, using ๐ = 100๐, ๐พ = 3, and 36000 sensors distributed in evenly spaced circumferences as a function of each radius. The black crosses represent the solutions found via IPMs. • J. Hu, K. Yang, G. Wen, and L. Hanzo, “Integrated data and energy communication network: A comprehensive survey,” IEEE Commun. SurveysTuts., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 3169–3219, Fourthquarter 2018. • S. Bi and R. Zhang, “Placement optimization of energy and information access points in wireless powered communication networks,” IEEE Trans.Wireless Commun., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 2351–2364, 2015. • O. A. López, H. Alves, R. D. Souza, and S. Montejo-Sánchez, “Statistical analysis of multiple antenna strategies for wireless energy transfer,” IEEETrans. Commun., vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 7245–7262, Oct 2019.