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EMC VNX Installation Assistant Getting Started Guide

EMCé VNX㍷ Series
Release 7.0
Getting Started with VNX㍷ Installation Assistant for File/Unified
P/N 300-011-839
EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
"∂∑¿π∞Æت â 2011 - $," "∂π∑∂π®ª∞∂µ.
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Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................................9
(µª¨π∂∑¨π®©∞≥∞ª¿ ¥®ªπ∞ø.........................................................................................10
(µ∫ª®≥≥ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´....................................12
5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ µ¨ªæ∂π≤ ™Ø¨™≤≥∞∫ª......................13
1ºµ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´........................................14
6Ø®ª -¨øª?...................................................................................................15
Chapter 2: Troubleshooting..................................................................17
$," $-+®© (µª¨π∂∑¨π®©∞≥∞ª¿ -®Ω∞Æ®ª∂π..............................................................18
*µ∂æµ ∑π∂©≥¨¥∫ ®µ´ ≥∞¥∞ª®ª∞∂µ∫.......................................................................18
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"(%2 ∫¨πΩ¨π ±∂∞µ ≠®∞≥∫....................................................................................19
"(%2 6∞µ´∂æ∫ 2000 ∫¨πΩ¨π µ®¥¨ ≥¨µÆªØ π¨∫ªπ∞™ª∞∂µ..............................20
5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ≠®∞≥∫ ª∂ ™∂¥∑≥¨ª¨
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∫∂≠ªæ®π¨ Ω¨π∫∞∂µ ®π¨ µ∂ª ™∂¥∑®ª∞©≥¨...................................................23
#∂æµ≥∂®´ #(2*/ 13 ºª∞≥∞ª¿ ≠∂π 6∞µ´∂æ∫ 5∞∫ª®...................................25
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,/%2 ™≥∞¨µª ™∂µ≠∞ƺπ®ª∞∂µ ∂µ ∞2"2( Ø∂∫ª ≠®∞≥∫.........................................26
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
,/%2 ≠®∞≥∫ ª∂ ®´´ ªØ¨ +∞µºø Ø∂∫ª..............................................................27
/π∂©≥¨¥ π¨∑∂πª∞µÆ.......................................................................................28
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1¨∫º¥¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´.............................28
2¿∫ª¨¥ ´¨≠∞µ¨´ ∫ª∂π®Æ¨ ∑∂∂≥ µ∂ª ™π¨®ª¨´.................................................29
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$," 3π®∞µ∞µÆ ®µ´ /π∂≠¨∫∫∞∂µ®≥ 2¨πΩ∞™¨∫...........................................................36
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
∫ ∑®πª ∂≠ ®µ ¨≠≠∂πª ª∂ ∞¥∑π∂Ω¨ ®µ´ ¨µØ®µ™¨ ªØ¨ ∑¨π≠∂π¥®µ™¨ ®µ´ ™®∑®©∞≥∞ª∞¨∫ ∂≠ ∞ª∫ ∑π∂´º™ª ≥∞µ¨∫,
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™∂µª®™ª ¿∂ºπ $," π¨∑π¨∫¨µª®ª∞Ω¨.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Special notice conventions
$," º∫¨∫ ªØ¨ ≠∂≥≥∂æ∞µÆ ™∂µΩ¨µª∞∂µ∫ ≠∂π ∫∑¨™∞®≥ µ∂ª∞™¨∫:
CAUTION: ™®ºª∞∂µ ™∂µª®∞µ∫ ∞µ≠∂𥮪∞∂µ ¨∫∫¨µª∞®≥ ª∂ ®Ω∂∞´ ´®ª® ≥∂∫∫ ∂π ´®¥®Æ¨ ª∂ ªØ¨ ∫¿∫ª¨¥
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Hint: µ∂ª¨ ªØ®ª ∑π∂Ω∞´¨∫ ∫ºÆƨ∫ª¨´ ®´Ω∞™¨ ª∂ º∫¨π∫, ∂≠ª¨µ ∞µΩ∂≥Ω∞µÆ ≠∂≥≥∂æ-∂µ ®™ª∞Ω∞ª¿ ≠∂π ®
∑®πª∞™º≥®π ®™ª∞∂µ.
Where to get help
$," ∫º∑∑∂πª, ∑π∂´º™ª, ®µ´ ≥∞™¨µ∫∞µÆ ∞µ≠∂𥮪∞∂µ ™®µ ©¨ ∂©ª®∞µ¨´ ®∫ ≠∂≥≥∂æ∫:
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Your comments
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/≥¨®∫¨ ∫¨µ´ ¿∂ºπ ∂∑∞µ∞∂µ ∂≠ ªØ∞∫ ´∂™º¥¨µª ª∂:
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
$," 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ∞∫ ® ∫ª®µ´-®≥∂µ¨ æ∞¡®π´
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Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
3ب $,"é 5-7㍷ (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ∞∫ ® ∫ª®µ´-®≥∂µ¨ æ∞¡®π´ ªØ®ª
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Interoperability matrix
3®©≥¨ 1 ∂µ ∑®Æ¨ 11 ™∂ππ¨≥®ª¨∫ ªØ¨ 5-7 æ∞ªØ ªØ¨ π¨∫∑¨™ª∞Ω¨ 5-7 .$ ≠∂π %∞≥¨ Ω¨π∫∞∂µ∫, "≥∞¨µª
.2, ®µ´ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ Ω¨π∫∞∂µ∫.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Table 1. Interoperability matrix
VNX hardware
VNX OE for File
Client OS
VNX Installation Assistant
for File/Unified version
VNX5300 or later
Windows XP, 2000, Vista or later
VNX5500 or later
Windows XP, 2000, Vista or later
VNX5700 or later
Windows XP, 2000, Vista or later
VNX7500 or later
Windows XP, 2000, Vista or later
Note: 3ب 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ æ∞¡®π´ ´∂¨∫ µ∂ª πºµ ∂µ -34 ∫¨πΩ¨π∫.
3®©≥¨ 2 ∂µ ∑®Æ¨ 11 ≥∞∫ª∫ ªØ¨ ∑π¨π¨∏º∞∫∞ª¨∫ ≠∂π ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´.
Table 2. Prerequisites for different wizards in VNX Installation Assistant
Operating system
Storage Provisioning
Windows XP/2000/Vista
Display settings must have a minimum of 256
colors (for Windows NT and Windows 2000).
Network Configuration
Windows XP/2000/Vista
Proper communication channel between the VNX,
the interfaces, and the client must exist.
Windows XP/2000/Vista
VNX must be provisioned to get the pool size.
Interfaces must be available to attach a share to
the client.
Proper communication channel between the VNX,
the interfaces, and the client must exist.
Respective domain controllers and their credentials must be available to create and join the CIFS
server, and to attach the CIFS share to the client.
VNX must be provisioned to get the pool size.
Interfaces must be available to attach a share to
the client.
Proper communication channel between the VNX,
the interfaces, and the client must exist.
Windows XP/2000/Vista
Table 2. Prerequisites for different wizards in VNX Installation Assistant (continued)
Operating system
Windows XP/2000/Vista
VNX must be provisioned so that at least four
LUNs with the same size to be in one of the system defined pool: clar_r5_performance, clar_r6,
or clar_r10.
Interfaces must be available to attach a share to
the client.
Proper communication channel between the VNX,
the interfaces, the computer running VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified, and MPFS Linux
hosts must exist.
For Fibre Channel configuration, the HBA driver
must be installed on the client, and the HBA must
be configured to connect to the fabric-connected
VNX system.
For iSCSI configuration, the iSCSI package must
be installed on the client.
Install the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
!¨≠∂π¨ ∞µ∫ª®≥≥∞µÆ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´, Ω¨π∞≠¿ ªØ®ª:
™™¨∫∫ ª∂ ªØ¨ $," .µ≥∞µ¨ 2º∑∑∂πª 権∫∞ª¨ ®ª تª∑://2º∑∑∂πª.$,".™∂¥ ∂π ªØ¨ 5-7
(µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ 3∂∂≥©∂ø "# (∑π¨≠¨ππ¨´) ∞∫ ®Ω®∞≥®©≥¨.
6∞µ´∂æ∫-©®∫¨´ ™≥∞¨µª ™∂¥∑ºª¨π ∞∫ ∂µ ªØ¨ ∫®¥¨ ∫º©µ¨ª (™º∫ª∂¥¨π µ¨ªæ∂π≤) ®∫ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥
3ب ™∂¥∑ºª¨π ¥º∫ª Ø®Ω¨ ®ª ≥¨®∫ª 150 ,! ∂≠ ≠𨨠∫∑®™¨. (µª¨πµ¨ª ™∂µµ¨™ª∞Ω∞ª¿ ∞∫
3∂ ∂©ª®∞µ ®µ´ ∞µ∫ª®≥≥ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´:
Note: .µ ¿∂ºπ ™∂¥∑ºª¨π, ´∞∫®©≥¨ ®µ¿ ≠∞π¨æ®≥≥ ∫∂≠ªæ®π¨, ∑∂∑-º∑ ©≥∂™≤¨π∫, Ω∞πªº®≥ ∑π∞Ω®ª¨ µ¨ªæ∂π≤
(5/-) ∞µª¨π≠®™¨∫, ®µ´ 5,æ®π¨ µ¨ªæ∂π≤ ∞µª¨π≠®™¨∫ ©¨≠∂π¨ πºµµ∞µÆ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π
1. #∂æµ≥∂®´ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ≠π∂¥ ® ≥∞µ≤ ∂µ ªØ¨ Tools ∑®Æ¨
∂≠ ªØ¨ $," .µ≥∞µ¨ 2º∑∑∂πª 権∫∞ª¨. (≠ ¿∂º ´∂ µ∂ª Ø®Ω¨ ®™™¨∫∫ ª∂ ªØ¨ 権∫∞ª¨, ∞µ∫¨πª ªØ¨
5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ 3∂∂≥©∂ø "# ∞µª∂ ¿∂ºπ ™∂¥∑ºª¨π.
2. (µ ªØ¨ Getting Started with your EMC VNX Installation æ∞µ´∂æ, ™≥∞™≤ VNX Installation
Assistant for File/Unified ª∂ ∞µ∫ª®≥≥ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ∂µ ¿∂ºπ
™∂¥∑ºª¨π. %∞ƺπ¨ 1 ∂µ ∑®Æ¨ 13 ∫Ø∂æ∫ ªØ¨ ∞µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∑π∂™¨∫∫ ≠∂π 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ≠π∂¥ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ 3∂∂≥©∂ø "#.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
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Figure 1. Installing VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
3ب $," .µ≥∞µ¨ 2º∑∑∂πª 権∫∞ª¨ ®ª تª∑://2º∑∑∂πª.$,".™∂¥ ∑π∂Ω∞´¨∫ ¥∂π¨ ∞µ≠∂𥮪∞∂µ.
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified network checklist
!¨≠∂π¨ ¿∂º πºµ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´, ¨µ∫ºπ¨ ªØ®ª:
1. 8∂ºπ 5-7 ∞∫ ∑∂æ¨π¨´ º∑. 3ب ∞µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ƺ∞´¨ ∑π∂Ω∞´¨∫ ®´´∞ª∞∂µ®≥ ∞µ≠∂𥮪∞∂µ.
2. 8∂ºπ 5-7 ∞∫ ™∂µµ¨™ª¨´ ª∂ ªØ¨ µ¨ªæ∂π≤. 3ب ∞µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ƺ∞´¨ ∑π∂Ω∞´¨∫ ®´´∞ª∞∂µ®≥
3. 8∂ºπ 5-7 ®µ´ ¿∂ºπ 6∞µ´∂æ∫ ™≥∞¨µª ®π¨ ∂µ ªØ¨ ∫®¥¨ ∑Ø¿∫∞™®≥ + -.
µ¿ ¨ø∞∫ª∞µÆ ≠∞π¨æ®≥≥, ∑∂∑-º∑ ©≥∂™≤¨π∫, ®µ´ 5/- ®π¨ ´∞∫®©≥¨´.
5. "∞∫™∂ 2¨™ºπ∞ª¿ ®Æ¨µª ∞∫ ªºπµ¨´ ∂≠≠ ∂µ ªØ¨ ™≥∞¨µª /".
6. (≠ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ™®µµ∂ª ´¨ª¨™ª ªØ¨ , " ®´´π¨∫∫ ∂≠ ªØ¨
"∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ, ¨µ∫ºπ¨ ªØ®ª ¿∂º ∫¨≥¨™ª ªØ¨ ™∂π𨙪 + - µ¨ªæ∂π≤ ∞µª¨π≠®™¨ ™®π´ ∂µ æØ∞™Ø
¿∂º 段ª ª∂ ∫¨®π™Ø ≠∂π ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ.
7. (≠ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ™®µµ∂ª ´¨ª¨™ª ªØ¨ , " ®´´π¨∫∫ ∂≠ ªØ¨
"∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ, ∑∂æ¨π ™¿™≥¨ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ ®µ´ ™≥∞™≤ Retry Search.
Note: (ª ª®≤¨∫ ∫¨Ω¨π®≥ ¥∞µºª¨∫ ª∂ π¨©∂∂ª ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ. 8∂º ™®µ ∑∞µÆ ªØ¨ (/ ®´´π¨∫∫ ∂≠ ªØ¨
"∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ ª∂ ¥®≤¨ ∫ºπ¨ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ ∞∫ π¨©∂∂ª¨´ ©¨≠∂π¨ ¿∂º ™∂µª∞µº¨.
8. (≠ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ ∫ª∞≥≥ ´∂¨∫ µ∂ª π¨∫∑∂µ´, º∫¨ ªØ¨ ∫º∑∑≥∞¨´ ™π∂∫∫-∂Ω¨π ™®©≥¨ (//038-003-457 ®µ´ ≥®©¨≥¨´ 2¨πΩ∞™¨ + - "®©≥¨ ∫∫¨¥©≥¿) ª∂ ™∂µµ¨™ª ª∂ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified network checklist
´∞𨙪≥¿ ≠π∂¥ ªØ¨ ™≥∞¨µª /" πºµµ∞µÆ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∑¨π≠∂π¥ ªØ¨ ≠∂≥≥∂æ∞µÆ:
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´, ®µ´
®. #∞∫™∂µµ¨™ª ªØ¨ ¨øª¨πµ®≥ µ¨ªæ∂π≤ ™®©≥¨ ª∂ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ. 3Ø∞∫ ™®©≥¨ ∞∫ ≥®©¨≥¨´
,&,3, ®∫ ∫Ø∂æµ ∞µ ªØ¨ ≠∂≥≥∂æ∞µÆ ≠∞ƺπ¨.
©. "∂µ≠∞Æºπ¨ ªØ¨ 6∞µ´∂æ∫ ™≥∞¨µª æ∞ªØ ® ∫ª®ª∞™ (/ ®´´π¨∫∫ ∂µ ªØ¨ ∫®¥¨ ≥∂Æ∞™®≥ µ¨ªæ∂π≤
©¨∞µÆ º∫¨´ ©¿ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ, º∫∞µÆ ® µ¨ª¥®∫≤ ∂≠, ®µ´ µ∂ ´¨≠®º≥ª
Æ®ª¨æ®¿ ®´´π¨∫∫.
™. 4∫¨ ® ∫ªπ®∞Æت-ªØπ∂ºÆØ (∂π ™π∂∫∫∂Ω¨π) $ªØ¨πµ¨ª ™®©≥¨ ª∂ ™∂µµ¨™ª ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ™≥∞¨µª ´∞𨙪≥¿ ª∂ ªØ¨ ¨øª¨πµ®≥ ∑∂πª ∂µ ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ
(≥®©¨≥¨´ ®∫ "¨ªØ3"), ®∫ ∫Ø∂æµ ∞µ ªØ¨ ≠∂≥≥∂æ∞µÆ ≠∞ƺπ¨.
´. ,®≤¨ ∫ºπ¨ ª∂ ´∞∫®©≥¨ æ∞π¨≥¨∫∫ ™∂¥¥ºµ∞™®ª∞∂µ, ®µ¿ ≠∞π¨æ®≥≥ ∫∂≠ªæ®π¨, ∑∂∑-º∑ ©≥∂™≤¨π∫,
5/- ∞µª¨π≠®™¨∫, ®µ´ 5,æ®π¨ µ¨ªæ∂π≤ ∞µª¨π≠®™¨∫.
¨. 1¨©∂∂ª ªØ¨ "∂µªπ∂≥ 2ª®ª∞∂µ ®µ´ æ®∞ª ≠∂π ªØ¨ π¨©∂∂ª ª∂ ™∂¥∑≥¨ª¨.
≠. 1¨∫ª®πª ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ æ∞¡®π´ ®µ´ ™≥∞™≤ Next ∂µ ªØ¨
Welcome ∑®Æ¨ ª∂ ∞µ∞ª∞®ª¨ ªØ¨ ©π∂®´™®∫ª ®µ´ ´∞∫™∂Ω¨π¿ ∑π∂™¨∫∫, ªØ¨µ ™∂µª∞µº¨ æ∞ªØ ªØ¨
5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ™∂µ≠∞ƺπ®ª∞∂µ.
Run the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
3∂ πºµ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´:
1. #∂º©≥¨-™≥∞™≤ ªØ¨ VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified ∫Ø∂πª™ºª ∂µ ªØ¨ ´¨∫≤ª∂∑ ∂π Æ∂
ª∂ ":\/π∂Æπ®¥%∞≥¨∫\$,"\5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª\∫ª®πªº∑\≥®ºµ™Ø.©®ª. 3ب 5-7
(µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ƺ∞´¨∫ ¿∂º ªØπ∂ºÆØ ªØ¨ 𨥮∞µ∞µÆ ∫ª¨∑∫.
2. "≥∞™≤ Install ª∂ ™∂µ≠∞Æºπ¨ ® ≠®™ª∂π¿ ∞µ∫ª®≥≥¨´ 5-7.
3. $µ∫ºπ¨ ª∂ π¨Æ∞∫ª¨π ¿∂ºπ ∫¿∫ª¨¥ º∫∞µÆ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ®≠ª¨π
ªØ¨ ∞µ∞ª∞®≥ ∫¿∫ª¨¥ ∞µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ®µ´ ∑π¨™∂µ≠∞ƺπ®ª∞∂µ Ø®∫ ©¨¨µ ™∂¥∑≥¨ª¨´.
4. "≥∞™≤ Configure ª∂ ∑π∂Ω∞∫∞∂µ ∫ª∂π®Æ¨ ®µ´ ∫¨ªº∑ ªØ¨ 5-7 ≠∂π ∑π∂´º™ª∞∂µ.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
5. &∂ ª∂ $," .µ≥∞µ¨ 2º∑∑∂πª 権∫∞ª¨ ®ª تª∑://2º∑∑∂πª.$,".™∂¥ ≠∂π ¥∂π¨ ∞µ≠∂𥮪∞∂µ.
ª ªØ¨ ¨µ´ ∂≠ ¨®™Ø ™∂µ≠∞ƺπ®ª∞∂µ, ¿∂ºπ ∫¿∫ª¨¥ æ∞≥≥ ©¨ º∫®©≥¨ ®µ´ π¨®´¿ ≠∂π ∑π∂´º™ª∞∂µ.
≠ª¨π ¿∂º π¨Æ∞∫ª¨π ¿∂ºπ 5-7 ∫¿∫ª¨¥, ¿∂º ¥º∫ª ™∂µ≠∞Æºπ¨ ªØ¨ ∫¿∫ª¨¥ ≠∂π ∑π∂´º™ª∞∂µ. 3بπ¨
®π¨ ∫¨Ω¨π®≥ ™∂¥¥∂µ ∞¥∑≥¨¥¨µª®ª∞∂µ∫ ®Ω®∞≥®©≥¨ ªØπ∂ºÆØ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª, ∂π
¿∂º ™®µ ™∂µ≠∞Æºπ¨ ¿∂ºπ ∫¿∫ª¨¥ ©¿ º∫∞µÆ ªØ¨ $,"é 4µ∞∫∑بπ¨㍷ ∫∂≠ªæ®π¨.
"∂¥¥∂µ ∞¥∑≥¨¥¨µª®ª∞∂µ∫:
"𨮪¨ "(%2 ∫Ø®π¨∫
"𨮪¨ -%2 ¨ø∑∂πª∫
2¨ª º∑ ,/%2 (≠∂π ,/%2-∫º∑∑∂πª¨´ ∫¿∫ª¨¥∫)
/¨π≠∂π¥ ™∂¥¥∂µ ∑∂∫ª-5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ
∫∫∞∫ª®µª ª®∫≤∫
Note: .µ ® 6∞µ´∂æ∫ 5∞∫ª® ∫¿∫ª¨¥, ∞≠ ¿∂º µ¨¨´ ª∂ º∫¨ "(%2 æ∞¡®π´, ¿∂º ¥º∫ª ´∞∫®©≥¨ 4∫¨π
3ب $," .µ≥∞µ¨ 2º∑∑∂πª 権∫∞ª¨ ®ª تª∑://2º∑∑∂πª.$,".™∂¥ ∑π∂Ω∞´¨∫ ¥∂π¨ ∞µ≠∂𥮪∞∂µ.
What Next?
8∂º ®π¨ µ∂æ π¨®´¿ ª∂ ´∂ ªØ¨ ≠∂≥≥∂æ∞µÆ:
(µ∫ª®≥≥ ®µ´ ™∂µ≠∞ƺπ¨ $," 2¨™ºπ¨ 1¨¥∂ª¨ 2º∑∑∂πª ($212) (/ "≥∞¨µª. 4∫¨ ªØ¨ Initialize and
register VNX and configure ESRS ≥∞µ≤ ºµ´¨π 5-7 ª®∫≤∫ ®µ´ ©¨ ∫ºπ¨ ª∂ ∫¨≥¨™ª ªØ¨ $212
∂∑ª∞∂µ æبµ ∑π∂¥∑ª¨´.
ªª®™Ø ∂µ¨ ∂π ¥∂π¨ ∫¨πΩ¨π∫ ª∂ ¿∂ºπ 5-7. 4∫¨ ªØ¨ Attach server ≥∞µ≤ ºµ´¨π 2¨π٨𠪮∫≤∫
∂µ ªØ¨ ∫º∑∑∂πª 権∫∞ª¨ ª∂ ƨµ¨π®ª¨ ∫ª¨∑-©¿-∫ª¨∑ ∞µ∫ªπº™ª∞∂µ∫ ≠∂𠮪ª®™Ø∞µÆ ® ∫¨πΩ¨π.
Run the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
∫ ∑®πª ∂≠ ®µ ¨≠≠∂πª ª∂ ™∂µª∞µº∂º∫≥¿ ∞¥∑π∂Ω¨ ®µ´ ¨µØ®µ™¨ ªØ¨ ∑¨π≠∂π¥®µ™¨
®µ´ ™®∑®©∞≥∞ª∞¨∫ ∂≠ ∞ª∫ ∑π∂´º™ª ≥∞µ¨∫, $," ∑¨π∞∂´∞™®≥≥¿ π¨≥¨®∫¨∫ µ¨æ Ω¨π∫∞∂µ∫
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≠¨®ªºπ¨∫, π¨≠¨π ª∂ ¿∂ºπ ∑π∂´º™ª π¨≥¨®∫¨ µ∂ª¨∫.
(≠ ® ∑π∂´º™ª ´∂¨∫ µ∂ª ≠ºµ™ª∞∂µ ∑π∂∑¨π≥¿ ∂π ´∂¨∫ µ∂ª ≠ºµ™ª∞∂µ ®∫ ´¨∫™π∞©¨´
∞µ ªØ∞∫ ´∂™º¥¨µª, ™∂µª®™ª ¿∂ºπ $," "º∫ª∂¥¨π 2º∑∑∂πª 1¨∑π¨∫¨µª®ª∞Ω¨.
/π∂©≥¨¥ 1¨∫∂≥ºª∞∂µ 1∂®´¥®∑ ≠∂π 5-7 ™∂µª®∞µ∫ ®´´∞ª∞∂µ®≥ ∞µ≠∂𥮪∞∂µ ®©∂ºª
º∫∞µÆ ªØ¨ $," .µ≥∞µ¨ 2º∑∑∂πª 権∫∞ª¨ ®µ´ π¨∫∂≥Ω∞µÆ ∑π∂©≥¨¥∫.
3∂∑∞™∫ ∞µ™≥º´¨´ ®π¨:
$," $-+®© (µª¨π∂∑¨π®©∞≥∞ª¿ -®Ω∞Æ®ª∂π ∂µ ∑®Æ¨ 18
*µ∂æµ ∑π∂©≥¨¥∫ ®µ´ ≥∞¥∞ª®ª∞∂µ∫ ∂µ ∑®Æ¨ 18
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$," 3π®∞µ∞µÆ ®µ´ /π∂≠¨∫∫∞∂µ®≥ 2¨πΩ∞™¨∫ ∂µ ∑®Æ¨ 36
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
EMC E-Lab Interoperability Navigator
3ب $," $-+®©㍷ (µª¨π∂∑¨π®©∞≥∞ª¿ -®Ω∞Æ®ª∂π ∞∫ ® ∫¨®π™Ø®©≥¨, 権-©®∫¨´ ®∑∑≥∞™®ª∞∂µ ªØ®ª
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®∑∑≥∞™®©≥¨ 2º∑∑∂πª ©¿ /π∂´º™ª ∑®Æ¨, ≠∞µ´ Tools, ®µ´ ™≥∞™≤ E-Lab Interoperability Navigator.
Known problems and limitations
3Ø∞∫ ∫¨™ª∞∂µ ≥∞∫ª∫ ªØ¨ ≤µ∂æµ ∑π∂©≥¨¥∫ ®µ´ ≥∞¥∞ª®ª∞∂µ∫ ≠∂π ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π
Attaching a CIFS share fails
Attaching a CIFS share may fail when not using the first primary blade.
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified only sets up the DNS for the first primary blade.
Unisphere can be used to set up the DNS on the other primary blades for VNX Installation Assistant
for File/Unified previously known as Celerra Startup Assistant (CSA) versions 5.6.39 to 5.6.46.
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified extends multiple blade support for version 5.6.47 and
Cannot restart the installation for VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
Cannot restart the installation for VNX Installation Assistant after exiting, before the cable check
is passed. NAS services are unavailable and attempts to access Unisphere and the NAS CLI directly do not work. (Linux CLI is accessible.)
The VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified mode on the Control Station is disabled before the
cable check completed successfully and NAS services are not available. This condition can occur
if a Shift + L is executed before the cable check completes.
Log in as root on the Control Station and at the command line, type:
service nas start
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
CIFS server creation fails
CIFS server creation fails because the CIFS server join with the domain fails.
One possible reason can be that the default gateway is not set up for a blade.
Set up a default gateway before using the CIFS server create and attach:
1. Check if the Data Mover has any interfaces. If not, create an interface on the network for which
you need to set up the default gateway.
2. When the interface is created, run the CLI command:
$ server_route server_2 -add default <gateway>
<gateway> = name of the default gateway address.
Note: Contact your network administrator to get the default gateway address to use in the server_route command.
For example, if you are setting up a default gateway for network range 10.26.125.xxx, create an
interface, then type:
$ server_route server_ 2 -add default
1 = the gateway address.
To verify that the default gateway was added, type:
$ server_route server_2 -1
CIFS server join fails
CIFS server join fails if there is clock skew between the Data Mover and the domain controllers.
The NTP server synchronizes the timestamp between the Data Mover and the domain controllers.
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified does not provide an option to add an NTP server to the
domain controller.
Known problems and limitations
Create an NTP server for the Data Mover from the Unisphere. This option is available on the
Data Mover properties screen. The NTP server field accepts comma separated multiple NTP
servers. When you click the Apply button, the NTP server with the given IP address points to
the Data Mover.
Another option is available through the CLI command. Use the modify command on the Data
Mover object for property ntpServer.
CIFS Windows 2000 server name length restriction
CIFS Windows 2000 server name cannot be greater than 15 characters, even though Windows
2000 Active Directory accepts up to 63 characters.
In the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified, the same field is used to define the CIFS server
name and the NetBIOS name (compname). Therefore, if the CIFS server name is greater than 15
characters, a failure occurs because the NetBIOS name (compname) cannot be greater than 15
Windows 2000 servers with names greater than 15 characters can be created by using Unisphere.
In Unisphere, go to the CIFS share option. This screen accepts server names up to 63 characters.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified fails to complete configuration
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified fails to complete the configuration of SP IP addresses
during pre-configuration and displays the error message:
Could not change IP address of the SP.
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified fails to apply the pre-configuration changes and
displays the error:
Backend IP setup | Could not change IP address of the SP
CSA startup_wiz.log: ERROR 2008-06-06 16:15:12,233
ip config (start) failed with retcode : 30 and error
WARN 2008-06-06 16:15:12,233
[com.emc.celerra.startup.configuration.BaseSetup]: There
were warnings or errors while configuring backend :
severity :4 and
messages : Could not change IP address of the SP Network
Settings on CSA client:
The gateway address that was entered during pre-configuration is invalid for communication between the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified client and the Control Station. Instead, the
gateway address should be changed to match the same network as that of the Control Station
and the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified client during the VNX Installation Assistant for
File/Unified configuration work [10.113.x gateway vs. 10.113.x.x gateway]. In this case, the VNX
Installation Assistant for File/Unified application fails during the pre-configuration apply phase
where the IP addresses are being configured by the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
wizard because the default gateway IP address is
Known problems and limitations
1. Preferred workaround:
a. With the VNX Installation Assistant application open at the point of failure, log in to the
Control Station as root and set a new default gateway:
# /sbin/route add -net default gw
b. Verify that SPA's IP address was changed and not SPB:
# /nas/sbin/navicli -h <spa> networkadmin -get
should be set to a new IP address.
# /nas/sbin/navicli -h <spb> networkadmin -get
should still be set with an internal IP address.
c. Return SPA to the default Internal IP address and gateway:
# /nas/sbin/navicli -h <spa> networkadmin -set -address -gateway
d. After SPA reboots, check and restore any tresspassed LUNs:
# /nas/sbin/navicli -h getlun -trespass
# /nas/sbin/navicli -h trespass lun x
e. Edit /etc/hosts and /nas/site/sp_info files to reflect the correct internal IP address for SPA.
Verify network admin information on SPs once again.
g. Click the Back button in the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified to return to the
screen where the gateway address was shown. Edit the address to, then
continue by using the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified to complete the installation:
Note: If the VNX Installation Assistant application was closed, locate and edit the C:\Program
Files\EMC\CSA\startup\test\CSA_xxxx.xml file to reflect the new gateway address. Restart
the VNX Installation Assistant, select the MAC address of the current Control Station, provide
the login information, and continue using the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified to
complete the installation.
2. Alternative workaround:
a. Connect the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified client directly to the Control Station
by using a LAN cable.
b. Reconfigure the default gateway IP on the Windows client to something like
c. Remove the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified configuration (Primus article emc
166265 provides more information) to get the Control Station back to a pre-VNX Installation
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Assistant for File/Unified configured state.
d. Rerun the VNX Installation Assistant process.
VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified version and VNX software version
are not compatible
CSA dislays a pop-up after you select the MAC address:
Note: VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified was formerly known as Celerra Startup Assistant
This version of CSA (5.x.xx) is not compatible with the
Celerra Software version (5.x.xx-x) installed on the system
you are trying to initialize.
The CSA version and the Celerra Software version are not compatible.
The VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified wizard is available on the VNX Installation Toolbox
CD for all new installations, while several versions are also available for downloading from the
EMC Online Support website. When determining compatibility between CSA and NAS versions,
use only the first three fields of the NAS version. Also, note:
The CSA cannot install multiple versions of the wizard on a given client.
You cannot upgrade from one version of the CSA to another.
To upgrade, uninstall the existing CSA application and then install the new CSA version.
Be aware that CSA versions 5.5.30 and 5.5.31 do not perform version-checking, which means that
the wizard would attempt to configure the system during installation. If an incompatible CSA-toNAS version is used, the Celerra configuration may not complete successfully and may require
technical support intervention to repair. CSA versions 5.5.32 and later are supposed to check the
NAS version for compatibility before allowing the user to continue with the configuration process,
but due to various changes, later released versions of CSA will not always be able to support older
NAS versions for configuration purposes. Review the following compatibility information.
The CSA wizard when introduced supported factory pre-configured NS20 and NS40 installations.
CSA now supports the NX4 Celerra model, and this support will be expanded to future Celerra
model releases. The following compatibility statements can be made at this time.
Known problems and limitations
NAS 5.5 family:
CSA 5.5.30 is compatible with NAS version 5.5.30 only, and not with any other NAS versions
(CSA implements the NAT solution as the default).
CSA 5.5.31 is compatible with NAS version 5.5.31 only, and not with any other NAS versions
(CSA implements the proxy ARP solution as the new default).
CSA 5.5.32 is compatible with NAS versions 5.5.31 and 5.5.32, and has version-checking built
into the wizard (CSA 5.5.32 will indicate by using a pop-up when the Celerra version is not
compatible, such as with any NAS version prior to 5.5.31 or after 5.5.32).
CSA 5.5.33 is compatible with NAS versions 5.5.33, 5.5.32, and 5.5.31, and fails with a version
not compatible message if used on NAS versions greater than 5.5.33.
Note: There is no CSA version for NAS versions 5.5.34, 5.5.35, or 5.5.36.
CSA 5.5.37 is compatible with NAS versions 5.5.37, 5.5.36, 5.5.35, and 5.5.34.
NAS 5.6 family:
CSA 5.6.36 is compatible with NAS versions 5.6.36 only, and not with any other NAS versions
(provides pop-up message).
CSA 5.6.37 is compatible with NAS versions 5.6.37 only, and not with any other NAS versions
(no compatibility pop-up when used on NAS 5.6.36 configuration, but does not work due to a
Note: Due to potential CSA hang issue during pre-configuration apply changes screen, use
CSA version 5.6.38 with NAS 5.6.37 installs. Primus article emc 193170 provides details of
the 5.6.37 CSA issue.
CSA 5.6.38 is compatible with NAS versions 5.6.38, 5.6.37, and 5.6.36, and is the currently
recommended CSA version to use with these NAS versions.
CAUTION: Do not use the 5.6.38 CSA from the CD. Use only the "revised" 5.6.38
CSA, downloadable from the EMC Online Support website. The CSA version 5.6.38
on EMC Online Support has been modified to correct a problem found with the Cable
Check process that prevents successful configuration.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
CSA 5.6.39 is compatible with NAS version 5.6.39 only, and not with any other previous NAS
versions. (CSA implements ConnectHome and email User configuration screen option.)
CSA 5.6.40 is compatible with NAS versions 5.6.40 and 5.6.39. (Partial testing indicates CSA
is backwards compatible with 5.6.39 NAS version.)
CSA 5.6.41 is compatible with NAS versions 5.6.41, 5.6.40, and 5.6.39. (Partial testing indicates
CSA is backwards compatible with 5.6.40 and 5.6.39 NAS versions.)
CSA 5.6.42 is compatible with NAS versions 5.6.42, 5.6.41, 5.6.40, and 5.6.39. (Partial testing
indicates CSA is backwards compatible with 5.6.41, 5.6.40, and 5.6.39 NAS versions.)
Download DISKPART utility for Windows Vista
When attaching an iSCSI LUN to the local computer on Windows Vista, it prompts to download
the DISKPART utility even though the utility is already installed. When checked by using the
Windows command line, the directory for DISKPART exists and is installed.
The user account control is enabled on the Windows Vista computer.
The VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified will not be able to find the DISKPART utility
status and the user will get a pop-up in iSCSI create and attach page regarding DISKPART
1. On Windows Vista, click Start and go to the Control Panel, then click User Accounts.
2. On the Make changes to your user account page, click the Turn User Account Control on or off
3. On the Turn on User Account Control (UAC) to make your computer more secure option, clear
the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer checkbox and click OK.
4. Restart your computer and retry attaching an iSCSI LUN to the local computer from VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified.
iSCSI LUN Attach fails
While creating a new iSCSI LUN and attaching it to a local host, the iSCSI attach fails with an
error message :
Disk not found
The operating system of the host does not support dynamic search of iSCSI LUN and needs a
reboot to detect the new iSCSI LUN.
Known problems and limitations
1. Close all the applications and reboot the host.
2. Launch the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified and log in to your VNX.
3. On the Configuration wizards page, select Create/Attach iSCSI LUN.
4. On the iSCSI Create and Attach page, select Attach a host to an existing iSCSI LUN.
5. On Attach an iSCSI LUN page, select Local Host.
6. Select the blade name for the iSCSI Target from the available list.
7. Select all other fields appropriately and click Next to attach the iSCSI LUN successfully.
iSCSI LUN attach fails on the Windows 2008 client machine with an error message:
DiskPart has encountered an error: The Media is write
The default SAN policy on the Windows 2008 client machine is not set to VDS_SP_ONLINE. The
SAN policy on the Windows 2008 restricts all the iSCSI LUNs to be read only.
1. Before working on the Windows 2008 client machine, go to command prompt, type diskpart,
and then press Enter.
2. On the DISKPART prompt, type SAN and press Enter to see the current SAN policy on the
3. If Online All is displayed then iSCSI LUN create and attach will work as desired on the VNX
Installation Assistant for File/Unified.
4. If Offline Shared is displayed then type the following command in the command prompt to activate the VDS_SP_ONLINE policy: SAN POLICY = OnlineAll. This policy will make all the
iSCSI LUNs online with read-write options.
5. You can launch the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified and select the Create/Attach
iSCSI LUN to create and attach iSCSI LUN on Windows 2008 successfully.
MPFS client configuration on iSCSI host fails
MPFS fails to complete the MPFS client configuration on iSCSI host.
The iSCSI service is not running on the host, or the local mount directory to create is under
a read-only directory.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
1. Run the iSCSI status command to check if the iSCSI service is running. If the iSCSI
service is not running, start the iSCSI service by running iSCSI start command.
2. If MPFS cannot create the local mount directory, then the user can go back to the MPFSenabled NFS Mount screen and select the host from the host navigation tree to display
the mount selection on the Export to the Mount field.
3. Remove the export from the specified local mount directory, if it is under a read-only directory and specify a different local mount directory for the MPFS export to mount.
MPFS fails to add the Linux host
MPFS fails to add the Linux host, an error appears:
MPFS does not support the kernel of this host
The MPFS client software does not support the kernel of this host.
The MPFS client support matrix is listed in the file host_support.properties, which is under
<CSA installation directory>\startup\mpfs.
The format of the support host value is OSname-KernelVersion-CpuType. The user can
get the host’s operating system, kernel version, and CPU type information by running
the following command:
uname -m;uname -n;uname -r;uname -s
If the host kernel is not on the MPFS client support matrix, the user needs to install a
kernel which is supported by MPFS.
MPFS wizard fails to log in to the Linux hosts.
Username or password is not correct, or the default SSH server installations are configured to refuse the authentication password.
1. Type the correct username and password on the MPFS Add Hosts page, and add
the hosts again.
2. If the login still fails, then the default SSH server installations may be configured to
decline the authentication type password.
3. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the value of PasswordAuthentication to
yes, then restart the SSH daemon to re-read this configuration. For example, run:
/etc/init.d/sshd restart
Known problems and limitations
Problem reporting
CSA fails to complete successfully.
When reporting problems with CSA that require escalation to the Engineering team, a
Remedy AR should be opened and the following data should be collected:
From the client PC:
Log file from C:\Program Files\EMC\CSA\startup\startup_wiz.log file.
All the contents of directory C:\Program Files\EMC\CSA\startup\test.
Run the command ipconfig/all for IP issues.
From the Celerra Control Station, collect all the information retrieved by the collect_support_materials script.
Provisioning fails
Provisioning fails with an error:
Unable to establish communication with <IP address>
The connectivity between the EMC VNX for Block system and the Control Station is lost.
Check the cable connection between VNX for Block system and Control Station.
Resume VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
On the Welcome screen, user is prompted:
Enter the password for this VNX
If the user runs VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified, but cancels the execution prior to
completing all the steps, a configuration file is created that allows the user to resume the VNX
Installation Assistant for File/Unified from the point where it was discontinued.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
When the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified is run, it creates a VNX system specific
configuration file (C:\Program Files\EMC\CSA\startup\test\CSA_nnnnnnnnnnnn.xml).
To run VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified again from the same Windows workstation,
but to set up a different VNX system on the Welcome to VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
screen, select the box in the lower-left side of the screen next to Select if you want to create a
new configuration profile.
Note: VNX Installation Assiatant for File/Unified was previously known as Celerra Startup
Assistant (CSA).
Beginning with CSA version 5.5.32, there is a new page during the welcome phase which allows
the user to select either a new configuration or the MAC address of an existing installation
from the following menu:
Select configuration profile
Select a profile using this MAC address: New Configuration
<existing MAC address>
System defined storage pool not created
On the MPFS System and Configuration page, the user is prompted:
To create MPFS storage pool, at least four LUNs with the
same size are required to be in one of the system defined
clar_r5_performance, clar_r6, or clar_r10
MPFS needs to create MPFS storage pools from the system defined pools clar_r5_performance,
clar_r6, or clar_r10 for the MPFS initialization.
Select Provision unused disks on the Configurations wizards page to create at least one system
defined storage pool that includes at least four LUNs in the pool: clar_r5_performance, clar_r6, or
Unrecoverable VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified errors
Unrecoverable VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified errors that prevent completion of VNX
Installation Assistant for File/Unified configuration process.
Known problems and limitations
Inadvertent mistakes made during VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified configuration that
need to be reversed.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Perform the following steps to set the VNX system and Control Station back to a pre-VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified state.
CAUTION: If the system is in a misconfigured or partially configured state, the following
steps may not work and a more intensive manual cleanup would be required, as indicated
in the notes below.
1. Run the following command to stop the NAT or Proxy_ARP configuration:
# /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt –stop
Use clariion_mgmt -info to determine if NAT or Proxy-ARP is configured. If the command returns
Error 12: Not configured, then the clariion_mgmt -stop command does not need to be run.
In some situations, the NAT or Proxy-ARP configuration may fail to be torn down completely
by the -stop switch. If so, use the clariion_mgmt -stop -skip_rules command, then manually
edit the /etc/hosts and /nas/site/sp_info to restore the default 192.168.x (or 128.221.x) IP addresses for the SPs, remove the /nas/site/clariion_mgmt.cfg file (if it exists), then reboot the
Control Station.
Finally, you should check the actual IP addresses running on the SPs and change them back
to the default VNX values ( by using navicli -h <sp> networkadmin -set -address xxx by the -stop switch. If so, use the clariion_mgmt -stop -skip_rules
command, then manually edit the /etc/hosts and /nas/site/sp_info to restore the default
192.168.x (or 128.221.x) IP addresses for the SPs, remove the /nas/site/clariion_mgmt.cfg
file (if it exists), then reboot the Control Station. Finally, you should check the actual IP addresses running on the SPs and change them back to the default VNX values xxxx -gateway
xxx.xxx or if necessary by using direct connection to the SP LAN port and /setup program.
The Primus article, emc176667 - Troubleshooting failed Proxy-ARP conversions, provides
more information.
2. Copy the S95cable_check script to /etc/rc3.d and chmod the file to make it executable by
using the chmod 755 S95cable_check command.
Note: The challenge here is that the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified process deletes
the S95cable_check file. If a copy has not been previously saved, mount a similar version of
the NAS CD-ROM and copy the S95cable_check script from the /EMC/nas directory to the
/etc/rc3.d directory. If a copy cannot be downloaded, contact the EMC Support and reference
the NAS version involved.
3. Remove the /tmp/.factory_check_successful file if it exists. Existence of the file prevents
proper completion of the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified configuration process and
deletes the S95cable_check file on bootup, if present. The S95cable_check file should start
the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified discovery and configuration process.
4. Save a copy of the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth3 file to the folder /home/nasadmin
and delete the existing file in the /etc/... folder.
5. Remove any extra or unwanted entries for the Control Station hostname and external IP ad-
Known problems and limitations
dress from the /etc/hosts (by using the vi editor and the like) that may be present if the VNX
Installation Assistant for File/Unified process was run multiple times.
6. If desired, clean up the e-mail user configuration file and disable the ConnectHome transport
# rm /nas/sys/.email_user.config (NAS 5.6.39 and higher)
# /nas/bin/nas_emailuser -init
# /nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -modify -modem_priority Disabled
-ftp_priority Disabled -email_priority Disabled (NAS
5.5.31, 5.6.36
and later)
7. Connect to the serial port on the front (or back on newer models) of the Control Station. Use
HyperTerminal and configure as follows:
COM1 or COM2; Bits per second: 19200; Data bits: 8; Parity: None; Stop bits: 1; Flow Control:
None; verify that Autodetect and ANSI are selected for terminal emulation.
8. Reboot the Control Station and wait for the following console screen message before continuing with the next step:
Starting cable_check: This is an NS40FC system waiting
to be configured by Celerra Startup Assistant (CSA). Use
CSA to verify that the system has been cabled properly.
Once the check is complete, CSA will instruct the Cable
Check Utility to continue and NAS services will be
started and a login prompt provided. If you want to break
out from this and login to the Control Station (you must
really know what you are doing) press "L".
Waiting for Celerra Startup Assistant (CSA), to continue...............
Note: VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified was formerly known as Celerra Startup Assistant (CSA).
9. On the Windows client running the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified, remove the existing CSA.xml file from the location C:\Program Files\EMC\CSA\startup\test\CSA_000e0ccfc72a.xml (example of filename). Alternatively, during the welcome
phase of the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified, select New Configuration to ignore any
existing xml files that might reside on the client from previous VNX Installation Assistant for
File/Unified configurations.
10. Start up the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified from the Windows client. On the Welcome
page, click Next. You should then be able to read the MAC address broadcast and continue
with remaining configuration steps by using VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Change a value set with the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
≠ª¨π º∫∞µÆ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´ ª∂ ∞µ∫ª®≥≥ ¿∂ºπ ∫¿∫ª¨¥, ¿∂º ¥®¿
段ª ª∂ ™Ø®µÆ¨ ∂µ¨ ∂π ¥∂π¨ ∂≠ ªØ¨ Ω®≥º¨∫ ªØ®ª æ¨π¨ ™∂µ≠∞ƺπ¨´. 4∫¨ 3®©≥¨ 3 ∂µ ∑®Æ¨ 33 ª∂
™Ø®µÆ¨ ®µ¿ ∂≠ ªØ¨ Ω®≥º¨ ∫¨ª∫ æØ∞≥¨ º∫∞µÆ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π %∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´.
4µ∞∫∑Ø¨π¨ ™®µ ©¨ º∫¨´ ª∂ ™Ø®µÆ¨ ªØ¨ Ω®≥º¨ ∫¨ª∫ ´ºπ∞µÆ ªØ¨ 5-7 (µ∫ª®≥≥®ª∞∂µ ∫∫∞∫ª®µª ≠∂π
%∞≥¨/4µ∞≠∞¨´, ¨ø™¨∑ª ªØ¨ ∑º©≥∞™ ∫ª∂π®Æ¨ ∑π∂™¨∫∫∂π (/ ®´´π¨∫∫¨∫. 8∂º ¥º∫ª º∫¨ ªØ¨ "+(
™∂¥¥®µ´∫ ª∂ ™Ø®µÆ¨ ªØ∂∫¨ Ω®≥º¨∫. 3∂ ¨µª¨π ® "+( ™∂¥¥®µ´, º∫¨ ªØ¨ CLI Commands ª®©.
Note: 8∂º Ø®Ω¨ ª∂ ≥∂Æ ∞µ ª∂ 4µ∞∫∑Ø¨π¨ ®∫ π∂∂ª ª∂ ™Ø®µÆ¨ ªØ¨ Ω®≥º¨ ∫¨ª∫.
Table 3. How to change the value set by using Unisphere
VNX Installation Assistant How to change it
for File/Unified value
Control Station hostname
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Control Station.
3. Edit the Hostname.
Control Station Static IP ad1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Control Station.
3. Edit the IP Address.
Control Station Netmask
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Control Station.
3. Edit the Netmask.
Control Station DNS Domain
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Control Station.
3. Edit the DNS Domain Name.
Control Station DNS Servers
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Control Station.
3. Edit the DNS Servers.
Change a value set with the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
Table 3. How to change the value set by using Unisphere (continued)
VNX Installation Assistant How to change it
for File/Unified value
Control Station NTP servers
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Control Station.
3. Edit the NTP servers.
Control Station time zone
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Control Station.
3. Edit the Current Timezone.
Root password
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to Settings.
3. Select root from the Users list and click Properties.
4. Edit the required root information.
NAS Administrator password
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to Settings.
3. Select nasadmin from the Users list and click Properties.
4. Edit the required nasadmin information.
Blade DNS Domain
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Network ➤ DNS.
3. Delete the existing DNS domain and create a new one.
Primary Blade DNS Server
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Network ➤ DNS.
3. Select a DNS domain for the primary blade DNS server
and click Properties.
4. Edit the DNS server information.
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Table 3. How to change the value set by using Unisphere (continued)
VNX Installation Assistant How to change it
for File/Unified value
Secondary Blade DNS
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Network ➤ DNS.
3. Select a DNS domain for the secondary blade DNS server
and click Properties.
4. Edit the DNS server information.
Blade NTP Server
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Data Movers.
3. Select a Data Mover and click Properties.
4. Edit the NTP server information.
Blade time zone
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Data Movers.
3. Select a Data Mover and click Properties.
4. Edit the blade timezone information. For VNX software
version prior to 5.6, CLI: As root, run the following CLI
/nasmcd/sbin/server_date <data mover>
timezone <posix-string>
Storage Processor A IP Ad- CLI: As root, run the following command:
/nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -modify spa_ip <new_IP_address_for_SP_A>
Storage Processor B IP Ad- CLI: As root, run the following command:
/nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -modify spb_ip <new_IP_address_for_SP_B>
Site ID
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Service Tasks ➤ Manage Connect Home.
3. Edit the Site ID.
Change a value set with the VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified
Table 3. How to change the value set by using Unisphere (continued)
VNX Installation Assistant How to change it
for File/Unified value
Dial-in Modem
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Service Tasks ➤ Manage Connect Home.
3. Edit the Dial-in Modem information.
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to System ➤ Manage Licenses.
3. Edit the information for the licenses.
NFS Export values
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to Sharing ➤ NFS.
3. Select an NFS export from the list of NFS Exports and
click Properties.
4. Edit the NFS export information.
iSCSI LUN values
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to Sharing ➤ iSCSI.
3. Select an iSCSI LUN from the list of LUNs and click
4. Edit the iSCSI LUN information.
CIFS Share values
1. Select your VNX system.
2. Go to Sharing ➤ CIFS.
3. Select a CIFS share from the list of CIFS Shares and click
4. Edit the CIFS share information.
EMC Training and Professional Services
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Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
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EMC Training and Professional Services
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
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Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0
Getting Started with VNX Installation Assistant for File/Unified 7.0