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Kalinga Society: Religion, Family, Politics Essay

In Tabuk City, I have observed only two religions namely Islam and Christianity.
But statistics says Christians outnumber Muslims in the City. So it only means that most
of people here are Christians but divided in different sects with different doctrines which
sometimes lead to discussions. But what really is religion? How do we say or what is our
basis in saying that we are a part of one?
Almost all of us could straightly answer someone if they ask us what our religion
is. But, interacting with different kinds of people, I have observed that some take its
meaning lightly. Frankly speaking, some tend to claim they are a part of a congregation
that they don’t even take part to or worse not even attended their whole life.
As explained by Rev. Mr. Matthew Newsome, “The word religion comes from the
Latin word ‘religare’, which means “to bind.” It is related to the Latin word ‘regular’, which
referred to a Latin stick, and is the root of our English word ‘rule’. A religion, therefor, is
not merely a set of beliefs, but a set of beliefs that bind the believer. Religion imposes a
kind of rule or regulation upon the believer’s life”.
He also noted, “Religion is a belief that requires a response. In the light of what we
believe to be true, religious observers must understand that we must behave in a certain
way; that there will be certain limits on our lifestyle”.
Many are faithful and acts or responds truthfully in what they believe. But the
saddening truth is some claims they believe in something but does not really responds to it
nor are willing to be ruled nor driven by it.
I’m not siding nor promoting any sect here but I’m only presenting my
observations. So here is the specific scenario. As to my observations; people, being driven
by the desires of the flesh, who doesn’t even attend to any church claims to belong to the
Roman Catholic. The image of churches, at most times the Roman Catholic, is being ruined
because of this kind of attitude of people who claim to be believers but does not take in
action what they claim to believe.
Another scenario is the practice of Paganism rituals. These rituals are strongly
unfavorable to the Christian law but some still practices such things even if they already
are in a Christian congregation because of their culture and by the mandates of their elders.
Some chooses to settle for practicality and only if possible, they would not practice these
things but respect to their elders and obedience to the old ways of doing something has
been the main driving force for them to settle for these practices.
I am writing in a critique’s view to present my observations not to pick on the
people nor elaborate their misconceptions but to present the true scenarios currently
happening in our society with the hope of making things right together as a community.
On the brighter side I have seen active members of every sect especially the youths,
being led by their ministers, pastors or priests, trying to introduce Christianity and
spreading the gospel to every campus in the city. I also observed that churches in the city
became more eager to reach out to the outsiders.
Different beliefs and doctrines have been present in the city and sometimes lead to
discussions but all things have been peaceful because of respect to one’s own faith.
To finally end, I would like to elaborate that to claim that we believe in it, we should
therefore act in the light of it.
According to some sources, family may be the most important group to which you
will ever belong. Its purpose is to provide its members with a safe, secure, and nurturing
environment. The family is usually considered the most basic unit of society. In general, it
can be defined as a group of two or more people related to one another by birth, adoption,
or marriage.
As society has changed over the years, so as the life of the family. Until the early
1990’s, most family in Kalinga lived in small towns and sustained themselves by farming.
And since there were many chores to do on farms, having a large family was an advantage.
These large families not only contained many children but also included extended family
members, who often lived under the same roof as the nuclear family. At present time, in
some parts of Kalinga, this is still true.
Today, on the other hand, most people from different municipalities of Kalinga
have moved and lived in cities and suburbs (specifically in Tabuk) as education and
employment opportunities have drawn them away from the farms and small towns.
Another observation on today’s family life is the increase of marriage between
people of different places. Before, most people in Kalinga marry their neighbors because
they believed that it is better for them to marry someone nearer so they won’t spread over
great distances. Hence, some families in Kalinga are still extended. They usually lived in
the same area or neighborhood.
Not long ago, most women in our province did not work outside the home. Fathers
are the ones who pursue their careers and acts as the breadwinners of the family. Today,
however, many women can already work to support their family as greater educational and
career opportunities have enabled them to assume a much greater presence in the
workforce. In fact, in some families today the wife is the primary wage earner, they go
abroad for higher salary, and the husband stays home to raise their child/children.
In addition, family problems occur in most families in our place. Most couple today
can easily end their marriage because annulment and legal separation is now a common
issue in the Philippines. Some people in Kalinga addressed these issues as normal thing for
a couple as long as they support their child/children financially. But most children who
encounter these kinds of problems are often emotionally affected that leads to a low school
performance. After separation, the mother is usually given legal custody of younger
children, but others live fulltime with their father. Teenagers are usually allowed to choose
the parent whom they prefer to live.
Also, some children are born into families in which the parent have never been
married and may have never lived together. In fact, I have known some people who were
born to single mothers while others
In conclusion, as I have observed, some families in Kalinga have adapted the postmodern families that includes single-mother, a lone individual with adopted child and the
LGBT families.
Politics is the way that people living in groups make decisions. Politics is about
making agreements between people so that they can live together in group such as tribes,
cities, or countries. In large groups, such as countries, some people may spend a lot of their
tike making such agreements.
Here in Kalinga, in terms of politics many politicians are running for different
positions but during elections there are illegal transactions between the politicians and the
voters. Almost all the politicians here in Kalinga are buying the votes of the voters during
elections to gain power of course. They give large amount of money to the voters and the
voters just accepts it. People votes for the politician who gives them the largest amount of
money, that's how they decide to vote during elections. While the other politicians who
didn't do such an illegal doing lose during elections and that is why because people are
basing their votes to a politician who give them much amount of money.
In the province if Kalinga, some leaders successfully finished their projects with
the amount of money given by the national government but some leaders have unsuccessful
projects because they are corrupting the money the government gave to them for their
projects. They are abusing their power only to gain more money and that's one of the
problems here in our province.
Political dynasty is still active here in our province. Like the Gunnawa family here
in the barangay of Bulanao, in the position for the barangay captain. Political dynasties go
against the values upheld by democracy since it does not provide an equal opportunity for
people to hold offices of power and service. Others who are better in the work does not
given the chance to become the position they want because of political dynasty at a certain
place. People think that the family of the certain politician, if other relatives of that certain
politician will run in the same position, people will vote for him or her because they think
that he could do the same good works that the former politician relative did aand will be
continued by him. So other politicians who runs for the same position will just lose during
elections because of this reason.
For now, basing on the leaders who made it during the last elections. I think they
are doing their great job to help our place and promoting our province and for the better
future of our province.
Deep within the universe there is a place that lived a thousand of people. The planet
of earth, where it is known to have an atmospheric containing free oxygen, oceans of water
on its surface and, of course, Life. Life which people, animals, and plants have when they
are not dead, and which objects and substances do not have. The earth where we live in
harmony with our land, and act not only for the health of people but also for the well-being
of society and the earth. The society of the earth where Philippines, my country. Kalinga,
my province and Tabuk, my city is placed.
Here in Kalinga, there are some observations that caught my eyes in societies in the
past. First, people were not liberated. Most of the people wear simple and protective
clothes. The people were more sensitive in their way of clothing unlike today; mostly
people wear shorts and revealing clothes when they are going out. The respect or dignity
of their own is fading. Second, The way of living was simple, it shows that they are
contented of what they have even though their houses are not too big but at least they can
eat three times a day, comparing from today’s society, most of the people now worked so
much, some spend their whole day time in their work and don’t have enough time to spend
to their families. Yes, maybe they wanted to have a nice and great way of living but then,
some people especially the teenagers are not happy when their parents are not with them.
Third, I observed that people in the past are respectful than today. We, Filipino’s
show our respect by greeting our elders in a way of “mano po” but then, as time goes by,
not all are doing that. Another, the use of words were more respectful, more on reading
books, having quality time with their families that built a meaningful bond, but today,
vulgar words has been a normal habit, also technology has given negative and positive
effects in the life of people particularly to the teenagers that they use their gadgets on
browsing on the internet about their lessons. However, they have more time spending on
their gadgets instead of reading their notes, they see their gadgets more interesting than the
books and that’s also make them become lazy at home. They are abusing the proper use of
technologies. Fourth, the beautiful and fresh views of the mountains are decreasing and
the forests are being converted into buildings. As I was walking down the road there were
many trees around me along the way but now the roads were cleared and widened that
results to improving Tabuk as City. Fifth, I observed that the establishments and
infrastructures have been improving specifically in Tabuk.
Sixth, crimes have been decreases now with the help of the government but politics
now differ on the purpose and goal as a leader in a community and society because in the
past, being a leader is a responsibility. A good leader has a futuristic vison and knows how
to turn his ideas into real-world success stories but now politics are known of their
corruption. Lastly, there has been a lot of opportunities today in education and also in jobs.
Kalinga was also known because of its people’s hospitability. Until now, that culture and
traditions are still preserved.
All in all, the society was a little bit observing. When I read some of the books in
history, there was a definite difference between past and present lifestyles. The difference
between these two concepts differ according to income, access to modern facilities,
equipment, education, and lifestyle . There are some communities who do not get access
to many modern facilities and technological inventions. Therefore, the difference between
past and present lifestyles can be a very subjective topic and the differences here might
differ in various people’s experience.