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African Voice Manifesto: Youth Initiative & Debate Programs

African Voice Manifesto
"African Voice"
African Voice is a youth-based initiative, Launched by a Young Egyptian Man
in 2019 that is working on.
● Building the bridges of communication and collaboration between African
youth across the world.
● Exchanging cultures and spreading the culture of Debate and dialogue among
African youth.
● Creating a community of young Africans that share passion for developing
individuals and groups.
● Raising the awareness of young Africans towards our African identity and our
pertinence to our continent.
We have a volunteering team of young Africans who manage our
What we achieved in 2019.
● Conducted 2 Debate training rounds offline in Egypt.
● Conducted 2 online debate training Rounds.
● Participated in the first regional EuroMed debate Competition.
What we achieved in the first half of 2020.
● Formed a team of Volunteers from Egypt, Nigeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia, and South
● Conducted 2 online training rounds for Youth in Egypt.
● Conducted 3 intercultural debate training rounds virtually for youth Across Africa.
● Conducted Virtual Logical fallacies training round for youth Across Africa.
● Conducted different online debates on (Mobility, Gender, Artificial intelligence,
● Conducted different intercultural facilitated dialogue sessions virtually.
● Participated in the Second EuroMed debate Competition.
African Voice Manifesto
What we achieved in the Second half of 2020.
Conducted a “TOT” Training of Trainers and National representatives.
Conducted 2 offline debate training in Tunisia
Conducted offline debate training in Egypt
Conducted offline debate training in South Sudan
Conducted offline debate training in Ethiopia
Conducted 2 offline debate training in Niger
Conducted online debate training in Tunisia
Conducted online debate training in Ethiopia
Conducted online debate training in Morocco
Conducted online debate training in Sudan
Conducted online debate training in The Democratic Republic of Congo
We have Conducted the 2020 Main Event
African Debate Championship (Nasser 2020)
What we achieved in the first half of 2021 so far.
● Recruited an intercultural team to lead African Voice in 2021.
● Conducted the second Training of Trainers and National
Representatives in March (75 African youth from 25 countries
● Conducted 5 offline debate training in South Sudan (English)
● Conducted 5 online debate training in Sudan (English and Arabic)
● Conducted 4 offline and online debate training in Morocco (English and Arabic)
● Conducted 2 offline debate training in Ethiopia (English)
● Conducted 2 offline debate training in Togo (French)
● Conducted 4 online debate training in Tunisia (English and Arabic)
● Conducted offline debate training in Cameron (English)
● Conducted online debate training in Burundi (French)
● Conducted 2 offline debate training in Tanzania (English)
● Conducted 2 debate training in Algeria (English)
● Conducted 2 offline debate training in Mozambique (Portuguese)
● Conducted debate training in Botswana (French)
● Finalized our African intercultural dialogue program.
● Finalized everything to Conduct the First African Voice Debate League
African Voice Manifesto
in Arabic July 2021.
● Our work on social media reached around 200,000 African Youth.
● We invited +1500 Young Africans to our trainings.
What we aspire to achieve in the Second half of 2021.
● Conduct the First African Voice Debate League in Arabic July 2021.
● Conduct the First African Voice Debate League in French October
● Conduct 5 Logical Fallacies trainings.
● Continue our national training across Africa (Online and offline
depending on the situation of covid 19) through our national
● Run our intercultural dialogue program.
● Conduct the 2021 Main Event
“African Debate Championship (Kenneth Kaunda 2021)”
We reached participants from 38 African countries and we plan to reach all the
countries by the end of this year.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/African.voice.foundation/
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/african-voice/
lire en français ici:
3-Manifeste d'African Voice
2-‫ صوت أفريقي‬:‫إقرأ بالعربية هنا‬