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Transport in Pakistan: Importance & CPEC - Pak Studies

M.Ibrahim Omar
Class : 7-c-silver
Subject : Pak Studies
Topic : Transport and it’s importance
• Beginning and Development of transport.
• Different types of transport e.g. (rail , road,
air )
• Transport in and Around Pakistan and it’s
effect on Economy.
• CPEC and the future on East trading.
• Transportation contributes to the overall
economic activity and provides
opportunity for growth under
competitive conditions.
• Transport plays an important part in
economic growth and globalization, but
most types cause air pollution and use
large amounts of land.
Types of Transport
Rail transport is a means
of transferring passengers and
goods on wheeled vehicles running
on rails.
ii. Road transport means transportation
of goods from one place to the other
on roads.
iii. The movement of passengers and
cargo by aircraft such as airplanes and
helicopters is called air transport.
Name : M.Ibrahim Omar
• The environmental effects
of transport is significant
because transport is a
major user of energy,
and burns most of the
world's petroleum, This
creates air pollution and
effects people health.
CPEC and the future on
East trading.
In addition to the economic corridor,
CPEC in Pakistan will include energy
projects, infrastructure development,
industrialization, and the expansion and
improvement of Gwadar Port.
The importance of transportation is that it
enables trade, commerce, and
communication that establish civilization.
Transportation is a reality of our life and
without effective and affordable
transportation it becomes impossible for any
kind of movement from one place to
• https://www.britannica.com/technology
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport
• https://www.airtract.com/question/wha