General Knowledge Mock Exam Paper - CCE 2018

General Knowledge – CCE 2018 Mock Paper (150 marks) – 03 hours
1. China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) can prove to be either boon or bane for Pakistan.
Argue in light of developments taken place since its advent.
2. Pakistan is on the brink of history’s worst economic crises and there is great dearth of concrete
strategic economic policy. Do you agree? Comment. Suggest the practical remedies which can
change the current fiscal scenario.
3. Pakistan has been listed in water scarce countries as she could run dry by 2025 by World Food
Program. If this is true then Sindh Province is going face the music. What is your take on this
looming crises? Provide suggestive solutions that can help Pakistan especially Sindh to escape from
this existential problem.
4. Clash among the countries of Middle East can depreciate the stronghold of Muslim World and taint
its image on the world forum. Discuss with special reference to the current scenario by giving
relevant facts.
5. Differentiate between any four of the following.
1. Vaccination & Immunization
2. Hardware & Software
3. Star & Planet
4. Lunar Eclipse & Solar Eclipse
5. Nervous System & Endocrine System
6. Conductors & Insulators
7. USB & Optic Fiber
8. ROM & RAM
6. Write short notes on any five of the following.
1. Balanced Diet
2. Stellar Evolution
3. Human Blood
4. The Human Eye
5. The Ozone Layer
6. Acid Rain
7. Renewable energy
8. Noise Pollution
9. Cancer
10. Fossil Fuels
7. Write down the currencies as well as capitals of the following.
1. Argentina
9. Slovenia
2. Denmark
10. Armenia
3. Mongolia
11. Angola
4. Chile
12. Qatar
5. Syria
13. Burma
6. Somalia
14. Cyprus
7. Malaysia
15. Jamaica
8. Malta