Uploaded by Michael Fraser

Antenna Alignment: XPIC Configuration Guide

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To implement a 4+0 XPIC, you will need as mentioned above one
Cross Polar antenna (dual polarized).
In each polar, you will connect a power splitter with two radios which
will give you 4radios in one antenna.
in the indoor part you will put your MMU3A as follows: the CH1 (first
frequency) will be used let us say in position 1 and 3 and will be
connected via XPIC cable(configured as 1+0 with XPIC and you have
to define the companion MMU position while configuring the MMU in
POS1 the companion MMU will be 3) and the Second frequency CH2
will be used in position 2 and 4 (interleaved positions) and as above
they will be interconnected by the XPIC cable and will be configured
as in the case of POS1 and 3.The IF cables coming from the radios
of the Vertical power splitter will be connected in POS 1 and2 and the
radios of the horizontal power splitter will be connected in POS 3 and
4 or vice versa.
Aligning Integrated Dual Polarized Antennas
This instruction is valid for integrated dual polarized antennas, 0.3 m (1 ft) and 0.6
m (2 ft).
The polarization alignment of integrated dual polarized antennas is performed in two
Mechanical optimization: A primary, rough alignment performed at the far
end antenna.
Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization: A fine-tuning performed at the
near end antenna to assure the best possible communication.
These two steps are described below.
Mechanical Optimization
This procedure is only performed at the far end antenna.
Figure 220
Mechanical Adjustment
1. Loosen the two horizontal screws G on the polarization adjuster.
2. Use a spirit level and turn the nuts H on the link screw until the antenna is
3. Tighten the screws and the nuts.
4. Turn on the transmitter at far end, using vertical polarization.
Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization
This procedure is only performed at the near end antenna.
Figure 221
Rotational Alignment of the Antenna
1. Loosen the two horizontal screws G on the polarization adjuster.
2. Measure at near end on the RAU with horizontal polarization.
3. Use the alignment nuts H to rotate the antenna in the polarizational plane.
The rotation is performed to minimize the leakage between the two
polarizations, that is, to maximize the cross polarization discrimination.
4. Record the measured value.
5. Measure at near end on the RAU with vertical polarization and record the
A cross polarization discrimination of at least 27 dB (AGC 0.675 V) must be
reached. The value is the difference between the signals measured on the two
If the reached value is less than 27 dB, perform step 2–5 again.
The maximum discrimination is reached within a narrow band, see Figure 222.
Figure 222
Polarization Discrimination
6. Tighten the alignment nuts when maximum discrimination is found.
Aligning Separately Installed Dual Polarized Antennas
This instruction is valid for separately installed dual polarized antennas, 0.3 m (1 ft)
and 0.6 m (2 ft). For larger antennas, refer to the enclosed separate instructions.
For 0.3 – 0.6 m antennas, an alignment according to Section 9.1.2 must first be
The polarization alignment of separately installed dual polarized antennas is
performed in two steps:
Mechanical optimization: A primary, rough alignment performed at the far
end antenna.
Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization: A fine-tuning performed at the
near end antenna to assure the best possible communication.
These two steps are described below.
Mechanical Optimization
This procedure is only performed at the far end antenna.
Figure 223
Loosening the Feeder
1. Remove the screw in the non-slotted hole. The screw is not used when
aligning separately installed dual polarized antennas.
2. Loosen the feeder at the far end antenna to allow rotational movement.
Figure 224
Levelling the Feeder
3. Use a spirit level and turn the feeder until it is levelled.
Figure 225
Tightening the Feeder Screws
4. When the feeder is in level, tighten the screws to lock it in position.
5. Turn on the transmitter at far end, using vertical polarization.
Cross Polarization Discrimination Optimization
This procedure is only performed at the near end antenna.
Figure 226
Loosening the Feeder Screws
1. Remove the screw in the non-slotted hole.
2. Loosen the feeder at the near end antenna to allow rotational movement.
Figure 227
Rotating the Feeder
3. Measure at near end on the RAU with horizontal polarization.
4. Rotate the feeder to minimize the leakage between the two polarizations, that
is, to maximize the cross polarization discrimination.
5. Record the measured value.
6. Measure at near end on the RAU with vertical polarization and record the
A cross polarization discrimination of at least 27 dB (AGC 0.675 V) must be
reached. The value is the difference between the signals measured on the two
If the reached value is less than 27 dB, perform step 3–6 again.
The maximum discrimination is reached within a narrow band, see Figure 228.
Figure 228
Polarization Discrimination
Figure 229
Tightening the Feeder Screws
7. Tighten the feeder screws when maximum discrimination is found.
9.2 Transforming the Alignment Value
The figure below shows an alignment curve that transforms the alignment level in
volts into RF input level in dBm.
Figure 230
Table 9
RF Input Level as a Function of the Alignment Level
Accuracy with Voltmeter
-25 dBm to -30 dBm
-30 dBm to -60 dBm
-60 dBm to -80 dBm
±0.075 V / ±3 dB
±0.065 V / ±2.5 dB
±0.075 V / ±3 dB
Table 10
Accuracy with LCT, MSM or Displayed on the MMU
-25 dBm to -30 dBm
-30 dBm to -60 dBm
-60 dBm to -80 dBm
±3 dB
±2 dB
±3 dB
1. Transform the alignment value into RF input level.
2. Compare the RF input level with the one specified in the installation data form
(calculated for the system during path calculation) and check that the desired
level is obtained.