Terrestrial broadcasting signal level variation with location

TABLE VI-2 – Terrestrial broadcasting signal level variation with location +
Station number
TX rain zone(3)
RX rain zone(3)
Minimum monthly mean surface
RX refractivity Nsmin (N-units)
Average annual sea-level
RX refractivity N0 (N-units)
Other meteorological data _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Path length l (km)
Broadcast TX station
TX site name
TX station code
TX country(1)
TX latitude LAT1 (–90..+90) (degrees)
TX longitude LON1 (0..360) (degrees) E
TX altitude amsl hgt (m)
TX antenna height amt ht (m)
TX antenna polarization (H, V, C)
TX e.r.p. of horizontal polarization
TX component (dBW)
TX e.r.p. of horizontal polarization
TX component (dBW)
TX frequency f (MHz)
Measurement: Experiment No.
Start date (yyyy.mm.dd)
End date (yyyy.mm.dd)
Start time daily recordings (hh:mm)
End time daily recordings (hh:mm)
Total measurement time d (days) (6)
Type of measurement(4)
For group measurements: number of measurements
Horizontal distance covered (m)(5)
Size of area (km2)
Number of individual measurements made
Height variation across measured area (m)
Median value of field strength (dB(V/m))
Minimum value of field strength (dB(V/m))
Maximum value of field strength (dB(V/m))
Standard deviation of field strength
Broadcast RX station
RX site name
RX country(1)
RX latitude LAT2 (–90..+90) (degrees)
RX longitude LON2 (0..360) (degrees) E
RX altitude amsl hgr (m)
RX antenna height ag hr (m)
RX antenna directional/omni (D/O)
RX environment(2)
Table: (7)
Measured field strength at given percentage of locations E (dB(V/m))
Percentage of locations
Measured E
+ In addition to the tables provided in this document the submitter is requested to provide the data files according to the instructions
available on ITU-R SG 3 Web page: Study Group 3 databanks - DBSG3.
Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.
Indicate the predominant environment at the receive sites. Use codes from Annex 3.
This was referring to Rec. ITU-R P.837-1
(In the current version, these zones do not exist).
The following categories of measurement are distinguished:
1: Group (cluster of individual spot measurements)
2: Continuous measurement while antenna is moved
3: Sampling (as continuous but sampled at intervals).
It is preferred that measurements extend over a distance of 10 to 20 wavelengths.
Duration is the total time of valid measurements for this dataset, expressed as a real number (e.g. 339.888 days).
The ratio of duration to the period identified by the start and the end dates of this dataset is the availability (e.g. start=2001/1/1,
end=2001/12/31, duration= 339.888 days corresponds to 93.12 % availability).
Submissions should comply with the acceptance criteria specified in Rec. ITU-R P.311.