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Jeopardy Game: InterWar Years & WWII History

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The Great
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30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
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40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
The Balkans were
referred to as this
prior to WWI.
What is the Powder
keg of Europe?
This was the crux of
Germany’s Schlieffen Plan.
What is attack France
first and THEN
Germany to avoid a 2
front war?
This was Woodrow Wilson's plan for the
post war world. (give 2 of its points)
What are the 14 points?
Describe why the Battle of
Tannenberg and the Gallipoli
Campaign were turning
points for the war.
At Tannenberg the
Germans were turned
back and forced to
retreat and the Allies
lost their Gallipoli
Campaign to capture
the Dardinelles.
Describe the
opinion of the
majority of
Americans in
joining the League
of Nations.
They were opposed to it
BECAUSE it might force
them into future
European conflicts.
The Chinese peasants aligned
with this group and person by
the 1920s.
Who is Mao Zedong
and the Communists?
Stalin used these to try and
strengthen his country’s
What are 5
year plans?
He seized power
from Persia’s Shah
and changed the
name of the state to
Question 3b
He and his forces
overthrew the last
Chinese dynasty.
Who is Sun Yixian?
Give 2 reasons why
the May 4
Movement led to
the formation of the
Communist Party.
-established the disillusionment of the
Chinese people in their government
-planted the seeds of Communist ideology
within the minds of intellectuals
-turned the people against Sun Yixian's
beliefs in Western democracy
This was FDR’s
initiative to fight
the Great
What is the New
Mussolini coined
this term and went
by this name.
What is Fascism
and Il Duce?
This was the US
policy after WWI.
What is Isolationism?
This philosophy emphasizes each
person tracking down his own
meaning of life. Name one of its
most important people.
What is existentialism
and who is Nietzsche?
This man upset
normal life because
he proved that
sometimes people
act irrationally
because of this.
Who is Sigmund Freud and
what is the Unconscious?
This Battle proved
that German forces
could be repelled.
What is the Battle
of Britain?
This was the major
turning point in the
Pacific and
describe why.
What was Midway as American
forces devastated the Japanese
fleet and defended an
important strategic atoll.
This happened on
the “day that shall
live in infamy.”
and this is who
said it.
What is the attack on Pearl
Harbor and FDR.
Name the sites of the 2
atomic bombs, the
bombs themselves and
the President that
authorized the attack.
What is Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, Fat Man and Little
Boy, and Truman.
These were the
trials held to try
Nazi war criminals
and this was the
most frequent
What were the Nuremberg
Trials and Crimes Against
This Doctrine states
that the US will
contain Communism
by financially
supporting those
countries that
What is the
Truman Doctrine?
These two groups
aimed to advance
Cold War era
through financial
What is NATO and the Warsaw Pact
During this period
Chinese students
destroyed many
symbols of its past.
What is the Great Cultural
The Bay of Pigs
fiasco can be
traced back to the
takeover of this
man’s government
by this man.
Who is Fulgencio Batista by Fidel
Name two conflicts that the
US intervened in during the
Cold War to protect against
the Spread of Communism.
Answers will vary
Make your wager
Name this artist and
describe one of his most
important works.
Who is Salvador
Dali and Answers
will Vary.