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Business Case Studies: Project Management, Film, Airlines

4A721 Writing portfolio
Name: Lam Duc Manh
Class: 16E21
Version: 2
Executive summary
Niel Selig and Pedar Lind Electronics Company created a project carrying out by
an international team. This team consisted of 16 team members and Paul Jonhstone
is the team manager.Recently, the project has run into difficulties. Submiting
reports could not meet the deadlines morale in the project team is low. The major
problem is apparently the inappropriate management style of the Project Manager.
We have to decided to replace Paul Johnstone with someone who has a more
suitable management skills
This report will focus on
 The chosen candidate
 His or her suitablity
 The other candidates and reason for not being chosen
1. We come to the agreement that Kazuo - Business support unit manager will
become the next project manager
2. After discussion, we decided to choose Kazuo for this position because of the
ability to manage the team members. Firstly, one of his strength is his clear goal setting, which means he will ensure the teams to understand the company’s goals.
In other words, Kazuo is proned to be more competent than our former manager,
Paul Johnstone, when it comes to goal - setting. Moreover, Kazuo want sto increase
team’s morale by reqiuiring each team member to be one part in decision - making
process and discussing problems together.Despite some minor drawbacks, we
believe that with suitable strengths and personalities, Kazuo is the one who meets
our quality to lead the project
3. The other three candidates: Ruth, Eduardo and Martina still have their own
qualities, but when we put all of them into consideration with some each
candidate’s weaknesses like Ruth’s and Martina’s
rigidity in working, and
Edurado’s uncertainty.We found that these candidates could not fit this position
enough like Kazuo
S & L came to the final agreement that Kazuo will become the next Project
Manager and replace Paul Johnstone next week.
1. All team members will be anounced via Email about the change in the position
of Project Manager
2. Kazuo will have an offline meeting to introduce himself to all members and get
to know each other
Tom Riddle
4A721 Writing portfolio
Name: Lam Duc Manh
Class: 16E21
Case study 9: Last throw of the dice
Version: 2
After a long discussing, Concordia and the two directors of the film; Charles William
and Gunnar Larsson have came to common points to run the film project in the next few
1. Financial terms
With financial term, we have came to the agreement that Concordia will be repaid 100%
of our investment within 3 years, The share of the net profits is on 55/45 basis ( 55% for
the two film makers and 45% for Concordia )
2. Film title/Location
Regarding the film title, the name of this film will be All for one and the film will be
shot in Paris - a perfect romantic city with wonderful views which is more suitable with
the storyline as well as the dramatic content
3. Payment of instalments
Go along with the financial term, the investment wil be paid instalments: 20% when pre
- production begins; 50% at the start of the production stage; 20% at the beginning of
post - production and 10% will be reserved for marketing and promotion
4. Actors
Condordia decide to hire top films actor in all main roles. Well - known actors will add
to the production costs but generally increase the film’s profits
5. Marketing and promotion
The film is a great opportunity to gain profits and Concordia believes that we can
persuade at least eight companies to place their top brands in the film
4A721 Writing portfolio
Name: Lam Duc Manh
Class: 16E21
CASE STUDY 10: Hurrah Airlines
Version: 2
Hurrah airlines - Recent complaints and recommendations
This report will outline some major complaints that we have had recently and ways we could
deal with them
The first complaints we have received is from one disabled customer named Jacques
Duperrier. At our airport, he was charged $30 for the hire of a wheelchair and he was with
this policy that he threatened to take legal action about this and publish an article to a
national article. For this case, we need to send him an apology letter to him. Hurrah airlines
also offer him free wheelchair for three next flights. Moreover, from this case, we will
update our policy for disabled people: The charge for hiring wheelchair will be lower to $5
and each disabled customer will get a free charge for next 20 kilograms extra luggage
The second complaint is from Martha Gomez - a customer who lost her suitcase at baggage
reclaim. She has reported to our staff but still received nothing since then. For this case,
firstly, we need to send her an apology letter and then promise to to find the suitcase back
within 10 days. In case we fail to send it back, she will be received 70% value of the suitcase
as compensation
Last complaint concerning to to flight cancellation. To be specific, a customer named Kirk
Danson was angry when he could not catch the right flight because of the delay; he tore up
the ticket and went home right away. To solve this case, we should send him an apology
letter first. After that, Hurrah would offer a refund with all the cost resulted from the delayed
flight. Moreover, he will get a 20% discount of the ticket for his next flight
Overall, to guarantee our smoother operation as well as avoid similar cases happen in the
future, Hurrah should retrain the front - line staff as soon as possible. They have to be more
careful and diplomatic when dealing with customers’ complaints. In addition, they should be
more responsive to senior staff to find the solutions for the problems quickly. Lastly, Hurrah
airlines had better upgrade the service system to exceed customers’ expectation